The fall of Trumpism continues

Oh? How's the lawsuit for that coming along? Any arrests yet?
I have proven the elections in 3 states have no integrity. That is a fact. Was it fraud? It does not matter they were run illegally.
Moron, whatever happened with that happened 7 months after the election. :cuckoo:
It does not matter anything relevant was censored by big tech and the MSM. It takes awhile for good news to catch on. You have been after Trump for six years. Fraud is going on a year and a half. We have got nothing but time. By the 2024 election fraud will have been proven.
It does not matter anything relevant was censored by big tech and the MSM. It takes awhile for good news to catch on. You have been after Trump for six years. Fraud is going on a year and a half. We have got nothing but time. By the 2024 election fraud will have been proven.
Of course it matters, FruitLoops. You idiotically stated the election was certified despite what was seen on that video. But what happened on that video, whatever it is, occurred long after the election was certified so even an idiot like you should be able to see that video had nothing whatsoever to do with certifying the election.
Oh? How's the lawsuit for that coming along? Any arrests yet?
Like I said before, when the phrase ' forensic audit' is mentioned, democrats go into a screaming fit, take every legal maneuver to stop it. And they are.

Pennsylvania AG, Josh Shapiro (Pa 2022 Dem Gov hopeful) has pulled out all the stops to quash this.

So if there's nothing there, they wouldn't be responding this way.

Two Pennsylvania cities mysteriously had to stop the counts, late into the night. There was an article on this in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, regarding Allegheny County, the next day. Technical issues was the excuse. To this day, I haven't been able to locate that article since then.
Like I said before, when the phrase ' forensic audit' is mentioned, democrats go into a screaming fit, take every legal maneuver to stop it. And they are.

Pennsylvania AG, Josh Shapiro (Pa 2022 Dem Gov hopeful) has pulled out all the stops to quash this.

So if there's nothing there, they wouldn't be responding this way.

Two Pennsylvania cities mysteriously had to stop the counts, late into the night. There was an article on this in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, regarding Allegheny County, the next day. Technical issues was the excuse. To this day, I haven't been able to locate that article since then.
Are you talking about this article...?

Allegheny County has 35,000 ballots that need to be reviewed, but won't be until Friday

As both presidential campaigns scraped local data to find exactly how many votes remained to be counted in Pennsylvania on Thursday, Allegheny County officials said they still have to review about 35,000 mail-in and absentee ballots — but are mandated, by law and by court order, to wait until Friday to work through them.

More than 674,000 votes were counted and uploaded by the state’s second-largest county before its election workers wrapped up operations Wednesday night. Of those, Democrat Joe Biden held a commanding lead — 58.7% to 39.7% — over President Donald Trump, bolstered by winning the 313,000 or so mail-in ballots by about a 4-to-1 margin over his opponent.
Are you talking about this article...?

As both presidential campaigns scraped local data to find exactly how many votes remained to be counted in Pennsylvania on Thursday, Allegheny County officials said they still have to review about 35,000 mail-in and absentee ballots — but are mandated, by law and by court order, to wait until Friday to work through them.
More than 674,000 votes were counted and uploaded by the state’s second-largest county before its election workers wrapped up operations Wednesday night. Of those, Democrat Joe Biden held a commanding lead — 58.7% to 39.7% — over President Donald Trump, bolstered by winning the 313,000 or so mail-in ballots by about a 4-to-1 margin over his opponent.
Nope....the one where they 'explain' the mysterious reason for stopping the count.
Nope....the one where they 'explain' the mysterious reason for stopping the count.
That was that article....

The county, noting that there was an obvious discrepancy in the 313,000 counted mail-ins and the 348,485 it said it has received for this election, said the reason the warehouse isn’t counting those on Thursday isn’t because they’re taking a day off, but because they aren’t permitted to count the rest of them without undertaking the legally-mandated process to review them.

... the post-gazette offered only that Allegheny finished their counting by the next night...

Allegheny County elections warehouse closes operations; won’t open Thursday

Pennsylvania's second-largest county finished tallying the last of its mail-in ballots on Wednesday shortly before 10:30 p.m.

Allegheny County spokeswoman Amie Downs said a final batch of 5,556 ballots was uploading to the website, bookending their count of more than 310,000 in the past two days.

The county warehouse on the North Side is now closed and will remain closed Thursday to media and observers, as the elections divisions staff will use the day for administrative work.

Shortly after operations at the warehouse ended for the night, Allegheny County Election Division Manager David Voye said around 10:45 p.m. that they've scanned approximately 668,000 ballots in Allegheny County from the past two days that include around 313,000 mail-in ballots and 340,000 in-person ballots from Election Day voters. Mr. Voye added that there was a 70%-71% voter turnaround.

... no other articles regarding that county from that newspaper about stoppages.
That was that article....

The county, noting that there was an obvious discrepancy in the 313,000 counted mail-ins and the 348,485 it said it has received for this election, said the reason the warehouse isn’t counting those on Thursday isn’t because they’re taking a day off, but because they aren’t permitted to count the rest of them without undertaking the legally-mandated process to review them.

... the post-gazette offered only that Allegheny finished their counting by the next night...

Pennsylvania's second-largest county finished tallying the last of its mail-in ballots on Wednesday shortly before 10:30 p.m.
Allegheny County spokeswoman Amie Downs said a final batch of 5,556 ballots was uploading to the website, bookending their count of more than 310,000 in the past two days.
The county warehouse on the North Side is now closed and will remain closed Thursday to media and observers, as the elections divisions staff will use the day for administrative work.
Shortly after operations at the warehouse ended for the night, Allegheny County Election Division Manager David Voye said around 10:45 p.m. that they've scanned approximately 668,000 ballots in Allegheny County from the past two days that include around 313,000 mail-in ballots and 340,000 in-person ballots from Election Day voters. Mr. Voye added that there was a 70%-71% voter turnaround.

... no other articles regarding that county from that newspaper about stoppages.
Sorry Charlie, the article I mentioned, addressed, directly, the reason for the 'stoppage' and it wasn't what you posted.

So you, as well as I, couldn't find it.
Was it fraud?
NFBW wrote: An attorney going before a judge asking “was it fraud“ and answering we dunno, to argue there was sufficient fraud to change the outcome of the election in Pennsylvania will get him or her a very polite WTF are we doing here today? On the matter of the election being run illegally - the judge will then say, both candidates ran according to the same rules and having heard no testimony that there is a specific and valid case for proving fraud following the election - Again, WTF are we doing here. Have a nice rest of the day. 22FEB15-POST#0571
So it does not matter if Biden won illegaly. It is what you have been saying all along.
Nope, I never once said that. That you think I said that is just more evidence that you're insane. Had Biden won illegally, that would have mattered bigly. But that didn't happen nor have you ever proved that happened. You're just a nut who believes that happened despite being incapable of presenting any proof.
Sorry Charlie, the article I mentioned, addressed, directly, the reason for the 'stoppage' and it wasn't what you posted.

So you, as well as I, couldn't find it.
Or that it never existed. There was no other reported stoppage in that county which completed its count the very next day.
There is no way Biden got 81 million votes.
Yet the Republican Party has not yet come up with a legitimate legal challenge to one of those 81 million votes. Not one, Not one after wasting critical time prior to December 14 2020 on Releasing the Kraken and Rudy’s drippy Grecian Formuls One dripping down to his chin and all his pulled boners getting tossed out of sixty plus courtrooms everywhere that mattered.

NFBW wrote: Why didn’t the smartest fascist on earth next to Putin focus on this one instead?

BillLawrenceOnline OCTOBER 2020​
Republicans Silent About Fraud Like Good Little Pennsylvania Lambs
— UPDATE: We have heard back from a local party official, who convinced us the issue is not being ignored. UPDATE II (Nov. 17, 2021)We were right the first time.​
The silence puzzles.​
We have seen no press releases or even tweets or Facebook posts from Delaware County Republican officials or candidates about the rampant Nov. 3 vote fraud allegations since Halloween.​
Democrats will say “HA, that proves Trump is making it all up.”​
They have a point, my Republican official friends, many who read this site.​
Where are you?​
You don’t have to sign on to wild and exotic claims regarding Frankfurt shoot outs and Chinese ownership of voting machines.​
Delaware County, Pa. is one of the hot beds of the national controversy. You can address the real, specific and concrete claims being made concerning run-of-the-mill violations of election law.​
Gregory Stenstrom — you all know him right? — say the chain of custody has been shattered for more than 100,000 votes in Delco. He says 47 USB drives have disappeared.​

Yeah Trump where were you on Delaware County PA in November 2020 when you knew all those non-white and white BLM voters in Philly were poised to vote overwhelmingly for you?

NFBW wrote: An attorney going before a judge asking “was it fraud“ and answering we dunno, to argue there was sufficient fraud to change the outcome of the election in Pennsylvania will get him or her a very polite WTF are we doing here today? On the matter of the election being run illegally - the judge will then say, both candidates ran according to the same rules and having heard no testimony that there is a specific and valid case for proving fraud following the election - Again, WTF are we doing here. Have a nice rest of the day. 22FEB15-POST#0571
I am claiming 0 integrity not fraud in this case. There are videos of all kinds of laws and regulations broken. Those are facts. If you do not believe your own eyes you have big problems.
I am claiming 0 integrity not fraud in this case. There are videos of all kinds of laws and regulations broken. Those are facts. If you do not believe your own eyes you have big problems.

NFBW wrote: So you got nothing. Trump supposedly won Florida and Ohio. Republican controlled states. I claim zero integrity there. No proof of fraud just I think there was no integrity there.

Do you see we don’t have a democracy anymore with your sore sorry assed loser attitude?

The only results having integrity in your head is if Trump won. Like he said before anybody even started voting. 22FEB16-POST#0577
NFBW wrote: So you got nothing. Trump supposedly won Florida and Ohio. Republican controlled states. I claim zero integrity there. No proof of fraud just I think there was no integrity there.

Do you see we don’t have a democracy anymore with your sore sorry assed loser attitude?

The only results having integrity in your head is if Trump won. Like he said before anybody even started voting. 22FEB16-POST#0577

I say audit those states. Forensically audit every state.
I say audit those states. Forensically audit every state.
NFBW wrote: Fine. After December 14 2020 when all fifty states certified their results DJT shouid have conceded he lost, but pledge to donate his $200,000,000 that he raised to fight fraud to prove the suspicions he has and best case scenario prosecute Demicrats all the way up to Biden if true that Biden stole the election from Him.

Instead, Trump decided after December 14 to proceed with a soft coup plan setting up fraudulent electors in seven states, pressuring VP Mike Pence to send the certified results back thus denying seven states involvement in the election, and have Mike Pence declare his own ticket the winner. And those weeks of lies and that dishonest attempt to defraud the federal government and the states led directly to the violence that took place on January 6.

If you can’t see that you need to get your head examined. 22FEB16-POST#0579
By the 2024 election fraud will have been proven.
Now the goalpost has been moved out another 2yrs? 2-1/2yrs?
This "fraud"-business is like the Yeti. Like the Lost City of Gold.
It's out there. We know it.
Just can't put our finger on it, just yet.
Yadda, yadda, yadda,


There was an article the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette....To this day, I haven't been able to locate that article since then..........I read it.......not there now.

Are we seeing a pattern yet?
"like the Yeti. Like the Lost City of Gold. It's out there. We know it.
Just can't put our finger on it, just yet.
Yadda, yadda, yadda,

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