The end is starting to begin....The Kung Flu is starting to awaken the sleeping Giant.

Boise health board abruptly adjourns coronavirus meeting as protesters gather outside and at board members' homes (

During the virtual meeting, which was broadcast live on the board's YouTube page, District Director Russ Duke said he was contacted by Mayor Lauren McLean asking them to stop the meeting due to an "intense level of protesters in the parking lot and the concern for police safety and staff safety, as well as the protesters that are at some of our board members' homes right now."
So far no Burning, Looting, and Murdering has happened yet, but the prog masters just keep pushing, poking and prodding, and the reactions are not going to be what the progs want to see....

View attachment 426944
Totalitarians do not require your consent and approval, although they do their best to achieve it.

Always remember that.
Rightists are in no position to whine aboutt totalitarians, given Trump's soft coup attempt and efforts to overthrow a fair and honest election contrary to the will of the people.
Just as the liberals terrorized members of the Trump admin. And Congressional republicans, Trump supporters should do the exact same to the Biden Admin and Congressional Dems.

Yell at them at dinner.

Go to their homes to protest.

Chant SHAME!

Do everything they did....why not?
It takes effort and time something they won't adhere themselves to.
Always remember, the vast numbers of people in America, when the American revolution started, did not support the revolt. It was led by a minority.
I know- when good men refuse to do nothing- that is a bit ambiguous though since good is subjective by definition, as in personal- axioms came about due to their inherent nature- one man's trash is another man's treasure-

Where we are today; the many ruled over by the few- and many of the many don't know the difference between republican form of governance vs democratic form of gov't (see Empty Suits in the District of Criminals, MSM talking heads and message board posters for hard, tangible, evidence)- that little slight can be laid directly at the feet of Public Education, which many of the many, feel is a right- and feel privileged to take advantage of the grant- which was not granted, to the federal government, in the constitution.
Rightists are in no position to whine aboutt totalitarians, given Trump's soft coup attempt and efforts to overthrow a fair and honest election contrary to the will of the people.
Leftist, like yourself, claiming he did it first, too, worse mommy is hardly an argument- just sayin-
Groups that constantly riot should lose their right to protest.
Rights are inherent- they can't be given, taken, lost or traded- that would make them a commodity, as in for sale.
Grants and privileges can be rescinded- rights can only be restricted by laws restricting said rights. The 14th amendment has been ruled to say, that, immunities and privileges are INalienable rights- natural rights are UNalienable and no, the two are not interchangeable- they are misunderstood/misrepresented and misspoken-
Felons lose their right to own guns, so i see no reason why groups who riot should lose their right to protest.
The stupidity of this thread is that ... for some strange and unfortunate reason ... you folks think there's Progs in Idaho ...


Sorry, carry on ... didn't mean to intrude with common sense ...
You cannot own a firearm as a felon. When you become a felon, you lose that right.
Then, that tells me you subscribe to rights being inalienable (immunities and privileges) and not unalienable which is inherent-

Let me point out a fact- self evident truths- we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and have certain unalineble rights, Endowed, by their Creator, among these are the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- words mean things, or, they don't-

an online dictionary can be useful- for unalienable, endowed, inherent, or, just about any word you can think of- as I said, previously, the 14th amendment was ruled, by the courts, that inalienable rights are privileges and immunities granted by being a citizen, or visitor, to the US-

So, if you believe that a right can be taken, then by default you believe the gov't has the authority you want it to- and, sadly, when you try to cherry pick what you like and want to be enFORCED, you have to suffer the consequences of what you don't want along with it- History of legislation (and court rulings) makes that abundantly clear- now, in the constitution, the power and or authority to grant rights is the power to take rights in the reverse action- i.e., laws to punish, take away tangibles, i.e., property (guns are property btw) etc. .

To wit: your arguring with me on this can be laid directly at the feet of IMproper education which is subscribed to by BOTH sides of the Duopoly Party, because there is a difference between inalienable and unalienable- that hi-lites another constitutional authority over reach, Public Education, because no where is the authority, or power, granted to the District of Criminal members to do any such thing- yet, here we are arguing about a basic, as in, fundamental knowledge, which you refuse to accept, because you have been IMproperly educated- and your parents, their parents and people my age never objected be cause we stupidly placed a trust in the hands of *authority* figures- and, now, when the truth is presented, it is argued against- that, fellow citizen is what you're advocating for-
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The Kung Flu is starting to awaken the sleeping Giant.

It hasn't. If COVID has proved anything, it has proved that modern civilization is easily frightened into submission.

Get the news to broadcast that this year's flu season is marginally worse than last year's and we'll accept any measures designed to control us and be happy as clams.

Leaders all over the world have taken note and we can expect every flu season from now on to be the "worst on record".

And here I thought you were a cop. Well no surprise that someone posting on the internet would be faking it.

162 cops have died from COVID. That is more than half the total deaths of LEO’s this year.


162 of your fellow officers died choking and alone. Their families could not be there. Their loved ones might have gotten a FaceTime call to say goodbye.

That is more than every other cause of death. COVID is more deadly to cops than all the armed people in the nation. But we need the truth instead of the hype.

Either you are the most ignorant jackass ever to wear a badge. Or you are faking the whole cop thing.

So tell us again how tough it is to be a cop. Tell us about the dangers faced on the street. Tell us how your life can end in a few moments. Because you are four times more likely to die choking on fluid in your lungs than you are to die from getting shot.
What are you people lazy? Would you prefer the cops kill more of you to protest and riot?
Boise health board abruptly adjourns coronavirus meeting as protesters gather outside and at board members' homes (

During the virtual meeting, which was broadcast live on the board's YouTube page, District Director Russ Duke said he was contacted by Mayor Lauren McLean asking them to stop the meeting due to an "intense level of protesters in the parking lot and the concern for police safety and staff safety, as well as the protesters that are at some of our board members' homes right now."
So far no Burning, Looting, and Murdering has happened yet, but the prog masters just keep pushing, poking and prodding, and the reactions are not going to be what the progs want to see....

View attachment 426944

what do you think that the progs WANT the reactions
to be?
To be complacent little sheep and bend over and grovel at their feet, like the prog slaves do on this board...Aint gonna happen though , free people can only tolerate so much...

from your keyboard fingers to GAWD's ears!!!!!!!!!
----no such luck so far this year
So far no Burning, Looting, and Murdering has happened yet, but the prog masters just keep pushing, poking and prodding, and the reactions are not going to be what the progs want to see.

That's because your tribe's motivation for protest is completely fabricated 'election fraud' horse shit. It's not on the same level as the historic racism, misogyny and religious persecution that the other tribe has suffered and now endures constant protests due to your team's actions.

It's not even in the ballpark as far as comparison.

Hell, It's not even in the same fucking sport.
Just as the liberals terrorized members of the Trump admin. And Congressional republicans, Trump supporters should do the exact same to the Biden Admin and Congressional Dems.

Yell at them at dinner.

Go to their homes to protest.

Chant SHAME!

Do everything they did....why not?

Liberals will start saying that such actions are “terrorist.”
It hasn't. If COVID has proved anything, it has proved that modern civilization is easily frightened into submission.
Get the news to broadcast that this year's flu season is marginally worse than last year's and we'll accept any measures designed to control us and be happy as clams.
Leaders all over the world have taken note and we can expect every flu season from now on to be the "worst on record".
The American People that live in the small towns and rural areas are 70% of the population. They are still some rugged folk, many of them veterans, and who have bills, mortgages and a lifestyle they want to maintain.

These bullshit lockdowns are without any science, and are plainly tyrannical, arbitrary, as well as hypocritical.

If the Taliban can tie down the most powerful military in the world for 20 years, you have to realize that the veterans who were there and served are capable of doing the same damned thing.
Boise health board abruptly adjourns coronavirus meeting as protesters gather outside and at board members' homes (

During the virtual meeting, which was broadcast live on the board's YouTube page, District Director Russ Duke said he was contacted by Mayor Lauren McLean asking them to stop the meeting due to an "intense level of protesters in the parking lot and the concern for police safety and staff safety, as well as the protesters that are at some of our board members' homes right now."
So far no Burning, Looting, and Murdering has happened yet, but the prog masters just keep pushing, poking and prodding, and the reactions are not going to be what the progs want to see....

View attachment 426944

The conservative death cult nonsense is going to get someone killed.
Boise health board abruptly adjourns coronavirus meeting as protesters gather outside and at board members' homes (

During the virtual meeting, which was broadcast live on the board's YouTube page, District Director Russ Duke said he was contacted by Mayor Lauren McLean asking them to stop the meeting due to an "intense level of protesters in the parking lot and the concern for police safety and staff safety, as well as the protesters that are at some of our board members' homes right now."
So far no Burning, Looting, and Murdering has happened yet, but the prog masters just keep pushing, poking and prodding, and the reactions are not going to be what the progs want to see....

View attachment 426944

The conservative death cult nonsense is going to get someone killed.
It already has. Pop and fresh decided he was going to go to Kenosha and start shooting people.
free people can only tolerate so much...

We have not even begun to plumb the depths of what an allegedly 'free' people will tolerate. It's a lot more than you might imagine.
Seems to me that the American people are weak and pathetic and do everything the Government says. These lockdowns are constitutionally illegal and yet the folks complied like sheep

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