The Facts About the Planned Parenthood Videos


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Rather than address the revolting and disturbing images and audio in the Planned Parenthood (PP) videos, liberals continue (1) to focus on Carly Fiorina's hurried description of a short segment of one of the videos during a GOP debate, and (2) to claim that the videos have been deceptively edited.

Fiorina's description was essentially, basically accurate, but her brief summary of the PP videos in the middle of a debate is hardly the issue.

As for the editing issue, liberals have greatly exaggerated the nature and impact of the editing that has been done to the videos (the links at the end include a detailed response to PP's claims about the editing). For example, just because an audio segment is placed over earlier video footage to make a point clearer does not change the fact that the audio says what it says and that the footage shows what it shows. As long as words have not been spliced to change the intended meaning, the audio is what it is. Ditto for the video footage.

The issue is the images and audio in the PP videos. The editing claims are a distraction. The National Right to Life Committee:

Newspapers dutifully reported that “Planned Parenthood Video Was Altered, Analysis Says” (NY Times 8/28/15), “Videos deceptively edited, Planned Parenthood tells Congress” (Washington Post, 8/27/15), or “Planned Parenthood alleges ‘smear’ in letter to Congress (AP, 8/31/15).

These allegations may not be as dramatic as they sound. Fusion GPS admits that in more than 12 hours of tape, “This analysis did not reveal widespread evidence of substantive video manipulation, but we did identify cuts, skips, missing tape, and changes in camera angle.”

It went on to say “many of these edits removed likely irrelevant content from the beginning and end of the interviews, [but] all four videos also contained intentional edits that removed content from the middle of the videos.”​

CMP claims that some of the larger edits were simply gaps between meetings, or when someone went to the restroom. (CMP’s full response can be found here.)

Fusion GPS analysts try to argue that damning statements like “another boy,” while showing no evidence of being spliced in or manipulated on the tape, may have been preceded by edited out comments from the CMP actors designed to elicit comments about the aborted baby’s gender.

When the videos clearly show people in the Planned Parenthood labs clinically picking over fetal parts like brains, eyes, hearts, livers, arms or legs, disputes over exactly what prompted Planned Parenthood employees to make awkward admissions of the baby’s sex and humanity seem to be mere diversions. ( Planned Parenthood to Congress: Ignore what you see, hear in those videos | NRL News Today )​

In the links below, I have included an article that refutes PP's claims about the editing of the videos. The other links document the disturbing visual and audio material found in the videos.

Deconstructing Planned Parenthood's Failed "Forensic Analysis" Report This is a detailed response to PP's claims about the editing of the videos.

Planned Parenthood to Congress: Ignore what you see, hear in those videos | NRL News Today

Planned Parenthood Profits From The Illegal Sale Of Baby Body Parts After Abortion!!

PP supports the murder of full-term babies and the harvesting of their organs. FACT
Six states investigations of Planned Parenthood and nothing illegal was found in any of those investigations.
Instead of bias theory, why not wait for factual proof?
This is just another dog and pony show instigated by Republicans at tax payer expense.
This is the era of The Return of the Great Inquisitions.
Planned Parenthood harvests fully functioning organs from babies in the womb and sells them. This is an undeniable fact.

That this is not illegal is a crime.
PP supports the murder of full-term babies and the harvesting of their organs. FACT

Remember a couple of years back a Planned Parenthood rep shocked the heck out of Florida Senators by claiming that the decision to commit infanticide should be between the health provider and the patient?
As was just demonstrated, a lot of the terrorist-inspirers aren't apologetic in the least for their proud role in inspiring pro-life terrorists, through the use of a propaganda campaign that would make Goebbels proud. Anyone familiar with history should be disturbed by the way pro-life slurs are nearly identical to blood libel slurs.

And that's why we need to keep shaming those terrorist-inspirers, publicly and often.
PP supports the murder of full-term babies and the harvesting of their organs. FACT


PP supports the murder of full-term babies and the harvesting of their organs. FACT

Remember a couple of years back a Planned Parenthood rep shocked the heck out of Florida Senators by claiming that the decision to commit infanticide should be between the health provider and the patient?

The decision to abort should always be between the pregnant woman and her health care provider.

Government has no place in our private lives and nutters have no right to control other people's bodies.

Six states investigations of Planned Parenthood and nothing illegal was found in any of those investigations.
Instead of bias theory, why not wait for factual proof?
This is just another dog and pony show instigated by Republicans at tax payer expense.
This is the era of The Return of the Great Inquisitions.


In a culture which has thoroughly politicized the justice system... you're claiming that the opinion of a panel of people who support a RIGHT to murder pre-born babies, is "FACT" where they find nothing wrong with murdering pre-born babies so that THEIR DISMEMBERED BODIES CAN BE SOLD FOR RESEARCH?

As was just demonstrated, a lot of the terrorist-inspirers aren't apologetic in the least for their proud role in inspiring pro-life terrorists, through the use of a propaganda campaign that would make Goebbels proud. Anyone familiar with history should be disturbed by the way pro-life slurs are nearly identical to blood libel slurs.

And that's why we need to keep shaming those terrorist-inspirers, publicly and often.
Do you think Planned Parenthood's selling of body parts should have been kept a secret?
Six states investigations of Planned Parenthood and nothing illegal was found in any of those investigations.
Instead of bias theory, why not wait for factual proof?
This is just another dog and pony show instigated by Republicans at tax payer expense.
This is the era of The Return of the Great Inquisitions.


In a culture which has thoroughly politicized the justice system... you're claiming that the opinion of a panel of people who support a RIGHT to murder pre-born babies, is "FACT" where they find nothing wrong with murdering pre-born babies so that THEIR DISMEMBERED BODIES CAN BE SOLD FOR RESEARCH?


That baby looks like Mitch McConnell. lol
As was just demonstrated, a lot of the terrorist-inspirers aren't apologetic in the least for their proud role in inspiring pro-life terrorists, through the use of a propaganda campaign that would make Goebbels proud. Anyone familiar with history should be disturbed by the way pro-life slurs are nearly identical to blood libel slurs.

And that's why we need to keep shaming those terrorist-inspirers, publicly and often.
Do you think Planned Parenthood's selling of body parts should have been kept a secret?

Oh it WAS being kept a secret...

(That's sorta what the whole thing is all about... Meaning that it was kept a secret... because NO ONE of REASON WOULD ACCEPT IT!)
PP supports the murder of full-term babies and the harvesting of their organs. FACT


PP supports the murder of full-term babies and the harvesting of their organs. FACT

Remember a couple of years back a Planned Parenthood rep shocked the heck out of Florida Senators by claiming that the decision to commit infanticide should be between the health provider and the patient?

The decision to abort should always be between the pregnant woman and her health care provider.

Government has no place in our private lives and nutters have no right to control other people's bodies.


If the baby is born alive it is protected by law. Infanticide is a crime.
Six states investigations of Planned Parenthood and nothing illegal was found in any of those investigations.
Instead of bias theory, why not wait for factual proof?
This is just another dog and pony show instigated by Republicans at tax payer expense.
This is the era of The Return of the Great Inquisitions.


In a culture which has thoroughly politicized the justice system... you're claiming that the opinion of a panel of people who support a RIGHT to murder pre-born babies, is "FACT" where they find nothing wrong with murdering pre-born babies so that THEIR DISMEMBERED BODIES CAN BE SOLD FOR RESEARCH?


That baby looks like Mitch McConnell. lol

It does doesn't it?

It also looks MUCH smarter than McConnell. Or any Prog for that matter. I mean it hasn't even CONSIDERED murdering those who it conceived through its own willful and wanton behavior, for the sake of it's own convenience... .
Six states investigations of Planned Parenthood and nothing illegal was found in any of those investigations.
Instead of bias theory, why not wait for factual proof?
This is just another dog and pony show instigated by Republicans at tax payer expense.
This is the era of The Return of the Great Inquisitions.


In a culture which has thoroughly politicized the justice system... you're claiming that the opinion of a panel of people who support a RIGHT to murder pre-born babies, is "FACT" where they find nothing wrong with murdering pre-born babies so that THEIR DISMEMBERED BODIES CAN BE SOLD FOR RESEARCH?


That baby looks like Mitch McConnell. lol

It does doesn't it?

It also looks MUCH smarter than McConnell. Or any Prog for that matter. I mean it hasn't even CONSIDERED murdering those who it conceived through its own willful and wanton behavior, for the sake of it's own convenience... .

There are many reasons women have abortions, all of which are none of your business.
Rather than address the revolting and disturbing images and audio in the Planned Parenthood (PP) videos, liberals continue (1) to focus on Carly Fiorina's hurried description of a short segment of one of the videos during a GOP debate, and (2) to claim that the videos have been deceptively edited.

Fiorina's description was essentially, basically accurate, but her brief summary of the PP videos in the middle of a debate is hardly the issue.

As for the editing issue, liberals have greatly exaggerated the nature and impact of the editing that has been done to the videos (the links at the end include a detailed response to PP's claims about the editing). For example, just because an audio segment is placed over earlier video footage to make a point clearer does not change the fact that the audio says what it says and that the footage shows what it shows. As long as words have not been spliced to change the intended meaning, the audio is what it is. Ditto for the video footage.

The issue is the images and audio in the PP videos. The editing claims are a distraction. The National Right to Life Committee:

Newspapers dutifully reported that “Planned Parenthood Video Was Altered, Analysis Says” (NY Times 8/28/15), “Videos deceptively edited, Planned Parenthood tells Congress” (Washington Post, 8/27/15), or “Planned Parenthood alleges ‘smear’ in letter to Congress (AP, 8/31/15).

These allegations may not be as dramatic as they sound. Fusion GPS admits that in more than 12 hours of tape, “This analysis did not reveal widespread evidence of substantive video manipulation, but we did identify cuts, skips, missing tape, and changes in camera angle.”

It went on to say “many of these edits removed likely irrelevant content from the beginning and end of the interviews, [but] all four videos also contained intentional edits that removed content from the middle of the videos.”​

CMP claims that some of the larger edits were simply gaps between meetings, or when someone went to the restroom. (CMP’s full response can be found here.)

Fusion GPS analysts try to argue that damning statements like “another boy,” while showing no evidence of being spliced in or manipulated on the tape, may have been preceded by edited out comments from the CMP actors designed to elicit comments about the aborted baby’s gender.

When the videos clearly show people in the Planned Parenthood labs clinically picking over fetal parts like brains, eyes, hearts, livers, arms or legs, disputes over exactly what prompted Planned Parenthood employees to make awkward admissions of the baby’s sex and humanity seem to be mere diversions. ( Planned Parenthood to Congress: Ignore what you see, hear in those videos | NRL News Today )​

In the links below, I have included an article that refutes PP's claims about the editing of the videos. The other links document the disturbing visual and audio material found in the videos.

Deconstructing Planned Parenthood's Failed "Forensic Analysis" Report This is a detailed response to PP's claims about the editing of the videos.

Planned Parenthood to Congress: Ignore what you see, hear in those videos | NRL News Today

Planned Parenthood Profits From The Illegal Sale Of Baby Body Parts After Abortion!!

Abortion is a Supreme Court issue, and it belongs no where on the political platform. I am certain that Carly Fiorina was trying to play patty feet with the far Christian right of the party for support, which she didn't get anyway. They like more extreme candidates. A nutcase either saw these same videos or was listening to her and decided to take it much farther. She is not extreme on abortion. She gives exception to the life of the mother, rape and incest--but she wants to stop late term abortions for 5 months & over.

None of us can honestly say that these video's are real, or that they were manufactured by Anti-abortionists that are killing the Republican Party, and it's these people that I blame. But these videos are there, and they do exist.

If there was a problem with Planned Parenthood, that is up to already elected seated officials to investigate, and not candidates running for elected positions.

A politicians opinion on abortion, is about as significant as a mosquito on an elephants ass. We have had several GOP candidates drop out of this race already because of extreme views on abortion. Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal. We still have Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum, that at any moment can make a single statement that will send the majority voting block (women) running into Hillary Clinton's column. None of the above are electable in a National election because of their extreme stances. Women--the majority voting block would never vote for them. But they great for a lot of negative news coverage.

Until the far Christian right of the Republican party finally realizes the damage they have done, and that no one can legislate their version of morality from Washington D.C., The Republican party will continue to lose national elections from here on out. They are swimming upstream against a 91% population that do give exceptions to the life of the mother, rape & incest--and all the far social right candidates they threw at this year are only representing 9% of the population.

They didn't learn anything from the loss in 2012. Where we lost women by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36 points, by the far Christian right dragging us into issues of abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions. Now this.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

I really like Carly Fiorina, I believe she is the only candidate in this race that can defeat Hillary Clinton--but at the same time we have to be realistic. This may have cost us another election.
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I think we should harvest the organs of the shooter in Colorado Springs.
Rather than address the revolting and disturbing images and audio in the Planned Parenthood (PP) videos, liberals continue (1) to focus on Carly Fiorina's hurried description of a short segment of one of the videos during a GOP debate, and (2) to claim that the videos have been deceptively edited.

Heres why. Because she lied. Now if you think lying is ok then I see why you take umbrage with someone else. But usually and universally lies are a bad thing...hurried or not. She lied and then doubled down on it

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