The fall of Trumpism continues

Wanna bet? Bi-Dumb and Kamala the Kunt keep right on fucking this country over people will be BEGGING for Trump to return and fix this toilet the US has become under your 100% far Left Communist rule, dumbshit Bolshevik.


Trump has a 22% favorability rating among non-Republicans. You're fucked in the head to think he can win more than the Republican primaries.

Snowflakes like to try to say what the Presisent on 6 Jan but refuse to use his exact words from that day just before people began moving to the Capitol.

easyt65 ran away from this:

you easyt65 are a liar, … These are DJT’s exact words on JAN 6.

“And he (John Eastman ) looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top,

There’s only one way that Donald Trump and Mike Pence “win the election“. That is by getting more votes in the electoral college and having that election certified on December 14 about six weeks after the election. What Trump said there on the morning of January 6 Is a coup attempt by overturning the election that he lost by fraudulent means. Trump is not innocent of a crime just because his criminal intent failed because Mike Pence would not go along with it. It is still a crime of the worst kind because it was an attempt to subvert and destroy American democracy so he could stay in power.
easyt65 ran away from this:

you easyt65 are a liar, … These are DJT’s exact words on JAN 6.

“And he (John Eastman ) looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top,

There’s only one way that Donald Trump and Mike Pence “win the election“. That is by getting more votes in the electoral college and having that election certified on December 14 about six weeks after the election. What Trump said there in the morning of January 6 Is a coup attempt by overturning the election that he lost by fraudulent means. Trump is not innocent of a crime just because his criminal intent failed because Mike Pence would not go along with it. It is still a crime of the worst kind because it was an attempt to subvert and destroy American democracy so he could stay in power.
I'm glad your welfare check keeps up with inflation.
The GOP is being held hostage by Trump and the slime who support him. They need the slime to win. The other saving factor is how inept the current Democratic party is. The fact is the vast majority of the US feel Trump and his cult are slime. That includes you.
He's no more slimy than any other human being

That includes you
“And he (John Eastman ) looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top,
Sure would have been nice if Pence cared about voter fraud.
I'm glad your welfare check keeps up with inflation.
You are a liar. I have worked every single day of my life since I was 15 years old. I’ve been officially retired for one year but one very large construction company pays me to help them with their estimates to build water and wastewater treatment plants. I just sent them an invoice for six weeks of work for $17,000 and I will pay The US treasury department was $7000 in self-employment tax and my wife is still working for the United States Department of Defense and she will contribute to the United States of America about $30,000 this year because she is a doctor working in research/Public health. On top of doing work myself for a major construction company, I just finished remodeling the bathroom in our condo that we purchased for cash five years ago that we are getting ready to rent out.We own our town house out right in the outskirts of Washington DC it is now worth half a million. The condo that we are renting out is now appraised for $350,000 which is nice because five years ago we paid $250,000 for it. The condo will generate we figure about 500 a month clear passive income. We have three we have a choice of three excellent applicants and we will pick one this evening who is seeking long term lease.Six months ago we decided to use half a million in our savings to buy a townhome under construction in a very upcoming location on the Potomac river in Virginia across from DC. We plan to rent that out and it looks like we can easily receive between 1200 and 1500 a month passive income which will easily pay for our North Carolina beach and European vacations and maybe another motorcycle or bicycle that catches my eye. We are very proud of our luxury townhouse and we just came back from meeting with the the builder as the roof and windows are on and they are getting ready to start drywall next week. We would love to take possession in the middle of July and we already have a renter eager to pay $2500 a month to live in a two car garage luxury brand new townhouse.

My wife and I have never taken welfare in my entire life and you would never have any way of knowing that we did so you are a liar, a Trump Putin Republican conservative disgusting reprehensible deplorable Liar. That is all you are you are nothing else. I know that but what you write.
Sure would have been nice if Pence cared about voter fraud.
Pence asked for the Trump regime to provide proof of voter fraud. They couldn’t do it because they’re all liars. Voter fraud is a lie. It is a big lie. It is Trump’s biggest lie. Putin loves that lie because he hates democracy. Don’t you get it? If you believe Trump’s big lie you are supporting Putin and his quest to subvert and destroy Western liberal democracy.

SLAVA UKRAINE - glory to 🇺🇦
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You are a liar. I have worked every single day of my life since I was 15 years old. I’ve been officially retired for one year but one very large construction company pays me to help them with their estimates to build water and wastewater treatment plants. I just sent them an invoice for six weeks of work for $17,000 and I will pay The US treasury department was $7000 in self-employment tax and my wife is still working for the United States Department of Defense and she will contribute to the United States of America about $30,000 this year because she is a doctor working in research/Public health. On top of doing work myself for a major construction company, I just finished remodeling the bathroom in our condo that we purchased for cash five years ago that we are getting ready to rent out.We own our town house out right in the outskirts of Washington DC it is now worth half a million. The condo that we are renting out is now appraised for $350,000 which is nice because five years ago we paid $250,000 for it. The condo will generate we figure about 500 a month clear passive income. We have three we have a choice of three excellent applicants and we will pick one this evening who is seeking long term lease.Six months ago we decided to use half a million in our savings to buy a townhome under construction in a very upcoming location on the Potomac river in Virginia across from DC. We plan to rent that out and it looks like we can easily receive between 1200 and 1500 a month passive income which will easily pay for our North Carolina beach and European vacations and maybe another motorcycle or bicycle that catches my eye. We are very proud of our luxury townhouse and we just came back from meeting with the the builder as the roof and windows are on and they are getting ready to start drywall next week. We would love to take possession in the middle of July and we already have a renter eager to pay $2500 a month to live in a two car garage luxury brand new townhouse.

My wife and I have never taken welfare in my entire life and you would never have any way of knowing that we did so you are a liar, a Trump Putin Republican conservative disgusting reprehensible deplorable Liar. That is all you are you are nothing else. I know that but what you write.
If what you say is true than you did better under Trump than you ever did in your life.
My son-in-law is in commercial real-estate all over the US and says Trump was the best President ever for the US economy.
You can take your hatred and stick it up your ass.

BTW, I'm not a Republican or a Democrat, I'm a MAGA and you can go fuck your ProgTard self.
If what you say is true than you did better under Trump than you ever did in your life.

Trump had no fucking thing to do with what we did. Obama gave us the biggest boost. Just to let you know I went with my wife and my future father-in-law in 2000 when they went and voted for Vladimir Putin in his first election. My wife and her six year old daughter came to America in September 2000. I had just started a new job and really had no savings to speak of and my wife who is a psychotherapist in Russia came here speaking only Russian and German but she learned English rather quickly and applied her education to a bachelors degree in psychology in two years and a masters in public health/epidemiology two years after that.

She worked for everything she has as well working on her degree . she worked at sales in the mall to pay for her education. Trump never did anything like that. Trump is an asshole loser who was born with a silver spoon in his fucking mouth. After running for a couple years we finally managed to put together a down payment and bought our first home. We had a common goal to pay the mortgage off as fast as possible. We made double triple payments and in 10 years we paid off a 30 year loan. By that time my wife began working amazingly for the US Department of Defense.

Trump had not a fucking thing to do with that. It just so happened that Obamacare was in acted about the same time our daughter turned 18 and was ready to go to college. She decided to stay with us and go to a community college for two years and then transfer to a very prestigious collegeJust a few miles from where we live and she got her bachelors degree in psychology following in her mother’s footsteps. We bought the condo for our daughter to live in while she got her higher degrees. And the whole time she remained on my company’s health insurance thanks to Obamacare. She is now a highly educated person contributing to society and paying taxes. So fuck your welfare check bullshit. I have two daughters from a previous marriage who are also married and contributing to society never ever taking a welfare check. They don’t cheat on their taxes they pay taxes unlike Donald Trump.

Donald Trump told you idiots that he was going to get rid of Obamacare and come up with something new and better. What the fuck happened to that. He’s a liar he’s a phony he’s a fraud.

My wife and daughter hate Putin, detest Putin they find him deplorable, detestable at what he’s done to the country of their birth.

Since February 24 my wife has lost her relationship with her family In Russia because they are brainwashed. She also hates and detests Donald Trump and all you brainwashed morons who worship such a detestable moron and your Preference for authoritarians rule here in America as they have in Russia and Donald Trump’s four years of praise of it.
I'm amazed by what the liberals post here.

They think since we only caught a small number of those involved with voter fraud that we should pretend it's not a real problem.
Trump had no fucking thing to do with what we did. Obama gave us the biggest boost. Just to let you know I went with my wife and my future father-in-law in 2000 when they went and voted for Vladimir Putin in his first election. My wife and her six year old daughter came to America in September 2000. I had just started a new job and really had no savings to speak of and my wife who is a psychotherapist in Russia came here speaking only Russian and German but she learned English rather quickly and applied her education to a bachelors degree in psychology in two years and a masters in public health/epidemiology two years after that.

She worked for everything she has as well working on her degree . she worked at sales in the mall to pay for her education. Trump never did anything like that. Trump is an asshole loser who was born with a silver spoon in his fucking mouth. After running for a couple years we finally managed to put together a down payment and bought our first home. We had a common goal to pay the mortgage off as fast as possible. We made double triple payments and in 10 years we paid off a 30 year loan. By that time my wife began working amazingly for the US Department of Defense.

Trump had not a fucking thing to do with that. It just so happened that Obamacare was in acted about the same time our daughter turned 18 and was ready to go to college. She decided to stay with us and go to a community college for two years and then transfer to a very prestigious collegeJust a few miles from where we live and she got her bachelors degree in psychology following in her mother’s footsteps. We bought the condo for our daughter to live in while she got her higher degrees. And the whole time she remained on my company’s health insurance thanks to Obamacare. She is now a highly educated person contributing to society and paying taxes. So fuck your welfare check bullshit. I have two daughters from a previous marriage who are also married and contributing to society never ever taking a welfare check. They don’t cheat on their taxes they pay taxes unlike Donald Trump.

Donald Trump told you idiots that he was going to get rid of Obamacare and come up with something new and better. What the fuck happened to that. He’s a liar he’s a phony he’s a fraud.

My wife and daughter hate Putin, detest Putin they find him deplorable, detestable at what he’s done to the country of their birth.

Since February 24 my wife has lost her relationship with her family In Russia because they are brainwashed. She also hates and detests Donald Trump and all you brainwashed morons who worship such a detestable moron and your Preference for authoritarians rule here in America as they have in Russia and Donald Trump’s four years of praise of it.
The Housing Market and Economic Expansion started about 2 months after Trump's Tax Break.

I agree that no one will come up with anything better than the ACA.

Trump kept North Korea and Russia in check and you know zero about US history in terms of conflicts.
No one messed around with Trump after he dropped the MOAB on ISIS.
The Housing Market and Economic Expansion started about 2 months after Trump's Tax Break.
Yes and it produced no GDP like Trump promised, the rich got richer, middle-class incomes didn’t rise very much, housing construction and builder supplies we’re cut way back during trumps regime, and it blew big hole in the annual federal debt which hurts future generations like my daughters and grandchildren.

Why did you lie about about me being on welfare you sleazy retared?

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