The economy will never recoup with these kinds of gas prices....


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
The government can try and get the banks to lend money all they want with the lowest interest rates that there is put in place, but if people can't get jobs or recoup from the collapse of 08, and all due to this grinding economy that is being held back by these high gas prices, then we will never recover it's just that simple. If we could get prices to come down, but everything else remain intact as far as wages and such goes, then this economy would be set on fire again. Factories would begin to move products again and/or build again, because fuel is not taking 3/4 of their dollar just to get the job done, and sadly for a measly return on their dollar afterwards. Families would begin to take the extra money saved from the savings on fuel cost, and begin to rebuild their credit so that they could begin borrowing again (may even begin paying their taxes, and also on their mortgages again), where as jobs would be created left and right for all I think quickly, otherwise if goods could be moved again for half or even 3/4's off from what it is costing to move them now. It's a win, win situation for all, so why has this President been ineffective at doing anything about this up unto now ?

Think about the impact of the cost of fuel upon us all now, and then think about what it would do if we could get this cost in sync with the American economy once again. It is slowly rotting us away and our savings, but is this a plan or is this something that even a President of the most powerful nation in the world is helpless to do anything about? These are things we need answers on like yesterday. Example, I searched for a storage container to place our extra junk or stuff in (daughter moved back in with her two kids), so we need to buy or purchase such an item in order to help this situation out, wherefore my aunt purchased one back in 2007 for $1600 dollars, and she purchased it from a company in which I also called just the other day in order to see what they cost now. The lady told me that they are now $3500 dollars to get one and have it delivered. I ask why so much since the price of 2007, and she said that everything has gone way, way up since that time, and she said most of the price is due to the fuel cost and such. I thought wow is what I thought, and then it got me to thinking about it all when next I see this report on the news about why people aren't trying to get loans for projects or anything else anymore, and how the banks have seen a huge drop in activity even since the lower interest loans were created, but still no economic boom has begun or occurred? If I were President, I would get this nation out from under it's dependency on greedy oil corporations who are killing us with these prices they are putting to us, and I would do what ever it took to stabilize this economy, and get it to begin growing again. No holds bar is what I would be like on such an issue, because I would understand that oil and it's price there of, is directly the result of a bad economy if it goes to high. Farmers even are complaining and wondering how to grow crops in such a situation, and to then get them to market in order to receive only meager wholesale prices under such conditions.

This government if wants to break the people, in so that the people will begin to depend on it as their soul broker for their deal (the middle man) or a subsidizer in the situation for them as an (entitlement provider), then we will not see things getting any better in the situation. People had better wake up and smell the coffee that has been brewing, because it isn't Maxwell house anymore, but rather some kind of poisonous brand that is being brewed for consumption for the American public these days. :eek:
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Do you all think that this economy is linked in a huge dependent way to these oil giants, and sadly by what they are doing to us, and how do we counter this as a nation together?
Actually the only thing that is holding back low energy prices are US amd EU regulations against fracking.
Actually the only thing that is holding back low energy prices are US amd EU regulations against fracking.
What ever it is, it is directly killing any hopes for this economy to turn around, and if it doesn't hurry we will (the many of us), actually die before we see good times again. Then we can only wonder what happened to our children who were left in such a dire situation as we will have left them in.

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