The fall of Trumpism continues

Because all it does is generate doubt and false suspicions on our elections which is all based on Trump's Big Lie. His Big Lie is hurting the nation and it needs to stop already. It would be different if there was any such fraud, but virtually every claim has been debunked. Every case regarding claims of fraud, thrown out of court. And again, every count, every recount, every canvass, every audit, has reaffirmed the validity of the 2020 election. For how long should we entertain Trump's Big Lie as though it's not a Big Lie? It's been 15 months already and counting.
Trump is not lying, you are. Everyone knows it, and that includes you unless you are a total idiot.
Because all it does is generate doubt and false suspicions on our elections which is all based on Trump's Big Lie. His Big Lie is hurting the nation and it needs to stop already. It would be different if there was any such fraud, but virtually every claim has been debunked. Every case regarding claims of fraud, thrown out of court. And again, every count, every recount, every canvass, every audit, has reaffirmed the validity of the 2020 election. For how long should we entertain Trump's Big Lie as though it's not a Big Lie? It's been 15 months already and counting.
If democrats quit with all the mouth foaming, let the forensic audits run their course, the dems would be able to scream I told you so all over the media.

And this hasn't happened because?

There hasn't been that many forensic audits....only recounts and ballot count audits.

The big lie is the dems aren't afraid of a FA outcome.
Trump is not lying, you are. Everyone knows it, and that includes you unless you are a total idiot.

Of course he's lying, FruitLoops. It's been over 15 months now (and counting). If Trump wasn't lying, he'd have presented proof by now that there was massive widespread fraud which stole the election from him.
If democrats quit with all the mouth foaming, let the forensic audits run their course, the dems would be able to scream I told you so all over the media.

And this hasn't happened because?

There hasn't been that many forensic audits....only recounts and ballot count audits.

The big lie is the dems aren't afraid of a FA outcome.
Ummm... we're already in the I told you so phase of this bullshit. That started when the Arizona audit found Biden won by an even bigger margin.
We love the swamp. We really do. The turmoil in our nation and the globe is back to our corrupted government's normalcy. People to be enriched. People to die.
Ummm... we're already in the I told you so phase of this bullshit. That started when the Arizona audit found Biden won by an even bigger margin.
LOL...that was a ballot, but not the only stage of a forensic audit.

Care to try again?
Of course he's lying, FruitLoops. It's been over 15 months now (and counting). If Trump wasn't lying, he'd have presented proof by now that there was massive widespread fraud which stole the election from him.
You cannot present proof when the courts refuse to hear it and the media has censored any evidence he presented. They censored Trump because he would have turned things around and would have the people with him. Scared shitless and still scared shitless of just ONE man.

Why? It is the truth they are scared of.
You cannot present proof when the courts refuse to hear it and the media has censored any evidence he presented. They censored Trump because he would have turned things around and would have the people with him. Scared shitless and still scared shitless of just ONE man.

Why? It is the truth they are scared of.
A number of those immediate post election lawsuits were dismissed for several reasons, most had no standing, some claimed no evidence, but were never granted evidentiary hearings to determine the validity of the evidence, some judges didn't want to get into an election vote redo, and others claimed there wasn't time.

But the left runs with it like it's the Holy Grail.
You cannot present proof when the courts refuse to hear it and the media has censored any evidence he presented. They censored Trump because he would have turned things around and would have the people with him. Scared shitless and still scared shitless of just ONE man.

Why? It is the truth they are scared of.

There was nothing for courts to hear as there was no evidence of fraud submitted to any court. That's one reason every case was dismissed due to lack of merit or lack of evidence while others were dismissed due to lack of standing.
It has been proven. Ballots without serial numbers should never have been counted. That alone shows 0 integrity.

As always, all you do is lie.

The audit team also raised questions about the process for duplicating damaged or unreadable ballots.

When ballots cannot be read properly by a tabulation machine, they are duplicated onto a new ballot in a process overseen by a bipartisan group of people.

At last week’s hearing, Logan said that the way duplicated and original ballots were identified on sheets provided by the county was confusing. That claim was the basis for a tweet by the @AuditWarRoom account claiming that original and duplicate ballots were not given matching serial numbers and cannot be verified.

Elections officials said this is not the case.

“The Elections Department assigns a matching serial number to both the original and duplicated ballot,” said Marcus Milam, a communications officer for the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office. “This number can be used to compare the ballots. The accuracy of Maricopa County’s duplication process was confirmed in court where the plaintiffs randomly sampled 1,626 duplicated ballots.”

There were claims that Republican representatives were not present during this process. However, GOP observers were present throughout the counting, both the Arizona Republican Party and the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office previously said.

Myth: Maricopa County’s ballot duplication process allowed illegitimate ballots to be counted. FALSE

FACTS: At no point were illegitimate ballots duplicated or inserted into the duplication process. To ensure ballots can be counted for voters that are in the military, temporarily overseas, vote using a large print or braille ballots, or who return a ballot too damaged to be read by a tabulator, Maricopa County duplicates these ballots. During the duplication process, the Elections Department assigns a matching serial number to both the original and duplicated ballot. This number can be used to compare the original ballot with the duplicated ballot.

The accuracy and completeness of Maricopa County’s duplication process was confirmed in court (Ward v. Jackson) where the plaintiffs randomly sampled 1,626 of the 27,000 duplicated ballots. The Arizona Supreme Court affirmed the lower court ruling, “conclude[ing], unanimously, that . . . the challenge fails to present any evidence of ‘misconduct,’ ‘illegal votes’ or that the Biden Electors ‘did not in fact receive the highest number of votes for office,’ let alone establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results.” (Ariz. S. Ct., December 9, 2020)

There may be some instances where the serial number was printed over the timing mark on the original damaged ballot. Since the duplicated ballot and not the original is tabulated, the added serial number overlapping a timing mark does not impact tabulation. When reviewing the randomly sampled duplicated ballots in Ward vs. Jackson, we were able to find and reconcile the serial numbers for all ballots reviewed.
As always, all you do is lie.

The audit team also raised questions about the process for duplicating damaged or unreadable ballots.
When ballots cannot be read properly by a tabulation machine, they are duplicated onto a new ballot in a process overseen by a bipartisan group of people.
At last week’s hearing, Logan said that the way duplicated and original ballots were identified on sheets provided by the county was confusing. That claim was the basis for a tweet by the @AuditWarRoom account claiming that original and duplicate ballots were not given matching serial numbers and cannot be verified.
Elections officials said this is not the case.
“The Elections Department assigns a matching serial number to both the original and duplicated ballot,” said Marcus Milam, a communications officer for the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office. “This number can be used to compare the ballots. The accuracy of Maricopa County’s duplication process was confirmed in court where the plaintiffs randomly sampled 1,626 duplicated ballots.”
There were claims that Republican representatives were not present during this process. However, GOP observers were present throughout the counting, both the Arizona Republican Party and the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office previously said.

Myth: Maricopa County’s ballot duplication process allowed illegitimate ballots to be counted. FALSE
FACTS: At no point were illegitimate ballots duplicated or inserted into the duplication process. To ensure ballots can be counted for voters that are in the military, temporarily overseas, vote using a large print or braille ballots, or who return a ballot too damaged to be read by a tabulator, Maricopa County duplicates these ballots. During the duplication process, the Elections Department assigns a matching serial number to both the original and duplicated ballot. This number can be used to compare the original ballot with the duplicated ballot.
The accuracy and completeness of Maricopa County’s duplication process was confirmed in court (Ward v. Jackson) where the plaintiffs randomly sampled 1,626 of the 27,000 duplicated ballots. The Arizona Supreme Court affirmed the lower court ruling, “conclude[ing], unanimously, that . . . the challenge fails to present any evidence of ‘misconduct,’ ‘illegal votes’ or that the Biden Electors ‘did not in fact receive the highest number of votes for office,’ let alone establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results.” (Ariz. S. Ct., December 9, 2020)
There may be some instances where the serial number was printed over the timing mark on the original damaged ballot. Since the duplicated ballot and not the original is tabulated, the added serial number overlapping a timing mark does not impact tabulation. When reviewing the randomly sampled duplicated ballots in Ward vs. Jackson, we were able to find and reconcile the serial numbers for all ballots reviewed.
I am not taking Maricopa excuses seriously. They have been proven to lie. Again, the words of liars mean nothing. We know none of this was ever investigated.
The Trump saga has revealed how many desperate people there are in the US. Immoral, power hungry despots, like Trump, find success by making false promises to very desperate people. Many are not very bright but desperation is the driving force for a person like Trump to be successful.
Yep. I've been saying all along, it's not about him. It's about a society that would give a person like this any power.

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