The executive branch can nuder the supreme court

Yeah, fuck the judicial branch, what have they ever done for us?
They're non-elected, appointed asshats. They are dispensible, they can and should be replaced when they fuck with the constitution.

Yeah, throw the bums out for not being the elected officials they were never intended to be. And, man oh man, if one of them performs his Constitutional duties by deciding what is Constitutional and what is not then let's string 'em up because someone in a trailor park sees it differently.

If they did their Constitutional duties and enforced the Constitution, then there wouldn't be a problem. The problem is they don't limit the other branches to doing only Constitutional things, which is their duty and they legislate, which isn't their duty

Enforced the Constitution according to who?
Oh, I see. Good luck with your revolution. We'll be right behind you...chuckling.

No, you really won't.

Too late.

You won't be laughing in...hmmm...about a year. I promise you.

Because the Supreme Court 'traitors' will be thrown out of the court? That is what you've been talking about.
No because the transformation of our country isn't going to stop, and it isn't going to be good, and you will be crying like a whiny bitch.

Like you guys are now, in this thread? Nah, I have trust in our form of government.
No, you really won't.

Too late.

You won't be laughing in...hmmm...about a year. I promise you.

Because the Supreme Court 'traitors' will be thrown out of the court? That is what you've been talking about.
No because the transformation of our country isn't going to stop, and it isn't going to be good, and you will be crying like a whiny bitch.

Like you guys are now, in this thread? Nah, I have trust in our form of government.
Our form of government is no longer our form of government. Your faith in government just because it's government shows you for a statist tool.
Yeah, fuck the judicial branch, what have they ever done for us?
They're non-elected, appointed asshats. They are dispensible, they can and should be replaced when they fuck with the constitution.

Yeah, throw the bums out for not being the elected officials they were never intended to be. And, man oh man, if one of them performs his Constitutional duties by deciding what is Constitutional and what is not then let's string 'em up because someone in a trailor park sees it differently.

If they did their Constitutional duties and enforced the Constitution, then there wouldn't be a problem. The problem is they don't limit the other branches to doing only Constitutional things, which is their duty and they legislate, which isn't their duty

First off, the Supreme Court doesn't just say "Hey, we need to look at that law you guys jjust passed!", it has to bubble up to them through the courts.

Secondly, there are many interpretations about what is Constitutional and what is not. That is why you have a Supreme Court molded by the elected offices of the Executive and Legislative branches and a step away from on-demand democracy where opinions are more volatile. It's a pretty good system, not perfect, there is no such thing.

Anyway, I wish you guys luck in nothing coming of this.
I'm talking about the supreme court rulings. You have to wonder if they've ever read the Constitution
Too late.

You won't be laughing in...hmmm...about a year. I promise you.

Because the Supreme Court 'traitors' will be thrown out of the court? That is what you've been talking about.
No because the transformation of our country isn't going to stop, and it isn't going to be good, and you will be crying like a whiny bitch.

Like you guys are now, in this thread? Nah, I have trust in our form of government.
Our form of government is no longer our form of government. Your faith in government just because it's government shows you for a statist tool.

Oh, what changed?
No, you really won't.

Too late.

You won't be laughing in...hmmm...about a year. I promise you.

Because the Supreme Court 'traitors' will be thrown out of the court? That is what you've been talking about.
No because the transformation of our country isn't going to stop, and it isn't going to be good, and you will be crying like a whiny bitch.

Like you guys are now, in this thread? Nah, I have trust in our form of government.

We have trust in our government as it was formed, you trust the one we have which has no relation to the one the Constitution specified
If the voters of a state passed a law banning all guns, the Supremes would say the state law is unconstitutional. Declaring a law unconstitutional is not "legislating from the bench". Such a decision may be "violating the will of the People", but the tyranny of the majority is not allowed to violate our rights.

If a state passed a law requiring you to do 10 jumping jacks before you could vote, with exceptions made for the handicapped, such a law would probably be found to be constitutional even though it does not achieve its stated goal of preventing voter fraud. The constitution does not forbid retards from enacting completely useless laws.

On some rare occasions, Congress will pass a law which is unconstitutional, but which can be modified so that is it constitutional. On those occasions, the Supremes will explain what tweaks should be made to make the law constitutional. If one wanted to be an asshole, one could call this "legislating from the bench", or one could take it for what it is, an expert suggestion. Their way of saying, "We understand what you are trying to achieve, and here is a better and constitutional way to do it."
Yeah, fuck the judicial branch, what have they ever done for us?
They're non-elected, appointed asshats. They are dispensible, they can and should be replaced when they fuck with the constitution.

Yeah, throw the bums out for not being the elected officials they were never intended to be. And, man oh man, if one of them performs his Constitutional duties by deciding what is Constitutional and what is not then let's string 'em up because someone in a trailor park sees it differently.

If they did their Constitutional duties and enforced the Constitution, then there wouldn't be a problem. The problem is they don't limit the other branches to doing only Constitutional things, which is their duty and they legislate, which isn't their duty

First off, the Supreme Court doesn't just say "Hey, we need to look at that law you guys jjust passed!", it has to bubble up to them through the courts.

Secondly, there are many interpretations about what is Constitutional and what is not. That is why you have a Supreme Court molded by the elected offices of the Executive and Legislative branches and a step away from on-demand democracy where opinions are more volatile. It's a pretty good system, not perfect, there is no such thing.

Anyway, I wish you guys luck in nothing coming of this.
I'm talking about the supreme court rulings. You have to wonder if they've ever read the Constitution

Because you disagree with them means nothing. Nobody always agrees with the Supreme Court. But if you think a minority of wingnuts gets to decide what is Constitutional and ignore elections and the Constitution itself because Kaz is having a sad's funny as hell.
Too late.

You won't be laughing in...hmmm...about a year. I promise you.

Because the Supreme Court 'traitors' will be thrown out of the court? That is what you've been talking about.
No because the transformation of our country isn't going to stop, and it isn't going to be good, and you will be crying like a whiny bitch.

Like you guys are now, in this thread? Nah, I have trust in our form of government.
Our form of government is no longer our form of government. Your faith in government just because it's government shows you for a statist tool.

It's actually a faith in the tenants of the Constitution, something Republicans (of the wingnut variety) play a lot of lip service to until they don't get their way.
In addition to working on their spelling, some folks here need to brush up on Civics.
Too late.

You won't be laughing in...hmmm...about a year. I promise you.

Because the Supreme Court 'traitors' will be thrown out of the court? That is what you've been talking about.
No because the transformation of our country isn't going to stop, and it isn't going to be good, and you will be crying like a whiny bitch.

Like you guys are now, in this thread? Nah, I have trust in our form of government.

We have trust in our government as it was formed, you trust the one we have which has no relation to the one the Constitution specified

Sorry, I guess you lost. Becuase there is nothing in this thread that represents a solution. Find somebody to run for office who wants to do whatever it is you want. I'm guessing you 'll lose every time but that's how it works.

I doubt even Gary Johnson agrees with you.
You won't be laughing in...hmmm...about a year. I promise you.

Because the Supreme Court 'traitors' will be thrown out of the court? That is what you've been talking about.
No because the transformation of our country isn't going to stop, and it isn't going to be good, and you will be crying like a whiny bitch.

Like you guys are now, in this thread? Nah, I have trust in our form of government.
Our form of government is no longer our form of government. Your faith in government just because it's government shows you for a statist tool.

Oh, what changed?
The courts, congress and our executive branch no longer abide by the constitution.
You won't be laughing in...hmmm...about a year. I promise you.

Because the Supreme Court 'traitors' will be thrown out of the court? That is what you've been talking about.
No because the transformation of our country isn't going to stop, and it isn't going to be good, and you will be crying like a whiny bitch.

Like you guys are now, in this thread? Nah, I have trust in our form of government.
Our form of government is no longer our form of government. Your faith in government just because it's government shows you for a statist tool.

It's actually a faith in the tenants of the Constitution, something Republicans (of the wingnut variety) play a lot of lip service to until they don't get their way.
The tenets of the Constitution..such as what? Where in the Constitution does it give the scotus supreme power over all? And where does it authorize them to pass judgements that violate the constitution?

What you are saying is that they have the authority to grant themselves unconstitutional authority, because they are scotus.

Which of course they do not.
Because the Supreme Court 'traitors' will be thrown out of the court? That is what you've been talking about.
No because the transformation of our country isn't going to stop, and it isn't going to be good, and you will be crying like a whiny bitch.

Like you guys are now, in this thread? Nah, I have trust in our form of government.
Our form of government is no longer our form of government. Your faith in government just because it's government shows you for a statist tool.

Oh, what changed?
The courts, congress and our executive branch no longer abide by the constitution.

Do you have an example?

And what does you revolution look like? Is it the subverting the American government and committing treason or is it more of the Ron Paul perpetual revolution scam?
They're non-elected, appointed asshats. They are dispensible, they can and should be replaced when they fuck with the constitution.

Yeah, throw the bums out for not being the elected officials they were never intended to be. And, man oh man, if one of them performs his Constitutional duties by deciding what is Constitutional and what is not then let's string 'em up because someone in a trailor park sees it differently.

If they did their Constitutional duties and enforced the Constitution, then there wouldn't be a problem. The problem is they don't limit the other branches to doing only Constitutional things, which is their duty and they legislate, which isn't their duty

First off, the Supreme Court doesn't just say "Hey, we need to look at that law you guys jjust passed!", it has to bubble up to them through the courts.

Secondly, there are many interpretations about what is Constitutional and what is not. That is why you have a Supreme Court molded by the elected offices of the Executive and Legislative branches and a step away from on-demand democracy where opinions are more volatile. It's a pretty good system, not perfect, there is no such thing.

Anyway, I wish you guys luck in nothing coming of this.
I'm talking about the supreme court rulings. You have to wonder if they've ever read the Constitution

Because you disagree with them means nothing. Nobody always agrees with the Supreme Court. But if you think a minority of wingnuts gets to decide what is Constitutional and ignore elections and the Constitution itself because Kaz is having a sad's funny as hell.

Making up law like gay marriage, roe v. wade isn't an opinion, they are not in the Constitution.

And they have flagrantly ignored the 10th amendment limits on Federal power repeatedly, failed to protect our rights regarding free speech in political campaigns and the second amendment as well as the fourth amendment in the war on drugs, the fifth amendment in allowing government to take property from one citizen and give it to another rather than for public use, they allow the use of Interstate trade to justify intrastate business regulations and they use the 16th amendment to justify control of healthcare The list of their crimes goes on, it's not objective, it's clear and direct
You won't be laughing in...hmmm...about a year. I promise you.

Because the Supreme Court 'traitors' will be thrown out of the court? That is what you've been talking about.
No because the transformation of our country isn't going to stop, and it isn't going to be good, and you will be crying like a whiny bitch.

Like you guys are now, in this thread? Nah, I have trust in our form of government.

We have trust in our government as it was formed, you trust the one we have which has no relation to the one the Constitution specified

Sorry, I guess you lost. Becuase there is nothing in this thread that represents a solution. Find somebody to run for office who wants to do whatever it is you want. I'm guessing you 'll lose every time but that's how it works.

I doubt even Gary Johnson agrees with you.

Yes, exactly, we are now a tyranny of the majority, not a Constitutional republic.

As for Johnson, fair is fair, I didn't vote for him either because he's not a libertarian
No because the transformation of our country isn't going to stop, and it isn't going to be good, and you will be crying like a whiny bitch.

Like you guys are now, in this thread? Nah, I have trust in our form of government.
Our form of government is no longer our form of government. Your faith in government just because it's government shows you for a statist tool.

Oh, what changed?
The courts, congress and our executive branch no longer abide by the constitution.

Do you have an example?

And what does you revolution look like? Is it the subverting the American government and committing treason or is it more of the Ron Paul perpetual revolution scam?

I gave you a list
No because the transformation of our country isn't going to stop, and it isn't going to be good, and you will be crying like a whiny bitch.

Like you guys are now, in this thread? Nah, I have trust in our form of government.
Our form of government is no longer our form of government. Your faith in government just because it's government shows you for a statist tool.

Oh, what changed?
The courts, congress and our executive branch no longer abide by the constitution.

Do you have an example?

And what does you revolution look like? Is it the subverting the American government and committing treason or is it more of the Ron Paul perpetual revolution scam?
I didn't say anything about revolution. That was you.
Because the Supreme Court 'traitors' will be thrown out of the court? That is what you've been talking about.
No because the transformation of our country isn't going to stop, and it isn't going to be good, and you will be crying like a whiny bitch.

Like you guys are now, in this thread? Nah, I have trust in our form of government.
Our form of government is no longer our form of government. Your faith in government just because it's government shows you for a statist tool.

It's actually a faith in the tenants of the Constitution, something Republicans (of the wingnut variety) play a lot of lip service to until they don't get their way.
The tenets of the Constitution..such as what? Where in the Constitution does it give the scotus supreme power over all? And where does it authorize them to pass judgements that violate the constitution?

What you are saying is that they have the authority to grant themselves unconstitutional authority, because they are scotus.

Which of course they do not.

The Supreme court doesn't have power over all. And while I agree or disagree with decisions by the Supreme Court, I'm an adult and realize you need an entity to decide the constitutionality of our laws.

Tell me about your undemocratic way of resolving this make believe problem..

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