The FACTS on Food Stamps

Folks doing okay call junk food "comfort food"....poor folks call it what they can get at a 7/11 because there's no grocery stores left open around where they live. Or JOBS. Call the Fortune 500 corporations to task on your chinese piece of shit hammer you paid $6 for worth what you're paying in increased taxes to keep those who lost that American hammer job above water? We on the right are just handing over millions of voters to the Rats because of the anal-retentive nature of the country club set squeezing every last nickel out of their product they can. Business didn't used to operate like this and nobody who claims they're a Christian should put up with it any longer. Bring back the JOBS, then shoot at whoever is left on welfare for all I care.....

You keep saying bring back the jobs... like there is some magic way to do that. What jobs are you talking about? You want to get in a Chinese like assembly line to be paid minimum wage your whole life and live in a small room in a small hut?

Hell yeah, there's a "magic way" to that. Get us out of NAFTA and the WTO. Then tell the Fortune 500 they have 180 days to return manufacturing and assembly to the plants they shuttered here or face DEATH TARIFFS and confiscation of any and all goods still in-country as contraband. 180 days best get moving or lose access to the American marketplace. Give those who trade with us the same deal we gave them....they'll run for the phone trying to give their puppets in CONgress more campaign funds to keep things just like they are. Those calls need to go unanswered.

This is our country we're talking about....these are our fellow citizens....folks who used to have pride in what they did and had the pride of ownership in homes they've now lost because Wall St. cocksuckers sub-prime mortgage schemes....We bailed them out and they still won't loan the money we gave them for new start-ups. That has to stop with a few of the heavyweights being duck-walked to a paddy wagon. There's no sense whatever in the "global economy" bullshit....that's just a nice way of saying they'll chase the lowest labor dollar into outer-space if necessary....AMERICA FIRST.

p.s. If I were CIC I'd order my submarine commanders to torpedo any cargo ship from the orient heading into Long Beach, California. I believe that would get the point across to those who've hijacked our economy the quickest.
Folks doing okay call junk food "comfort food"....poor folks call it what they can get at a 7/11 because there's no grocery stores left open around where they live. Or JOBS. Call the Fortune 500 corporations to task on your chinese piece of shit hammer you paid $6 for worth what you're paying in increased taxes to keep those who lost that American hammer job above water? We on the right are just handing over millions of voters to the Rats because of the anal-retentive nature of the country club set squeezing every last nickel out of their product they can. Business didn't used to operate like this and nobody who claims they're a Christian should put up with it any longer. Bring back the JOBS, then shoot at whoever is left on welfare for all I care.....

You keep saying bring back the jobs... like there is some magic way to do that. What jobs are you talking about? You want to get in a Chinese like assembly line to be paid minimum wage your whole life and live in a small room in a small hut?

U.S. economic policy is primarily focused on preventing inflation. This is bad economic policy; instead, our primary economic policy should be full employment, and any/all actions the government can take to assure this happens should be taken.
Agreed break up the monopolies. Break up foreign slave wage based products by applying import taxes. Break up executive board room monopolies on executive pay with laws allowing the owners of publicly traded companies to have a say in executive pay structure. Break up the shell game of off-shoring. End H1B visas in this country while over 5% unemployment. Reduce unemployment by returning us to 3months of unemployment insurance.
If were to force people to "work" for a living then these folks would have a helluva lot more than just enough to get by.

The majority of people on food stamps work. Many are even in the military.
Next bullshit argument?

proof link much?

9) Myth: People who get SNAP benefits aren't employed and have no incentive to look for work.
Truth: In 2010, more than three times as many SNAP households had members who were employed as compared to those who relied solely on SNAP benefits for food. With high unemployment rates in America today, the number of households on SNAP that also have at least one working family member has steadily increased over the last two decades.
They are called the 'working poor.'
Susan Blumenthal, M.D.: Debunking Myths About Food Stamps
Folks doing okay call junk food "comfort food"....poor folks call it what they can get at a 7/11 because there's no grocery stores left open around where they live. Or JOBS. Call the Fortune 500 corporations to task on your chinese piece of shit hammer you paid $6 for worth what you're paying in increased taxes to keep those who lost that American hammer job above water? We on the right are just handing over millions of voters to the Rats because of the anal-retentive nature of the country club set squeezing every last nickel out of their product they can. Business didn't used to operate like this and nobody who claims they're a Christian should put up with it any longer. Bring back the JOBS, then shoot at whoever is left on welfare for all I care.....

You keep saying bring back the jobs... like there is some magic way to do that. What jobs are you talking about? You want to get in a Chinese like assembly line to be paid minimum wage your whole life and live in a small room in a small hut?

Hell yeah, there's a "magic way" to that. Get us out of NAFTA and the WTO. Then tell the Fortune 500 they have 180 days to return manufacturing and assembly to the plants they shuttered here or face DEATH TARIFFS and confiscation of any and all goods still in-country as contraband. 180 days best get moving or lose access to the American marketplace. Give those who trade with us the same deal we gave them....they'll run for the phone trying to give their puppets in CONgress more campaign funds to keep things just like they are. Those calls need to go unanswered.

This is our country we're talking about....these are our fellow citizens....folks who used to have pride in what they did and had the pride of ownership in homes they've now lost because Wall St. cocksuckers sub-prime mortgage schemes....We bailed them out and they still won't loan the money we gave them for new start-ups. That has to stop with a few of the heavyweights being duck-walked to a paddy wagon. There's no sense whatever in the "global economy" bullshit....that's just a nice way of saying they'll chase the lowest labor dollar into outer-space if necessary....AMERICA FIRST.

p.s. If I were CIC I'd order my submarine commanders to torpedo any cargo ship from the orient heading into Long Beach, California. I believe that would get the point across to those who've hijacked our economy the quickest.

ROFL tell me what you really think stop holding back :)
You can only buy fast food with your food stamps if you live in Arizona, parts of California, and Michigan. Kentucky was working to allow it also, not sure if it passed yet.
And you have to be elderly, disabled, or homeless.
You cannot withdraw cash from your food stamps. You can withdraw cash if you were given a TANF grant. And that is obvious why. It's hard to pay bills etc.. With your EBT card.

I find this whole discussion about lobster ridiculous. If someone is buying things like lobster with food stamps, it is rare, not a typical thing. If people did that, they'd run out of their food stamps in a week, or in a day even. There will always be people who abuse any system; you don't eliminate the system because of those who may abuse it.

As well, what if people buy junk food with food stamps. What gives Americans, most of whom live on tons of junk food and are over weight, the right to say that only they can do such things, that poor people must be punished for being poor by only eating rice, beans and vegetables? Get a life. The food stamp budget isn't breaking America's back: stupidity is what is doing that.

What right does someone have to ask for help and then you give it to them, and then they misuse it and buy crap foods, instead of healthy food.

Eating food that is good for you is now punishing the poor? Wow, you have really gone off the deep end.
The majority of people on food stamps work. Many are even in the military.
Next bullshit argument?

proof link much?

9) Myth: People who get SNAP benefits aren't employed and have no incentive to look for work.
Truth: In 2010, more than three times as many SNAP households had members who were employed as compared to those who relied solely on SNAP benefits for food. With high unemployment rates in America today, the number of households on SNAP that also have at least one working family member has steadily increased over the last two decades.
They are called the 'working poor.'
Susan Blumenthal, M.D.: Debunking Myths About Food Stamps

I know many of these folks. They limit their work hours so they won't go over the income limits imposed by the government. To these folks any amount of work over say 30hours is money out the door. I suspect 30hours is the current magic number for minimum wage. I also suspect that is why 30hrs is the Obama Care number. I further suspect that is why the vast majority of new jobs in this country under Obama have been part time jobs.
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You've been watching too many Perry Mason reruns. :lol:

and you cant answer a simple question about snap


IF it is simple question about SNAP, then what is your trolling here on thread? Burning up band-width for any particular reason?

it is a very simple question..... we are looking for facts.

so far a good deal of people in the thread have dodged the question.....
You can only buy fast food with your food stamps if you live in Arizona, parts of California, and Michigan. Kentucky was working to allow it also, not sure if it passed yet.
And you have to be elderly, disabled, or homeless.
You cannot withdraw cash from your food stamps. You can withdraw cash if you were given a TANF grant. And that is obvious why. It's hard to pay bills etc.. With your EBT card.

I find this whole discussion about lobster ridiculous. If someone is buying things like lobster with food stamps, it is rare, not a typical thing. If people did that, they'd run out of their food stamps in a week, or in a day even. There will always be people who abuse any system; you don't eliminate the system because of those who may abuse it.

As well, what if people buy junk food with food stamps. What gives Americans, most of whom live on tons of junk food and are over weight, the right to say that only they can do such things, that poor people must be punished for being poor by only eating rice, beans and vegetables? Get a life. The food stamp budget isn't breaking America's back: stupidity is what is doing that.

What right does someone have to ask for help and then you give it to them, and then they misuse it and buy crap foods, instead of healthy food.

Eating food that is good for you is now punishing the poor? Wow, you have really gone off the deep end.

Seems conservatives are not interested in having commodity points where people pick up their food, thus saving taxpayers from paying middlemen to deliver and sell it. You can control what healthy foods SNAP people get.
You keep saying bring back the jobs... like there is some magic way to do that. What jobs are you talking about? You want to get in a Chinese like assembly line to be paid minimum wage your whole life and live in a small room in a small hut?

Hell yeah, there's a "magic way" to that. Get us out of NAFTA and the WTO. Then tell the Fortune 500 they have 180 days to return manufacturing and assembly to the plants they shuttered here or face DEATH TARIFFS and confiscation of any and all goods still in-country as contraband. 180 days best get moving or lose access to the American marketplace. Give those who trade with us the same deal we gave them....they'll run for the phone trying to give their puppets in CONgress more campaign funds to keep things just like they are. Those calls need to go unanswered.

This is our country we're talking about....these are our fellow citizens....folks who used to have pride in what they did and had the pride of ownership in homes they've now lost because Wall St. cocksuckers sub-prime mortgage schemes....We bailed them out and they still won't loan the money we gave them for new start-ups. That has to stop with a few of the heavyweights being duck-walked to a paddy wagon. There's no sense whatever in the "global economy" bullshit....that's just a nice way of saying they'll chase the lowest labor dollar into outer-space if necessary....AMERICA FIRST.

p.s. If I were CIC I'd order my submarine commanders to torpedo any cargo ship from the orient heading into Long Beach, California. I believe that would get the point across to those who've hijacked our economy the quickest.

ROFL tell me what you really think stop holding back :)

:lol: If I did Syrenn might hang herself with a strap from her Gucci purse.
proof link much?

9) Myth: People who get SNAP benefits aren't employed and have no incentive to look for work.
Truth: In 2010, more than three times as many SNAP households had members who were employed as compared to those who relied solely on SNAP benefits for food. With high unemployment rates in America today, the number of households on SNAP that also have at least one working family member has steadily increased over the last two decades.
They are called the 'working poor.'
Susan Blumenthal, M.D.: Debunking Myths About Food Stamps

I know many of these folks. They limit their work hours so they won't go over the income limits imposed by the government. To these folks any amount of work over say 30hours is money out the door. I suspect 30hours is the current magic number for minimum wage. I also suspect that is why 30hrs is the Obama Care number. I further suspect that is why the vast majority of new jobs in this country under Obama have been part time jobs.

I've seen documentaries showing military families on food stamps. A private with kids and a wife often doesn't make enough money to fully take care of his family. I don't know why it is, but it does seem like those who are not well to do themselves, who don't have a lot to brag about as far as wealth and property, like to be controlled by the GOP, a party run by the wealthy. Also, those who are not much above the poverty line like to hate those who are poor, resent and hate them deeply and assume they are all lazy, good for nothings just living off the government. You don't realize that is what the GOP tells you. It is their rant; it isn't reality. Most of those getting food stamps are the elderly, the disabled and children. You may think the children's parents are lazy good for nothings, but you cannot resent the children--they can't do anything about being poor unless you want to have child labor in this country.

(4) Myth: There is widespread abuse and fraud in SNAP by beneficiaries.

Truth: Due to more than a decade of increased oversight by the USDA, including the introduction of the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card, fraud in the SNAP program has reached all-time lows.

In 2010, the Government Accountability Office found that "trafficking," a fraudulent activity commonly cited in the media, where SNAP benefits are sold for cash, has decreased from 3.8 cents per dollar of benefits in 1993 to about 1 cent per dollar of benefits -- a significant decline.

While there is always room for improvement, it is a clear exaggeration to suggest that fraud is widespread within SNAP.
Susan Blumenthal, M.D.: Debunking Myths About Food Stamps
proof link much?

9) Myth: People who get SNAP benefits aren't employed and have no incentive to look for work.
Truth: In 2010, more than three times as many SNAP households had members who were employed as compared to those who relied solely on SNAP benefits for food. With high unemployment rates in America today, the number of households on SNAP that also have at least one working family member has steadily increased over the last two decades.
They are called the 'working poor.'
Susan Blumenthal, M.D.: Debunking Myths About Food Stamps

I know many of these folks. They limit their work hours so they won't go over the income limits imposed by the government.

LMAO! And how do they do that trick? You mean the employer limits their hours, and if he wanted fulltime workers they would work fulltime or get out. Don't BS us now with how the worker suddenly has rights to work less hours, etc. LMAO!!:lol::lol:
Well the fast food depends on what state you are in, you can't buy that where I live, they won't even let you buy hot food like rotissirie chicken from Walmart.

I saw a yelling match over deli chicken in the Safeway I shop in.....not on EBT, no way, no how.

Yup they won't let you buy anything hot.

No hot foods, not in my state either. But lobster, crab, steaks, caviar, you can buy all you want.
Hell yeah, there's a "magic way" to that. Get us out of NAFTA and the WTO. Then tell the Fortune 500 they have 180 days to return manufacturing and assembly to the plants they shuttered here or face DEATH TARIFFS and confiscation of any and all goods still in-country as contraband. 180 days best get moving or lose access to the American marketplace. Give those who trade with us the same deal we gave them....they'll run for the phone trying to give their puppets in CONgress more campaign funds to keep things just like they are. Those calls need to go unanswered.

This is our country we're talking about....these are our fellow citizens....folks who used to have pride in what they did and had the pride of ownership in homes they've now lost because Wall St. cocksuckers sub-prime mortgage schemes....We bailed them out and they still won't loan the money we gave them for new start-ups. That has to stop with a few of the heavyweights being duck-walked to a paddy wagon. There's no sense whatever in the "global economy" bullshit....that's just a nice way of saying they'll chase the lowest labor dollar into outer-space if necessary....AMERICA FIRST.

p.s. If I were CIC I'd order my submarine commanders to torpedo any cargo ship from the orient heading into Long Beach, California. I believe that would get the point across to those who've hijacked our economy the quickest.

ROFL tell me what you really think stop holding back :)

:lol: If I did Syrenn might hang herself with a strap from her Gucci purse.

not a chance! I prefer Hermes :lol:

I know many of these folks. They limit their work hours so they won't go over the income limits imposed by the government.

LMAO! And how do they do that trick? You mean the employer limits their hours, and if he wanted fulltime workers they would work fulltime or get out. Don't BS us now with how the worker suddenly has rights to work less hours, etc. LMAO!!:lol::lol:

I had employees that wanted limited hours, otherwise it would hurt their benefits. They were part time and usually didn't want to go over certain dollar amounts. I complied with their wishes. I had FT and PT.

If they worked pt, I didn't have to pay out benefits and they got to keep their benefits, it worked for me.
The majority of people on food stamps work. Many are even in the military.
Next bullshit argument?

proof link much?

9) Myth: People who get SNAP benefits aren't employed and have no incentive to look for work.
Truth: In 2010, more than three times as many SNAP households had members who were employed as compared to those who relied solely on SNAP benefits for food. With high unemployment rates in America today, the number of households on SNAP that also have at least one working family member has steadily increased over the last two decades.
They are called the 'working poor.'
Susan Blumenthal, M.D.: Debunking Myths About Food Stamps

huff post as a "proof"? how about media matters :lol:

LMAO(shintao) :D
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I only ask you naysayers to my plan to envision the economic activity it would create....Imagine if you will hundreds upon hundreds of manufacturing plants being refurbished and hiring...the foundries and steel plants, the electronics plants, the car plants of course after you've hanged the Japanese who run them, the textile mills using Alabama cotton instead of that shit from the orient...all getting the machines and processes they had torn out of them when they were gutted and abandoned. MILLIONS of unemployed with new jobs, paying new income taxes, buying from each other like when we really were the richest country in the history of Earth. Oh, and the OIL that's under our feet....good gawd, we never have to buy another drop from anybody if we just get these green weenies stashed away in mental hospitals and go after it.... that should whet the appetite of those who still believe in the American worker and should scare the crap out of the Quislings who've enabled those who've looted our birthright to live in work in harmony with each other. More later. :)
There are a lot of over weight and obese people in America.

There are also people who are hungry. And there are children who go to school hungry. It is helping those who are truly in need that the Food Stamp Program and food banks are all about. If there are those who abuse the system, there is only so much you can do about that: there will always be people who will abuse any system. But we need to be aware that there should not be hungry people in America: it is still, despite what many say, one of the richest, most prosperous countries in the world with a vast number of people who have too much to eat and should not resent the tax dollars spent on those who may not have enough.

the vast majority do not even need them. the enrollment is a way to make more Americans dependent on the government and therefore securing their votes.

The really hungry ones are never overweight or obese. EVER.

You have proof of that? Or are you just spreading lies?

I think it's hilarious that these days obesity is being touted as a symptom of hunger.

LOLOL!! Seriously, that site that I used to smack billy over the head...that's what it says on there...

I have yet to see any obese starving people in the Sudan. You? Obviously, Americans AREN'T starving..they are getting fatter...and the ones who get the MOST fat are the ones on FOODSTAMPS...because they spend more $$ on food that other people.
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