The End Of Bk On Military Bases?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Obama screws the troops – again. :blowup:

No more BK or Pizza Hut or Mickey D's on military bases! How's that gonna help troop morale?

One more thought. How many of those concessions hire military dependents?

Labor Department officials have rejected requests to exempt fast food concessions on military bases from regulations that will raise the minimum wage to $10.10 for all workers on federal construction and service contracts.

The rule is scheduled to be published Oct. 7, implementing an executive order that will take effect in January for all new and renegotiated contracts. It applies to other contracts on military bases as well, such as contracts in clubs

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What makes you think that a $10 minimum wage will "end" McDonalds and Burger King on military bases?

It's a lose lose situation if the stay. They stay, and end up paying more for the labor, and they also get pointed out by the "living wage people" that, "see you can pay it there, why not pay it everywhere???"
What makes you think that a $10 minimum wage will "end" McDonalds and Burger King on military bases?

It's a lose lose situation if the stay. They stay, and end up paying more for the labor, and they also get pointed out by the "living wage people" that, "see you can pay it there, why not pay it everywhere???"

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we can already say that.

San Francisco has a minimum wage of $10.15 an hour, and there's no shortage of McDonalds or Burger Kings here.

In other words, they can afford it - and if they close, then they are the ones depriving the troops of shitty, unhealthy food - not "Obama".

Obama screws the troops – again. :blowup:

No more BK or Pizza Hut or Mickey D's on military bases! How's that gonna help troop morale?

One more thought. How many of those concessions hire military dependents?

Labor Department officials have rejected requests to exempt fast food concessions on military bases from regulations that will raise the minimum wage to $10.10 for all workers on federal construction and service contracts.

The rule is scheduled to be published Oct. 7, implementing an executive order that will take effect in January for all new and renegotiated contracts. It applies to other contracts on military bases as well, such as contracts in clubs

Read more @ No wage-hike exemption for on-base restaurants Military Times
how does raising the min force them to close?

they will just charge more

Obama screws the troops – again. :blowup:

No more BK or Pizza Hut or Mickey D's on military bases! How's that gonna help troop morale?

One more thought. How many of those concessions hire military dependents?

Labor Department officials have rejected requests to exempt fast food concessions on military bases from regulations that will raise the minimum wage to $10.10 for all workers on federal construction and service contracts.

The rule is scheduled to be published Oct. 7, implementing an executive order that will take effect in January for all new and renegotiated contracts. It applies to other contracts on military bases as well, such as contracts in clubs

Read more @ No wage-hike exemption for on-base restaurants Military Times
how does raising the min force them to close?

they will just charge more

And then they will get lambasted for overcharging our service members, again lose-lose.
Military family members get those AAFES jobs

More money coming in to military families and fewer will need food stamps
Then it will become more expensive to eat on base than off base and nobody will eat on base.

We shall see won't we?

I have seen the same gloom and doom predictions every time minimum wage is increased

You want the contract to sell food on base? Meet the terms of the contract
Then it will become more expensive to eat on base than off base and nobody will eat on base.

We shall see won't we?

I have seen the same gloom and doom predictions every time minimum wage is increased

You want the contract to sell food on base? Meet the terms of the contract

Proof that the far left has no clue about economics that do not fit into their programming..
Fast Food concessions bid to be able to sell on military bases. If they don't like the terms, let someone else win the bid

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