The fallacy of black unwed births

I'm 57 and black son. That means I know more about back families, ,black communities and black culture than you.
I doubt that. You know what’s been propagated to you. I guarantee I have a better understanding of black american legacy.

I know what I have seen and lived. You are the one that talks about things that have been propagated. I know far better than you about the black community. And you don't have a legacy until things are over. And I will always know more and better than you about everything pertaining to black families, black communities, black culture and anything else black..
It's obvious that you don't. Your legacy begins around 1965.

Well no, not exactly.
Everything you think you know pre-1965 is just propaganda from post-1965.

Wrong answer son. I did have family and they did have friends all born well before 1965. I was born before 1965.

I will always know more and better than you about everything pertaining to black families, black communities, black culture and anything else black.
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.

Ever hear of the term per capita?

Pigeons also had more babies than condors.....
Oh, he's heard it alright. At least half a dozen times from me alone. If you want him to respond adequately, you can send a written request to the zookeeper that cleans his cage and he'll make an effort to teach him that word right after he teaches him to sit.

You don't get it. Nothing you say counts. Just because you 2-3 racists have determined we will only measure selected things based on per capita doesn't mean everyone else must recognize your desire to deny how fucked up a lot of whites really are.
Good thing nobody's denying "how fucked up a lot of whites really are."

You've just done it dumb ass. That's why you keep talking about per capita only on select issues.
I've done what???
I doubt that. You know what’s been propagated to you. I guarantee I have a better understanding of black american legacy.

I know what I have seen and lived. You are the one that talks about things that have been propagated. I know far better than you about the black community. And you don't have a legacy until things are over. And I will always know more and better than you about everything pertaining to black families, black communities, black culture and anything else black..
It's obvious that you don't. Your legacy begins around 1965.

Well no, not exactly.
Everything you think you know pre-1965 is just propaganda from post-1965.

Wrong answer son. I did have family and they did have friends all born well before 1965. I was born before 1965.
And you're still retarded.

GOTTA be genetic!
Racism is illegal. The first amendment doesn't make racism legal.

You are clearly using a different definition for racism than most posters in this thread...or, for that matter, than state or federal criminal statutes. :)

Most of those who post on this section define racism, as opposition by people of color to current or past white racist practices.

It is illegal to practice racism. Threfore you get rid of those who do it by pressuring them out of the public square. For example why is Rush Limbaugh, Levin, Prager and others like them still on the air? We see no equivalent in non white communities. And no Al Sharpton isn't it. Montrovant, its funny how you never show up when we see people posting this shit up about racial genetic superiority, but you want to offer your opinion on everything I say. Why not start questioning the white racists around here? Or are you one of them?

Racism is not illegal. It might be immoral, but it's not illegal. You practice racism every day with your posts on this forum. Are you really going to sit there and pretend that you don't espouse black genetic superiority..?

It is illegal to practice racism.

I have never practiced racism. I know what racism is. You use the term to try derailing discussions. As to your last question, yes, that's exactly what I am going to do.

It is not illegal to practice racism. That is too broad and non-specific a phrase. Someone who only socializes with members of their own race may be practicing racism, but there is nothing illegal about it.

Look I'm not talking about people hanging out with friends here Montrovant. Let's not get stupid.

Yes it is illegal to practice racism. We have hate crime laws, you can't practice racism on he job, you can't practice racism in public accommodations, practicing racism is illegal.
Citation... Produce.

Read the constitution.
I have read it many times NO WHERE in it is racism illegal IN FACT the 1st amendment makes it quite legal as long as you don't break any ACTUAL laws while being racist.

Racism is illegal. The first amendment doesn't make racism legal.

You are clearly using a different definition for racism than most posters in this thread...or, for that matter, than state or federal criminal statutes. :)

Most of those who post on this section define racism, as opposition by people of color to current or past white racist practices.

It is illegal to practice racism. Threfore you get rid of those who do it by pressuring them out of the public square. For example why is Rush Limbaugh, Levin, Prager and others like them still on the air? We see no equivalent in non white communities. And no Al Sharpton isn't it. Montrovant, its funny how you never show up when we see people posting this shit up about racial genetic superiority, but you want to offer your opinion on everything I say. Why not start questioning the white racists around here? Or are you one of them?

Your examples are on the air because they have an audience. That's pretty simple. I couldn't tell you who might constitute non-white equivalents. I don't listen to Limbaugh, Levin, or Prager, or any other political blowhards or pundits, so I have no idea which may or may not espouse racist sentiments.

As I've said before, I don't consider the blatant racists worth my time. I generally don't bother responding, although I may on occasion. You may not have noticed, but most of what I have brought up with you is in regards to statistics. I'm not trying to draw conclusions from those statistics, but rather point out perceived factual errors. The same is true of your insistence that racism is illegal. I haven't said anything about racism being a good thing, just that claiming it is illegal is incorrect.

You can worry about whether I've reached some sort of quota of posts directed at white racists. You might consider that rather than being based on racism on my part, I see posts by you and, based on past experience, think they are interesting enough to check out. Or perhaps your post just happened to be recent when I logged on to the site, so was up for me to click on. Or maybe it's just more comfortable for you to assume I am white and racist. :dunno:
I know what I have seen and lived. You are the one that talks about things that have been propagated. I know far better than you about the black community. And you don't have a legacy until things are over. And I will always know more and better than you about everything pertaining to black families, black communities, black culture and anything else black..
It's obvious that you don't. Your legacy begins around 1965.

Well no, not exactly.
Everything you think you know pre-1965 is just propaganda from post-1965.

Wrong answer son. I did have family and they did have friends all born well before 1965. I was born before 1965.
And you're still retarded.

GOTTA be genetic!

You really have to do better than repeating the same thing over and over son. You can't out debate me on any subject so this is all you have.
You are clearly using a different definition for racism than most posters in this thread...or, for that matter, than state or federal criminal statutes. :)

Most of those who post on this section define racism, as opposition by people of color to current or past white racist practices.

It is illegal to practice racism. Threfore you get rid of those who do it by pressuring them out of the public square. For example why is Rush Limbaugh, Levin, Prager and others like them still on the air? We see no equivalent in non white communities. And no Al Sharpton isn't it. Montrovant, its funny how you never show up when we see people posting this shit up about racial genetic superiority, but you want to offer your opinion on everything I say. Why not start questioning the white racists around here? Or are you one of them?

Racism is not illegal. It might be immoral, but it's not illegal. You practice racism every day with your posts on this forum. Are you really going to sit there and pretend that you don't espouse black genetic superiority..?

It is illegal to practice racism.

I have never practiced racism. I know what racism is. You use the term to try derailing discussions. As to your last question, yes, that's exactly what I am going to do.

It is not illegal to practice racism. That is too broad and non-specific a phrase. Someone who only socializes with members of their own race may be practicing racism, but there is nothing illegal about it.

Look I'm not talking about people hanging out with friends here Montrovant. Let's not get stupid.

Yes it is illegal to practice racism. We have hate crime laws, you can't practice racism on he job, you can't practice racism in public accommodations, practicing racism is illegal.

There are racist practices that are illegal. Saying practicing racism is illegal is simply inaccurate. Practicing religious bigotry is not illegal, but there are religiously bigoted practices that are illegal. Practicing gender bigotry is not illegal, but there are gender bigoted practices that are illegal.

You've even gone so far as to simply say that racism is illegal, not even racist practices. This seems like a good time to shrug, admit a minor error in wording, and move on. I won't hold my breath, however.
Most of those who post on this section define racism, as opposition by people of color to current or past white racist practices.

It is illegal to practice racism. Threfore you get rid of those who do it by pressuring them out of the public square. For example why is Rush Limbaugh, Levin, Prager and others like them still on the air? We see no equivalent in non white communities. And no Al Sharpton isn't it. Montrovant, its funny how you never show up when we see people posting this shit up about racial genetic superiority, but you want to offer your opinion on everything I say. Why not start questioning the white racists around here? Or are you one of them?

Racism is not illegal. It might be immoral, but it's not illegal. You practice racism every day with your posts on this forum. Are you really going to sit there and pretend that you don't espouse black genetic superiority..?

It is illegal to practice racism.

I have never practiced racism. I know what racism is. You use the term to try derailing discussions. As to your last question, yes, that's exactly what I am going to do.

It is not illegal to practice racism. That is too broad and non-specific a phrase. Someone who only socializes with members of their own race may be practicing racism, but there is nothing illegal about it.

Look I'm not talking about people hanging out with friends here Montrovant. Let's not get stupid.

Yes it is illegal to practice racism. We have hate crime laws, you can't practice racism on he job, you can't practice racism in public accommodations, practicing racism is illegal.

There are racist practices that are illegal. Saying practicing racism is illegal is simply inaccurate. Practicing religious bigotry is not illegal, but there are religiously bigoted practices that are illegal. Practicing gender bigotry is not illegal, but there are gender bigoted practices that are illegal.

You've even gone so far as to simply say that racism is illegal, not even racist practices. This seems like a good time to shrug, admit a minor error in wording, and move on. I won't hold my breath, however.
In constructing his own “reality”; he’s only succeeded in creating his own prison. Amusing really.
It is illegal to practice racism.

I have never practiced racism. I know what racism is. You use the term to try derailing discussions. As to your last question, yes, that's exactly what I am going to do.

Racism is an opinion, nothing more, nothing less. If you think expressing such an opinion is wrong, then you shouldn't be a hypocrite about it.

Racism is a belief that whites have acted on to deny others the same opportunities they gave to themselves. And so that's what must end.
Why do we need to give retards like you an opportunity to run things into the ground like you did in Apefreaka?

See, this is the sort of silly crap I don't usually bother responding to. Apefreaka? What's the point of trying to talk to someone who makes up that sort of term? Either the post is just trolling for a reaction, or the person really thinks that is a good term to use, and therefore appears incapable of having a rational discussion.
It's obvious that you don't. Your legacy begins around 1965.

Well no, not exactly.
Everything you think you know pre-1965 is just propaganda from post-1965.

Wrong answer son. I did have family and they did have friends all born well before 1965. I was born before 1965.
And you're still retarded.

GOTTA be genetic!

You really have to do better than repeating the same thing over and over son. You can't out debate me on any subject so this is all you have.
I can't out debate a milk carton either. Something has to have IQ in the double digits (at least) to debate, and you don't (can't) do that since you won't even support your claims.
It is illegal to practice racism.

I have never practiced racism. I know what racism is. You use the term to try derailing discussions. As to your last question, yes, that's exactly what I am going to do.

Racism is an opinion, nothing more, nothing less. If you think expressing such an opinion is wrong, then you shouldn't be a hypocrite about it.

Racism is a belief that whites have acted on to deny others the same opportunities they gave to themselves. And so that's what must end.
Why do we need to give retards like you an opportunity to run things into the ground like you did in Apefreaka?

See, this is the sort of silly crap I don't usually bother responding to. Apefreaka? What's the point of trying to talk to someone who makes up that sort of term? Either the post is just trolling for a reaction, or the person really thinks that is a good term to use, and therefore appears incapable of having a rational discussion.
What does thinking it's a good term to use have to do with debating ability? The shitskin IM2 won't "debate" except to say he's right and we're wrong. That's the extend of his debating "abilities."
It is illegal to practice racism.

I have never practiced racism. I know what racism is. You use the term to try derailing discussions. As to your last question, yes, that's exactly what I am going to do.

Racism is an opinion, nothing more, nothing less. If you think expressing such an opinion is wrong, then you shouldn't be a hypocrite about it.

Racism is a belief that whites have acted on to deny others the same opportunities they gave to themselves. And so that's what must end.
Why do we need to give retards like you an opportunity to run things into the ground like you did in Apefreaka?

See, this is the sort of silly crap I don't usually bother responding to. Apefreaka? What's the point of trying to talk to someone who makes up that sort of term? Either the post is just trolling for a reaction, or the person really thinks that is a good term to use, and therefore appears incapable of having a rational discussion.

IM2 isn't interested in having a debate or rational discussion. He wants total submission from a subservient whitey, nothing else will do.
Racism is not illegal. It might be immoral, but it's not illegal. You practice racism every day with your posts on this forum. Are you really going to sit there and pretend that you don't espouse black genetic superiority..?

It is illegal to practice racism.

I have never practiced racism. I know what racism is. You use the term to try derailing discussions. As to your last question, yes, that's exactly what I am going to do.

It is not illegal to practice racism. That is too broad and non-specific a phrase. Someone who only socializes with members of their own race may be practicing racism, but there is nothing illegal about it.

Look I'm not talking about people hanging out with friends here Montrovant. Let's not get stupid.

Yes it is illegal to practice racism. We have hate crime laws, you can't practice racism on he job, you can't practice racism in public accommodations, practicing racism is illegal.

There are racist practices that are illegal. Saying practicing racism is illegal is simply inaccurate. Practicing religious bigotry is not illegal, but there are religiously bigoted practices that are illegal. Practicing gender bigotry is not illegal, but there are gender bigoted practices that are illegal.

You've even gone so far as to simply say that racism is illegal, not even racist practices. This seems like a good time to shrug, admit a minor error in wording, and move on. I won't hold my breath, however.
In constructing his own “reality”; he’s only succeeded in creating his own prison. Amusing really.
Not much of a prison. Shitskins get welfar...ahem...well-paying government jobs here in the USA.
It is illegal to practice racism.

I have never practiced racism. I know what racism is. You use the term to try derailing discussions. As to your last question, yes, that's exactly what I am going to do.

Racism is an opinion, nothing more, nothing less. If you think expressing such an opinion is wrong, then you shouldn't be a hypocrite about it.

Racism is a belief that whites have acted on to deny others the same opportunities they gave to themselves. And so that's what must end.
Why do we need to give retards like you an opportunity to run things into the ground like you did in Apefreaka?

See, this is the sort of silly crap I don't usually bother responding to. Apefreaka? What's the point of trying to talk to someone who makes up that sort of term? Either the post is just trolling for a reaction, or the person really thinks that is a good term to use, and therefore appears incapable of having a rational discussion.

IM2 isn't interested in having a debate or rational discussion. He wants total submission from a subservient whitey, nothing else will do.
When he’s not playing second fiddle to apeslips.
It is illegal to practice racism.

I have never practiced racism. I know what racism is. You use the term to try derailing discussions. As to your last question, yes, that's exactly what I am going to do.

It is not illegal to practice racism. That is too broad and non-specific a phrase. Someone who only socializes with members of their own race may be practicing racism, but there is nothing illegal about it.

Look I'm not talking about people hanging out with friends here Montrovant. Let's not get stupid.

Yes it is illegal to practice racism. We have hate crime laws, you can't practice racism on he job, you can't practice racism in public accommodations, practicing racism is illegal.

There are racist practices that are illegal. Saying practicing racism is illegal is simply inaccurate. Practicing religious bigotry is not illegal, but there are religiously bigoted practices that are illegal. Practicing gender bigotry is not illegal, but there are gender bigoted practices that are illegal.

You've even gone so far as to simply say that racism is illegal, not even racist practices. This seems like a good time to shrug, admit a minor error in wording, and move on. I won't hold my breath, however.
In constructing his own “reality”; he’s only succeeded in creating his own prison. Amusing really.
Not much of a prison. Shitskins get welfar...ahem...well-paying government jobs here in the USA.
They even get acedemic participation trophies by handing out worthless degrees in subjects like sociology. Just so they can feel like they’ve “achieved” something. Then it’s off to a posh “workfare” program pushed through by the local democrats. A program that takes money from the tax payers, and offers nothing of free market value in return. And, who says “”you can’t buy votes”?
Last edited:
Read the constitution.
I have read it many times NO WHERE in it is racism illegal IN FACT the 1st amendment makes it quite legal as long as you don't break any ACTUAL laws while being racist.

Racism is illegal. The first amendment doesn't make racism legal.

You are clearly using a different definition for racism than most posters in this thread...or, for that matter, than state or federal criminal statutes. :)

Most of those who post on this section define racism, as opposition by people of color to current or past white racist practices.

It is illegal to practice racism. Threfore you get rid of those who do it by pressuring them out of the public square. For example why is Rush Limbaugh, Levin, Prager and others like them still on the air? We see no equivalent in non white communities. And no Al Sharpton isn't it. Montrovant, its funny how you never show up when we see people posting this shit up about racial genetic superiority, but you want to offer your opinion on everything I say. Why not start questioning the white racists around here? Or are you one of them?

Your examples are on the air because they have an audience. That's pretty simple. I couldn't tell you who might constitute non-white equivalents. I don't listen to Limbaugh, Levin, or Prager, or any other political blowhards or pundits, so I have no idea which may or may not espouse racist sentiments.

As I've said before, I don't consider the blatant racists worth my time. I generally don't bother responding, although I may on occasion. You may not have noticed, but most of what I have brought up with you is in regards to statistics. I'm not trying to draw conclusions from those statistics, but rather point out perceived factual errors. The same is true of your insistence that racism is illegal. I haven't said anything about racism being a good thing, just that claiming it is illegal is incorrect.

You can worry about whether I've reached some sort of quota of posts directed at white racists. You might consider that rather than being based on racism on my part, I see posts by you and, based on past experience, think they are interesting enough to check out. Or perhaps your post just happened to be recent when I logged on to the site, so was up for me to click on. Or maybe it's just more comfortable for you to assume I am white and racist. :dunno:

I don't care what you are but the excuse by those like you of not considering the racists to be worth your time is why they continue to exist. Everybody wants to quote MLK or male up some MLK that is eerily like a Ben Carson which he was far from. Not saying you do that, but consider this:


“It may well be that we will have to repent in this generation. Not merely for the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around and say, "Wait on time.”

Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches

I started this thread because I'm tired of the stereotypes of those like me based on that one statistic. If blacks born back mothers were 72 percent of all babies born, then we have a problem. Because unwed babies have nothing to do with the problems in the black community. And when you talk abut poverty, we had 55 percent poverty when our unwed marriage rate was acceptable to whites. Now we have a 25 percent rate. While that is a problem it's not because if unwed mothers.
I have read it many times NO WHERE in it is racism illegal IN FACT the 1st amendment makes it quite legal as long as you don't break any ACTUAL laws while being racist.

Racism is illegal. The first amendment doesn't make racism legal.

You are clearly using a different definition for racism than most posters in this thread...or, for that matter, than state or federal criminal statutes. :)

Most of those who post on this section define racism, as opposition by people of color to current or past white racist practices.

It is illegal to practice racism. Threfore you get rid of those who do it by pressuring them out of the public square. For example why is Rush Limbaugh, Levin, Prager and others like them still on the air? We see no equivalent in non white communities. And no Al Sharpton isn't it. Montrovant, its funny how you never show up when we see people posting this shit up about racial genetic superiority, but you want to offer your opinion on everything I say. Why not start questioning the white racists around here? Or are you one of them?

Your examples are on the air because they have an audience. That's pretty simple. I couldn't tell you who might constitute non-white equivalents. I don't listen to Limbaugh, Levin, or Prager, or any other political blowhards or pundits, so I have no idea which may or may not espouse racist sentiments.

As I've said before, I don't consider the blatant racists worth my time. I generally don't bother responding, although I may on occasion. You may not have noticed, but most of what I have brought up with you is in regards to statistics. I'm not trying to draw conclusions from those statistics, but rather point out perceived factual errors. The same is true of your insistence that racism is illegal. I haven't said anything about racism being a good thing, just that claiming it is illegal is incorrect.

You can worry about whether I've reached some sort of quota of posts directed at white racists. You might consider that rather than being based on racism on my part, I see posts by you and, based on past experience, think they are interesting enough to check out. Or perhaps your post just happened to be recent when I logged on to the site, so was up for me to click on. Or maybe it's just more comfortable for you to assume I am white and racist. :dunno:

I don't care what you are but the excuse by those like you of not considering the racists to be worth your time is why they continue to exist. Everybody wants to quote MLK or male up some MLK that is eerily like a Ben Carson which he was far from. Not saying you do that, but consider this:


“It may well be that we will have to repent in this generation. Not merely for the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around and say, "Wait on time.”

Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches

I started this thread because I'm tired of the stereotypes of those like me based on that one statistic. If blacks born back mothers were 72 percent of all babies born, then we have a problem. Because unwed babies have nothing to do with the problems in the black community. And when you talk abut poverty, we had 55 percent poverty when our unwed marriage rate was acceptable to whites. Now we have a 25 percent rate. While that is a problem it's not because if unwed mothers.
I'm pretty sure those like you are judged first and foremost by the utterly retarded shit they spew. You could turn a black panther into a white nationalist with that shit!
Most of those who post on this section define racism, as opposition by people of color to current or past white racist practices.

It is illegal to practice racism. Threfore you get rid of those who do it by pressuring them out of the public square. For example why is Rush Limbaugh, Levin, Prager and others like them still on the air? We see no equivalent in non white communities. And no Al Sharpton isn't it. Montrovant, its funny how you never show up when we see people posting this shit up about racial genetic superiority, but you want to offer your opinion on everything I say. Why not start questioning the white racists around here? Or are you one of them?

Racism is not illegal. It might be immoral, but it's not illegal. You practice racism every day with your posts on this forum. Are you really going to sit there and pretend that you don't espouse black genetic superiority..?

It is illegal to practice racism.

I have never practiced racism. I know what racism is. You use the term to try derailing discussions. As to your last question, yes, that's exactly what I am going to do.

It is not illegal to practice racism. That is too broad and non-specific a phrase. Someone who only socializes with members of their own race may be practicing racism, but there is nothing illegal about it.

Look I'm not talking about people hanging out with friends here Montrovant. Let's not get stupid.

Yes it is illegal to practice racism. We have hate crime laws, you can't practice racism on he job, you can't practice racism in public accommodations, practicing racism is illegal.

There are racist practices that are illegal. Saying practicing racism is illegal is simply inaccurate. Practicing religious bigotry is not illegal, but there are religiously bigoted practices that are illegal. Practicing gender bigotry is not illegal, but there are gender bigoted practices that are illegal.

You've even gone so far as to simply say that racism is illegal, not even racist practices. This seems like a good time to shrug, admit a minor error in wording, and move on. I won't hold my breath, however.

So don't. I don't care. When you can tell these racists the same thing, we can talk about any error you want to claim was made. Because while you don't waste your time with racists, you at here arguing how saying racism is illegal is inaccurate. Do the same to these racists pertaining to accuracy OK?.
Racism is illegal. The first amendment doesn't make racism legal.

You are clearly using a different definition for racism than most posters in this thread...or, for that matter, than state or federal criminal statutes. :)

Most of those who post on this section define racism, as opposition by people of color to current or past white racist practices.

It is illegal to practice racism. Threfore you get rid of those who do it by pressuring them out of the public square. For example why is Rush Limbaugh, Levin, Prager and others like them still on the air? We see no equivalent in non white communities. And no Al Sharpton isn't it. Montrovant, its funny how you never show up when we see people posting this shit up about racial genetic superiority, but you want to offer your opinion on everything I say. Why not start questioning the white racists around here? Or are you one of them?

Your examples are on the air because they have an audience. That's pretty simple. I couldn't tell you who might constitute non-white equivalents. I don't listen to Limbaugh, Levin, or Prager, or any other political blowhards or pundits, so I have no idea which may or may not espouse racist sentiments.

As I've said before, I don't consider the blatant racists worth my time. I generally don't bother responding, although I may on occasion. You may not have noticed, but most of what I have brought up with you is in regards to statistics. I'm not trying to draw conclusions from those statistics, but rather point out perceived factual errors. The same is true of your insistence that racism is illegal. I haven't said anything about racism being a good thing, just that claiming it is illegal is incorrect.

You can worry about whether I've reached some sort of quota of posts directed at white racists. You might consider that rather than being based on racism on my part, I see posts by you and, based on past experience, think they are interesting enough to check out. Or perhaps your post just happened to be recent when I logged on to the site, so was up for me to click on. Or maybe it's just more comfortable for you to assume I am white and racist. :dunno:

I don't care what you are but the excuse by those like you of not considering the racists to be worth your time is why they continue to exist. Everybody wants to quote MLK or male up some MLK that is eerily like a Ben Carson which he was far from. Not saying you do that, but consider this:


“It may well be that we will have to repent in this generation. Not merely for the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around and say, "Wait on time.”

Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches

I started this thread because I'm tired of the stereotypes of those like me based on that one statistic. If blacks born back mothers were 72 percent of all babies born, then we have a problem. Because unwed babies have nothing to do with the problems in the black community. And when you talk abut poverty, we had 55 percent poverty when our unwed marriage rate was acceptable to whites. Now we have a 25 percent rate. While that is a problem it's not because if unwed mothers.
I'm pretty sure those like you are judged first and foremost by the utterly retarded shit they spew. You could turn a black panther into a white nationalist with that shit!

I doubt that very much.
Racism is not illegal. It might be immoral, but it's not illegal. You practice racism every day with your posts on this forum. Are you really going to sit there and pretend that you don't espouse black genetic superiority..?

It is illegal to practice racism.

I have never practiced racism. I know what racism is. You use the term to try derailing discussions. As to your last question, yes, that's exactly what I am going to do.

It is not illegal to practice racism. That is too broad and non-specific a phrase. Someone who only socializes with members of their own race may be practicing racism, but there is nothing illegal about it.

Look I'm not talking about people hanging out with friends here Montrovant. Let's not get stupid.

Yes it is illegal to practice racism. We have hate crime laws, you can't practice racism on he job, you can't practice racism in public accommodations, practicing racism is illegal.

There are racist practices that are illegal. Saying practicing racism is illegal is simply inaccurate. Practicing religious bigotry is not illegal, but there are religiously bigoted practices that are illegal. Practicing gender bigotry is not illegal, but there are gender bigoted practices that are illegal.

You've even gone so far as to simply say that racism is illegal, not even racist practices. This seems like a good time to shrug, admit a minor error in wording, and move on. I won't hold my breath, however.
In constructing his own “reality”; he’s only succeeded in creating his own prison. Amusing really.

According to who? You? LOL!

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