The end of white America is now clearly in sight

The end of white America is now clearly in sight

It depends what you mean by "white America". If you mean Republicans who shill for the rich, want to take away healthcare for millions of Americans, lie this country into fake wars, ruin the economy and clearly work for Satan, then good. They must be defeated. Along with their close friends, the KKK, the Aryan Nation, the Alt Right, Putin and Russia and those of that ilk.
The end of white America is now clearly in sight

It depends what you mean by "white America". If you mean Republicans who shill for the rich, want to take away healthcare for millions of Americans, lie this country into fake wars, ruin the economy and clearly work for Satan, then good. They must be defeated. Along with their close friends, the KKK, the Aryan Nation, the Alt Right, Putin and Russia and those of that ilk.

There are lots of other threads for you to spew mindless hyperpartisanship.
An informative story at the BBC....

How young Americans are set to change the US forever - BBC News
Non-whites are the major source of population increase for the US for some time now.
The Hispanic population will become the predominant ethnic group within 50 years at the current rate.
Even the Asian rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of the white ethnic group.

The white population median age is now 43 and growing older. It's simply a matter of time.

And with the decline in white people from rural America and traditionalists regions who historically have been Patriots, so will go the inclination to preserve the framework of the USA as founded.

It won't matter to most of us since we'll be gone......but in 200 years I would venture a guess that the USA will be dramatically different than it has been for the last 200 or so. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing probably depends on your point of view.

America is always "dramatically different" than it was a few decades prior. Change is the constant. Nothing to panic about over a new generation of Americans being born. Kind of important to perpetuate the populace. Anyone who looks at a precious baby and worries about what color it is, has some serious issues.
Then leave white nationalists alone, retard.
Sorry, dude, but I can't. I swore an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic". Anyone who seeks to pervert, alter or otherwise shred the Constitution is an enemy.

Have you ever sworn that oath, ptbw forever ? Does it have an expiration date? What do you think patriots who've sworn that oath should do to traitors or those who seek to shred the Constitution?
You haven't done shit to the Democrats for embracing communism, so I doubt you idiots will do anything to people who could easily kick your ass any time you decide to grow some balls on that front.

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The end of white America is now clearly in sight

It depends what you mean by "white America". If you mean Republicans who shill for the rich, want to take away healthcare for millions of Americans, lie this country into fake wars, ruin the economy and clearly work for Satan, then good. They must be defeated. Along with their close friends, the KKK, the Aryan Nation, the Alt Right, Putin and Russia and those of that ilk.

1. " If you mean Republicans who shill for the rich, ...'
There is no perennial group known as 'the rich."

2. "..want to take away healthcare for millions of Americans,..."
The finest President in a century made certain that everyone in America, legal or otherwise, had federally mandated healthcare since 1986, you dunce.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

3. "... ruin the economy..."
Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years."

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

4. "Along with their close friends, the KKK, ..."

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

5."... the Alt Right, ..."
There is no such thing as the 'AltRight, nor the Far Right, in this nation.
The Right stands for the very same values, attitudes and traditions that can be traced back to the Founders.

6. "Putin and Russia and those of that ilk."


In a constellation of ignorant Leftists, you are truly the leading half-head.
So, you think that racists just support what they do to feel better about themselves?...
Yes. Or they are insane. Your pick.

As an extreme individualist you clearly don't think about society at all, and don't think about anything other than yourself.'

I happen to think of the implications to society, as we continue to allow in masses of third-World riff-raffs.


We as in the U.S.
So, you think that racists just support what they do to feel better about themselves?...
Yes. Or they are insane. Your pick.

As an extreme individualist you clearly don't think about society at all, and don't think about anything other than yourself.'

I happen to think of the implications to society, as we continue to allow in masses of third-World riff-raffs.


We as in the U.S.

You don't speak for the US. By your own endlessly repeated words, you don't understand or want to live in the US.
I consider these types of threads to be kind of . . . extreme. I don't think white people are going to disappear. There are still a LOT of white people in the world. Just because one ethnicity is having a baby boom doesn't mean that another race will be entirely wiped out because of it.
Genetically, there is no such thing as races anymore. The difference is minor and makes as much difference as two identical cars with different paint jobs.

Well, that depends on the individual and their family tree.
Nonetheless, we're all human and our differences are less than .5% genetically.

The vast majority of our differences are cultural, not genetic.

Yeah, and get this, Chimpanzees, and Human genetic differences are less than 1.5% genetically.

Therefor little differences can have big impacts.
So, you think that racists just support what they do to feel better about themselves?...
Yes. Or they are insane. Your pick.

As an extreme individualist you clearly don't think about society at all, and don't think about anything other than yourself.'

I happen to think of the implications to society, as we continue to allow in masses of third-World riff-raffs.


We as in the U.S.

You don't speak for the US. By your own endlessly repeated words, you don't understand or want to live in the US.

I'm an American born, and raised, but I don't really identify with the many primitive idiots who liter the U.S, like you for example.

You' don't even care about America, anymore than me, you couldn't possibly if you want to alter the face, and heritage of the U.S, so desperately.
Yes. Or they are insane. Your pick.

As an extreme individualist you clearly don't think about society at all, and don't think about anything other than yourself.'

I happen to think of the implications to society, as we continue to allow in masses of third-World riff-raffs.


We as in the U.S.

You don't speak for the US. By your own endlessly repeated words, you don't understand or want to live in the US.

I'm an American born, and raised, but I don't really identify with the many primitive idiots who liter the U.S, like you for example.

You' don't even care about America, anymore than me, you couldn't possibly if you want to alter the face, and heritage of the U.S, so desperately.

I love America. Always have. I, unlike some, have NOT posted hundreds of times about how superior any other country is or how much I want to leave. I'm a REAL American. I work EVERYDAY to try, in my own humble way, to make America and Americans better. I do NOT shovel racist shit and disparage America and Americans while fantasing about running away.
As an extreme individualist you clearly don't think about society at all, and don't think about anything other than yourself.'

I happen to think of the implications to society, as we continue to allow in masses of third-World riff-raffs.


We as in the U.S.

You don't speak for the US. By your own endlessly repeated words, you don't understand or want to live in the US.

I'm an American born, and raised, but I don't really identify with the many primitive idiots who liter the U.S, like you for example.

You' don't even care about America, anymore than me, you couldn't possibly if you want to alter the face, and heritage of the U.S, so desperately.

I love America. Always have. I, unlike some, have NOT posted hundreds of times about how superior any other country is or how much I want to leave. I'm a REAL American. I work EVERYDAY to try, in my own humble way, to make America and Americans better. I do NOT shovel racist shit and disparage America and Americans while fantasing about running away.

One who pushes for the Unite States of America to become an arm of Latin America certainly is no friend, nor lover of the U.S.A.

You don't even support for the core of America, White America to exist.

So, what do you mean you love America?

I think you mean you love Multiculturalism, which is why you're in love with current multicultural America.

You don't respect White America's right to exist, and therefor can not love America.
So, you think that racists just support what they do to feel better about themselves?...
Yes. Or they are insane. Your pick.

As an extreme individualist you clearly don't think about society at all, and don't think about anything other than yourself.'

I happen to think of the implications to society, as we continue to allow in masses of third-World riff-raffs.


We as in the U.S.
You identify as Polish, not American. Even hyphenated Americans aren't true Americans IMO. They still pine for "the old country". They should all go back.
So, you think that racists just support what they do to feel better about themselves?...
Yes. Or they are insane. Your pick.

As an extreme individualist you clearly don't think about society at all, and don't think about anything other than yourself.'

I happen to think of the implications to society, as we continue to allow in masses of third-World riff-raffs.


We as in the U.S.
You identify as Polish, not American. Even hyphenated Americans aren't true Americans IMO. They still pine for "the old country". They should all go back.

Then you're going to be sending back a strong disproportionate amount of Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, Asians, and African Americans.

You don't speak for the US. By your own endlessly repeated words, you don't understand or want to live in the US.

I'm an American born, and raised, but I don't really identify with the many primitive idiots who liter the U.S, like you for example.

You' don't even care about America, anymore than me, you couldn't possibly if you want to alter the face, and heritage of the U.S, so desperately.

I love America. Always have. I, unlike some, have NOT posted hundreds of times about how superior any other country is or how much I want to leave. I'm a REAL American. I work EVERYDAY to try, in my own humble way, to make America and Americans better. I do NOT shovel racist shit and disparage America and Americans while fantasing about running away.

One who pushes for the Unite States of America to become an arm of Latin America certainly is no friend, nor lover of the U.S.A.

You don't even support for the core of America, White America to exist.

So, what do you mean you love America?

I think you mean you love Multiculturalism, which is why you're in love with current multicultural America.

You don't respect White America's right to exist, and therefor can not love America.
Anyone who pushes for the United States to become a neo-Nazi state like Poland is becoming "certainly is no friend, nor lover of the U.S.A. You don't even support for the core of America": Our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Please goosestep your way back to Poland, sir. You're certainly no American.

PICTURES: Tens Of Thousands Of Polish Nationalists March, Burn EU Flag
The event, which saw attendance from Hungary’s genuine Neo-Nazi, far right Jobbik Party, passed off completely peacefully with only one arrested made. Pictures from the rally show the blurring of lines between Poland’s nationalists and Hungary’s Neo-Nazis....
Yes. Or they are insane. Your pick.

As an extreme individualist you clearly don't think about society at all, and don't think about anything other than yourself.'

I happen to think of the implications to society, as we continue to allow in masses of third-World riff-raffs.


We as in the U.S.
You identify as Polish, not American. Even hyphenated Americans aren't true Americans IMO. They still pine for "the old country". They should all go back.

Then you're going to be sending back a strong disproportionate amount of Hispanics, Muslims, Jews, Asians, and African Americans.
I encourage everyone who doesn't support American ideals to go back where they came from, but it North, South, East or West.
We as in the U.S.

You don't speak for the US. By your own endlessly repeated words, you don't understand or want to live in the US.

I'm an American born, and raised, but I don't really identify with the many primitive idiots who liter the U.S, like you for example.

You' don't even care about America, anymore than me, you couldn't possibly if you want to alter the face, and heritage of the U.S, so desperately.

I love America. Always have. I, unlike some, have NOT posted hundreds of times about how superior any other country is or how much I want to leave. I'm a REAL American. I work EVERYDAY to try, in my own humble way, to make America and Americans better. I do NOT shovel racist shit and disparage America and Americans while fantasing about running away.

One who pushes for the Unite States of America to become an arm of Latin America certainly is no friend, nor lover of the U.S.A.

You don't even support for the core of America, White America to exist.

So, what do you mean you love America?

I think you mean you love Multiculturalism, which is why you're in love with current multicultural America.

You don't respect White America's right to exist, and therefor can not love America.
Anyone who pushes for the United States to become a neo-Nazi state like Poland is becoming "certainly is no friend, nor lover of the U.S.A. You don't even support for the core of America": Our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Please goosestep your way back to Poland, sir. You're certainly no American.

PICTURES: Tens Of Thousands Of Polish Nationalists March, Burn EU Flag
The event, which saw attendance from Hungary’s genuine Neo-Nazi, far right Jobbik Party, passed off completely peacefully with only one arrested made. Pictures from the rally show the blurring of lines between Poland’s nationalists and Hungary’s Neo-Nazis....

Poland's by no means a Neo-Nazi state, you sound like a complete doofus.

Fact is most Poles hate Nazis, you're just getting really desperate to push anyone who stands up to Multiculturalism as a Neo-Nazi.

What about the Naturalization Act of 1790, which state that only "Freed Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens?

If you don't respect that, why don't you leave?
You don't speak for the US. By your own endlessly repeated words, you don't understand or want to live in the US.

I'm an American born, and raised, but I don't really identify with the many primitive idiots who liter the U.S, like you for example.

You' don't even care about America, anymore than me, you couldn't possibly if you want to alter the face, and heritage of the U.S, so desperately.

I love America. Always have. I, unlike some, have NOT posted hundreds of times about how superior any other country is or how much I want to leave. I'm a REAL American. I work EVERYDAY to try, in my own humble way, to make America and Americans better. I do NOT shovel racist shit and disparage America and Americans while fantasing about running away.

One who pushes for the Unite States of America to become an arm of Latin America certainly is no friend, nor lover of the U.S.A.

You don't even support for the core of America, White America to exist.

So, what do you mean you love America?

I think you mean you love Multiculturalism, which is why you're in love with current multicultural America.

You don't respect White America's right to exist, and therefor can not love America.
Anyone who pushes for the United States to become a neo-Nazi state like Poland is becoming "certainly is no friend, nor lover of the U.S.A. You don't even support for the core of America": Our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Please goosestep your way back to Poland, sir. You're certainly no American.

PICTURES: Tens Of Thousands Of Polish Nationalists March, Burn EU Flag
The event, which saw attendance from Hungary’s genuine Neo-Nazi, far right Jobbik Party, passed off completely peacefully with only one arrested made. Pictures from the rally show the blurring of lines between Poland’s nationalists and Hungary’s Neo-Nazis....

Poland's by no means a Neo-Nazi state, you sound like a complete doofus.

Fact is most Poles hate Nazis, you're just getting really desperate to push anyone who stands up to Multiculturalism as a Neo-Nazi.

What about the Naturalization Act of 1790, which state that only "Freed Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens?

If you don't respect that, why don't you leave?
Perhaps you should go to Poland and straighten them out. Poland's recent actions with their judiciary reminds me of Germany circa 1930s.

Are you deliberately misquoting the Act, meaning you're a liar, or are you just stupid? The actual wording: naturalization laws 1790-1795

It was changed in 1795, again in 1798 and repealed in 1802 but continued to be modified, augmented, changed etc over the centuries.
With all the race mingling which is only going to increase with time, within 1000 years we'll all be mutts.

You're more than 1000 years too late.
No, we still have beaners like you. :lol:
Unfortunately, half the population will still be dumbasses. What we need is an IQ law before allowing people to have children. 101 or higher for one child. 120 or higher for two. 130 or higher for three children. Everyone will be sterilized for free!


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