The Electoral College is not fair!

Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

If you try to mess with the EC, you're going to run into the same problem that prompted it in the first place. There's just not much incentive for small, rural states to belong to a federation if their votes are simply going to be ignored in favor of densely populated urban states.

Their votes will not be ignored unless the republicans suppress them.

i don't know what that's supposed to mean. Are you aware of the reasons why the EC was designed as it was? Under pure democracy, small, rural states have no reason to join a union with large, populous states. Their votes will be overwhelmed by those of the populous states, and their concerns dismissed. The unequal distribution of power embodied in the EC was necessary to persuade them to join the union in the first place, and it remains necessary to hold it together. Pure majority rule is a death sentence for minority interests.
Take ND, if not for the 3 EC's they have they would of not suppressed the Native American vote, it might make Republicans work for their votes. 750, 000 population includes the Native Americans.
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Hey Pen-a-lope.....the population of New York City is higher than Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama combined. Should one city in one state have more power to elect the president than 3 states in the nation? I think not.

Of course it should, being that it has more than 3 times the people. Any non-fascist would agree.
The Electoral College is not fair!

The Electoral College is not perfect, pinhead. Give us a list of all the things in this life which are.

it need to go bye bye. Its far from perfect.

It has worked just fine for 243 years until Democrats found they could lie, cheat, swindle, commit voter fraud, bring in millions of loyal Mexicans sworn to vote for them, recount chads till the cows came home and insult half the voters of the country telling them to kiss their ass and ignore their every issue and concern while thumbing their noses at the Constitution and even end up with a couple million more votes combined nationally, but still lose badly because the Electoral College was designed to PREVENT THAT, ensuring that presidents were elected on a wider base of regions and reasons than a simple mob majority.

But rather than figure out how to play the game and actually win within the rules as Trump did, as predictable, the Dems instead simply want to throw out the rule-book and change America to fit them rather than the other way around. Don't hold your breath.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

Penny, ever spewing out the recent Talking Points of her Overlords.

Get over it, Penny, the Electoral College is here to stay.

Do you have a comment on the EC or not, its not fair.

And I bet you think allowing 16 year olds to vote is a great idea.....
Can you dipshits get anymore transparent?
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).
WY and CA have exactly the same proportion of representation in Congress as they to the Electoral college - is that unfair as well?
The EC is not going anywhere - get used to it.
Below is a list of states along with their populations, number of electoral votes, and a percentage that demonstrates the relative value of a vote cast in that state compared to the national average For example, in 2008, on average a state is awarded one electoral vote for every 565,166 people.

However, Wyoming has three electoral votes and only 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 estimates). As a result each of Wyoming's three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Understood in one way, these people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318% (as listed in the pdf chart, downloadable below).

Population vs. Electoral Votes - Fairvote

Maj. rule happens in the Federal and State House and Senate and the Supreme Court. Yet the maj vote does not count in the elections for Potus. WHY?

While there is evidence that the founders assumed the electors would be independent actors,

There are 2 Senators from every state and they have their representatives in the house to bring their voices to the congress. We do not need the EC any more. The population of the US in 1800 was about 5 million and only 13 states, people were uneducated and the workers did not vote, or the women or blacks, only the rich white men aka the founders.

Most workers did not even know who was running when the EC was invented.
I think we need to count every US citizen in every state and re-award electoral votes accordingly. Non-citizens would be excluded. That would reduce the number of electoral votes in California, New York, New Jersey, Arizona, New Mexico, Florida, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, and Texas. Then it would be fair.
And I bet you think allowing 16 year olds to vote is a great idea....

Well, no. Nobody does. Why are you pretending otherwise?

Can you dipshits get anymore transparent?

So why did you push a fake story about Democrats supposedly wanting 16 years olds to vote? Were you just bamboozled by cult propaganda (for example, I just saw Pat Robertson pushing that lie), or were you lying deliberately?
It has worked just fine for 243 years until Democrats found they could lie, cheat, swindle, commit voter fraud, bring in millions of loyal Mexicans sworn to vote for them,

You're lying outright. Boring.

recount chads

Hundreds of legal votes in Florida weren't even counted once. That's not debatable. It's also not debatable that if they were counted once, Gore would have won. So, you cheated in Florida, and you won. Get over it already. Worst sore winners anyone has ever seen.

And now you're cranking your cheating machine into high gear. Vote suppression. Vote fraud. Election fraud, like we just saw in North Carolina. Tossing Democratic ballots into the garbage is often how Republicans win elections.

What does it say about your party, that you need to cheat to win? After all, overwhelmingly, it's Republicans getting busted for cheating.
Every legally cast ballot was counted at least twice.

No, that's not correct.

Under every version of Florida law, overvotes with clear voter intent -- that is, punching the Gore-chad and writing in "Gore" -- were legal votes.

Those votes were spit out of the machines uncounted, and thus they were not counted even once.

Under Florida law, they should have been counted.

If they had been counted, Gore would have won handily, no matter what the chad standard was. The chads were just an excuse the Republicans used to trash legal votes.
And I bet you think allowing 16 year olds to vote is a great idea....

Well, no. Nobody does. Why are you pretending otherwise?

Can you dipshits get anymore transparent?

So why did you push a fake story about Democrats supposedly wanting 16 years olds to vote? Were you just bamboozled by cult propaganda (for example, I just saw Pat Robertson pushing that lie), or were you lying deliberately?

You were saying?
Damn you fuckers are liars!!

This week, far-left freshman Rep. Ayanna Presley (D-MA) introduced an amendment to a House resolution, H.R. 1, that would allow 16-year-olds to vote in federal elections in 2020.

Oregon Lawmakers Push for 16 Year Olds to Vote by 2020

The nation's capital may let 16-year-olds vote for president. Is that a good idea?
The EC is on the way out. The "National Popular Vote Compact" count is getting nearer to 270. It won't happen by 2020, but there's a possibility it could happen by 2024, if enough states swing blue, as they're doing.

It says a lot about the Trumpflakes that they think "all votes should count equally" is a bad thing. Corrupt elitists to the core, those Trumpflakes, thinking that their special snowflake votes should count more. That can't last. The immoral minority can only tyrannize the moral majority for so long.

Don't fret about it, Trumpflakes. You're happier when you're losing. I mean, just look what miserable human beings you all are now. When you're losing, you can hide your corruption and incompetence, and fewer people laugh at you. You can't do that now. We plan to make you happy by returning you to your natural state of loserdom.

Other topics: When Trump is dead and buried, will they have to install extra drainage around his tomb to handle all those people making a pilgrimage to piss on his grave? After all, that will be considered a rite of passage for loyal Americans. There will be lines.

If you are so anti-constitution that you think the "National Popular Vote Compact" is a good idea, you are unworthy of having your opinion considered.
This week, far-left freshman Rep. Ayanna Presley (D-MA) introduced an amendment to a House resolution, H.R. 1, that would allow 16-year-olds to vote in federal elections in 2020.

Oooh, one congressman! You got me. That means all Democrasts want 16-year-olds to vote.

Oh wait, it doesn't. You made that up.
This week, far-left freshman Rep. Ayanna Presley (D-MA) introduced an amendment to a House resolution, H.R. 1, that would allow 16-year-olds to vote in federal elections in 2020.

Oooh, one congressman! You got me. That means all Democrasts want 16-year-olds to vote.

Oh wait, it doesn't. You made that up.

Who said all democrats?
Thats right...You did.
So do you think it's a good idea?
Every legally cast ballot was counted at least twice.
No, that's not correct.
Under every version of Florida law, overvotes with clear voter intent -- that is, punching the Gore-chad and writing in "Gore" -- were legal votes. Those votes were spit out of the machines uncounted, and thus they were not counted even once.
How many of these votes were there?

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