The End Of The Nightmare

I was told the original title was "trolling" so new title SAME content.

As we all to slowly come to the end of this political nightmare called Obama I think its only right to addressed the political highlights of this nightmare we call government by democrats.

Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.

No president since James Earl "Jimmy" Carter has presided over more Americans taken hostage by Islamic countries or any country for that matter. There are as a matter of fact STILL American hostages in Iran that have been held LONGER than those held by Iran during Carter.

Not by body count but by number of attacks from outside terrorists no president has ever presided over such a massive increase while doing nothing. Islamic State attacks have become so permitted by this president we know longer wonder "if" but "when".

NO President has presided over the killing of white minority groups in this country in its entire history. The Orlando killing of homo's while Islamic fueled was designed, plotted and carried out and in fact killed more white homo's then the riots at Stonewall.

The community center in San Bernardino was a center for working with the retarded. So Obama gets yet another first. No president has presided over a larger mass killing of retards in the history of the United States.

Hostage taking
Homo's killed
Retards killed
Economy destroyed
Islamic Operative

Just the math.


Economy destroyed


so you won't embarrass yourself again, allow me to show you what "economy destroyed" looks like


Any questions?
Allow me to show you what a real recovery looks like:



The hallmark of the lefties on this forum is obama is reducing the debt.
I suppose if you're liberal with economics you could say that.
But you can't say that anymore, cuz the debt is widening and I suppose it will be more next year, to his credit.

The hallmark of the lefties on this forum is obama is reducing the debt.
I suppose if you're liberal with economics you could say that.

You couldn't make this sh*t up.....

Pay close attention now...

Why don't you take a minute and reflect on this........then hollaback....
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Rising national debt may be the next economic crisis

Report: Deficit Falls to $483 Billion, but Debt Continues to Rise

That's really all you have to do is find an example of anyone claiming that Obama is reducing the DEBT.....

and I struggle to believe that a sentient adult wrote this

Falling deficits have not prevented the debt from growing; rather, they have only slowed down the growth trend.
obamacare for the most part hast been putting into the system, but next year it's going to suck the life out of the country. That's my prediction.

Dang, I couldn't find that crap if I had to look for it. Sorta the wrong generation
FYI - I have said NOT a DAMN word about any deficit.
I have NOT mentioned any numbers related to the damn yearly deficits.
I have said, and have posted several links explaining the NATIONAL DEBT !!!!!!

Why do you continue to ask me about the damn deficits? I couldn't give a happy rat's ass less about the damn yearly deficits. I'm concerned about the astronomical and rising NATIONAL DEBT.

You're the one that continues to bring up the yearly deficits, NOT ME !!!!!

Do you understand English? Do you comprehend what you read?

Where is the problem? Please explain. Thanks.

You DO understand that they are related, right?

If you don't believe me, ask TDog....
So what if they're related? What difference does it make?

There's a big difference between the NATIONAL DEBT and the YEARLY DEFICIT.

My whole point is, and has been, that the NATIONAL DEBT has INCREASED during the Obama presidency.

If you can dispute that, then by all means do it.


Are you a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Debt Worryier?
cute ... real fucking cute ..............

Are you a brainless asshole?

I notice that you failed to answer the question......again...
What is the question?
It clearly shows that the NATIONAL DEBT increased during the OBAMA PRESIDENCY !!!!!!!!

What do you NOT understand? Where is the damn problem here?

The NATIONAL DEBT has increased under the OBAMA presidency, which I clearly stated from the beginning.

Again, where is the problem?

"The problem" is that this is what you were singing when you stumbled into The Hurt Locker

How much has Obama added to the national debt?

Words have meaning......allow me to demonstrate......

Consider the consequences of

"Crawl into mah bunk, ewe!"
Obama has ADDED to the NATIONAL DEBT asswipe piece of shit.

If you can dispute that FACT, then by all means, DO IT !!!!!!!

Otherwise, what's your damn point?
I don't give a happy rat's ass about the damn yearly deficits, my concern is the NATIONAL DEBT !!!

EVERY POTUS since Ike has seen debt rise under his watch.......some have done a better job with the rate of growth than others........In terms of contribution (as explained IN YOUR CITATION), Obama has actually been one of the best in decades...
And the point is?
My point is, and has been, the NATIONAL DEBT has INCREASED during the OBAMA presidency. I have said that from the beginning, and I'm still saying it now.
If you can't dispute it, then what's your point?

And, I'm NOT talking about yearly deficits, and don't give a damn about yearly deficits, which you have tried very hard to bring into this conversation. So, either dispute what I have said, and proven with several links, or continue with your other bullshit, of which doesn't interest me at this point.

and as I have told you, an increase in the Gross federal debt is not exclusive to the Obama, logically, this cannot be a source of your concern....

And, I'm NOT talking about yearly deficits, and don't give a damn about yearly deficits

But you're concerned about the Debt......tell me, how would you address the debt problem - if not through the level of deficits?
Cute ... real friggin cute ....

FYI - I have NEVER EVER said that the entire national debt is on Obama, that would be silly and stupid, to say the least.

I would address our debt by cutting waste, fraud, and ridiculous spending.

Anything else?

P.S. - Again, for the tenth time, DEFICITS do NOT concern me. Why do you continue to bring deficits into a conversation about the national debt?

Tell everyone whether the red line is ABOVE or BELOW the green line.....


When you're done, would you please explain "structural deficit" to Sonny? I don't know if I've got long enough to live....

Tell everyone whether the red line is ABOVE or BELOW the green line.....

How many years have we seen 3% or better real GDP growth under Obama?

would you please explain "structural deficit" to Sonny?

Why don't you explain it?


You didn't actually go to the BEA link I provided, did you.......

Had you done so, you would have learned that the net spreads to which I refer are 0.83, and 0.53.....I hope to G*d that I don't have to explain to you why this matters....

and I already told you why I cannot take on the task of skulin' Sonny........that boy can't even read his own citations....
Well, you can kiss my ass punk ass piece of shit.
I have more than explained why I said from the damn beginning that the NATIONAL DEBT has increased during the OBAMA presidency.

If you can dispute that, then by all means do it.

skulin' Sonny? Can't read???

Go fuck yourself bitch boy.

Look, why did you turn this conversation into a damn personal attack? Can you not discuss issues in a civil and adult manner?

Remember punk, you attacked me first.

Yo, they just ignore fact!


Do you understand what the use of a log scale demonstrates?

Seriously, if I want tips on conditioning my hair or waxing my pecs, I'll call you...
Again, just this once more, the national debt has increased during the Obama presidency.
It is a matter of record, a matter of FACT, and can not be denied.

Now, if you have proof that it hasn't increased, then please present your proof that would counter what I have said.

Tell everyone whether the red line is ABOVE or BELOW the green line.....

How many years have we seen 3% or better real GDP growth under Obama?

would you please explain "structural deficit" to Sonny?

Why don't you explain it?


You didn't actually go to the BEA link I provided, did you.......

Had you done so, you would have learned that the net spreads to which I refer are 0.83, and 0.53.....I hope to G*d that I don't have to explain to you why this matters....

and I already told you why I cannot take on the task of skulin' Sonny........that boy can't even read his own citations....

You didn't actually go to the BEA link I provided, did you.......

For what purpose?

the net spreads to which I refer are 0.83, and 0.53

Net spread of what?

Damn, TDog.......If you don't seize the rope, you are gonna wake up just as ignorant tomorrow as you did this morning...

You ARE familiar with the GDP formula, right?

Get to the point.
Obama had huge deficits but his spending didn't add to GDP?

The deficits in question are largely structural, the legacy of Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux.....spending has risen at a rate not seen since the 50s......on average, State and Federal Gov contribution to GDP has been NEGATIVE since FY 2009.....the spreads I invited you to consider constitute the net difference in such contributions for the given administrations......add those numbers to recent GDP to see what it would be if adjusted for the absence of any fiscal effect on the economy....

The deficits in question are largely structural, the legacy of Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux

The smartest President in the history of the world couldn't fix any of that? Poor guy.

Maybe if he adds a bunch of CO2 regulations, he can jump start the economy, eh?
The economy in eastern Massachusetts and especially Boston MA is booming. My rent is 1980 month 22 miles northwest of Boston no public transportation

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
Congress took the blame for the downgrades, but whether you acknowledge that or not, do you know what the current rating is?
BTW, have you looked at the stock markets lately. There are some records being broken there too.

Yo, wipe the sleep out of your eyes, this is reality!

The Dot-com Bubble was a speculative bubble in the shares of early internet companies called “Dot-coms.” From the mid to late-1990s, technology company stocks in the Nasdaq stock index soared to incredible heights,
making scores of investors and technology company founders extremely wealthy. At this time, many people began to believe that technology had led to the creation of a “New Economy” where the traditional business cycle and recessions were a thing of the past. These “New Economy” beliefs led to excessive risk-taking in business and investments as Dot-com companies went public (such as the infamous and Webvan) even though they had negative earnings or astronomically high business valuations. In early 2000, the technology stock bubble crashed spectacularly as the Nasdaq plunged from 5,000 to nearly 1,000 by 2002 and the U.S. economy was hurled into a recession.

Anytime now, just waiting?

View attachment 81798

Go back to threading your chest, meathead....

Reality check: A good barometer of how expensive stocks are is to look at the so-called P/E ratio. It's a way to see how much higher the stock price (the P in the equation) is compared to the actual earnings (the E in the equation) of companies.

In March 2000, the P/E for the Nasdaq was a sky-high 175, according to data pulled by Nasdaq and Bloomberg that looks at earnings from the prior 12 months.

Compare that to today: the P/E now is just under 32

Reality check: Tech stocks aren't at bubble levels
Toddsterpatriot could you jump in and explain the overall market to slime here?

He can' me.........I'm familiar with his oeuvre......


Beware of the Post-2009 Economic Bubbles
The Economic Recovery is Actually a “Bubblecovery” - Warning About Post-2009 Economic Bubbles

Let`s Pray:
View attachment 81802's gotta be found it on the innertubes.....

Mr. Colombo is pretty much the dregs of the bouillabaisse of imbeciles served up by FORBES..
Yo, wipe the sleep out of your eyes, this is reality!

The Dot-com Bubble was a speculative bubble in the shares of early internet companies called “Dot-coms.” From the mid to late-1990s, technology company stocks in the Nasdaq stock index soared to incredible heights,
making scores of investors and technology company founders extremely wealthy. At this time, many people began to believe that technology had led to the creation of a “New Economy” where the traditional business cycle and recessions were a thing of the past. These “New Economy” beliefs led to excessive risk-taking in business and investments as Dot-com companies went public (such as the infamous and Webvan) even though they had negative earnings or astronomically high business valuations. In early 2000, the technology stock bubble crashed spectacularly as the Nasdaq plunged from 5,000 to nearly 1,000 by 2002 and the U.S. economy was hurled into a recession.

Anytime now, just waiting?

View attachment 81798

Go back to threading your chest, meathead....

Reality check: A good barometer of how expensive stocks are is to look at the so-called P/E ratio. It's a way to see how much higher the stock price (the P in the equation) is compared to the actual earnings (the E in the equation) of companies.

In March 2000, the P/E for the Nasdaq was a sky-high 175, according to data pulled by Nasdaq and Bloomberg that looks at earnings from the prior 12 months.

Compare that to today: the P/E now is just under 32

Reality check: Tech stocks aren't at bubble levels
Toddsterpatriot could you jump in and explain the overall market to slime here?

He can' me.........I'm familiar with his oeuvre......


Beware of the Post-2009 Economic Bubbles
The Economic Recovery is Actually a “Bubblecovery” - Warning About Post-2009 Economic Bubbles

Let`s Pray:
View attachment 81802's gotta be found it on the innertubes.....

Mr. Colombo is pretty much the dregs of the bouillabaisse of imbeciles served up by FORBES..
You still here Slime? Crack dealer running late? Ho working overtime? EBT card run out?
I was told the original title was "trolling" so new title SAME content.

As we all to slowly come to the end of this political nightmare called Obama I think its only right to addressed the political highlights of this nightmare we call government by democrats.

Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.

No president since James Earl "Jimmy" Carter has presided over more Americans taken hostage by Islamic countries or any country for that matter. There are as a matter of fact STILL American hostages in Iran that have been held LONGER than those held by Iran during Carter.

Not by body count but by number of attacks from outside terrorists no president has ever presided over such a massive increase while doing nothing. Islamic State attacks have become so permitted by this president we know longer wonder "if" but "when".

NO President has presided over the killing of white minority groups in this country in its entire history. The Orlando killing of homo's while Islamic fueled was designed, plotted and carried out and in fact killed more white homo's then the riots at Stonewall.

The community center in San Bernardino was a center for working with the retarded. So Obama gets yet another first. No president has presided over a larger mass killing of retards in the history of the United States.

Hostage taking
Homo's killed
Retards killed
Economy destroyed
Islamic Operative

Just the math.


Economy destroyed


so you won't embarrass yourself again, allow me to show you what "economy destroyed" looks like


Any questions?
Allow me to show you what a real recovery looks like:





We are in the presence of celebrity, people! Bri is celebrated as the dumbest mofo shuffling on these fora....

So, Bri......what was Reagan's "secret sauce"?

Reagan has tripled the Gross Federal Debt, from $900 billion to $2.7 trillion. Ford and Carter in their combined terms could only double it. It took 31 years to accomplish the first postwar debt tripling, yet Reagan did it in eight.

The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan
You DO understand that they are related, right?

If you don't believe me, ask TDog....
So what if they're related? What difference does it make?

There's a big difference between the NATIONAL DEBT and the YEARLY DEFICIT.

My whole point is, and has been, that the NATIONAL DEBT has INCREASED during the Obama presidency.

If you can dispute that, then by all means do it.


Are you a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Debt Worryier?
cute ... real fucking cute ..............

Are you a brainless asshole?

I notice that you failed to answer the question......again...
What is the question?
Are you a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Debt Worryier?
"The problem" is that this is what you were singing when you stumbled into The Hurt Locker

How much has Obama added to the national debt?

Words have meaning......allow me to demonstrate......

Consider the consequences of

"Crawl into mah bunk, ewe!"
Obama has ADDED to the NATIONAL DEBT asswipe piece of shit.

If you can dispute that FACT, then by all means, DO IT !!!!!!!

Otherwise, what's your damn point?
I don't give a happy rat's ass about the damn yearly deficits, my concern is the NATIONAL DEBT !!!

EVERY POTUS since Ike has seen debt rise under his watch.......some have done a better job with the rate of growth than others........In terms of contribution (as explained IN YOUR CITATION), Obama has actually been one of the best in decades...
And the point is?
My point is, and has been, the NATIONAL DEBT has INCREASED during the OBAMA presidency. I have said that from the beginning, and I'm still saying it now.
If you can't dispute it, then what's your point?

And, I'm NOT talking about yearly deficits, and don't give a damn about yearly deficits, which you have tried very hard to bring into this conversation. So, either dispute what I have said, and proven with several links, or continue with your other bullshit, of which doesn't interest me at this point.

and as I have told you, an increase in the Gross federal debt is not exclusive to the Obama, logically, this cannot be a source of your concern....

And, I'm NOT talking about yearly deficits, and don't give a damn about yearly deficits

But you're concerned about the Debt......tell me, how would you address the debt problem - if not through the level of deficits?
Cute ... real friggin cute ....

FYI - I have NEVER EVER said that the entire national debt is on Obama, that would be silly and stupid, to say the least.

I would address our debt by cutting waste, fraud, and ridiculous spending.

Anything else?

P.S. - Again, for the tenth time, DEFICITS do NOT concern me. Why do you continue to bring deficits into a conversation about the national debt?
I would address our debt by cutting waste, fraud, and ridiculous spending.

And how, exactly, would this affect the debt?
Go back to threading your chest, meathead....

Reality check: A good barometer of how expensive stocks are is to look at the so-called P/E ratio. It's a way to see how much higher the stock price (the P in the equation) is compared to the actual earnings (the E in the equation) of companies.

In March 2000, the P/E for the Nasdaq was a sky-high 175, according to data pulled by Nasdaq and Bloomberg that looks at earnings from the prior 12 months.

Compare that to today: the P/E now is just under 32

Reality check: Tech stocks aren't at bubble levels
Toddsterpatriot could you jump in and explain the overall market to slime here?

He can' me.........I'm familiar with his oeuvre......


Beware of the Post-2009 Economic Bubbles
The Economic Recovery is Actually a “Bubblecovery” - Warning About Post-2009 Economic Bubbles

Let`s Pray:
View attachment 81802's gotta be found it on the innertubes.....

Mr. Colombo is pretty much the dregs of the bouillabaisse of imbeciles served up by FORBES..
You still here Slime? Crack dealer running late? Ho working overtime? EBT card run out?

Did some reading....hit a couple of buckets of balls.......

You been icing your prostate?
I was told the original title was "trolling" so new title SAME content.

As we all to slowly come to the end of this political nightmare called Obama I think its only right to addressed the political highlights of this nightmare we call government by democrats.

Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.

No president since James Earl "Jimmy" Carter has presided over more Americans taken hostage by Islamic countries or any country for that matter. There are as a matter of fact STILL American hostages in Iran that have been held LONGER than those held by Iran during Carter.

Not by body count but by number of attacks from outside terrorists no president has ever presided over such a massive increase while doing nothing. Islamic State attacks have become so permitted by this president we know longer wonder "if" but "when".

NO President has presided over the killing of white minority groups in this country in its entire history. The Orlando killing of homo's while Islamic fueled was designed, plotted and carried out and in fact killed more white homo's then the riots at Stonewall.

The community center in San Bernardino was a center for working with the retarded. So Obama gets yet another first. No president has presided over a larger mass killing of retards in the history of the United States.

Hostage taking
Homo's killed
Retards killed
Economy destroyed
Islamic Operative

Just the math.


Economy destroyed


so you won't embarrass yourself again, allow me to show you what "economy destroyed" looks like


Any questions?
Allow me to show you what a real recovery looks like:





We are in the presence of celebrity, people! Bri is celebrated as the dumbest mofo shuffling on these fora....

So, Bri......what was Reagan's "secret sauce"?

Reagan has tripled the Gross Federal Debt, from $900 billion to $2.7 trillion. Ford and Carter in their combined terms could only double it. It took 31 years to accomplish the first postwar debt tripling, yet Reagan did it in eight.

The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

The Democrats in Congress demanded $2 increase in social spending for ever $1 increase in defense spending, so they deserve the credit for all the deficit spending. nevertheless, the economy still did far better under Reagan that it has done under Obama. Reagan didn't pile on all these growth killing regulations, ass Obama has done, and Reagan didn't create any vast new social programs as Obama has done. Democrats have fought tooth and nail to prevent any cuts in spending under both Reagan and Obama.
The economy in eastern Massachusetts and especially Boston MA is booming. My rent is 1980 month 22 miles northwest of Boston no public transportation

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

I drive 18 miles south from the NH border on 93.......the traffic density has increased appreciably since 2012....
Obama has ADDED to the NATIONAL DEBT asswipe piece of shit.

If you can dispute that FACT, then by all means, DO IT !!!!!!!

Otherwise, what's your damn point?
I don't give a happy rat's ass about the damn yearly deficits, my concern is the NATIONAL DEBT !!!

EVERY POTUS since Ike has seen debt rise under his watch.......some have done a better job with the rate of growth than others........In terms of contribution (as explained IN YOUR CITATION), Obama has actually been one of the best in decades...
And the point is?
My point is, and has been, the NATIONAL DEBT has INCREASED during the OBAMA presidency. I have said that from the beginning, and I'm still saying it now.
If you can't dispute it, then what's your point?

And, I'm NOT talking about yearly deficits, and don't give a damn about yearly deficits, which you have tried very hard to bring into this conversation. So, either dispute what I have said, and proven with several links, or continue with your other bullshit, of which doesn't interest me at this point.

and as I have told you, an increase in the Gross federal debt is not exclusive to the Obama, logically, this cannot be a source of your concern....

And, I'm NOT talking about yearly deficits, and don't give a damn about yearly deficits

But you're concerned about the Debt......tell me, how would you address the debt problem - if not through the level of deficits?
Cute ... real friggin cute ....

FYI - I have NEVER EVER said that the entire national debt is on Obama, that would be silly and stupid, to say the least.

I would address our debt by cutting waste, fraud, and ridiculous spending.

Anything else?

P.S. - Again, for the tenth time, DEFICITS do NOT concern me. Why do you continue to bring deficits into a conversation about the national debt?
I would address our debt by cutting waste, fraud, and ridiculous spending.

And how, exactly, would this affect the debt?

How would cutting spending affect the debt? Are you really that stupid?

No need to answer. The question was purely rhetorical.
I was told the original title was "trolling" so new title SAME content.

As we all to slowly come to the end of this political nightmare called Obama I think its only right to addressed the political highlights of this nightmare we call government by democrats.

Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.

No president since James Earl "Jimmy" Carter has presided over more Americans taken hostage by Islamic countries or any country for that matter. There are as a matter of fact STILL American hostages in Iran that have been held LONGER than those held by Iran during Carter.

Not by body count but by number of attacks from outside terrorists no president has ever presided over such a massive increase while doing nothing. Islamic State attacks have become so permitted by this president we know longer wonder "if" but "when".

NO President has presided over the killing of white minority groups in this country in its entire history. The Orlando killing of homo's while Islamic fueled was designed, plotted and carried out and in fact killed more white homo's then the riots at Stonewall.

The community center in San Bernardino was a center for working with the retarded. So Obama gets yet another first. No president has presided over a larger mass killing of retards in the history of the United States.

Hostage taking
Homo's killed
Retards killed
Economy destroyed
Islamic Operative

Just the math.


Economy destroyed


so you won't embarrass yourself again, allow me to show you what "economy destroyed" looks like


Any questions?
Allow me to show you what a real recovery looks like:





We are in the presence of celebrity, people! Bri is celebrated as the dumbest mofo shuffling on these fora....

So, Bri......what was Reagan's "secret sauce"?

Reagan has tripled the Gross Federal Debt, from $900 billion to $2.7 trillion. Ford and Carter in their combined terms could only double it. It took 31 years to accomplish the first postwar debt tripling, yet Reagan did it in eight.

The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

The Democrats in Congress demanded $2 increase in social spending for ever $1 increase in defense spending, so they deserve the credit for all the deficit spending. nevertheless, the economy still did far better under Reagan that it has done under Obama. Reagan didn't pile on all these growth killing regulations, ass Obama has done, and Reagan didn't create any vast new social programs as Obama has done. Democrats have fought tooth and nail to prevent any cuts in spending under both Reagan and Obama.


Have I reminded you lately that you are a credulous moron?

From: J. Bradford DeLong, Deputy Assistant Secretary
Subject: Origin of the Deficit: "Presidential" or "Congressional"?

SUMMARY: The overwhelming proportion of the deficits of the last decade [i.e., the 1980s] were already proposed in President Reagan's and President Bush's original budget submission. There was no explosion of federal spending over and above what the presidents had asked for. More than four-fifths of the 1980s deficits were "presidential." Less than one-fifth were "congressional.


Origins of the Reagan Deficits: Hoisted from the Archives
EVERY POTUS since Ike has seen debt rise under his watch.......some have done a better job with the rate of growth than others........In terms of contribution (as explained IN YOUR CITATION), Obama has actually been one of the best in decades...
And the point is?
My point is, and has been, the NATIONAL DEBT has INCREASED during the OBAMA presidency. I have said that from the beginning, and I'm still saying it now.
If you can't dispute it, then what's your point?

And, I'm NOT talking about yearly deficits, and don't give a damn about yearly deficits, which you have tried very hard to bring into this conversation. So, either dispute what I have said, and proven with several links, or continue with your other bullshit, of which doesn't interest me at this point.

and as I have told you, an increase in the Gross federal debt is not exclusive to the Obama, logically, this cannot be a source of your concern....

And, I'm NOT talking about yearly deficits, and don't give a damn about yearly deficits

But you're concerned about the Debt......tell me, how would you address the debt problem - if not through the level of deficits?
Cute ... real friggin cute ....

FYI - I have NEVER EVER said that the entire national debt is on Obama, that would be silly and stupid, to say the least.

I would address our debt by cutting waste, fraud, and ridiculous spending.

Anything else?

P.S. - Again, for the tenth time, DEFICITS do NOT concern me. Why do you continue to bring deficits into a conversation about the national debt?
I would address our debt by cutting waste, fraud, and ridiculous spending.

And how, exactly, would this affect the debt?

How would cutting spending affect the debt? Are you really that stupid?

No need to answer. The question was purely rhetorical.


I'm employing a Socratic pedagogic modality in an effort to get Sonny to see the flaw in his position........You weighing in on the side of Stupid isn't going to help.....
And the point is?
My point is, and has been, the NATIONAL DEBT has INCREASED during the OBAMA presidency. I have said that from the beginning, and I'm still saying it now.
If you can't dispute it, then what's your point?

And, I'm NOT talking about yearly deficits, and don't give a damn about yearly deficits, which you have tried very hard to bring into this conversation. So, either dispute what I have said, and proven with several links, or continue with your other bullshit, of which doesn't interest me at this point.

and as I have told you, an increase in the Gross federal debt is not exclusive to the Obama, logically, this cannot be a source of your concern....

And, I'm NOT talking about yearly deficits, and don't give a damn about yearly deficits

But you're concerned about the Debt......tell me, how would you address the debt problem - if not through the level of deficits?
Cute ... real friggin cute ....

FYI - I have NEVER EVER said that the entire national debt is on Obama, that would be silly and stupid, to say the least.

I would address our debt by cutting waste, fraud, and ridiculous spending.

Anything else?

P.S. - Again, for the tenth time, DEFICITS do NOT concern me. Why do you continue to bring deficits into a conversation about the national debt?
I would address our debt by cutting waste, fraud, and ridiculous spending.

And how, exactly, would this affect the debt?

How would cutting spending affect the debt? Are you really that stupid?

No need to answer. The question was purely rhetorical.


I'm employing a Socratic pedagogic modality in an effort to get Sonny to see the flaw in his position........You weighing in on the side of Stupid isn't going to help.....

You only exposed the flaw in your thinking.

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