The existential despair of Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump

Just like anything involving Hillary, to you. "Well, if it's negative, and it's about my candidate, it's just blind partisan tripe!".

No, you're just spouting conspiracy nonsense.

I know it's not PC to point out you're parroting a loony cult fantasy, and that we're supposed to say your religious cult's beliefs are just as valid as reality, and that we're big meanies for not validating your feelings. You just need to understand that outside of Trumpland, your PC nonsense will keep getting laughed at, and nobody cares if your safe space has been violated.

Meanwhile, liberals are having no existential despair at all, being we've got a great candidate who will win by a big margin.
Just like anything involving Hillary, to you. "Well, if it's negative, and it's about my candidate, it's just blind partisan tripe!".

No, you're just spouting conspiracy nonsense.

I know it's not PC to point out you're parroting a loony cult fantasy, and that we're supposed to say your religious cult's beliefs are just as valid as reality, and that we're big meanies for not validating your feelings. You just need to understand that outside of Trumpland, your PC nonsense will keep getting laughed at, and nobody cares if your safe space has been violated.

Meanwhile, liberals are having no existential despair at all, being we've got a great candidate who will win by a big margin.
Oh please, I only support Trump because he's the lesser of two great evils. You also have no idea whether I have any form of religion or lack one, you're making a lot of assumptions. For all you know, I could be an atheist.

So, if it's a fantasy, what's the FBI investigating? It's an established fact she's being investigated by the FBI and there's an indictment pending, so if that's the case, what's it really for? Is the FBI just corrupt and investigating an innocent woman? Did she somehow not break a bunch of laws by deleting every tens of thousands of emails? I happen to have the laws on hand if you really want to debate this.
Why yes, it is a fantasy.

Has nobody really broken that news to you before?
Why yes, it is a fantasy.

Has nobody really broken that news to you before?
Oh my gosh, that's actually adorable. Even this Libtard acknowledges that she's under criminal investigation. The FBI director acknowledged it's a criminal investigation. You're blatantly delusional, and should feel bad.

Oh my gosh, that's actually adorable.
Let me give you some helpful advice. In order to pull of the condescending act, you actually have to be intelligent. That's why I can do it. You can't. You pretend to be intelligent, and fail.

Even this Libtard acknowledges that she's under criminal investigation. The FBI director acknowledged it's a criminal investigation
Please show us where the FBI director said words to the effect of "Hillary Clinton herself is under criminal investigation", as you directly claimed. Show us that there is "an indictment pending", as you directly stated. Don't ask us to watch a long conspiracy video. Show us the actual quote, the actual facts.

Oh, another helpful hint. You can't pull off your "I'm so reasonable" charade when you slip up and scream "libtard" at anyone who challenges your propaganda. But then, it does seem as if your only talent is calling liberals bad names, so maybe you should just stick with what you're good at.
Oh my gosh, that's actually adorable.
Let me give you some helpful advice. In order to pull of the condescending act, you actually have to be intelligent. That's why I can do it. You can't. You pretend to be intelligent, and fail.

Even this Libtard acknowledges that she's under criminal investigation. The FBI director acknowledged it's a criminal investigation
Please show us where the FBI director said words to the effect of "Hillary Clinton herself is under criminal investigation", as you directly claimed. Show us that there is "an indictment pending", as you directly stated. Don't ask us to watch a long conspiracy video. Show us the actual quote, the actual facts.

Oh, another helpful hint. You can't pull off your "I'm so reasonable" charade when you slip up and scream "libtard" at anyone who challenges your propaganda. But then, it does seem as if your only talent is calling liberals bad names, so maybe you should just stick with what you're good at.
You must have a short attention span, given that it's only six minutes. Also, Hillary said that it was a "security inquiry", the FBI director corrected her, and said that they do criminal investigations. If she wasn't the one being investigated, they wouldn't have corrected her, and she wouldn't have addressed it. The FBI director specifically said that he doesn't even know what a Security Inquiry is, then followed up with "We do criminal investigations, it's in the name". You're in denial, and supporting a criminal.
In other words, you have no evidence of "an indictment pending", or that the FBI director said "Hillary Clinton herself is under criminal investigation."

You could have just said that. Now you're just weaseling, so you're clearly a waste of time.

And no, I didn't expect honesty from you, but I like to give people a chance to not disappoint me. Maybe I'll find a honest Hillary-hater religious cultist someday, but I doubt it.
In other words, you have no evidence of "an indictment pending", or that the FBI director said "Hillary Clinton herself is under criminal investigation."

You could have just said that. Now you're just weaseling, so you're clearly a waste of time.

And no, I didn't expect honesty from you, but I like to give people a chance to not disappoint me. Maybe I'll find a honest Hillary-hater religious cultist someday, but I doubt it.
The only way you wouldn't be disappointed is if I outright lied and said she wasn't under criminal investigation. you and every other Hillary supporter is just in denial. Of course, I wasn't expecting this level of denial, but Liberals do find a way to surprise me every day. Hillary is under criminal investigation by the FBI, for multiple Federal offenses, and the video you apparently refused to watch explains it. I know it's hard to come to terms with the fact that we have two criminals running, but only Hillary is under FBI investigation. Maybe she'll go to jail~

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