The fall of Trumpism continues

Yep, the GOP pretty much won across the board. Voters showed what they wanted, until, oh, about 4AM when the trucks backed in full of mystery boxes full of 99.9% unfolded Biden ballots without even other votes marked for the other categories, with missing chain of custody, delivered by ballot-stuffing paid mules, all counted in the wee hours by just those people the polling places kept around after telling all the republican poll watchers they had to go home, all paid for by those $413 million dollars worth of illegal ZuckerBucks.
Republicans win, then it is a legitimate election. Democrat wins, it is a rigged election.
You are admitting it is not the election, it is the party of who wins or loses that determines if an election is rigged.
It is not the US election that is rigged, it is cheating Trump and his minions that cannot handle losing and lie to turn over the loss.
Republicans win, then it is a legitimate election. Democrat wins, it is a rigged election.

Fuck off, Dweeb, there is so much wrong with the 2020 election, all you are admitting to is being an unmitigated partisan liar or are dumber than a stump.

Could go either way with you.

PS: I hope some day the GOP runs as crooked and shady an election and Trump wins big just to see you fuckers holler and howl again over the very same conditions you defend now as being above reproach to prove once again what shameless perennial hypocrites you are.

Jewish space Lazer eyes baby
How many wars did Trump start?

If you go by what his most militant supporters wanted Trump tried to ignite a race war on January 6th with the plot to cancel all the black voters who voted to end his racist and corrupt regime in Detroit, Philadelphia Atlanta Milwaukee and Phoenix. He lied incessantly that all major cities where black people live were where unproven election fraud stole his win. BLacks thus stole the only and greatest white hope from the MAGA mob was Trump’s racist message that would have sparked a race war had Mike Pence joined the Coup attempt on January 6.

Trump is the fucktard President who attempted to stay in power by overturning the election for a second term that was certified by all fifty states according to the Constitution. His plan was to deny black votes so he could stay in power for all those MAGA white grievers,

WAS Trump’s biggest Lie worse than Bush’s? They both are deplorable. If you truly LOVE America you must condemn and reject both.
If you go by what his most militant supporters wanted Trump tried to...

Do you read what you type?

Above you choose 'his most militant supporters', a minority who do not represent the millions of Anericans support him, talk about what THEY wanted / Did, and attempt to attribute their actions to Trump.

Snowflakes like to try to say what the Presisent on 6 Jan but refuse to use his exact words from that day just before people began moving to the Capitol. He encouraged those there to walk PEACEFULLY to the Capitol. No where, at no time did he encourage violence.

'B...b...but....' But nothing - didn't happen. He didn't say it. Instead there is a lot of projecting, a lot of exaggeration, abd a lot of lying from the left still.

Many try to completely ignore a lot of facts that have co.e out, like how Trump encouraged in advance calling for the Bational Guard but how it was Pelosi and tge Sergeants At Arms who refused to do so because it would not LOOK right, how the FBI was involved...again, how Capitol Police held doors open for Americans to enter the buying, etc...

You can no more blame Trump for what happened on 1/6 than yiu can blame Pelosi, Waters, and other Democrats for the attempted assassination of Steve Scalise and other Republicans on a baseball field.

Actually, you can blame Trump far less comparatively.
Fuck off, Dweeb, there is so much wrong with the 2020 election, all you are admitting to is being an unmitigated partisan liar or are dumber than a stump.

Could go either way with you.

PS: I hope some day the GOP runs as crooked and shady an election and Trump wins big just to see you fuckers holler and howl again over the very same conditions you defend now as being above reproach to prove once again what shameless perennial hypocrites you are.
That is quite an articulate and well thought out response.
Where do you people come from. An unbelievable combination of immorality and rock bottom stupidity. Trump has empowered the slime of the earth.
That is quite an articulate and well thought out response.
Far more than you deserve, but the kind of response shitheels like you evoke in others.

Where do you people come from.
Wherever you are NOT from, obviously--- that part of town people like you don't merit. But we have an idea what rock people like YOU crawled out from!

An unbelievable combination of immorality and rock bottom stupidity.
Pretty funny getting lectured on morality by the total immoral! :laugh2: Also hilarious getting lectured on smarts by someone obviously incapable of even passing a HS math test.

Trump has empowered the slime of the earth.
Really? You mean you are becoming a Trumpster?! :auiqs.jpg:

Look pigslop, you are lower than the mud on my boots, so take your holier than thou BS and CRAM IT.
The fall of Trumpism continues. Pence contradicts Trump in speech at the Federalist society. More and more conservatives and Republicans are pulling away from Trumpism.

Evil is always difficult to eliminate but it will be neutralized. Only the dumbest of the dumb and the evilist of the evil will be left supporting Trumpism.

Far more than you deserve, but the kind of response shitheels like you evoke in others.

Wherever you are NOT from, obviously--- that part of town people like you don't merit. But we have an idea what rock people like YOU crawled out from!

Pretty funny getting lectured on morality by the total immoral! :laugh2: Also hilarious getting lectured on smarts by someone obviously incapable of even passing a HS math test.

Really? You mean you are becoming a Trumpster?! :auiqs.jpg:

Look pigslop, you are lower than the mud on my boots, so take your holier than thou BS and CRAM IT.
Wow, another stellar response. You never cease to amaze.
Snowflakes like to try to say what the Presisent on 6 Jan but refuse to use his exact words from that day just before people began moving to the Capitol.

you are a liar, … These are DJT’s exact words on JAN 6.

And he (John Radtnan) looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top,
THAT IS BULLSHIT but it shows that Trump cult members understand that Trump being a birther is racist.
Never said anything about it being racist, just stated the fact Hitlery was the first to push the birther issue.

Sorry facts piss you off.
Never said anything about it being racist
I didn’t say you said it was about being racist. Why are you lying? Racists do not believe anything they do is racist but they are. If you still support Trump after January 6 you support a big-time racist. Do you think law abiding legal black Americans have a right to choose who they want for president when they vote legally in an election? Trump doesn’t.

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