The FACTS on Food Stamps

I agree with some, I do wonder about those really in a hole though. Are they not able to understand limited resources? If one only has 200 or 300 bucks to get a family through the month for food, is buying junk food reasonable? Bottled water, in Chicago area, where the drinking water is well beyond the requirements for said bottled water?

why should they care? It is all allowed.... and that is THE FACTS about food stamps.

I understand that. Still reminds me of 12 year old with a two week allowance, that spends it 'all' in 1 day. The 12 year old though has parents that will continue to feed him/her and buy the necessities.

Parents though in charge of SNAP cards, purchasing junk instead of nutritious food purchases? No do overs for dependents.
In the world I came from, the parents would use that to teach a lesson about thrift, self control, and managing your assets.

My dad could pinch a penny and get a half dollar out of it! He knew the value of a dollar.
The fix is already in place. The average income per household who receives SNAP is $733 per MONTH. The average recipient receives $133 per month, which is less than $1.25 per meal. That is what keeps the average recipient from abusing it.

Get it? Got it? Good.

Don't you mean the average claimed income? Who checks the validity of the income? What keeps an un married couple from claiming she only earns $800/mo when they are living off his $150k/mo job? Honesty?


Or the unemployed "single mom" of 4 who has lived with her boyfriend for 5 years? The guy makes six figures but she and her kids are on medicaid, the section 8 house lease is in her name, she has EBT, temporary cash assistance, and she drives "his" Mercedes. When I reported her, the investigation showed no fraud. She has no income that's reported and her boyfriend has no legal responsibility to provide for her or her kids.

She gets:

$700 per month in SNAP
$500 per month temporary cash assistance
$300 per month rent supplement (her boyfriend pays his uncle the other $1500 per month, yes that's allowed)
$600 per month in Medicaid
$700 per month unemployment

That's over $33K per year. A household of 6 doesn't live large on $100K or even $133K, but she doesn't need government assistance to survive. She uses it for luxuries. That $33K per year goes a long way towards their twice yearly cruises, her $730/month car lease, their Rolex collection (she has 2, he has 3), and their MasterCraft boat.

I learned of this situation when she demanded that I double her salary from $35K because in her words "I'm worth it and I can get just as much from welfare if I quit." I refused to give her the raise and she started slacking off to get fired. Later she told me that the only reason she took the job with me was so that she could make her case that she's not a welfare queen. She dared me to report her "because everything here is legal." I reported her, and as it turns out she's right. All this is completely legal.

The system is too easily gamed.
Tick tock...tick tock...

No one can survive on just food stamps.....

Who asks a beggar to file an itemized tax return....

Its all about the questions we ask...
Don't you mean the average claimed income? Who checks the validity of the income? What keeps an un married couple from claiming she only earns $800/mo when they are living off his $150k/mo job? Honesty?


Or the unemployed "single mom" of 4 who has lived with her boyfriend for 5 years? The guy makes six figures but she and her kids are on medicaid, the section 8 house lease is in her name, she has EBT, temporary cash assistance, and she drives "his" Mercedes. When I reported her, the investigation showed no fraud. She has no income that's reported and her boyfriend has no legal responsibility to provide for her or her kids.

She gets:

$700 per month in SNAP
$500 per month temporary cash assistance
$300 per month rent supplement (her boyfriend pays his uncle the other $1500 per month, yes that's allowed)
$600 per month in Medicaid
$700 per month unemployment

That's over $33K per year. A household of 6 doesn't live large on $100K or even $133K, but she doesn't need government assistance to survive. She uses it for luxuries. That $33K per year goes a long way towards their twice yearly cruises, her $730/month car lease, their Rolex collection (she has 2, he has 3), and their MasterCraft boat.

I learned of this situation when she demanded that I double her salary from $35K because in her words "I'm worth it and I can get just as much from welfare if I quit." I refused to give her the raise and she started slacking off to get fired. Later she told me that the only reason she took the job with me was so that she could make her case that she's not a welfare queen. She dared me to report her "because everything here is legal." I reported her, and as it turns out she's right. All this is completely legal.

The system is too easily gamed.
Tick tock...tick tock...

No one can survive on just food stamps.....

Who asks a beggar to file an itemized tax return....

Its all about the questions we ask...

[ame=]Woman Begging For Money with No Shame - YouTube[/ame]
Or the unemployed "single mom" of 4 who has lived with her boyfriend for 5 years? The guy makes six figures but she and her kids are on medicaid, the section 8 house lease is in her name, she has EBT, temporary cash assistance, and she drives "his" Mercedes. When I reported her, the investigation showed no fraud. She has no income that's reported and her boyfriend has no legal responsibility to provide for her or her kids.

She gets:

$700 per month in SNAP
$500 per month temporary cash assistance
$300 per month rent supplement (her boyfriend pays his uncle the other $1500 per month, yes that's allowed)
$600 per month in Medicaid
$700 per month unemployment

That's over $33K per year. A household of 6 doesn't live large on $100K or even $133K, but she doesn't need government assistance to survive. She uses it for luxuries. That $33K per year goes a long way towards their twice yearly cruises, her $730/month car lease, their Rolex collection (she has 2, he has 3), and their MasterCraft boat.

I learned of this situation when she demanded that I double her salary from $35K because in her words "I'm worth it and I can get just as much from welfare if I quit." I refused to give her the raise and she started slacking off to get fired. Later she told me that the only reason she took the job with me was so that she could make her case that she's not a welfare queen. She dared me to report her "because everything here is legal." I reported her, and as it turns out she's right. All this is completely legal.

The system is too easily gamed.
Tick tock...tick tock...

No one can survive on just food stamps.....

Who asks a beggar to file an itemized tax return....

Its all about the questions we ask...

[ame=""]Woman Begging For Money with No Shame - YouTube[/ame]

There is actually a good thing to take out of this video.

The heart of America is still pretty damned generous....50 donations an hour, at a dollar a donation, isn't to shabby....

America still has enough heart to give to the less fortunate.

A case of crime and a glimpse of real compassion.
Tick tock...tick tock...

No one can survive on just food stamps.....

Who asks a beggar to file an itemized tax return....

Its all about the questions we ask...

[ame=""]Woman Begging For Money with No Shame - YouTube[/ame]

There is actually a good thing to take out of this video.

The heart of America is still pretty damned generous....50 donations an hour, at a dollar a donation, isn't to shabby....

America still has enough heart to give to the less fortunate.

A case of crime and a glimpse of real compassion.

tax free none the less.... and i am sure she is also on food stamps, and welfare..... no job and all ya know.
Don't you mean the average claimed income? Who checks the validity of the income? What keeps an un married couple from claiming she only earns $800/mo when they are living off his $150k/mo job? Honesty?


Or the unemployed "single mom" of 4 who has lived with her boyfriend for 5 years? The guy makes six figures but she and her kids are on medicaid, the section 8 house lease is in her name, she has EBT, temporary cash assistance, and she drives "his" Mercedes. When I reported her, the investigation showed no fraud. She has no income that's reported and her boyfriend has no legal responsibility to provide for her or her kids.

She gets:

$700 per month in SNAP
$500 per month temporary cash assistance
$300 per month rent supplement (her boyfriend pays his uncle the other $1500 per month, yes that's allowed)
$600 per month in Medicaid
$700 per month unemployment

That's over $33K per year. A household of 6 doesn't live large on $100K or even $133K, but she doesn't need government assistance to survive. She uses it for luxuries. That $33K per year goes a long way towards their twice yearly cruises, her $730/month car lease, their Rolex collection (she has 2, he has 3), and their MasterCraft boat.

I learned of this situation when she demanded that I double her salary from $35K because in her words "I'm worth it and I can get just as much from welfare if I quit." I refused to give her the raise and she started slacking off to get fired. Later she told me that the only reason she took the job with me was so that she could make her case that she's not a welfare queen. She dared me to report her "because everything here is legal." I reported her, and as it turns out she's right. All this is completely legal.

The system is too easily gamed.
Tick tock...tick tock...

No one can survive on just food stamps.....

Who asks a beggar to file an itemized tax return....

Its all about the questions we ask...

It doesn't irk me that assistance is offered. She gets $33K per year and that's barely surviving if it's all a single mom of 4 has. It irks me that it's just $33k more that she and her longtime boyfriend have to spend and they are clearly not struggling. Public assistance and progressive programs that are compassionate pay for the boat, the Mercedes, the Rolexes, and the cruises and it's all legal.

This isn't someone breaking the law, this lady was fully investigated. She even bragged about wearing a Rolex to the hearing! NONE of this situation was deemed to be fraudulent. It's all completely legal!
This is why I said coupled with other programs. You see, I understand this and other programs so much better than you do.

An income of 733 dollars and 133 dollars in food stamps. That is 866 dollars.

Now, I am living off of government assistance and using section 8. That means I pay a portion of the rent based upon My income. Since food it adjusted out, I pay maybe 400 dollar for rent AND utilities. This leaves Me with 466 dollars to walk around with.

My kids eat for free at the school for two of the daily meals. This means I have to provide them with one meal a day. For one kid at McDonalds, that is 6 dollars a day.

That is 186 dollars in a month with 31 days.

That leaves Me with 280 dollars a month.....

So, you see, this is how kids of welfare parents can get fat on 133 per month food assistance.

I'm not even touching on the more than 50 other assistant programs offered to the poor.

Wow, talk about hypocrisy. So what about people who do not receive section 8 and are on food stamps only? You're saying they should get MORE government assistance?
What hypocrisy are you talking about?

Now you want to change the conditions? Where are your vaunted stats about how many people who take food stamps also take section 8? Or how many people who take food stamps take OTHER government programs too? How many people get more than 1 program? More than a dozen?

Are they mutually exclusive, meaning if you get one, you can't get the others?

How old are your stats? I recall stories of people who have 2 kids making 50k a year getting food assistance.

You post stats, but you only go so far, and you NEVER ask the real questions.

Do you?

A household can have total assets of up to $2000 and still be eligible for SNAP. However, the average SNAP household only has $338 in assets.

All of this is in my sources. How about you read them since they are there? :cuckoo:
Tick tock...tick tock...

No one can survive on just food stamps.....

Who asks a beggar to file an itemized tax return....

Its all about the questions we ask...

[ame=""]Woman Begging For Money with No Shame - YouTube[/ame]

There is actually a good thing to take out of this video.

The heart of America is still pretty damned generous....50 donations an hour, at a dollar a donation, isn't to shabby....

America still has enough heart to give to the less fortunate.

A case of crime and a glimpse of real compassion.

All voluntary though, that's the difference.

These public programs are compulsory. We're forced to pay for the billions wasted, however "minor" that is.
Wow, talk about hypocrisy. So what about people who do not receive section 8 and are on food stamps only? You're saying they should get MORE government assistance?
What hypocrisy are you talking about?

Now you want to change the conditions? Where are your vaunted stats about how many people who take food stamps also take section 8? Or how many people who take food stamps take OTHER government programs too? How many people get more than 1 program? More than a dozen?

Are they mutually exclusive, meaning if you get one, you can't get the others?

How old are your stats? I recall stories of people who have 2 kids making 50k a year getting food assistance.

You post stats, but you only go so far, and you NEVER ask the real questions.

Do you?

A household can have total assets of up to $2000 and still be eligible for SNAP. However, the average SNAP household only has $338 in assets.

All of this is in my sources. How about you read them since they are there? :cuckoo:

are you back?

i am amazed.
Wow, talk about hypocrisy. So what about people who do not receive section 8 and are on food stamps only? You're saying they should get MORE government assistance?
What hypocrisy are you talking about?

Now you want to change the conditions? Where are your vaunted stats about how many people who take food stamps also take section 8? Or how many people who take food stamps take OTHER government programs too? How many people get more than 1 program? More than a dozen?

Are they mutually exclusive, meaning if you get one, you can't get the others?

How old are your stats? I recall stories of people who have 2 kids making 50k a year getting food assistance.

You post stats, but you only go so far, and you NEVER ask the real questions.

Do you?

A household can have total assets of up to $2000 and still be eligible for SNAP. However, the average SNAP household only has $338 in assets.

All of this is in my sources. How about you read them since they are there? :cuckoo:
Here is an idea. Since we've already shown you that your stats really don't conform to reality, how about you simply answer our questions? The lady in the video sure seemed to make a lot of money for only having to have 338 dollars in assets.

There is actually a good thing to take out of this video.

The heart of America is still pretty damned generous....50 donations an hour, at a dollar a donation, isn't to shabby....

America still has enough heart to give to the less fortunate.

A case of crime and a glimpse of real compassion.

All voluntary though, that's the difference.

These public programs are compulsory. We're forced to pay for the billions wasted, however "minor" that is.

Yes...I was making an observation on the compassion of the American people when faced with hardship. It seems that the entire meme that if we don't have government provide it, we can't care for everyone isn't exactly true.
What hypocrisy are you talking about?

Now you want to change the conditions? Where are your vaunted stats about how many people who take food stamps also take section 8? Or how many people who take food stamps take OTHER government programs too? How many people get more than 1 program? More than a dozen?

Are they mutually exclusive, meaning if you get one, you can't get the others?

How old are your stats? I recall stories of people who have 2 kids making 50k a year getting food assistance.

You post stats, but you only go so far, and you NEVER ask the real questions.

Do you?

A household can have total assets of up to $2000 and still be eligible for SNAP. However, the average SNAP household only has $338 in assets.

All of this is in my sources. How about you read them since they are there? :cuckoo:
Here is an idea. Since we've already shown you that your stats really don't conform to reality, how about you simply answer our questions? The lady in the video sure seemed to make a lot of money for only having to have 338 dollars in assets.

How do my stats not conform to reality? This is simple government information. Why would I trust some random YouTube video over it?

Give it a rest.
A household can have total assets of up to $2000 and still be eligible for SNAP. However, the average SNAP household only has $338 in assets.

All of this is in my sources. How about you read them since they are there? :cuckoo:
Here is an idea. Since we've already shown you that your stats really don't conform to reality, how about you simply answer our questions? The lady in the video sure seemed to make a lot of money for only having to have 338 dollars in assets.

How do my stats not conform to reality? This is simple government information. Why would I trust some random YouTube video over it?

Give it a rest.
You just said it yourself. your government information is just that. Raw information. Ask it a question and it will provide you with the answer you want. But you have to ask it the right questions, not your partisan questions.

That random youtube video is real people, not numbers on a screen, that is why you should give it weight.

And please. I will no more give up My beliefs and morality for you than i would for anyone asking Me to willingly suspend disbelief.

Give it a rest..
Here is an idea. Since we've already shown you that your stats really don't conform to reality, how about you simply answer our questions? The lady in the video sure seemed to make a lot of money for only having to have 338 dollars in assets.

How do my stats not conform to reality? This is simple government information. Why would I trust some random YouTube video over it?

Give it a rest.
You just said it yourself. your government information is just that. Raw information. Ask it a question and it will provide you with the answer you want. But you have to ask it the right questions, not your partisan questions.

That random youtube video is real people, not numbers on a screen, that is why you should give it weight.

And please. I will no more give up My beliefs and morality for you than i would for anyone asking Me to willingly suspend disbelief.

Give it a rest..

he could not even answer simple questions about what was allowed to purchase.......

very telling.
Here is an idea. Since we've already shown you that your stats really don't conform to reality, how about you simply answer our questions? The lady in the video sure seemed to make a lot of money for only having to have 338 dollars in assets.

How do my stats not conform to reality? This is simple government information. Why would I trust some random YouTube video over it?

Give it a rest.
You just said it yourself. your government information is just that. Raw information. Ask it a question and it will provide you with the answer you want. But you have to ask it the right questions, not your partisan questions.

That random youtube video is real people, not numbers on a screen, that is why you should give it weight.

And please. I will no more give up My beliefs and morality for you than i would for anyone asking Me to willingly suspend disbelief.

Give it a rest..

Ask it a question and it will provide you with the information you want? Are you even listening to yourself? Um, I haven't asked any "partisan" questions.

Do you believe everything YouTube tells you?
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How do my stats not conform to reality? This is simple government information. Why would I trust some random YouTube video over it?

Give it a rest.
You just said it yourself. your government information is just that. Raw information. Ask it a question and it will provide you with the answer you want. But you have to ask it the right questions, not your partisan questions.

That random youtube video is real people, not numbers on a screen, that is why you should give it weight.

And please. I will no more give up My beliefs and morality for you than i would for anyone asking Me to willingly suspend disbelief.

Give it a rest..

Ask it a question and it will provide you with the information you want? Are you even listening to yourself? Um, I haven't asked any "partisan" questions.

Do you believe everything YouTube tells you?

Okay, before I put you on ignore, I want you to understand something.

The information and statistics you provided were based upon a database search. I know because one of My degrees is in database administration.

In order to get information from a database, you have to have what is called a SQL statement. A SQL statement is nothing more than a syntactic way of asking a question of a database.

If I have a database on baseball, and I want to know how many home runs Derek Jeter hit in 2007, that would be a question. So, My question would look something like:

Select from from baseball
Where Player = jeter and season = 2007 and score = hr

This is not a real SQL but an example of how one could go about asking a question of a database.

The result set would be the number of home runs Jeter made in 2007.

Now, i can qualify that question by asking on what day of the week he hit those Home runs and if those days of the week corresponded to his nights stayed at home or painting the town. It all depends upon the depth of the information.

through this process, I can get that database to say anything I wish it to. I just have to ask the right question.

So the next time you want to tout government sure to consider the questions that were asked to produce those results...and be sure to ask yourself who asked those questions.
In a few years when this welfare queen ex-employee of mine has no kids in the house, no sugar daddy boyfriend, and no career who is she going to turn to?

Government aid.

That is the problem with these inefficient systems that are gamed so easily. They turn temporary assistance into a lifestyle and miss out on actual achievement. While the lucrative ride eventually ends, the culture of dependency persists.

Give aid where it's needed, when it's needed and how it's needed. Don't give away free McD's and call that "cheap." It's not, on many levels.
What are we up to now 48% of Amerika is on food stamps now? Do you see something wrong here?

Yep. The problem is selfish employers working people into the ground and paying them a few dollars an hour for it.

America - the land of slave labor!
Oh look. Another dishonest person has weighed in.

Whats the matter Noomi? Still mad that you aren't being paid 100k a year for a high school diploma? did graduate high school, right?
What are we up to now 48% of Amerika is on food stamps now? Do you see something wrong here?

Yep. The problem is selfish employers working people into the ground and paying them a few dollars an hour for it.

America - the land of slave labor!
Oh look. Another dishonest person has weighed in.

Whats the matter Noomi? Still mad that you aren't being paid 100k a year for a high school diploma? did graduate high school, right?

I am not bitching about anything. I do bitch about selfish people who refuse to give their employes what they are entitled to, which is why I would never work in the US.

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