The Election Was Stolen, President Is Illegitimate

Hillary was still telling the big lie 3 years after the 2016 election while Trump has been saying the very same thing for less than 2 years after the 2020 election. Why are democrats giving Hillary a pass for unfounded election claims but getting all over Trump for his "Big Lie"? Her "Big Lie" lasted longer than Trump's. And, add Jimmy Carter to those also spreading the "Big Lie", years afterward. The following link is NOT from Fox News:

Nobody believed her either, as it was bullshit, just like trump, now, only trump was more successful at selling his bullshit, though equally false. She is toast and so is he.
Hillary conceded the day after the election
And was excoriated by her handlers for doing so.

Yes the Russians helped get Trump elected. There is no doubt of that
Aside from the fact that this is a totally baseless and fully debunked lie which you have 0 proof of that couldn't even be proven with millions of dollars and years of investigation, if Putin could affect our 2016 election outcome from almost 5,000 miles away, then that really multiplies the chances that crooked people working right here within the party as members of all of the various subversive leftwing organizations that Zuckerberg hired totally rigged the 2020 election as the evidence shows!
So, short answer, you have no proof whatsoever that Russia hacked the DNS servers.
But you did bolster my statement Russia used some fakebook bots.
Thanks for proving my point again progbot.
You all should take a little time before you answer because it is so easy to smack down your BS.
It gets boring
They hacked the DNC servers and released the details
Trump repeatedly used that information in his campaign against Hillary

If the information wasn’t helping him….why did he keep using it?
Why did he ask for more?
In that case, Social media and US intelligence agencies Got Biden elected buy suppressing the Hunter Biden Laptop story and calling it Russian disinformation (its not).
They hacked the DNC servers and released the details
Trump repeatedly used that information in his campaign against Hillary

If the information wasn’t helping him….why did he keep using it?
Why did he ask for more?
By asking Russia can you find her "missing E-mails" if you think is helping you are a moron, that was a joke. She did it to herself, DESTROYING subpoenaed evidence, hot sauce, REALLY and she kept falling down and was just a plain corrupt BITCH.
Hillary was still telling the big lie 3 years after the 2016 election while Trump has been saying the very same thing for less than 2 years after the 2020 election. Why are democrats giving Hillary a pass for unfounded election claims but getting all over Trump for his "Big Lie"? Her "Big Lie" lasted longer than Trump's. And, add Jimmy Carter to those also spreading the "Big Lie", years afterward. The following link is NOT from Fox News:

Brought us Russian collusion.
Probably should include a few excerpts to "illustrate", such as the lead in;

Hidden Over 2 Years: Dem Cyber-Firm's Sworn Testimony It Had No Proof of Russian Hack of DNC​

By Aaron Mate, RealClearInvestigations
May 13, 2020
CrowdStrike, the private cyber-security firm that first accused Russia of hacking Democratic Party emails and served as a critical source for U.S. intelligence officials in the years-long Trump-Russia probe, acknowledged to Congress more than two years ago that it had no concrete evidence that Russian hackers stole emails from the Democratic National Committee’s server.

CrowdStrike President Shawn Henry's admission under oath, in a recently declassified December 2017 interview before the House Intelligence Committee, raises new questions about whether Special Counsel Robert Mueller, intelligence officials and Democrats misled the public. The allegation that Russia stole Democratic Party emails from Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and others and then passed them to WikiLeaks helped trigger the FBI's probe into now debunked claims of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia to steal the 2016 election. The CrowdStrike admissions were released just two months after the Justice Department retreated from its its other central claim that Russia meddled in the 2016 election when it dropped charges against Russian troll farms it said had been trying to get Trump elected.

Henry personally led the remediation and forensics analysis of the DNC server after being warned of a breach in late April 2016; his work was paid for by the DNC, which refused to turn over its server to the FBI. Asked for the date when alleged Russian hackers stole data from the DNC server, Henry testified that CrowdStrike did not in fact know if such a theft occurred at all: "We did not have concrete evidence that the data was exfiltrated [moved electronically] from the DNC, but we have indicators that it was exfiltrated," Henry said.

Yea I know, one has to read three paragraphs ^^^ to get some truth here.
Russia helped Trump win the 2016 election
There is no denying it

There is no proof the 2020 election was stolen in any way
You're delusional, it's proven the russian story was fake. With Biden putin got his funds for his war with Ukraine and his currency is setting records. Trump had Putin almost bankrupt. That's probably why he only paid Hunter 2.5 million for his pipeline.
Three YEARS of Russia Russia Russia is your idea of "nobody believer her"????????? :eusa_hand:
Oh, sure Russia ran a 14 state targeted posting thing based on confidential polling they got and it may have helped, but people actually voted for whatever reason. It does not make Trump illegitimate for his time in office. Just like if somebody gives you a stolen car (emails stolen off a Clinton server) and you drive it to Washington, it does not mean you are not in Washington, even though you arrived by driving a stolen car. The vote counted and everybody knew it.
Hillary was still telling the big lie 3 years after the 2016 election while Trump has been saying the very same thing for less than 2 years after the 2020 election. Why are democrats giving Hillary a pass for unfounded election claims but getting all over Trump for his "Big Lie"? Her "Big Lie" lasted longer than Trump's. And, add Jimmy Carter to those also spreading the "Big Lie", years afterward. The following link is NOT from Fox News:

As already correctly noted, Clinton conceded the loss – which Trump failed to do.
It's too late for that lame argument even if it's true. Let's try to get through the next year and a half without destroying the Country.

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