The Emergency Room Myth

You don't buy Obamacare. And you can't pay for something if there is no back end.

If you are going to stick with semantics, then no, one does not "buy" Obamacare because, semantically, there is no such thing as "Obamacare" as it's official name is the Affordable Care Act.

However, the term "Obamacare" has entered our lexicon to mean both the Affordable Care Act and the new insurance policy mandates found within the Affordable Care Act.

Sticking with such semantics detracts from the actual discussion at hand which is the myth that increasing the number of people with insurance coverage will reduce ER usage.
One of the many lies used to persuade that socialized medicine is beneficial is that "free-loaders" don't carry insurance, and simply trot on in to the Emergency Rooms for care....

....and then the rest of us have to pay their bill.

After all, the myth goes, the high costs of emergency room treatment is a huge drain on government funding.
Now....if we get everyone covered, it follows that medical costs will decrease.

This couldn't simply be another Liberal lie.....could it?

This from University of California, San Francisco:

1. "More adults in California are flocking to emergency rooms,....

2. ...those on Medicaid who are using ERs at a faster rate than the uninsured or privately insured, according to new UC San Francisco research.

3. ....findings could reflect a nationwide trend under the Affordable Care Act.

4. ...Medicaid patients have higher rates of ER use, as the study found

5. The study investigated trends in the association between insurance coverage and usage of emergency departments among adults ages 18 to 64.

6. All the findings suggest that emergency department use may actually increase with health care reform, instead of decline....

7. While uninsured patients often have been singled out for inappropriate overuse of the ER, the analysis found that ER usage during the study time frame actually grew fastest among Medicaid beneficiaries, the federal program for people with low incomes.

8. ...Medicaid patients consistently had the highest rate of visits for potentially preventable conditions,...."
Surging Medicaid Use in California?s Emergency Rooms |

Another reason for ObamaCare down the drain.

As the CBO states that 36 million will remain uninsured, file both 'promises' in the circular file.

Under Obamacare--if you've been chosen to be Medicaid eligible--you're probably not going to be able to find a doctor. 60% of doctors will not take Medicaid patients--so YES my guess is that they're headed into ER rooms to get treated for common colds and flu symptoms.
One of the many lies used to persuade that socialized medicine is beneficial is that "free-loaders" don't carry insurance, and simply trot on in to the Emergency Rooms for care....

....and then the rest of us have to pay their bill.

After all, the myth goes, the high costs of emergency room treatment is a huge drain on government funding.
Now....if we get everyone covered, it follows that medical costs will decrease.

This couldn't simply be another Liberal lie.....could it?

This from University of California, San Francisco:

1. "More adults in California are flocking to emergency rooms,....

2. ...those on Medicaid who are using ERs at a faster rate than the uninsured or privately insured, according to new UC San Francisco research.

3. ....findings could reflect a nationwide trend under the Affordable Care Act.

4. ...Medicaid patients have higher rates of ER use, as the study found

5. The study investigated trends in the association between insurance coverage and usage of emergency departments among adults ages 18 to 64.

6. All the findings suggest that emergency department use may actually increase with health care reform, instead of decline....

7. While uninsured patients often have been singled out for inappropriate overuse of the ER, the analysis found that ER usage during the study time frame actually grew fastest among Medicaid beneficiaries, the federal program for people with low incomes.

8. ...Medicaid patients consistently had the highest rate of visits for potentially preventable conditions,...."
Surging Medicaid Use in California?s Emergency Rooms |

Another reason for ObamaCare down the drain.

As the CBO states that 36 million will remain uninsured, file both 'promises' in the circular file.

Under Obamacare--if you've been chosen to be Medicaid eligible--you're probably not going to be able to find a doctor. 60% of doctors will not take Medicaid patients--so YES my guess is that they're headed into ER rooms to get treated for common colds and flu symptoms. to explain the 40% or so who still support this loser???
I'm actually proud to be in a forum that actually knows about this movement.

What I find strange that you have the fact in hand that people without insurance go to ER for coverage but you post a link stating that more people in "whatever' classes use the ER.

The fact remains the same through your statistics. The people without Insurance are still going to the ER for FREE HEALTHCARE.

Now I'll ask you to do the same homework I did. What is the Average ER visit vs the average Dr.Office visit?

Note that people use to tell me "you lie, the hospital pays for that ER visit" which is true, but the Government pays them for that visit later......

So let's have a wise discussion about this instead of a bias one.

The Government pays on the schedule they maintain for the services rendered. And it does not cover everything. The Hospital must seek the additional funds from the Patient and if the medicare patient has no money guess what? No payment is received by the Hospital and they farm it out for collections.

I've heard it all. But the final fact is that the patient does not pay and the people do either through insurance, taxation or rising costs. Just facts dude.

You are making a huge assumption that people without an insurance policy,don't pay their bills. Many many people work out payment arrangements,works just fine.
The Government pays on the schedule they maintain for the services rendered. And it does not cover everything. The Hospital must seek the additional funds from the Patient and if the medicare patient has no money guess what? No payment is received by the Hospital and they farm it out for collections.

I've heard it all. But the final fact is that the patient does not pay and the people do either through insurance, taxation or rising costs. Just facts dude.

You are making a huge assumption that people without an insurance policy,don't pay their bills. Many many people work out payment arrangements,works just fine.

Great point.

I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.
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You don't buy Obamacare. And you can't pay for something if there is no back end.

If you are going to stick with semantics, then no, one does not "buy" Obamacare because, semantically, there is no such thing as "Obamacare" as it's official name is the Affordable Care Act.

However, the term "Obamacare" has entered our lexicon to mean both the Affordable Care Act and the new insurance policy mandates found within the Affordable Care Act.

Sticking with such semantics detracts from the actual discussion at hand which is the myth that increasing the number of people with insurance coverage will reduce ER usage.


Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA),[1][2] commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or "Obamacare",[3] is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Together with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act,[4] it represents the most significant regulatory overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965.[5]
One of the many lies used to persuade that socialized medicine is beneficial is that "free-loaders" don't carry insurance, and simply trot on in to the Emergency Rooms for care....

....and then the rest of us have to pay their bill.

After all, the myth goes, the high costs of emergency room treatment is a huge drain on government funding.
Now....if we get everyone covered, it follows that medical costs will decrease.

This couldn't simply be another Liberal lie.....could it?

(BR) actually it has droped according the the CBO and the AMA and several medical institutions acording to the goernment it has dropped 6% not a lot but every little bit counts

This from University of California, San Francisco:

1. "More adults in California are flocking to emergency rooms,....

2. ...those on Medicaid who are using ERs at a faster rate than the uninsured or privately insured, according to new UC San Francisco research.

3. ....findings could reflect a nationwide trend under the Affordable Care Act.

4. ...Medicaid patients have higher rates of ER use, as the study found

5. The study investigated trends in the association between insurance coverage and usage of emergency departments among adults ages 18 to 64.

6. All the findings suggest that emergency department use may actually increase with health care reform, instead of decline....

7. While uninsured patients often have been singled out for inappropriate overuse of the ER, the analysis found that ER usage during the study time frame actually grew fastest among Medicaid beneficiaries, the federal program for people with low incomes.

8. ...Medicaid patients consistently had the highest rate of visits for potentially preventable conditions,...."
Surging Medicaid Use in California?s Emergency Rooms |

Another reason for ObamaCare down the drain.

As the CBO states that 36 million will remain uninsured, file both 'promises' in the circular file.

seems your sources are a bit one sided ... could it be right wing propaganda??? I'm sure it is by all the responses 1 through 8 ... a tad bit right wing nut inspired
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One of the many lies used to persuade that socialized medicine is beneficial is that "free-loaders" don't carry insurance, and simply trot on in to the Emergency Rooms for care....

....and then the rest of us have to pay their bill.

After all, the myth goes, the high costs of emergency room treatment is a huge drain on government funding.
Now....if we get everyone covered, it follows that medical costs will decrease.

This couldn't simply be another Liberal lie.....could it?

Your studies are on LEGAL Americans. So don't try to hold a double standard please :)

This from University of California, San Francisco:

1. "More adults in California are flocking to emergency rooms,....

2. ...those on Medicaid who are using ERs at a faster rate than the uninsured or privately insured, according to new UC San Francisco research.

3. ....findings could reflect a nationwide trend under the Affordable Care Act.

4. ...Medicaid patients have higher rates of ER use, as the study found

5. The study investigated trends in the association between insurance coverage and usage of emergency departments among adults ages 18 to 64.

6. All the findings suggest that emergency department use may actually increase with health care reform, instead of decline....

7. While uninsured patients often have been singled out for inappropriate overuse of the ER, the analysis found that ER usage during the study time frame actually grew fastest among Medicaid beneficiaries, the federal program for people with low incomes.

8. ...Medicaid patients consistently had the highest rate of visits for potentially preventable conditions,...."
Surging Medicaid Use in California?s Emergency Rooms |

Another reason for ObamaCare down the drain.

As the CBO states that 36 million will remain uninsured, file both 'promises' in the circular file.

I'm actually proud to be in a forum that actually knows about this movement.

What I find strange that you have the fact in hand that people without insurance go to ER for coverage but you post a link stating that more people in "whatever' classes use the ER.

The fact remains the same through your statistics. The people without Insurance are still going to the ER for FREE HEALTHCARE.

Now I'll ask you to do the same homework I did. What is the Average ER visit vs the average Dr.Office visit?

Note that people use to tell me "you lie, the hospital pays for that ER visit" which is true, but the Government pays them for that visit later......

So let's have a wise discussion about this instead of a bias one.

you are correct the government does pay some of the uninsured not the whole thing but some of it ... the rest that the government doesn't pay come to us in hire cost to do business with hospitals ... each the project a new cost to do business do to the losses the accrued ...there are no free lunches, so to speak... as for the people who have medicaid insurance, it has been said the hospital doesn't get enough money ... its better then none... they get enough to cover their cost...
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One of the many lies used to persuade that socialized medicine is beneficial is that "free-loaders" don't carry insurance, and simply trot on in to the Emergency Rooms for care....

....and then the rest of us have to pay their bill.

After all, the myth goes, the high costs of emergency room treatment is a huge drain on government funding.
Now....if we get everyone covered, it follows that medical costs will decrease.

This couldn't simply be another Liberal lie.....could it?

Your studies are on LEGAL Americans. So don't try to hold a double standard please :)

This from University of California, San Francisco:

1. "More adults in California are flocking to emergency rooms,....

2. ...those on Medicaid who are using ERs at a faster rate than the uninsured or privately insured, according to new UC San Francisco research.

3. ....findings could reflect a nationwide trend under the Affordable Care Act.

4. ...Medicaid patients have higher rates of ER use, as the study found

5. The study investigated trends in the association between insurance coverage and usage of emergency departments among adults ages 18 to 64.

6. All the findings suggest that emergency department use may actually increase with health care reform, instead of decline....

7. While uninsured patients often have been singled out for inappropriate overuse of the ER, the analysis found that ER usage during the study time frame actually grew fastest among Medicaid beneficiaries, the federal program for people with low incomes.

8. ...Medicaid patients consistently had the highest rate of visits for potentially preventable conditions,...."
Surging Medicaid Use in California?s Emergency Rooms |

Another reason for ObamaCare down the drain.

As the CBO states that 36 million will remain uninsured, file both 'promises' in the circular file.

I'm actually proud to be in a forum that actually knows about this movement.

What I find strange that you have the fact in hand that people without insurance go to ER for coverage but you post a link stating that more people in "whatever' classes use the ER.

The fact remains the same through your statistics. The people without Insurance are still going to the ER for FREE HEALTHCARE.

Now I'll ask you to do the same homework I did. What is the Average ER visit vs the average Dr.Office visit?

Note that people use to tell me "you lie, the hospital pays for that ER visit" which is true, but the Government pays them for that visit later......

So let's have a wise discussion about this instead of a bias one.

Let's see if I can help you to understand.

Among other lies told by this administration, they claimed that ObamaCare would reduce visits to the ER because the imaginary uninsured would now be covered for doctor visits.

Evidence via the UCSF study shows that we can expect even more ER visits.

And, btw, that is exactly what happened in Massachusetts.

Clearly there is no bias in my OP.

Get it, dope?

heres whats wrong with your post ... Obama care and the medicaid portion has only been in affect for 3 months so your stats are based on three months of people going to the hospital for health care .... people who are use to going to the ER don't know any better ...they need to be directed to their doctor ... people who don't have insurance well that too will soon change ... you're posting your whole post on three months of medical insurance of 6 million people sign ups right now ... to say you have a accurate idea of what's happening with obama care is just as bad as when it was started in October ... we heard how horrible it was in the beginning its not bad at all to sign up that it's site is working right ... three months isn't any kind of factual statement of how well its working come back in two years then tell us how bad it is ... have hospitals tell you and the people here tell you how bad it is getting paid the majority of the time
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I've heard it all. But the final fact is that the patient does not pay and the people do either through insurance, taxation or rising costs. Just facts dude.

You are making a huge assumption that people without an insurance policy,don't pay their bills. Many many people work out payment arrangements,works just fine.

Great point.

I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

bad response...
when I see a response like this one, I have to laugh ... you are basing your post on a population of 250,784 Amish people in the country... as you say they work out a payment with hospitals ... what ever reasoning you use them is comical at best ... try again... but this time try to be credible ...
You are making a huge assumption that people without an insurance policy,don't pay their bills. Many many people work out payment arrangements,works just fine.

Great point.

I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

bad response...
when I see a response like this one, I have to laugh ... you are basing your post on a population of 250,784 Amish people in the country... as you say they work out a payment with hospitals ... what ever reasoning you use them is comical at best ... try again... but this time try to be credible ...

And your post makes anymore sense?

The Amish are just one small segment,many more in fact work out payment plans,whats the point your are so poorly trying to make??
One of the many lies used to persuade that socialized medicine is beneficial is that "free-loaders" don't carry insurance, and simply trot on in to the Emergency Rooms for care....

....and then the rest of us have to pay their bill.

After all, the myth goes, the high costs of emergency room treatment is a huge drain on government funding.
Now....if we get everyone covered, it follows that medical costs will decrease.

This couldn't simply be another Liberal lie.....could it?

(BR) actually it has droped according the the CBO and the AMA and several medical institutions acording to the goernment it has dropped 6% not a lot but every little bit counts

This from University of California, San Francisco:

1. "More adults in California are flocking to emergency rooms,....

2. ...those on Medicaid who are using ERs at a faster rate than the uninsured or privately insured, according to new UC San Francisco research.

3. ....findings could reflect a nationwide trend under the Affordable Care Act.

4. ...Medicaid patients have higher rates of ER use, as the study found

5. The study investigated trends in the association between insurance coverage and usage of emergency departments among adults ages 18 to 64.

6. All the findings suggest that emergency department use may actually increase with health care reform, instead of decline....

7. While uninsured patients often have been singled out for inappropriate overuse of the ER, the analysis found that ER usage during the study time frame actually grew fastest among Medicaid beneficiaries, the federal program for people with low incomes.

8. ...Medicaid patients consistently had the highest rate of visits for potentially preventable conditions,...."
Surging Medicaid Use in California?s Emergency Rooms |

Another reason for ObamaCare down the drain.

As the CBO states that 36 million will remain uninsured, file both 'promises' in the circular file.

seems your sources are a bit one sided ... could it be right wing propaganda??? I'm sure it is by all the responses 1 through 8 ... a tad bit right wing nut inspired

What a vapid post......

Where do you provide any evidence to dispute any of it?

Let me went to government schools.

And they patted you on your tiny pointy head when you learned to mumble " right wing propaganda"....true?
One of the many lies used to persuade that socialized medicine is beneficial is that "free-loaders" don't carry insurance, and simply trot on in to the Emergency Rooms for care....

....and then the rest of us have to pay their bill.

After all, the myth goes, the high costs of emergency room treatment is a huge drain on government funding.
Now....if we get everyone covered, it follows that medical costs will decrease.

This couldn't simply be another Liberal lie.....could it?

Your studies are on LEGAL Americans. So don't try to hold a double standard please :)

This from University of California, San Francisco:

1. "More adults in California are flocking to emergency rooms,....

2. ...those on Medicaid who are using ERs at a faster rate than the uninsured or privately insured, according to new UC San Francisco research.

3. ....findings could reflect a nationwide trend under the Affordable Care Act.

4. ...Medicaid patients have higher rates of ER use, as the study found

5. The study investigated trends in the association between insurance coverage and usage of emergency departments among adults ages 18 to 64.

6. All the findings suggest that emergency department use may actually increase with health care reform, instead of decline....

7. While uninsured patients often have been singled out for inappropriate overuse of the ER, the analysis found that ER usage during the study time frame actually grew fastest among Medicaid beneficiaries, the federal program for people with low incomes.

8. ...Medicaid patients consistently had the highest rate of visits for potentially preventable conditions,...."
Surging Medicaid Use in California?s Emergency Rooms |

Another reason for ObamaCare down the drain.

As the CBO states that 36 million will remain uninsured, file both 'promises' in the circular file.

I'm actually proud to be in a forum that actually knows about this movement.

What I find strange that you have the fact in hand that people without insurance go to ER for coverage but you post a link stating that more people in "whatever' classes use the ER.

The fact remains the same through your statistics. The people without Insurance are still going to the ER for FREE HEALTHCARE.

Now I'll ask you to do the same homework I did. What is the Average ER visit vs the average Dr.Office visit?

Note that people use to tell me "you lie, the hospital pays for that ER visit" which is true, but the Government pays them for that visit later......

So let's have a wise discussion about this instead of a bias one.

you are correct the government does pay some of the uninsured not the whole thing but some of it ... the rest that the government doesn't pay come to us in hire cost to do business with hospitals ... each the project a new cost to do business do to the losses the accrued ...there are no free lunches, so to speak... as for the people who have medicaid insurance, it has been said the hospital doesn't get enough money ... its better then none... they get enough to cover their cost...

".... in hire cost...."

What a moron.

Did I say you went to government schools?
Clearly you didn't graduate.
I'm actually proud to be in a forum that actually knows about this movement.

What I find strange that you have the fact in hand that people without insurance go to ER for coverage but you post a link stating that more people in "whatever' classes use the ER.

The fact remains the same through your statistics. The people without Insurance are still going to the ER for FREE HEALTHCARE.

Now I'll ask you to do the same homework I did. What is the Average ER visit vs the average Dr.Office visit?

Note that people use to tell me "you lie, the hospital pays for that ER visit" which is true, but the Government pays them for that visit later......

So let's have a wise discussion about this instead of a bias one.

Let's see if I can help you to understand.

Among other lies told by this administration, they claimed that ObamaCare would reduce visits to the ER because the imaginary uninsured would now be covered for doctor visits.

Evidence via the UCSF study shows that we can expect even more ER visits.

And, btw, that is exactly what happened in Massachusetts.

Clearly there is no bias in my OP.

Get it, dope?

heres whats wrong with your post ... Obama care and the medicaid portion has only been in affect for 3 months so your stats are based on three months of people going to the hospital for health care .... people who are use to going to the ER don't know any better ...they need to be directed to their doctor ... people who don't have insurance well that too will soon change ... you're posting your whole post on three months of medical insurance of 6 million people sign ups right now ... to say you have a accurate idea of what's happening with obama care is just as bad as when it was started in October ... we heard how horrible it was in the beginning its not bad at all to sign up that it's site is working right ... three months isn't any kind of factual statement of how well its working come back in two years then tell us how bad it is ... have hospitals tell you and the people here tell you how bad it is getting paid the majority of the time

Here's what's wrong with your post: it was written by an imbecile.

"....Obama care and the medicaid portion has only been in affect for 3 months..."

"Like Medicare, Medicaid is overseen by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the Department of HHS. Both were created when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed amendments to the Social Security Act on July 30, 1965."
Medicare and Medicaid: CNBC Explains
You are making a huge assumption that people without an insurance policy,don't pay their bills. Many many people work out payment arrangements,works just fine.

Great point.

I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

bad response...
when I see a response like this one, I have to laugh ... you are basing your post on a population of 250,784 Amish people in the country... as you say they work out a payment with hospitals ... what ever reasoning you use them is comical at best ... try again... but this time try to be credible ...

If it was raining soup you'd be standing outside with a fork.

Waiting for a think tank to begin forming around you would be like waiting for a string of Jenny Craig's to open in Ethiopia.

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