The FACTS on Food Stamps

people who face HUNGER are NEVER obese or overweight.

There are a lot of over weight and obese people in America.

There are also people who are hungry. And there are children who go to school hungry. It is helping those who are truly in need that the Food Stamp Program and food banks are all about. If there are those who abuse the system, there is only so much you can do about that: there will always be people who will abuse any system. But we need to be aware that there should not be hungry people in America: it is still, despite what many say, one of the richest, most prosperous countries in the world with a vast number of people who have too much to eat and should not resent the tax dollars spent on those who may not have enough.

the vast majority do not even need them. the enrollment is a way to make more Americans dependent on the government and therefore securing their votes.

The really hungry ones are never overweight or obese. EVER.

You have proof of that? Or are you just spreading lies?
If most people on food stamps do not get enough to last the month how are the 45 MILLION PEOPLE ON FOOD STAMPS continuing to survive?

According to what I've read: food banks take up the slack. I think what people get for food stamps is probably similar to what people get for minimum wage: just barely enough to get by and in some cases not even that much.

If were to force people to "work" for a living then these folks would have a helluva lot more than just enough to get by.

The majority of people on food stamps work. Many are even in the military.
Next bullshit argument?
Folks doing okay call junk food "comfort food"....poor folks call it what they can get at a 7/11 because there's no grocery stores left open around where they live. Or JOBS. Call the Fortune 500 corporations to task on your chinese piece of shit hammer you paid $6 for worth what you're paying in increased taxes to keep those who lost that American hammer job above water? We on the right are just handing over millions of voters to the Rats because of the anal-retentive nature of the country club set squeezing every last nickel out of their product they can. Business didn't used to operate like this and nobody who claims they're a Christian should put up with it any longer. Bring back the JOBS, then shoot at whoever is left on welfare for all I care.....

the best way to save money is to COOK for yourself from RAW products.

people who are buying "comfort food" are plain LAZY.
If most people on food stamps do not get enough to last the month how are the 45 MILLION PEOPLE ON FOOD STAMPS continuing to survive?

According to what I've read: food banks take up the slack. I think what people get for food stamps is probably similar to what people get for minimum wage: just barely enough to get by and in some cases not even that much.
Yep. Most of the people I know with families also have to go to the food bank and other charities.
My one friend and his family used to get help from LDS. I will say this, Mormons are very good at helping out their members.

My brothers ex girlfriend is LDS now she lives in Utah, they pay half her rent.
Hmm, if it is a FACT, lets see some evidence. Surely you can produce tons of evidence of this with all the SNAP people eating lobsters these days. Do they also buy some wine to cook it in, and have a side of caviar?

If you want something to piss and moan about, try the FACT you are subsidizing low wage workers with SNAP from your taxes, while corporations walk away with billions of profits.

Lobster tails you can since they are seafood. Live lobsters you can not. You can also not buy alcohol.

And as an aside. Lobster tails can be found at the grocery store relatively cheaply....last I priced them was at $ 6.99 lb. That is not any worse than buying chicken, pork or steak.

Talk about a non issue. :rolleyes:
Chicken can be had for 1.49 a pound for dark meat and 2 bucks a pound for whole chickens. Same for pork and chuck steak. I'm fairly well off but consider 7 a pound to be a ridiculous price compared to chick/pork prices.

When you can get Lobster tails that are anywhere from 1 oz to 14 oz. It's not that bad in comparison.
According to what I've read: food banks take up the slack. I think what people get for food stamps is probably similar to what people get for minimum wage: just barely enough to get by and in some cases not even that much.

If were to force people to "work" for a living then these folks would have a helluva lot more than just enough to get by.

The majority of people on food stamps work. Many are even in the military.
Next bullshit argument?

proof link much?
Folks doing okay call junk food "comfort food"....poor folks call it what they can get at a 7/11 because there's no grocery stores left open around where they live. Or JOBS. Call the Fortune 500 corporations to task on your chinese piece of shit hammer you paid $6 for worth what you're paying in increased taxes to keep those who lost that American hammer job above water? We on the right are just handing over millions of voters to the Rats because of the anal-retentive nature of the country club set squeezing every last nickel out of their product they can. Business didn't used to operate like this and nobody who claims they're a Christian should put up with it any longer. Bring back the JOBS, then shoot at whoever is left on welfare for all I care.....

You keep saying bring back the jobs... like there is some magic way to do that. What jobs are you talking about? You want to get in a Chinese like assembly line to be paid minimum wage your whole life and live in a small room in a small hut?
There are a lot of over weight and obese people in America.

There are also people who are hungry. And there are children who go to school hungry. It is helping those who are truly in need that the Food Stamp Program and food banks are all about. If there are those who abuse the system, there is only so much you can do about that: there will always be people who will abuse any system. But we need to be aware that there should not be hungry people in America: it is still, despite what many say, one of the richest, most prosperous countries in the world with a vast number of people who have too much to eat and should not resent the tax dollars spent on those who may not have enough.

the vast majority do not even need them. the enrollment is a way to make more Americans dependent on the government and therefore securing their votes.

The really hungry ones are never overweight or obese. EVER.

You have proof of that? Or are you just spreading lies?

yes, I have. The human history.

it is YOU who never have any proof of anything.

as you never did with "white hispanic" and just lied, lied, lied :lol:
Folks doing okay call junk food "comfort food"....poor folks call it what they can get at a 7/11 because there's no grocery stores left open around where they live. Or JOBS. Call the Fortune 500 corporations to task on your chinese piece of shit hammer you paid $6 for worth what you're paying in increased taxes to keep those who lost that American hammer job above water? We on the right are just handing over millions of voters to the Rats because of the anal-retentive nature of the country club set squeezing every last nickel out of their product they can. Business didn't used to operate like this and nobody who claims they're a Christian should put up with it any longer. Bring back the JOBS, then shoot at whoever is left on welfare for all I care.....

You keep saying bring back the jobs... like there is some magic way to do that. What jobs are you talking about? You want to get in a Chinese like assembly line to be paid minimum wage your whole life and live in a small room in a small hut?

U.S. economic policy is primarily focused on preventing inflation. This is bad economic policy; instead, our primary economic policy should be full employment, and any/all actions the government can take to assure this happens should be taken.
Folks doing okay call junk food "comfort food"....poor folks call it what they can get at a 7/11 because there's no grocery stores left open around where they live. Or JOBS. Call the Fortune 500 corporations to task on your chinese piece of shit hammer you paid $6 for worth what you're paying in increased taxes to keep those who lost that American hammer job above water? We on the right are just handing over millions of voters to the Rats because of the anal-retentive nature of the country club set squeezing every last nickel out of their product they can. Business didn't used to operate like this and nobody who claims they're a Christian should put up with it any longer. Bring back the JOBS, then shoot at whoever is left on welfare for all I care.....

the best way to save money is to COOK for yourself from RAW products.

people who are buying "comfort food" are plain LAZY.

This is what I'm talking about folks....this here gent thinks the black folks downtown should eat what dogs they can catch and boil weeds from abandoned yards they can round up. :lol: But now this is out in the burbs....hell, it's everywhere...the Rats love it and their party grows stronger by the day from advice to the GOP? Get the fucking JOBS back here pronto while there are still people who know how to do them.
Actually, the one who's getting trashed is you.

It's not a loaded question, it's a yes or no question. And like most leftard loons, you resent yes or no questions...because you know what the answer is, but you want to spin it in a way that's contrary to the truth.

Hmm, if it is a FACT, lets see some evidence. Surely you can produce tons of evidence of this with all the SNAP people eating lobsters these days. Do they also buy some wine to cook it in, and have a side of caviar?

If you want something to piss and moan about, try the FACT you are subsidizing low wage workers with SNAP from your taxes, while corporations walk away with billions of profits.

same question to you.... a simple yes or no answer

can you buy lobster with snap/food stamps?
I find this whole discussion about lobster ridiculous. If someone is buying things like lobster with food stamps, it is rare, not a typical thing. If people did that, they'd run out of their food stamps in a week, or in a day even. There will always be people who abuse any system; you don't eliminate the system because of those who may abuse it.

As well, what if people buy junk food with food stamps. What gives Americans, most of whom live on tons of junk food and are over weight, the right to say that only they can do such things, that poor people must be punished for being poor by only eating rice, beans and vegetables? Get a life. The food stamp budget isn't breaking America's back: stupidity is what is doing that.

Stupidity like the vapid tripe you just wrote.

It is not rare. It is prevalent.

Nobody is punishing anyone. It's a program meant to prevent starvation, and as an entitlement program (which means it isn't earned) we can give free food in any manner we choose. If we choose to only provide beans, rice, milk and 10 lbs a meat, we can do that. If people don't like it, they can get their own food.

That's the way it works the best.

The whole idea that people have a *right* to free lobster and ribeye is ridiculous. They don't. If they did, then I would be getting mine as well...

What you are saying is that FOODSTAMP RECIPIENTS have a right to FREE DELICACIES that nobody else can afford.

They don't.

Not it isn't prevalent.
Stop spreading hate with little facts to back it up

same question luissa. Yes or no please.

can you buy lobster with snap/food stamps.
Lobster tails you can since they are seafood. Live lobsters you can not. You can also not buy alcohol.

And as an aside. Lobster tails can be found at the grocery store relatively cheaply....last I priced them was at $ 6.99 lb. That is not any worse than buying chicken, pork or steak.

Talk about a non issue. :rolleyes:
Chicken can be had for 1.49 a pound for dark meat and 2 bucks a pound for whole chickens. Same for pork and chuck steak. I'm fairly well off but consider 7 a pound to be a ridiculous price compared to chick/pork prices.

When you can get Lobster tails that are anywhere from 1 oz to 14 oz. It's not that bad in comparison.
I call those appetizers :) Seriously, I'd much rather get a whole chicken then use it for a few meals (beer can chicken day one, chicken and ___ day two, and then chicken soup using the bones and all for stock day three). I don't mind spending money on food but when you can feed a family of five three meals for the price of big mac meal for a single person, it's hard to understand why others would not do the same. We do the same with Sunday ham, it becomes ham and rice on day two, and ham bone soup on day three. We get our sugar, beans, rice, etc. in large sacks for a fraction of the store price and store them in 5gallon containers.
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Folks doing okay call junk food "comfort food"....poor folks call it what they can get at a 7/11 because there's no grocery stores left open around where they live. Or JOBS. Call the Fortune 500 corporations to task on your chinese piece of shit hammer you paid $6 for worth what you're paying in increased taxes to keep those who lost that American hammer job above water? We on the right are just handing over millions of voters to the Rats because of the anal-retentive nature of the country club set squeezing every last nickel out of their product they can. Business didn't used to operate like this and nobody who claims they're a Christian should put up with it any longer. Bring back the JOBS, then shoot at whoever is left on welfare for all I care.....

the best way to save money is to COOK for yourself from RAW products.

people who are buying "comfort food" are plain LAZY.

This is what I'm talking about folks....this here gent thinks the black folks downtown should eat what dogs they can catch and boil weeds from abandoned yards they can round up. :lol: But now this is out in the burbs....hell, it's everywhere...the Rats love it and their party grows stronger by the day from advice to the GOP? Get the fucking JOBS back here pronto while there are still people who know how to do them.

You can buy seeds and garden plants with snap to grow your own garden. That fact probably pisses them off though. ;)
No, it's a loaded question and one you've already been trashed asking. This is school yard stuff.....I hear you're a respected poster about getting your game back up to snuff. :eusa_eh:

its not a loaded question

can you buy lobster with food stamps/snap?

yes or no.

You've been watching too many Perry Mason reruns. :lol:

and you cant answer a simple question about snap

Actually, the one who's getting trashed is you.

It's not a loaded question, it's a yes or no question. And like most leftard loons, you resent yes or no questions...because you know what the answer is, but you want to spin it in a way that's contrary to the truth.

Hmm, if it is a FACT, lets see some evidence. Surely you can produce tons of evidence of this with all the SNAP people eating lobsters these days. Do they also buy some wine to cook it in, and have a side of caviar?

If you want something to piss and moan about, try the FACT you are subsidizing low wage workers with SNAP from your taxes, while corporations walk away with billions of profits.

same question to you.... a simple yes or no answer

can you buy lobster with snap/food stamps?

I have to say no, because you have provided no FACTS that what you say is true, how many SNAPs are eating lobster, where it says in the rules they can or cannot eat lobster, are they eating lobster at all. Your word of FACT don't mean nothing. But I say NO until you can prove otherwise and produce FACTS that it is a trend among SNAP receivers.:eusa_hand:
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Folks doing okay call junk food "comfort food"....poor folks call it what they can get at a 7/11 because there's no grocery stores left open around where they live. Or JOBS. Call the Fortune 500 corporations to task on your chinese piece of shit hammer you paid $6 for worth what you're paying in increased taxes to keep those who lost that American hammer job above water? We on the right are just handing over millions of voters to the Rats because of the anal-retentive nature of the country club set squeezing every last nickel out of their product they can. Business didn't used to operate like this and nobody who claims they're a Christian should put up with it any longer. Bring back the JOBS, then shoot at whoever is left on welfare for all I care.....

the best way to save money is to COOK for yourself from RAW products.

people who are buying "comfort food" are plain LAZY.

This is what I'm talking about folks....this here gent thinks the black folks downtown should eat what dogs they can catch and boil weeds from abandoned yards they can round up. :lol: But now this is out in the burbs....hell, it's everywhere...the Rats love it and their party grows stronger by the day from advice to the GOP? Get the fucking JOBS back here pronto while there are still people who know how to do them.

what does this logorrhea have to do with saving money on cooking one's own food from raw products not feeding your family frozen pizza from Costco? :rolleyes:
Chicken can be had for 1.49 a pound for dark meat and 2 bucks a pound for whole chickens. Same for pork and chuck steak. I'm fairly well off but consider 7 a pound to be a ridiculous price compared to chick/pork prices.

When you can get Lobster tails that are anywhere from 1 oz to 14 oz. It's not that bad in comparison.
I call those appetizers :) Seriously, I'd much rather get a whole chicken then use it for a few meals (beer can chicken day one, chicken and ___ day two, and then chicken soup using the bones and all for stock day three). I don't mind spending money on food but when you can feed a family of five for the price of big mac meal, it's hard to understand why others would not do the same.

I agree....homemade chicken soup is da bomb. But...on certain occasions I will/can splurge on the lobster tails without going broke.
Hmm, if it is a FACT, lets see some evidence. Surely you can produce tons of evidence of this with all the SNAP people eating lobsters these days. Do they also buy some wine to cook it in, and have a side of caviar?

If you want something to piss and moan about, try the FACT you are subsidizing low wage workers with SNAP from your taxes, while corporations walk away with billions of profits.

same question to you.... a simple yes or no answer

can you buy lobster with snap/food stamps?

I have to say no, because you have provided no FACTS that what you say is true, how many SNAPs are eating lobster, where it says in the rules they can or cannot eat lobster. Your word of FACT don't mean nothing. But I say NO until you can prove otherwise and produce FACTS that it is a trend among SNAP receivers.:eusa_hand: Food Stamps Steak Receipt

and where so i say it is in the rules that they CANT buy lobster?
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