The End Of Bk On Military Bases?

The far left wants to disband the US military and they will do all they can to do that.
Who'd a thunk the entire Military Industrial Complex hinges on Whoppers!

You must be very un curious to come to such a stupid conclusion. Welcome to the Right Wing of American politics! You ought to fit right in.
You have it wrong, obama relies on whoppers. And useful tools.
So once again... the law of unintended consequences at play!
Here we have all those idiots supporting raising the minimum wage for what 1 million teenagers who will then be replaced by robots?
Yea that's the ticket more unemployment. No job training skills like simply showing up every day and on time will be necessary.
Great thinking you minimum wage idiots!

Got news for you

If they had robots that could do the job, they would have already replaced the workers
Touchscreens are coming to restaurants, Customers will be able to place their order and pick up their food without having to deal with a person.
Military family members get those AAFES jobs

More money coming in to military families and fewer will need food stamps
You can prove that all those positions are filled only by family members of military personnel, of course?
Just kidding. We all know you're just making things carry on, though..
Most of those jobs are filled by dependents who will now make a better wage. Do we really need military families on food stamps?
Oh...So now it's a job as a fast food joint which now must knuckle under to "you will comply" or food stamps?
Cut the bullshit. If people are working and feel the need to still be on the dole, would it not be a good idea for them to look for ways to improve their skill set and with that become more marketable?
You don't want to pay the wages? Give up your contract at military bases. It's a free market, someone else will take your spot
In related news, the government is now going to offer the troops fast food to insure excellent wages. All employees will be full time with health care provided and a generous retirement package. The only downside is that you'll have to wait three weeks for your burger and it will cost $450.
So once again... the law of unintended consequences at play!
Here we have all those idiots supporting raising the minimum wage for what 1 million teenagers who will then be replaced by robots?
Yea that's the ticket more unemployment. No job training skills like simply showing up every day and on time will be necessary.
Great thinking you minimum wage idiots!

Got news for you

If they had robots that could do the job, they would have already replaced the workers
Touchscreens are coming to restaurants, Customers will be able to place their order and pick up their food without having to deal with a person.
Works for me

Has nothing to do with outrageous employee wages. Have they told the workers that if they are willing to work for $2 an hour they will not bring in touch screens?
Military family members get those AAFES jobs

More money coming in to military families and fewer will need food stamps
You can prove that all those positions are filled only by family members of military personnel, of course?
Just kidding. We all know you're just making things carry on, though..
Most of those jobs are filled by dependents who will now make a better wage. Do we really need military families on food stamps?

Show the data that "most" of those jobs are filled by dependents. Show the data that if military dependents don't work at burger king, the family has to go on food stamps.

Just kidding...I know there isn't made it all up.

I have worked on military bases for 35 years. Never met one of those employees who were not a dependent. May be some, but not many

Hungry Heroes 25 Percent of Military Families Seek Food Aid - NBC News
Then boost the pay for the soldiers!!!!
God Dammit ,you're a dumbass
So once again... the law of unintended consequences at play!
Here we have all those idiots supporting raising the minimum wage for what 1 million teenagers who will then be replaced by robots?
Yea that's the ticket more unemployment. No job training skills like simply showing up every day and on time will be necessary.
Great thinking you minimum wage idiots!

Got news for you

If they had robots that could do the job, they would have already replaced the workers
Touchscreens are coming to restaurants, Customers will be able to place their order and pick up their food without having to deal with a person.
Works for me

Has nothing to do with outrageous employee wages. Have they told the workers that if they are willing to work for $2 an hour they will not bring in touch screens?
Straw man...Dismissed
So once again... the law of unintended consequences at play!
Here we have all those idiots supporting raising the minimum wage for what 1 million teenagers who will then be replaced by robots?
Yea that's the ticket more unemployment. No job training skills like simply showing up every day and on time will be necessary.
Great thinking you minimum wage idiots!

Got news for you

If they had robots that could do the job, they would have already replaced the workers
They do so only when it's cost effective to do so. Raising the minimum wage makes it cost effective. Look at Walmart and their self checkout stands. One employee watches 9 checkout stands now instead of 10 before.
Those self checkout stands are there regardless of the wage of the employees. So are ATMs
keep lying to yourself.
Automation and technology exist for two reasons.
One, it gets the job done quicker. Two, cuts down on unnecessary labor costs.
The smart thing to do is educate those unskilled workers to learn how the machines work and learn how to repair them.
Then boost the pay for the soldiers!!!!
God Dammit ,you're a dumbass
...but that might cut into the amount we need to fund entitlements and therefore hurt poor people....and everyone knows that due to slavery (or is it racism...white privilege, maybe?..anyway ONE of those excuses) there are more poor negroes than whites, so raising pay for the military would be "racist"....and we just can't have that...

Military family members get those AAFES jobs

More money coming in to military families and fewer will need food stamps
You can prove that all those positions are filled only by family members of military personnel, of course?
Just kidding. We all know you're just making things carry on, though..
Most of those jobs are filled by dependents who will now make a better wage. Do we really need military families on food stamps?

Show the data that "most" of those jobs are filled by dependents. Show the data that if military dependents don't work at burger king, the family has to go on food stamps.

Just kidding...I know there isn't made it all up.

I have worked on military bases for 35 years. Never met one of those employees who were not a dependent. May be some, but not many

Hungry Heroes 25 Percent of Military Families Seek Food Aid - NBC News
Then boost the pay for the soldiers!!!!
God Dammit ,you're a dumbass
We should do that too
The far left wants to disband the US military and they will do all they can to do that.
Who'd a thunk the entire Military Industrial Complex hinges on Whoppers!

You must be very un curious to come to such a stupid conclusion. Welcome to the Right Wing of American politics! You ought to fit right in.

Fair wages will bring BK to its knees
Ever notice how much contempt the right wingers show for working families? Earning a wage is considered passé. The only honorable and noble way to make money must be in the market. Hair nets, mop handles and cash registers are to be shunned in the Conservative labyrinth of...well, I guess I'll call it 'thought'.
oh please....That stupid argument?....
The far left wants to disband the US military and they will do all they can to do that.
Who'd a thunk the entire Military Industrial Complex hinges on Whoppers!

You must be very un curious to come to such a stupid conclusion. Welcome to the Right Wing of American politics! You ought to fit right in.

Fair wages will bring BK to its knees
Ever notice how much contempt the right wingers show for working families? Earning a wage is considered passé. The only honorable and noble way to make money must be in the market. Hair nets, mop handles and cash registers are to be shunned in the Conservative labyrinth of...well, I guess I'll call it 'thought'.
If every job paid a living wage who would hire high school kids?
Nobody....It would be cost prohibitive.
The far left wants to disband the US military and they will do all they can to do that.
Who'd a thunk the entire Military Industrial Complex hinges on Whoppers!

You must be very un curious to come to such a stupid conclusion. Welcome to the Right Wing of American politics! You ought to fit right in.

Fair wages will bring BK to its knees
Define "fair"...
Good question
How about a wage where you don't need the government to support full time workers
So once again... the law of unintended consequences at play!
Here we have all those idiots supporting raising the minimum wage for what 1 million teenagers who will then be replaced by robots?
Yea that's the ticket more unemployment. No job training skills like simply showing up every day and on time will be necessary.
Great thinking you minimum wage idiots!

Got news for you

If they had robots that could do the job, they would have already replaced the workers
Touchscreens are coming to restaurants, Customers will be able to place their order and pick up their food without having to deal with a person.
Works for me

Has nothing to do with outrageous employee wages. Have they told the workers that if they are willing to work for $2 an hour they will not bring in touch screens?
Straw man...Dismissed
I accept your concession
Then it will become more expensive to eat on base than off base and nobody will eat on base.

We shall see won't we?

I have seen the same gloom and doom predictions every time minimum wage is increased

You want the contract to sell food on base? Meet the terms of the contract
The federal government through political fiat is changing the rules of the game.
Do you have a point to make?
I just did. If you are too dense to understand, your problem..
What makes you think that a $10 minimum wage will "end" McDonalds and Burger King on military bases?

It's a lose lose situation if the stay. They stay, and end up paying more for the labor, and they also get pointed out by the "living wage people" that, "see you can pay it there, why not pay it everywhere???"

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we can already say that.

San Francisco has a minimum wage of $10.15 an hour, and there's no shortage of McDonalds or Burger Kings here.

In other words, they can afford it - and if they close, then they are the ones depriving the troops of shitty, unhealthy food - not "Obama".
Easy because the prices went up but few noticed because everything in SFO is so fucking expensive.
Try this shit in Topeka, KS and the price increases to offset the additional labor cost would be felt strongly by the consumer.
Your lack of understanding of business and finances is typical of your side.
"Just pay them"....As though the money to do so just falls from the sky.
What makes you think that a $10 minimum wage will "end" McDonalds and Burger King on military bases?

It's a lose lose situation if the stay. They stay, and end up paying more for the labor, and they also get pointed out by the "living wage people" that, "see you can pay it there, why not pay it everywhere???"

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we can already say that.

San Francisco has a minimum wage of $10.15 an hour, and there's no shortage of McDonalds or Burger Kings here.

In other words, they can afford it - and if they close, then they are the ones depriving the troops of shitty, unhealthy food - not "Obama".
Easy because the prices went up but few noticed because everything in SFO is so fucking expensive.
Try this shit in Topeka, KS and the price increases to offset the additional labor cost would be felt strongly by the consumer.
Your lack of understanding of business and finances is typical of your side.
"Just pay them"....As though the money to do so just falls from the sky.

1. SFO is an airport, not a city. San Francisco (or SF) is the city.
2. The prices did NOT go up at the McDonald's or Burger Kings or Taco Bells, etc in San Francisco. They are completely level with fast food prices nationwide.
3. Getting a B in Econ 1 doesn't make you an expert in "Business and finance". The real world is a lot more complicated than you guys seem to think it is.
Oh please. It's a commonly used abbreviation. Just like LA for Los Angeles. Christ. If that's the root of your argument, you've already lost.
2. No they aren't. Price of Combo meal in fast food restaurant Big Mac Meal or similar in San Francisco Expatistan A big mac Meal here in Charlotte is at least $1 less. Or 14%.....
3. No it's not very complex at all. I have operated an owned two different small businesses. I am currently employed by a small business.
I have knowledge you will never have as you have been employed in the bubble of government funded union protected work. You don't know shit. You are just as disconnected from the real world as your lib buddies inside the Beltway. The ones that invent these bullshit business wrecking unfunded mandates.
What makes you think that a $10 minimum wage will "end" McDonalds and Burger King on military bases?
Simple. The higher wages will drive up the price of meals which will be rejected by the consumers.
It doesn't take a 5th grader to figure out this one.
What's that say about YOU?

Well, since there's empirical evidence that this doesn't happen by default, perhaps the understanding of economics that you learned in 5th grade isn't really enough to explain how the real world works?
Gee...I wasn't looking for a comeback.
Of course when the agenda on which you place your argument is a failure, you've got nothing else.
We're done.
Then it will become more expensive to eat on base than off base and nobody will eat on base.

We shall see won't we?

I have seen the same gloom and doom predictions every time minimum wage is increased

You want the contract to sell food on base? Meet the terms of the contract
The federal government through political fiat is changing the rules of the game.
Do you have a point to make?
I just did. If you are too dense to understand, your problem..
You seem to have a problem with it
The far left wants to disband the US military and they will do all they can to do that.
Who'd a thunk the entire Military Industrial Complex hinges on Whoppers!

You must be very un curious to come to such a stupid conclusion. Welcome to the Right Wing of American politics! You ought to fit right in.

Yes says the one that voted for Obama twice with close to 40% of the labor force out of work.

That far left programming at work again, propaganda rules over facts..

And for the record the far left FDR created the military industrial complex that the far left rails against.

No, the "military industrial complex" formed because we needed a large amount of military equipment, and we needed it fast. FDR didn't "create" it any more than Bill Clinton "created" the Dot Com boom.
Sure he did.

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