The end of white America is now clearly in sight

Then leave white nationalists alone, retard.
Sorry, dude, but I can't. I swore an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic". Anyone who seeks to pervert, alter or otherwise shred the Constitution is an enemy.

Have you ever sworn that oath, ptbw forever ? Does it have an expiration date? What do you think patriots who've sworn that oath should do to traitors or those who seek to shred the Constitution?
You haven't done shit to the Democrats for embracing communism, so I doubt you idiots will do anything to people who could easily kick your ass any time you decide to grow some balls on that front.
Translation: Why, no, DW, I've never taken that oath because I don't support the Constitution of the United States. I only support White Nationalism. RaHoWa!

Figured you never did. No worries. However, if you ever think your little "racial holy war" will ever happen, you're just jerking yourself off. The guy you pledge dues to for "the resistance" or whatever he calls it? He's playing you for a sucker. Look at how he lives and how you live to get a fucking clue.
I support the preservation of white people and their indigenous homelands. I don't pledge dues to anyone.

American multiculturalism can go fuck itself, and the actual creators of the Constitution agreed with me.
Ahh, so you're a Euro cocksucker, not an American, like your Polish friend. Great. I support you staying in your indigenous lands and staying out of everyone elses fucking business. The problem with the fucking Nazis is they tried to spread their assholishness and got crushed for it. They should have stayed in Europe like you.

Just so we're clear: If you don't support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, get the fuck out. Leave now before you regret not leaving sooner.
YOU don't support and defend the Constitution, dumbfuck. That is the point I was getting at.

The framers agreed with me and wouldn't have spit on people like to put you out if you were on fire.
Not even close to being true, Ireland's illiteracy was much lower than Poland's at the turn of the 20th century.

Ireland's illiteracy in 1911 was 8.3%.

Introduction - CSO - Central Statistics Office

Compare to Poland's in 1897 having 69.5% of it's population illiterate.

Poland facts, information, pictures | articles about Poland

Poland in 1931 had 33.1% of it's population illiterate.

Polish census of 1931
The study was immigrants in the 20th Century, not the education levels in those nations in different eras.

Yes, and the bulk of Polish Americans came to the U.S.A in the early 1900's fleeing oppressive Partitions of Poland, many of them were illiterate in Polish on arrival, much less English, the same doesn't hold true to the same degree for Irish immigrants.
Interesting. So how does that refute your own link or prove your point about disparity between ethnic group IQs?

Presumably in the 1920's Polish Americans had a much higher level of illiteracy than African Americans, but not a lower IQ, in fact quite the opposite the IQ of Polish Americans was probably higher.
Prove it since the link you provided says otherwise. OTOH, you are free to believe any cockamamie shit that helps you feel better about yourself.

So, you think that racists just support what they do to feel better about themselves?

As if no one could be concerned with Balkanized conflicts, increased violence, decreased intelligence, and the erosion of their unique heritage?

I don't think you anti-Racists are very good at identifying threats, proportions, or much of anything.
So, you think that racists just support what they do to feel better about themselves?...
Yes. Or they are insane. Your pick.

As an extreme individualist you clearly don't think about society at all, and don't think about anything other than yourself.'

I happen to think of the implications to society, as we continue to allow in masses of third-World riff-raffs.
With all the race mingling which is only going to increase with time, within 1000 years we'll all be mutts.
So, you think that racists just support what they do to feel better about themselves?...
Yes. Or they are insane. Your pick.

As an extreme individualist you clearly don't think about society at all, and don't think about anything other than yourself.'

I happen to think of the implications to society, as we continue to allow in masses of third-World riff-raffs.
You are free to think whatever bullshit makes you happy. You're free to lie about others and look down on everyone who is less white than yourself. However, what you are not free to do is shut me or others up in disputing your assine racial ideas.
I consider these types of threads to be kind of . . . extreme. I don't think white people are going to disappear. There are still a LOT of white people in the world. Just because one ethnicity is having a baby boom doesn't mean that another race will be entirely wiped out because of it.
With all the race mingling which is only going to increase with time, within 1000 years we'll all be mutts.

You're more than 1000 years too late.
A lot longer than that! The human family tree looks more like a bramble bush.

I consider these types of threads to be kind of . . . extreme. I don't think white people are going to disappear. There are still a LOT of white people in the world. Just because one ethnicity is having a baby boom doesn't mean that another race will be entirely wiped out because of it.
Genetically, there is no such thing as races anymore. The difference is minor and makes as much difference as two identical cars with different paint jobs.
I consider these types of threads to be kind of . . . extreme. I don't think white people are going to disappear. There are still a LOT of white people in the world. Just because one ethnicity is having a baby boom doesn't mean that another race will be entirely wiped out because of it.
Genetically, there is no such thing as races anymore. The difference is minor and makes as much difference as two identical cars with different paint jobs.

Well, that depends on the individual and their family tree.
So, you think that racists just support what they do to feel better about themselves?...
Yes. Or they are insane. Your pick.

As an extreme individualist you clearly don't think about society at all, and don't think about anything other than yourself.'

I happen to think of the implications to society, as we continue to allow in masses of third-World riff-raffs.

That'd be both Sobie and "lil' Sobie", whom big Sobie clutches all the time.
I consider these types of threads to be kind of . . . extreme. I don't think white people are going to disappear. There are still a LOT of white people in the world. Just because one ethnicity is having a baby boom doesn't mean that another race will be entirely wiped out because of it.
Genetically, there is no such thing as races anymore. The difference is minor and makes as much difference as two identical cars with different paint jobs.

You would be wrong too. There are definite genetic differences between the races, such as being more prone to certain diseases and bone structure, chemically, etc.
I consider these types of threads to be kind of . . . extreme. I don't think white people are going to disappear. There are still a LOT of white people in the world. Just because one ethnicity is having a baby boom doesn't mean that another race will be entirely wiped out because of it.
Genetically, there is no such thing as races anymore. The difference is minor and makes as much difference as two identical cars with different paint jobs.

Well, that depends on the individual and their family tree.
Nonetheless, we're all human and our differences are less than .5% genetically.

The vast majority of our differences are cultural, not genetic.
I consider these types of threads to be kind of . . . extreme. I don't think white people are going to disappear. There are still a LOT of white people in the world. Just because one ethnicity is having a baby boom doesn't mean that another race will be entirely wiped out because of it.
Genetically, there is no such thing as races anymore. The difference is minor and makes as much difference as two identical cars with different paint jobs.

Well, that depends on the individual and their family tree.
Nonetheless, we're all human and our differences are less than .5% genetically.

The vast majority of our differences are cultural, not genetic.

You are talking about the mix of our genes. I am talking about actual genetic differences between races of peoples. For example, people of African heritage are more likely to have sickle cell disease (much more likely) than people of any other race.
I consider these types of threads to be kind of . . . extreme. I don't think white people are going to disappear. There are still a LOT of white people in the world. Just because one ethnicity is having a baby boom doesn't mean that another race will be entirely wiped out because of it.
Genetically, there is no such thing as races anymore. The difference is minor and makes as much difference as two identical cars with different paint jobs.

Well, that depends on the individual and their family tree.
Nonetheless, we're all human and our differences are less than .5% genetically.

The vast majority of our differences are cultural, not genetic.

You are talking about the mix of our genes. I am talking about actual genetic differences between races of peoples. For example, people of African heritage are more likely to have sickle cell disease (much more likely) than people of any other race.
Correct, but Sickle Cell is more common among those with Mediterranean heritage too.

People with a heritage from different parts of the world can have a propensity for various genetic diseases such as breast cancer, Tay-Sachs, Beta-Thalassemia, high cholesterol, etc. or have a higher resistance to such ailments.
I consider these types of threads to be kind of . . . extreme. I don't think white people are going to disappear. There are still a LOT of white people in the world. Just because one ethnicity is having a baby boom doesn't mean that another race will be entirely wiped out because of it.
Genetically, there is no such thing as races anymore. The difference is minor and makes as much difference as two identical cars with different paint jobs.

Well, that depends on the individual and their family tree.
Nonetheless, we're all human and our differences are less than .5% genetically.

The vast majority of our differences are cultural, not genetic.

You are talking about the mix of our genes. I am talking about actual genetic differences between races of peoples. For example, people of African heritage are more likely to have sickle cell disease (much more likely) than people of any other race.
Correct, but Sickle Cell is more common among those with Mediterranean heritage too.

People with a heritage from different parts of the world can have a propensity for various genetic diseases such as breast cancer, Tay-Sachs, Beta-Thalassemia, high cholesterol, etc. or have a higher resistance to such ailments.

Well, there are also differences in bone structure and chemical makeup. That is how the forensic pathologists can determine what a person's race was even if they are just a skeleton.
Genetically, there is no such thing as races anymore. The difference is minor and makes as much difference as two identical cars with different paint jobs.

Well, that depends on the individual and their family tree.
Nonetheless, we're all human and our differences are less than .5% genetically.

The vast majority of our differences are cultural, not genetic.

You are talking about the mix of our genes. I am talking about actual genetic differences between races of peoples. For example, people of African heritage are more likely to have sickle cell disease (much more likely) than people of any other race.
Correct, but Sickle Cell is more common among those with Mediterranean heritage too.

People with a heritage from different parts of the world can have a propensity for various genetic diseases such as breast cancer, Tay-Sachs, Beta-Thalassemia, high cholesterol, etc. or have a higher resistance to such ailments.

Well, there are also differences in bone structure and chemical makeup. That is how the forensic pathologists can determine what a person's race was even if they are just a skeleton.
True, but those differences are minor in the overall scheme of things.

Do you believe "whites" are superior to all other "races"?
So, you think that racists just support what they do to feel better about themselves?...
Yes. Or they are insane. Your pick.

As an extreme individualist you clearly don't think about society at all, and don't think about anything other than yourself.'

I happen to think of the implications to society, as we continue to allow in masses of third-World riff-raffs.


Clearly he is revealing that he has a tapeworm.

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