The electoral college is a disaster for democracy


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Because it was set up that way by the Founding Fathers who favored a representative Republic instead.

So why did they disdain a direct democracy?

Let's take a look at the last election. It is said that Hillary won by 2 million votes. However, consider New York city and not even the entire state of New York. New York has 8 million voters and a little over 50% of them voted Hillary as where Donald only received around 35% of the vote. Well there is your 2 million plus votes. Do we want a major city like New York deciding every election?

And that was the rub when the country was founded. You had smaller populated states worried that they would have no representation and just be absorbed into the system without a voice, which is why the colonists broke away from England in the first place.

This educational session is free of charge Dims. No need to thank me.
The electoral college was setup to keep all states in play for the US presidential elections!

If not then the candidates only have to focus on four areas of the US to win elections!

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