The fall of Trumpism continues

All that proves is that the vast majority of the world are fucked up idiots like you. The reason why we founded the United States was to be AMERICANS and less like the rest of you assholes. But the door is wide open for you to LEAVE any time you want! Your uncouth opinion ain't worth shit.
The founding Fathers are turning over in their graves seeing people like you as US citizens.
It is a big contribution to the human race to let individuals who are jokes, know they are jokes. People like you. You are not what you think you are. You are a joke and pathetic. I am trying to help you. You can change.
You're so sweet. Do I deserve you? :auiqs.jpg:
It is a big contribution to the human race to let individuals who are jokes, know they are jokes. People like you. You are not what you think you are. You are a joke and pathetic. I am trying to help you. You can change.

Hey jerkoff, let's take a poll, I bet Please gets 4-5 Likes to every one YOU get. Want to try?
The founding Fathers are turning over in their graves seeing people like you as US citizens.

Lessee, douchebag: I have many of the Founder's writings right on the shelf behind me from the Rights of Man (Paine) to the Federalist Papers.

I bet you have Mad Magazine and Playboy on the shelf behind you. :1peleas:
It was so you could break treaties with the tribes and expand for the benefit of surveying founders.

Hey idiot, I've broken no treaties. Sounds like you really don't like America and are not much of a good American. Maybe you can talk someone into aborting you so you'll be happy because right now, you are just a seditionist to be watched closely by our intel agencies at least till next January when we can begin taking away all of your rights as you've been doing to others for years just to see how YOU like it for a change.
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You mean made the GOP into a fit fighting force instead of the Left's old lapdogs? Witness the Power of Trump this Fall when we kick your asses all the way back to Leningrad.
Trumpsters are now against Putin? They are even more slippery whores than the left queers, they change masks 3 times a day
Hey idiot, I've broken no treaties.
America was founded so it could break the treaties the British had made with the Iroquois? the Huron? - one of those tribes or confederations - so land speculators among the founders could clean up.

Don't you know your own history?

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