The Election Was Stolen, President Is Illegitimate

Only lunatics can make this comparison, since Hillary, like Gore in 2000, conceded defeat and did not try to stop the peaceful and legitimate transfer of power.

This doesn’t mean Hillary or Gore would have been good Presidents — anymore than it means Bush or Trump were good Presidents. That is not the point here.

Folks who still regurgitate Trump’s “Big Lie,” or who make stupid comparisons like this, either don’t care about defending democratic norms, or are simply cynical and disloyal Trump fanatics.
Instead, they gave support to the ongoing impeachment efforts.
Different means seeking same results.

BTW only lunatics and traitor supported Obama with his agenda of "fundamental change" to the USA Constitution and government, and now his sock puppet Biden. And both Biden and Obama are just the front persons for the anti-USA agenda.
Russia helped Trump win the 2016 election
There is no denying it

There is no proof the 2020 election was stolen in any way
There is no proof that anything Russia did changed the 206 election results. That's even mentioned in the article. Why do you falsely claim election fraud 6 years after the election.
Hillary conceded the day after the election numnuts

Yes the Russians helped get Trump elected. There is no doubt of that
That is an election big lie. Why do you still spread the big lie 6 years after the election? Even the article mentioned there was no proof that Russia changed the election results.
There is no proof that anything Russia did changed the 2016 election results. The linked article even mentions that.

There is no proof the 2020 election was stolen in any way
I have said (several times) that there is evidence of theft efforts — but no sufficient evidence that the efforts succeeded in altering the electoral outcome in even one state.
Nope, It's been looked-at over-and-over again. That's bull$hit. But Joseph Goebbels would be proud of youguys.
No it was never looked over
Yes the election was close but they steered enough to change it

USA is an official banana republic
The January 6th Committee is not a court of law... you'll get your day in court if-and-when a Grand Jury indicts and trial(s) get underway.

It's a bitch-kitty being on the Wrong Side of History and being stuck backing a traitorous Orange piece-of-$hit like that, ain't it? But you can't back-out now. :laugh:

In for penny... in for a pound... you poor bastards... :cool:
Total, absolute, and complete abuse of power by the House. The favor will be returned after the midterms.
Instead, they gave support to the ongoing impeachment efforts.
Different means seeking same results.
Impeachment is part of a Constitutionally approved measure to remove a President, which ultimately failed in the case of Trump. The Republicans tried the same thing first when they tried but failed to remove Bill Clinton. There is no comparison here to Trump’s effort to disrupt the 50-state approved and legitimate reading of electoral votes, which “culminated” in the pathetic / tragic Jan. 6th riot and invasion of the nation’s Capitol.

The continual peddling of Trump’s “Big Lie” is further destroying American society. Even many Trump fanatics who repeat this lie know in their heart of hearts that Trump is a narcissistic, demagogic pos who really only cares about … himself.
Only lunatics can make this comparison, since Hillary, like Gore in 2000, conceded defeat and did not try to stop the peaceful and legitimate transfer of power.

This doesn’t mean Hillary or Gore would have been good Presidents — anymore than it means Bush or Trump were good Presidents. That is not the point here.

Folks who still regurgitate Trump’s “Big Lie,” or who make stupid comparisons like this, either don’t care about defending democratic norms, or are simply cynical and disloyal Trump fanatics.
As of 2019 she had still not conceded, calling the the election stolen and saying Trump was not the legitimate president. And, Hillary and Co bought and paid for false info to use to lie to the courts to overthrow a legitimately elected president.

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