The fall of Trumpism continues

NFBW wrote: Fine. After December 14 2020 when all fifty states certified their results DJT shouid have conceded he lost, but pledge to donate his $200,000,000 that he raised to fight fraud to prove the suspicions he has and best case scenario prosecute Demicrats all the way up to Biden if true that Biden stole the election from Him.

Instead, Trump decided after December 14 to proceed with a soft coup plan setting up fraudulent electors in seven states, pressuring VP Mike Pence to send the certified results back thus denying seven states involvement in the election, and have Mike Pence declare his own ticket the winner. And those weeks of lies and that dishonest attempt to defraud the federal government and the states led directly to the violence that took place on January 6.

If you can’t see that you need to get your head examined. 22FEB16-POST#0579
Well, he has a source: A video with Mr. Pillow and Steve Bannon.

So, he has the truth on his side.

Now the goalpost has been moved out another 2yrs? 2-1/2yrs?
This "fraud"-business is like the Yeti. Like the Lost City of Gold.
It's out there. We know it.
Just can't put our finger on it, just yet.
Yadda, yadda, yadda,



Are we seeing a pattern yet?
"like the Yeti. Like the Lost City of Gold. It's out there. We know it.
Just can't put our finger on it, just yet.
Yadda, yadda, yadda,
:shutupsmiley: :ahole-1:
Ah, we always feel regretful whenever you post one of those emojis as a response to my poor avatar. It makes him feel that he hasn't found the key to how one should communicate, educate, or merely inform your avatar.

Instead, the message back (from your avatar) that our efforts are unfortunately frazzling you, discombobulating, unmooring your avatar from adult political discourse.
Both of us, me and my avatar, find that unfortunate.
But, we wish you well.
And that your life can become better for you and yours.
Good luck.
If I believe you are lying ...... I'll say exactly that.
If you are self-identifying as a liar......well, amigo, that's on you.
Not on my poor avatar.
Oh my......little intimation in progress?

Chillicothe said:

Are we seeing a pattern yet?
"like the Yeti. Like the Lost City of Gold. It's out there. We know it.
Just can't put our finger on it, just yet. Yadda, yadda, yadda,
Oh my......little intimation in progress?
Please check your dictionary
Ah, my bad.
I needn't check my Funk & Wagnalls........rather, I need to check my reading skills.

Delldude's "intimation" than my "intimidation".
Check that.
Thus, it is not inappropriate that he subtly suggests I am in error.

But, with that said......I don't quite get the applicability of 'intimation' in this context.

Can you mansplain such for us, poster DD?
Ah, my bad.
I needn't check my Funk & Wagnalls........rather, I need to check my reading skills.

Delldude's "intimation" than my "intimidation".
Check that.
Thus, it is not inappropriate that he subtly suggests I am in error.

But, with that said......I don't quite get the applicability of 'intimation' in this context.

Can you mansplain such for us, poster DD?
Posts 584-585-586
No, you believe that the Sandy Hook Parents were "Crisis Actors".

Who just got a 73 million dollar payout from Remington.

Seriously, REAL Actors don't get that kind of payout unless their name is Robert Downey, Jr.
We have gone over this, Joe Blowhard, the bloated, card carrying commie. You didn't even know who the major players were in this charade that was Sandy Hoax. You purposely ignore the glaring holes in the "official story" and frankly? I don't have the time nor the inclination to school you yet again. Kicking that fat ass of yours was getting boring and there was no point. Time is precious and why should I waste it here? No one is going to change their minds and you are the poster child for why no one should be a commie fuck like you. What was that you said about China? They got communism right????? I can find the quote, but if so inclined by using the search feature, I could find it.

I lurk here, rarely chime in.....what is the point? There are posters here whose opinions I value.....I check in. They check in on me and want to know how I am doing. I was here for 6 years wasting my time arguing with idiots like yourself. I loom pretty large in your world, obviously.
Like I said before, when the phrase ' forensic audit' is mentioned, democrats go into a screaming fit, take every legal maneuver to stop it. And they are.

Democrats don't want the truth uncovered.

Well then, go right ahead, uncover the truth / we will see. In the spirit of “a sucker being born every minute” DJT has suckered a lot of numbskulls into sending him $200 million since November 6 for that exact purpose. Where is your Grifter in Chief with all your money?
Well then, go right ahead, uncover the truth / we will see. In the spirit of “a sucker being born every minute” DJT has suckered a lot of numbskulls into sending him $200 million since November 6 for that exact purpose. Where is your Grifter in Chief with all your money?
Deal with this factoid:

Delldude said:

Like I said before, when the phrase ' forensic audit' is mentioned, democrats go into a screaming fit, take every legal maneuver to stop it. And they are.
Well then, go right ahead, uncover the truth / we will see. In the spirit of “a sucker being born every minute” DJT has suckered a lot of numbskulls into sending him $200 million since November 6 for that exact purpose. Where is your Grifter in Chief with all your money?
You think they do not know where Trump is?
Well then, go right ahead, uncover the truth / we will see. In the spirit of “a sucker being born every minute”
And you bought into every Trump hate story published on MSM, didn't you?


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