The electoral college, the founders had it right

You are trying to push a narrative that's not true .


Explain how it is not true?

Cali has just over 39,000,000 citizens. They have 55 EC votes. So, each EC vote is allotted to 709,000 people.
Wyoming has just over 579,000 citizens. They have 3 EC votes. So each EC vote is allotted to 193,000 people.

That gives the each citizen of Wyoming 3.6 times more say in who become POTUS than the people of Cali.

They have 3 EC votes for the people two for the state, how complicated is that for you to understand?


I am not the one confused here, you are.

You’re the one who said 300 lives are meaningless. You seem pretty confused to me.

Whenever you get desperate you start to lie about me. Why is that?

I never spoke of lives, I spoke of votes. Do try and keep it honest and keep the lies to a minimum this time.
??? You said 300 people are irrelevant. What makes their votes any less relevant than those who live in NYC?
Explain how it is not true?

Cali has just over 39,000,000 citizens. They have 55 EC votes. So, each EC vote is allotted to 709,000 people.
Wyoming has just over 579,000 citizens. They have 3 EC votes. So each EC vote is allotted to 193,000 people.

That gives the each citizen of Wyoming 3.6 times more say in who become POTUS than the people of Cali.

55 EC votes is a huge #. As in over 20% of what one needs to win.

non sequitur much?

Facts don’t care about your feelings.

It was a fact you gave. one totally irrelevant to the discussion, but it was a fact. Congrats, that might be a first for you, posting a fact that is.

So 20% is not enough for you?

You are making no sense now. What are you even talking about?
55 EC votes is a huge #. As in over 20% of what one needs to win.

non sequitur much?

Facts don’t care about your feelings.

It was a fact you gave. one totally irrelevant to the discussion, but it was a fact. Congrats, that might be a first for you, posting a fact that is.

So 20% is not enough for you?

You are making no sense now. What are you even talking about?

Not making any sense. My question is how many electoral votes should Cali have? You seem to be complaining about it. When was the last time Wyoming actually decided any election? Your argument like all your other arguments is flawed.
Explain how it is not true?

Cali has just over 39,000,000 citizens. They have 55 EC votes. So, each EC vote is allotted to 709,000 people.
Wyoming has just over 579,000 citizens. They have 3 EC votes. So each EC vote is allotted to 193,000 people.

That gives the each citizen of Wyoming 3.6 times more say in who become POTUS than the people of Cali.

They have 3 EC votes for the people two for the state, how complicated is that for you to understand?


I am not the one confused here, you are.

You’re the one who said 300 lives are meaningless. You seem pretty confused to me.

Whenever you get desperate you start to lie about me. Why is that?

I never spoke of lives, I spoke of votes. Do try and keep it honest and keep the lies to a minimum this time.
??? You said 300 people are irrelevant. What makes their votes any less relevant than those who live in NYC?

Nothing at all,. That is why you do not ever hear anyone talk about a random 300 people from NYC.
They have 3 EC votes for the people two for the state, how complicated is that for you to understand?


I am not the one confused here, you are.

You’re the one who said 300 lives are meaningless. You seem pretty confused to me.

Whenever you get desperate you start to lie about me. Why is that?

I never spoke of lives, I spoke of votes. Do try and keep it honest and keep the lies to a minimum this time.
??? You said 300 people are irrelevant. What makes their votes any less relevant than those who live in NYC?

Nothing at all,. That is why you do not ever hear anyone talk about a random 300 people from NYC.

So why did you bring them up and call their votes irrelevant? At what point do votes become relevant in your world? So should those 300 in TX not vote?
non sequitur much?

Facts don’t care about your feelings.

It was a fact you gave. one totally irrelevant to the discussion, but it was a fact. Congrats, that might be a first for you, posting a fact that is.

So 20% is not enough for you?

You are making no sense now. What are you even talking about?

Not making any sense. My question is how many electoral votes should Cali have? You seem to be complaining about it. When was the last time Wyoming actually decided any election? Your argument like all your other arguments is flawed.

I am not complaing, I am stating the fact.

Cali has about 11% of the population the US and has 10% of the EC votes.

Wy on the other hand has about .178% of the population of the US and .558% of the EC votes.
I am not the one confused here, you are.

You’re the one who said 300 lives are meaningless. You seem pretty confused to me.

Whenever you get desperate you start to lie about me. Why is that?

I never spoke of lives, I spoke of votes. Do try and keep it honest and keep the lies to a minimum this time.
??? You said 300 people are irrelevant. What makes their votes any less relevant than those who live in NYC?

Nothing at all,. That is why you do not ever hear anyone talk about a random 300 people from NYC.

So why did you bring them up and call their votes irrelevant? At what point do votes become relevant in your world? So should those 300 in TX not vote?

I brought them up because people like to talk about how many counties voted each way. It is a stupid thing to talk about as you cannot compare a county of less than 300 to a county of more than a million. They are not equal
Vermont one for the people two for the state

New Hampshire 2 for the people two for the state..

It's not that fucking complicated..


So ,why are you so darn confused by it all?
Once again, the topic of the discussion is the Electoral College, the House seats are not determined by the EC, just the POTUS

Once again, you're whining about the votes of Wyoming having 3 times the influence of Texas or California.
You're wrong.

Not in the context of the Senate or the EC. The only place they are equal is the House.

Texas has 34 Electoral Votes based on 2010 population of 25.26 million. 1 per 743,000
California has 53 Electoral Votes based on 2010 population of 37.35 million. 1 per 705,000
Wyoming has 1 Electoral Vote based on 2010 population of 564 thousand. 1 per 564,000

It seems simple to me, I’m not sure why others don’t get it.

It is simple when you lie about the number of EC votes.

Good grief, I understood what he was say, you seem to like the drama.
Once again, you're whining about the votes of Wyoming having 3 times the influence of Texas or California.
You're wrong.

Not in the context of the Senate or the EC. The only place they are equal is the House.

Texas has 34 Electoral Votes based on 2010 population of 25.26 million. 1 per 743,000
California has 53 Electoral Votes based on 2010 population of 37.35 million. 1 per 705,000
Wyoming has 1 Electoral Vote based on 2010 population of 564 thousand. 1 per 564,000

It seems simple to me, I’m not sure why others don’t get it.

It is simple when you lie about the number of EC votes.

Good grief, I understood what he was say, you seem to like the drama.

No drama, just the facts.

"I’m not sure why others don’t get it" is the drama
Once again, you're whining about the votes of Wyoming having 3 times the influence of Texas or California.
You're wrong.

Not in the context of the Senate or the EC. The only place they are equal is the House.

Texas has 34 Electoral Votes based on 2010 population of 25.26 million. 1 per 743,000
California has 53 Electoral Votes based on 2010 population of 37.35 million. 1 per 705,000
Wyoming has 1 Electoral Vote based on 2010 population of 564 thousand. 1 per 564,000

Wyoming has 3 EC votes, not one

And only 1 is based on their population.

It does not matter, they still have 3, thus they have one EC per 193,000 people as opposed to Cali having one EC per 709,000 people or Texas having one EC per 736,000 people.

Yup. They have 3.
One for their 564,000 people, two because they are a state.
Pretty simple alright.
It's not fair that the majority rules over the minority, that's democracy.
It's why were a republic and not a democracy.
Less populated have representation.
Facts don’t care about your feelings.

It was a fact you gave. one totally irrelevant to the discussion, but it was a fact. Congrats, that might be a first for you, posting a fact that is.

So 20% is not enough for you?

You are making no sense now. What are you even talking about?

Not making any sense. My question is how many electoral votes should Cali have? You seem to be complaining about it. When was the last time Wyoming actually decided any election? Your argument like all your other arguments is flawed.

I am not complaing, I am stating the fact.

Cali has about 11% of the population the US and has 10% of the EC votes.

Wy on the other hand has about .178% of the population of the US and .558% of the EC votes.

Cali has about 11% of the population the US and has 10% of the EC votes.

How many representatives and EC votes would they lose if we stopped including illegal aliens for apportionment?

In their infinite wisdom, the United States ’ Founders created the Electoral College to ensure the STATES were fairly represented.
Why should one or two densely populated areas speak for the whole of the nation?
The following list of statistics has been making the rounds on the Internet.
It should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College makes sense.
These numbers are astonishing. Do share this. It needs to be widely known and understood.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States .
Trump won 3,084 of them. Clinton won 57.

There are 62 counties in New York State .
Trump won 46 of them. Clinton won 16 .

Clinton won the popular vote by approx 1.5 million votes.
In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan , Richmond & Queens)
Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. ( Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond )
Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.
The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.

When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.

Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago , LA , etc.) DO NOT and SHOULD NOT speak for the rest of our country!'s been verified and documented that those aforementioned 319 square miles are where the majority of our nation’s problems foment.

There were no densely populated states in the late 18th century.
The EC was formed so that delegates could go into remote areas and gather a consensus.
It's fucking outdated.
Even Trump said so.

Donald J. Trump

The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.

10:45 PM - Nov 6, 2012
If the idiot O/P wants fair representation then the Senate needs to be revamped to reflect that there's 40M people in California and only 2M in Wyoming
People in Wyoming should not be able to dictate how people in California live under federal laws.

In their infinite wisdom, the United States ’ Founders created the Electoral College to ensure the STATES were fairly represented.
Why should one or two densely populated areas speak for the whole of the nation?
The following list of statistics has been making the rounds on the Internet.
It should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College makes sense.
These numbers are astonishing. Do share this. It needs to be widely known and understood.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States .
Trump won 3,084 of them. Clinton won 57.

There are 62 counties in New York State .
Trump won 46 of them. Clinton won 16 .

Clinton won the popular vote by approx 1.5 million votes.
In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan , Richmond & Queens)
Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. ( Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond )
Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.
The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.

When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.

Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago , LA , etc.) DO NOT and SHOULD NOT speak for the rest of our country!'s been verified and documented that those aforementioned 319 square miles are where the majority of our nation’s problems foment.

There were no densely populated states in the late 18th century.
The EC was formed so that delegates could go into remote areas and gather a consensus.
It's fucking outdated.
Even Trump said so.

Donald J. Trump

The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.

10:45 PM - Nov 6, 2012

So your argument is you agree with a liberal republican? What does that have to do with this thread?

You’re the one who said 300 lives are meaningless. You seem pretty confused to me.

Whenever you get desperate you start to lie about me. Why is that?

I never spoke of lives, I spoke of votes. Do try and keep it honest and keep the lies to a minimum this time.
??? You said 300 people are irrelevant. What makes their votes any less relevant than those who live in NYC?

Nothing at all,. That is why you do not ever hear anyone talk about a random 300 people from NYC.

So why did you bring them up and call their votes irrelevant? At what point do votes become relevant in your world? So should those 300 in TX not vote?

I brought them up because people like to talk about how many counties voted each way. It is a stupid thing to talk about as you cannot compare a county of less than 300 to a county of more than a million. They are not equal
You’re the one who said 300 lives are meaningless. You seem pretty confused to me.

Whenever you get desperate you start to lie about me. Why is that?

I never spoke of lives, I spoke of votes. Do try and keep it honest and keep the lies to a minimum this time.
??? You said 300 people are irrelevant. What makes their votes any less relevant than those who live in NYC?

Nothing at all,. That is why you do not ever hear anyone talk about a random 300 people from NYC.

So why did you bring them up and call their votes irrelevant? At what point do votes become relevant in your world? So should those 300 in TX not vote?

I brought them up because people like to talk about how many counties voted each way. It is a stupid thing to talk about as you cannot compare a county of less than 300 to a county of more than a million. They are not equal

Exactly, so that's why we have EC so that it does equal out.
If the idiot O/P wants fair representation then the Senate needs to be revamped to reflect that there's 40M people in California and only 2M in Wyoming
People in Wyoming should not be able to dictate how people in California live under federal laws.

It's the 50 states , one state like Washington can't fuck with the commerce of Wyoming..just because they have more people and like to butt fuck each other .


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