The Election Was Stolen, President Is Illegitimate

Impeachment is part of a Constitutionally approved measure to remove a President, which ultimately failed in the case of Trump. The Republicans tried the same thing first when they tried but failed to remove Bill Clinton. There is no comparison here to Trump’s effort to disrupt the 50-state approved and legitimate reading of electoral votes, which “culminated” in the pathetic / tragic Jan. 6th riot and invasion of the nation’s Capitol.

The continual peddling of Trump’s “Big Lie” is further destroying American society. Even many Trump fanatics who repeat this lie know in their heart of hearts that Trump is a narcissistic, demagogic pos who really only cares about … himself.
As democrats clearly said, impeachment is whatever the House decides impeachment is. In other words, the House, with a simple vote of 218-217, can impeach anyone they want for having a scuff mark on their shoes.
Russia helped Trump win the 2016 election
There is no denying it

There is no proof the 2020 election was stolen in any way
Only the opposite is true, probably pointed out down the thread. Damn long threads. I dunno how you guys are on here so much. I get like one day.
As of 2019 she had still not conceded, calling the the election stolen and saying Trump was not the legitimate president. And, Hillary and Co bought and paid for false info to use to lie to the courts to overthrow a legitimately elected president.

Give it up already. Hillary is a fool. But she conceded when it counted. She’s a loser. The efforts to impeach failed, but on the second try came pretty close to succeeding. In most parliamentary systems a Prime Minister can be removed with a mere “vote of no confidence.” I like that system, but we are stuck with our own for now. We have a rather cumbersome impeachment system, but it was legally invoked and finally failed (for better or worse).

The whole country “hoped” Trump would “grow into the Presidency” but by 2020 most of us had enough of his conman antics. Who cares if Hillary still wants to believe Russian disinformation efforts played a role in her losing the Electoral vote? After all, she has in her own mind an additional “excuse” for feeling “cheated” since she did win the popular vote in 2016 by some 3 million votes! Let’s also not forget that Obama was a very popular President, especially after the 2007-9 fiscal crisis — despite Trump’s disgraceful “he’s a Muslim born in Africa” campaign, which helped boost Trump into the ranks of “Republican presidential contenders.”

Trump is a demagogue and narcissist, now more aggrieved and crazy than ever! If he becomes the Republican standard bearer in 2024 and wins the Presidency then, he will probably divide the country completely and maybe lead us into civil war … just out of his own desire for personal vengeance.
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Only lunatics can make this comparison, since Hillary, like Gore in 2000, conceded defeat and did not try to stop the peaceful and legitimate transfer of power.

This doesn’t mean Hillary or Gore would have been good Presidents — anymore than it means Bush or Trump were good Presidents. That is not the point here.

Folks who still regurgitate Trump’s “Big Lie,” or who make stupid comparisons like this, either don’t care about defending democratic norms, or are simply cynical and disloyal Trump fanatics.
The Big lie does not come from Trump. It comes from a corrupt beaucrscy and the the people who censored him and any talk of fraud. If there was no fraud those things would not have been necessary. The false flag included and a committee that is the farthest thing from democracy that I can think of. Wise up.
No it hasn't.
You had two months and sixty-two court filings in a wide variety of jurisdictions between November 3, 2020 and January 6, 2021.

You failed to convince anyone, including large numbers of Republican (and even Rump -appointed) judges and justices.

You failed.


And your Chief Orange A$$hole has lied and cheated and bull$hit so much during and after his Presidency that nobody will believe him or you any longer.

Get over it.

Your boy proved himself entirely unfit for high office and as custodian of the Constitution and the Republic.

Poor bastards.... you're stuck with a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger.

It's time for you a$$hole$ to shut-the-phukk-up about the 2020 election.

Do better next time.

If you can.
Give it up already. Hillary is a fool. But she conceded when it counted. She’s a loser. The efforts to impeach failed, but on the second try came pretty close to succeeding. In most parliamentary systems a Prime Minister can be removed with a mere “vote of no confidence.” I like that system, but we are stuck with our own for now. We have a rather cumbersome impeachment system, but it was legally invoked and finally failed (for better or worse).

The whole country “hoped” Trump would “grow into the Presidency” but by 2020 most of us had enough of his conman antics. Who cares if Hillary still wants to believe Russian disinformation efforts played a role in her losing the Electoral vote? After all, she has in her own mind an additional “excuse” for feeling “cheated” since she did win the popular vote in 2016 by some 3 million votes! Let’s also not forget that Obama was a very popular President, especially after the 2007-9 fiscal crisis — despite Trump’s disgraceful “he’s a Muslim born in Africa” campaign, which helped boost Trump into the ranks of “Republican presidential contenders.”

Trump is a demagogue and narcissist, now more aggrieved and crazy than ever! If he becomes the Republican standard bearer in 2024 and wins the Presidency then, he will probably divide the country completely and maybe lead us into civil war … just out of his own desire for personal vengeance.
It's not conceding when you make false election claims three years later that the election was stolen and that Trump was not the legitimate president. And yet, Trump isn't allowed to say the same thing.
There is no proof that anything Russia did changed the 206 election results. That's even mentioned in the article. Why do you falsely claim election fraud 6 years after the election.
There is no evidence that "Russia" changed any ballots or ballot counts, hence no real impact (affect/effect) on the USA election(s) of 2016.

Note that "evidence", once accumulated to a certain amount results in "proof"; usually.

As for "influence", such is the purpose and reason for campaign ads by both or more parties and on behalf of their candidates and agendas/platforms. As such, "influence" is a legitimate component of our campaign and election processes

"influence" is neither the same nor comparable to "affect/effect" in form of actual, physical manipulation of process or results.

A pity so many are so incompetent on either basic language knowledge or usage, or willing to mislead and distort so much to their purpose.
Impeachment is part of a Constitutionally approved measure to remove a President, which ultimately failed in the case of Trump. The Republicans tried the same thing first when they tried but failed to remove Bill Clinton. There is no comparison here to Trump’s effort to disrupt the 50-state approved and legitimate reading of electoral votes, which “culminated” in the pathetic / tragic Jan. 6th riot and invasion of the nation’s Capitol.

The continual peddling of Trump’s “Big Lie” is further destroying American society. Even many Trump fanatics who repeat this lie know in their heart of hearts that Trump is a narcissistic, demagogic pos who really only cares about … himself.
Read your USA Constitution. Impeachment is meant for "high crimes and misdemeanors", something we've seen high much more of with the Democrats: Clinton's, Obama's, and now Biden's than ever with Trump.

Trump's "crime" was he wasn't a member in good standing in our political fraternity of elites in service to the real masters of this nation.

As for "destruction of American Society" that began at least as far back as the 1960s and 1970's with the socialist/communist take-over of the Democrat Party and the advancement of it's agenda and candidates. And as for "a narcissistic, demagogic pos" we can look to such as Barack 'Barry' Obama and his close friend, domestic terrorists and insurrectionist Bill Ayers for more accurate and prime examples. I'd suggest you read BHO's first two books for his self-admission of such.
If only Gore had won, than maybe there wouldn’t be one million dead Iraqis and trillions stolen from the American people to enrich the MIC.
There likely would have been 2-3 million Iraqis dead instead. And a good chance Iraq would have become a more solid puppet state of Iran.

But this is topic for another thread in another place here.
There likely would have been 2-3 million Iraqis dead instead. And a good chance Iraq would have become a more solid puppet state of Iran.

But this is topic for another thread in another place here.
Yes, but we’ll never know.
Hillary conceded the day after the election numnuts

Yes the Russians helped get Trump elected. There is no doubt of that
They actually try to equate what Hillary did with what Trump is doing.

Astonishing that they would even try. But cults gotta cult. Anything goes.
Hillary was still telling the big lie 3 years after the 2016 election while Trump has been saying the very same thing for less than 2 years after the 2020 election. Why are democrats giving Hillary a pass for unfounded election claims but getting all over Trump for his "Big Lie"? Her "Big Lie" lasted longer than Trump's. And, add Jimmy Carter to those also spreading the "Big Lie", years afterward. The following link is NOT from Fox News:


'How DARE you call me 'ill-equpped', ', inner..., you know - the THING you said! I am the great and powerful Brandon...'


'Pay no attention to that puppet behind the curtain...dumbass!'

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