The fallacy of black unwed births

CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.

I don't know where you went to school but wherever it was they didn't teach you much math. There is one and only one way to determine the percentage of unwed Black births. You create a fraction with the number of unwed Black births on the top and the total number of Black births on the bottom. Then you divide the top number by the bottom. You do the same thing for White mothers, dividing the number of illegitimate White births by the total number of White births. Then you can compare the percentage of illegitimate Black births to the percentage of illegitimate White births.

I don't know how old you are but you must be very young because there are countless studies and many millions of references to the number of unmarried births by race and they all show the same thing: About 70 percent of Black children are born to unwed mothers compared to about 30% for White mothers. You notion that the illegitimacy rate for Black mother is only about 10 is laughable. Here is one of millions of links:

“More than three quarters of African American births are to unmarried women, nearly double the illegitimacy rate of all other births, according to new federal data.

“The National Center for Health Statistics said that in 2015, 77.3 percent of non-immigrant black births were illegitimate. The national non-immigrant average is 42 percent, and it was 30 percent for whites.

“More than three quarters of African American births are to unmarried women, nearly double the illegitimacy rate of all other births, according to new federal data.

“The National Center for Health Statistics said that in 2015, 77.3 percent of non-immigrant black births were illegitimate. The national non-immigrant average is 42 percent, and it was 30 percent for whites."

77% black births to single moms, 49% for Hispanic immigrants

CONCLUSION: Every study, including those done by various government agencies and elements in the private sector prove the same thing: the percentage of illegitimate Black children is much higher than the percentage of illegitimate White children. I wouldn't be surprised if White mothers had a greater number (not percentage) of illegitimate births because there are a lot more White mothers (around six times as many).

PS: Using the figures you provided (415,000 Black babies born to unwed mothers and only a little over 500,000 total Black births), the percentage of illegitimate Black births would be 83 percent.

Blacks had approximately 593,000 babies total. I am 57 and have read one sided stats from white agencies all my life.

Actually you cmpare the unwed births to the total number of births. That how they go the 40 percent out of wedlock birth rate. You know putting 1,600,208 over 3,977,745 and then dividing. So you take the 415,000 and put that over the 1,600,208 and you end up with 26 percent of all unwed children were back. Now if you only go by black births total compared to unwed births only by backs you get your total, But when we look at unwed births as a societal or cultural problem then we must look at the entire picture not just one race make the claim. So then we look at the total number of blacks born out of wedlock 415,000 and we put that over the 3,977,745 to come to the conclusion that 10.4 prcent of all races born were back out of wedlock babies.

So unless you went to the Kollege of the KI KLUX KLAN, the numbers shown represent the total number of black babies born out of wedlock as a percentage of total births in America in 2015. 10.4 percent. md in the usual white r axis fashion, you want to deny that having more out of wedlock births than blacks had total births doesn't represent a problem only the manufactured story of backs having a 70 percent unwed rate is much more of a problem.

So if you are t he professor, I'm the dean. So is JQPublic.

Oh I see mr chicken ran away.
I don't know how old you are but you must be very young because there are countless studies and many millions of references to the number of unmarried births by race and they all show the same thing: About 70 percent of Black children are born to unwed mothers compared to about 30% for White mothers. You notion that the illegitimacy rate for Black mother is only about 10 is laughable. Here is one of millions of links:

Your reading comprehension is very flawed even for a fake professor. IM2 wrote that the unwed Black rate is only 10% of all unwed births in the USA. See how eager you were to rush to judgment and make a fool of yourself while doing so?

PS: Using the figures you provided (425,000 Black babies born to unwed mothers and only a little over 500,000 total Black births), the percentage of illegitimate Black births would be 83 percent.

Again, you are an incompetent oaf trying to look smart and fucking up all the while.
The figures you posted aren't the figures IM2 provided. He used RED bold highlighted letters and you still got it wrong. The numbers Im2 used was 415,000 babies born to unwed black mothers out of 500,000. and the percentage would be
83 %. Your mistake was probably a typo but it makes you look foolish. BTW if you use the 425,000 figure the percentage would be 85%.

You're as ignorant as he is. He was using a wrong method to compare illegitimacy rates and I showed him (and you) the right way. He was comparing the number of illegitimate Black births to the total number of all births for all races and and that doesn't prove anything. He divided 415,000 by 3,977,745 and came up with 10.4 percent.. Than he did the same thing for unwed White births and cam up with 15 percent. This is supposed to prove that Whites have a bigger problem than Blacks and it does not. The reason why White women have a greater greater percentage of illegitimate births – COMPARED TO THE ENTIRE NUMBER OF BIRTHS FOR ALL RACES - is that there are a hell of a lot more White mothers than Black mothers. Now, my unenlightened, uneducated antagonist, tell me which race has the greater problem with illegitimate births. The answer: Blacks. The “statistics” provided by your friend are meaningless and produce misleading information. The statistics I provided are real and relevant.

Hypothetically, if there were 500,000 Black births and the were ALL illegitimate, and there were five times as many White births with 600,000 being illegitimate, which race you conclude had the greater problem. The OP seems to think White women do and he is wrong.

Now, I showed you both the right way to do it and and I am done with both of you and this thread.

You have the last word. I'm outta here.

No... I understand the statistical disparity in the data given to us unilaterally by a race of people who hate Blacks. And I accept the data with a tongue in cheek approach for that reason. There, presently is no Black agency in existence willing or able to validate such a large database.. So, reluctantly, I play the proportional game with some modicum of faith, but not totally, that the numbers might be accurate.

If the data is accurate, and that's a big IF,... what does it portend? You say it shows Blacks have a bigger problem than do whites because, the Black rate of unwed births is 5 times more than the percentage of Blacks represented in the general population. But so what? As you may know, 75% of Blacks live above the poverty level. That means most of those kids born to unwed moms are not impoverished.
Also the myth of the absentee Black father clouds the issue and gives people like you a false impression of Black life as one of hopeless poverty. Unfortunately, most of that judgement is fed by the media. But more objective studies have shown that while Blacks may have higher unwed birthrates Black fathers take responsibility for their kids, they generally pay their court ordered child support, and they interact with their children. Unwed motherhood and or unwed fatherhood is not as vast a problem in the back community as white pundits imagine. According to the same study, Black fathers are more involved with their kids than their white or Hispanic counterparts.

"Josh Levs points this out in his new book, “All In,” in a chapter titled “How Black Dads Are Doing Best of All (But There’s Still a Crisis).” One fact that Levs quickly establishes is that most black fathers in America live with their children: “There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”
Opinion | Black Dads Are Doing Best of All
“So then,” you may ask, “how is it that 72 percent of black children are born to single mothers? How can both be true?”

Here are two things to consider:

First, there are a growing number of people who live together but don’t marry. Those mothers are still single, even though the child’s father may be in the home. And, as The Washington Post reported last year:

“The share of unmarried couples who opted to have ‘shotgun cohabitations’ — moving in together after a pregnancy — surpassed ‘shotgun marriages’ for the first time during the last decade, according to a forthcoming paper from the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

Given the context of the excerpted article, which I agree with, the statistical data may be factual but not contextual. It is the assumptions generated by the data that bothers me. Such data tends to bolster the low opinion many white people have of Blacks anyway; and. political decisions affecting them may hinge on negative opinions. In an attempt to counter that negative imagery, I entered this discussion, not so much as to dispute the data but to frame it in a more positive light.

But you did enter the wrong numbers of illegitimate Black births initially which you have since corrected. Also, Black unwed births are about 10.4 % of all births unwed and wed while white unwed births are about 15.1% of total US births.
Add them together and we see,not counting Hispanic and Asian unwed births ,
the AMERICAN PROBLEM is already at 25.5%. It isn't a Black or White problem...its an American problem and we ALL need to get together to fix it if that is the goal.
Why in the world would a white person want to talk about BLACK illegitimacy ? In my experience nearly every white person who has done that had no true concern for blacks. Because those who did, those who were truly concerned about illegitimacy, were also just as concerned about white illegitimacy too.
Why in the world would a white person want to talk about BLACK illegitimacy ? In my experience nearly every white person who has done that had no true concern for blacks. Because those who did, those who were truly concerned about illegitimacy, were also just as concerned about white illegitimacy too.

Sir, observe the fail this thread is. Observe who the OP is. That is all.

I'll interject that the number of unwed mothers these days is saddening. White or black.

Perhaps the state should not reward them as much as they do.

When the state pays unwed mothers out of the daddies they pushed away's pockets, that's insanity.

I learned about that when I was 23, it disgusted me as to how some women do.

It was a white girl I learned it about, but black girls do it too, and a little bit more often.
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You strictly made this thread (and ones like it) to bait people so you could call them names. It's what you do.

You're giving him far too much credit. Him and his cohorts just don't understand the relevance of per capita statistics, it's a recurring theme down here in race relations.
In your opinion, what is the relevance of per capita statistics as it pertains to race in America? Should we be making distinctions based on racial statistics that do nothing but divide us further? What good does it do for anyone to know what the percentage of Black unwed mothers is if most of those Black children are being taken care of by both parents, unwed or not? That claim has existed for decades even as , in raw numbers, albeit with a lower per capita percentage, more whites are having children out of wedlock.

I am beginning to have reservations about the "problem" RW conservatives attribute to out of wedlock births. While some pundits have succeeded in tying crime and poverty to single parenthood, they have looked at Black marriage statistics only to come to the wrong conclusion about out of wedlock births. Overlooked or purposely ignored, are critical markers found in studies that show wide spread single parenthood is an illusion fomented by white curmudgeons who cannot relate to the Black community. Even though marriage rates are low two parent homes are not the inevitable result as many whites think.

Given that perspective, can you blame truth seekers like IM2 and me for working to expose the truth as revealed above? Proportional statistics do not tell the whole story.Frankly, it appears the data serves one clear purpose: to make white people feel good about themselves. LBJ underscored that phenomenon empirically with the following iconic observance:

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In your opinion, what is the relevance of per capita statistics as it pertains to race in America? Should we be making distinctions based on racial statistics that do nothing but divide us further? What good does it do for anyone to know what the percentage of Black unwed mothers is if most of those Black children are being taken care of by both parents, unwed or not? That claim has existed for decades even as , in raw numbers, albeit with a lower per capita percentage, more whites are having children out of wedlock.

It's relevant because there's a high rate of crime among young black men, gang affiliation etc. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to link the two trends. Should we not talk about important issues because they make black people feel bad? I'd be interested in seeing some proof that more black fathers take an active role in their kid's lives than those who just bail on them. There are more illegitimate white births in total because there are many more white people.

I am beginning to have reservations about the "problem" RW conservatives attribute to out of wedlock births. While some pundits have succeeded in tying crime and poverty to single parenthood, they have looked at Black marriage statistics only to come to the wrong conclusion about out of wedlock births. Overlooked or purposely ignored, are critical markers found in studies that show wide spread single parenthood is an illusion fomented by white curmudgeons who cannot relate to the Black community. Even though marriage rates are low two parent homes are not the inevitable result as many whites think.

Family values is one of the core tenets of conservative thought. We're not just pretending to think that intact families are the ideal situation for kids to grow up in. Not all conservatives are racially aware white people like me, many of them (those curmudgeons you are talking about) are evangelical types who love the Jews for some reason and try really hard not to think about race and where they came from. (heathen Europe) If color is truly only skin deep as some would have us believe, then black problems are human problems therefore we should be allowed to talk about it without fear of being labeled racist.

Given that perspective, can you blame truth seekers like IM2 and me for working to expose the truth as revealed above? Proportional statistics do not tell the whole story.Frankly, it appears the data serves one clear purpose: to make white people feel good about themselves. LBJ underscored that phenomenon empirically with the following iconic observance:

IM2 does NOT try to bridge any divides or expose truth. All he ever does is blame white people for everything bad that's ever happened in human history. He's not alone, this sort of thing is common all over the internet, on college campuses, in entertainment and even in the mainstream news. I'm sick of it. You, I'm not so sure of. I don't blame either of you for sticking up for your people. That's what I do down here in this cesspool called race relations, not look down on the "colored man" but defend my kin from Black supremacist hate mongers like IM2 and Asclepias.
Why in the world would a white person want to talk about BLACK illegitimacy ? In my experience nearly every white person who has done that had no true concern for blacks. Because those who did, those who were truly concerned about illegitimacy, were also just as concerned about white illegitimacy too.

Sir, observe the fail this thread is. Observe who the OP is. That is all.

I'll interject that the number of unwed mothers these days is saddening. White or black.

Perhaps the state should not reward them as much as they do.

When the state pays unwed mothers out of the daddies they pushed away's pockets, that's insanity.

I learned about that when I was 23, it disgusted me as to how some women do.

It was a white girl I learned it about, but black girls do it too, and a little bit more often.

The sad thing is your understanding of the Black community. Out of wedlock birth does not mean what conservative whites project it does in Black households. Most of those children still have two parents that just decided to cohabit instead of marry. That phenomenon isn't just taking place in Black America, some all white European nations also have exceedingly high out of wedlock births.

In your opinion, what is the relevance of per capita statistics as it pertains to race in America? Should we be making distinctions based on racial statistics that do nothing but divide us further? What good does it do for anyone to know what the percentage of Black unwed mothers is if most of those Black children are being taken care of by both parents, unwed or not? That claim has existed for decades even as , in raw numbers, albeit with a lower per capita percentage, more whites are having children out of wedlock.

It's relevant because there's a high rate of crime among young black men, gang affiliation etc. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to link the two trends. Should we not talk about important issues because they make black people feel bad? I'd be interested in seeing some proof that more black fathers take an active role in their kid's lives than those who just bail on them. There are more illegitimate white births in total because there are many more white people.

Are you saying the larger number of white crimes is diminished by proportionality? Usually critics of the Black community see those FBI stats showing considerable White criminality as an afterthought not worthy of debate. But the uninformed linking of so-called trends may be more of a societal problem than you realize. It is especially onerous to the majority of Blacks who are trying to do the right thing. Assumptions such as yours lead to discrimination and marginalization of an entire people based on statistical innuendo and misunderstandings by millions of white people who have never had a black friend or associate.

I am beginning to have reservations about the "problem" RW conservatives attribute to out of wedlock births. While some pundits have succeeded in tying crime and poverty to single parenthood, they have looked at Black marriage statistics only to come to the wrong conclusion about out of wedlock births. Overlooked or purposely ignored, are critical markers found in studies that show wide spread single parenthood is an illusion fomented by white curmudgeons who cannot relate to the Black community. Even though marriage rates are low two parent homes are not the inevitable result as many whites think.

impuretrash said:
values is one of the core tenets of conservative thought. We're not just pretending to think that intact families are the ideal situation for kids to grow up in. Not all conservatives are racially aware white people like me, many of them (those curmudgeons you are talking about) are evangelical types who love the Jews for some reason and try really hard not to think about race and where they came from. (heathen Europe) If color is truly only skin deep as some would have us believe, then black problems are human problems therefore we should be allowed to talk about it without fear of being labeled racist.
Your notion of family values include marriages that have about a 40% chance of ending in divorce before the children reach puberty. Consider that in
2016 there were 2,245,404 newly weds out of a population of
323,127,513. ( 49 states) Thats a rate of 6.9 per 1000

But there were 827,261 divorces or annulments during the same period out of a population of 257,904,548 (46 states) with a rate of 3.2 per 1000.

Obviously the divorce rates would be even worse if
California, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Minnesota, and New Mexico had included their data.

My point? Your moral judgement is flawed in that the relevance of marriage, as an institution, is thought by some experts to be declining. The high divorce rate is symptomatic of that paradigm. And single parenthood is an more of an inevitable reality than the Black and white couples who chose to cohabit rather than opt for matri- MONEY. And the argument that marriage protects the children in case of divorce is bogus too. There are more White and Hispanic deadbeat dads than there are Black deadbeat dads.


Given that perspective, can you blame truth seekers like IM2 and me for working to expose the truth as revealed above? Proportional statistics do not tell the whole story.Frankly, it appears the data serves one clear purpose: to make white people feel good about themselves. LBJ underscored that phenomenon empirically with the following iconic observance:

impuretrash said:
IM2 does NOT try to bridge any divides or expose truth. All he ever does is blame white people for everything bad that's ever happened in human history. He's not alone, this sort of thing is common all over the internet, on college campuses, in entertainment and even in the mainstream news. I'm sick of it. You, I'm not so sure of. I don't blame either of you for sticking up for your people. That's what I do down here in this cesspool called race relations, not look down on the "colored man" but defend my kin from Black supremacist hate mongers like IM2 and Asclepias.

US MB is decidedly a sounding board for a number of political viewpoints. But the overwhelming majority of contributors here are radicalized White males and the women who love them. In this environment, I can understand why IM2 or Asclepias could be taunted enough to reciprocate against the extreme anti-Black sentiment found in these forums. I have been just as vociferous and just as militant as they have at times. That doesn't make me a hater of ALL White people it just makes me a hater of a certain kind of White person. I do regret using pejoratives and other verbal defense mechanisms to counter some of the more viral racists on this board but I am unapologetic for doing so. If the board tolerates vile anti Black depictions and taunts by racists, who, BTW, have gotten good ratings from many Whites I thought were liberal. Some white respondents do condemn the blatant racists here, but not enough.

As for IM2 and Asclepias, I see them as intelligent Blacks who are simply fighting back against overwhelming odds. They don't have the luxury of separating the bad guys from the good. Trying to be diplomatic in the face of viral racism is not an option that works here. I know I've tried it. Yet I'm still convinced there are white people here who really want to have a civil discussion about topics that affect Blacks and whites alike. I'd much rather engage people like that than those who thrown statistical data at me that I have no control over nor faith in.
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.

These are very disturbing figures. Your date- 415,000 unwed births out of 500,000 total births from blacks. That means that nearly 80% of black births are to unwed mothers. We need to address this as a society.

LOL! There were more than 500,000 blacks. And what you needs to address is the more than 621,000 whites born out of wedlock, which means whites had more out of wedlock births than backs had total births.

It’s the high number of unwed births as a percentage of total births I find so disturbing. Blacks are less than 15% of the population, but they contribute more than 30% of unwed births. It’s a math thingy, maybe that’s why you struggle with it.
In your opinion, what is the relevance of per capita statistics as it pertains to race in America? Should we be making distinctions based on racial statistics that do nothing but divide us further? What good does it do for anyone to know what the percentage of Black unwed mothers is if most of those Black children are being taken care of by both parents, unwed or not? That claim has existed for decades even as , in raw numbers, albeit with a lower per capita percentage, more whites are having children out of wedlock.

It's relevant because there's a high rate of crime among young black men, gang affiliation etc. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to link the two trends. Should we not talk about important issues because they make black people feel bad? I'd be interested in seeing some proof that more black fathers take an active role in their kid's lives than those who just bail on them. There are more illegitimate white births in total because there are many more white people.

I am beginning to have reservations about the "problem" RW conservatives attribute to out of wedlock births. While some pundits have succeeded in tying crime and poverty to single parenthood, they have looked at Black marriage statistics only to come to the wrong conclusion about out of wedlock births. Overlooked or purposely ignored, are critical markers found in studies that show wide spread single parenthood is an illusion fomented by white curmudgeons who cannot relate to the Black community. Even though marriage rates are low two parent homes are not the inevitable result as many whites think.

Family values is one of the core tenets of conservative thought. We're not just pretending to think that intact families are the ideal situation for kids to grow up in. Not all conservatives are racially aware white people like me, many of them (those curmudgeons you are talking about) are evangelical types who love the Jews for some reason and try really hard not to think about race and where they came from. (heathen Europe) If color is truly only skin deep as some would have us believe, then black problems are human problems therefore we should be allowed to talk about it without fear of being labeled racist.

Given that perspective, can you blame truth seekers like IM2 and me for working to expose the truth as revealed above? Proportional statistics do not tell the whole story.Frankly, it appears the data serves one clear purpose: to make white people feel good about themselves. LBJ underscored that phenomenon empirically with the following iconic observance:

IM2 does NOT try to bridge any divides or expose truth. All he ever does is blame white people for everything bad that's ever happened in human history. He's not alone, this sort of thing is common all over the internet, on college campuses, in entertainment and even in the mainstream news. I'm sick of it. You, I'm not so sure of. I don't blame either of you for sticking up for your people. That's what I do down here in this cesspool called race relations, not look down on the "colored man" but defend my kin from Black supremacist hate mongers like IM2 and Asclepias.

You are apparently one of those poorly educated semi literate whites. I blame whites for what they have dine. If you are butthurt, then understand that whites should not have done it. You know nothing about family values. All you are here doing is expressing your belief in white supremacy. We won't be bridging anything by looking at things your way. You and those like you are responsible for the division here and those like you keep us divided. We aren't the hatemongers, you are.
Are you saying the larger number of white crimes is diminished by proportionality? Usually critics of the Black community see those FBI stats showing considerable White criminality as an afterthought not worthy of debate. But the uninformed linking of so-called trends may be more of a societal problem than you realize. It is especially onerous to the majority of Blacks who are trying to do the right thing. Assumptions such as yours lead to discrimination and marginalization of an entire people based on statistical innuendo and misunderstandings by millions of white people who have never had a black friend or associate.

I understand that the ugly truth about black crime rates is a bitter pill to swallow, but it doesn't make it any less true. 13% of the population commits around 50% of the total homicides. Less than 13% if you factor in the male to female ratio. Black males are statistically more likely to commit murder than white males, by a huge margin. And that's not even factoring in all of the other crimes like robbery and assault all of which hover around 50% or higher among the black community. Sorry if it offends you, but it's true.

US MB is decidedly a sounding board for a number of political viewpoints. But the overwhelming majority of contributors here are radicalized White males and the women who love them. In this environment, I can understand why IM2 or Asclepias could be taunted enough to reciprocate against the extreme anti-Black sentiment found in these forums. I have been just as vociferous and just as militant as they have at times. That doesn't make me a hater of ALL White people it just makes me a hater of a certain kind of White person. I do regret using pejoratives and other verbal defense mechanisms to counter some of the more viral racists on this board but I am unapologetic for doing so. If the board tolerates vile anti Black depictions and taunts by racists, who, BTW, have gotten good ratings from many Whites I thought were liberal. Some white respondents do condemn the blatant racists here, but not enough.

Seems to me that the left and right point of view is close to equally balanced here. Trolls on both sides of the spectrum constantly slinging mud at one another, hardly any real discussion and nobody ever admits to being wrong. Are the right leaning trolls any more "radicalized" than the left leaning ones? ...and if IM2 and Asclepias are justified in going around saying white people are genetically inferior and have never done anything good for the world, smell like wet dogs etc, then how can it be wrong for white people to punch back? News and entertainment media constantly demonize and belittle us, not to mention our own elected politicians. Trump was elected in large part due to white people being fed up with the double standard.

As for IM2 and Asclepias, I see them as intelligent Blacks who are simply fighting back against overwhelming odds. They don't have the luxury of separating the bad guys from the good. Trying to be diplomatic in the face of viral racism is not an option that works here. I know I've tried it. Yet I'm still convinced there are white people here who really want to have a civil discussion about topics that affect Blacks and whites alike. I'd much rather engage people like that than those who thrown statistical data at me that I have no control over nor faith in.

Recently I tried to appeal to common decency but your pal Asclepias reminded me that he thinks that white women and children in South Africa deserve to be raped and murdered for occupying "black land" and would like to see similar uprisings happen here in America. Is that what you call intelligent diplomacy? Was he serious or just trolling? I don't know.

Anyway, basically what I want you to understand is black people's problems aren't my fault and I am sick of being blamed for them.
You are apparently one of those poorly educated semi literate whites. I blame whites for what they have dine. If you are butthurt, then understand that whites should not have done it. You know nothing about family values. All you are here doing is expressing your belief in white supremacy. We won't be bridging anything by looking at things your way. You and those like you are responsible for the division here and those like you keep us divided. We aren't the hatemongers, you are.

Oh, shut up.
CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.
Percentages are not your friend dumb ass. 70 percent of all black mothers giving birth were unwed.
Are you saying the larger number of white crimes is diminished by proportionality? Usually critics of the Black community see those FBI stats showing considerable White criminality as an afterthought not worthy of debate. But the uninformed linking of so-called trends may be more of a societal problem than you realize. It is especially onerous to the majority of Blacks who are trying to do the right thing. Assumptions such as yours lead to discrimination and marginalization of an entire people based on statistical innuendo and misunderstandings by millions of white people who have never had a black friend or associate.

I understand that the ugly truth about black crime rates is a bitter pill to swallow, but it doesn't make it any less true. 13% of the population commits around 50% of the total homicides. Less than 13% if you factor in the male to female ratio. Black males are statistically more likely to commit murder than white males, by a huge margin. And that's not even factoring in all of the other crimes like robbery and assault all of which hover around 50% or higher among the black community. Sorry if it offends you, but it's true.

Im skeptical of crime statistics generated unilaterally by Whites to demonize which are ONLY used to demonize the entire Back population. I don't see the wisdom in any Black person taking those derogatory statistics at face value just because their enemies say they are true. Some whites are refusing to drink the statistical kool-aid too. For instance Tim Wise, noted race relations gets to the nitty gritty of race based statistics:

Race, Crime and Statistical Malpractice: How the Right Manipulates White Fear With Bogus Data

"* Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year;

* Even though there are more black-on-white interracial crimes than white-on-black interracial crimes, this fact is not evidence of anti-white racial targeting by black offenders. Rather, it is completely explained by two factors having nothing to do with anti-white bias: namely, the general differences in rates of criminal offending, and the rates at which whites and blacks encounter one another (and thus, have the opportunity to victimize one another). Once these two factors are “controlled for” in social science terms, the actual rates of black-on-white crime are lower than random chance would predict;

* No more than 0.7 percent (seven-tenths of one percent) of African Americans will commit a violent crime against a white person in a given year, and fewer than 0.3 (three-tenths of one percent) of whites will be victimized by a black person in a given year;

* Whites are 6 times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a black person; and overall, the percentage of white Americans who will be murdered by a black offender in a given year is only 2/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.0002). This means that only 1 in every 500,000 white people will be murdered by a black person in a given year. Although the numbers of black-on-white homicides are higher than the reverse (447 to 218 in 2010), the 218 black victims of white murderers is actually a higher percentage of the black population interracially killed than the 447 white victims of black murderers as a percentage of the white population. In fact, any given black person is 2.75 times as likely to be murdered by a white person as any given white person is to be murdered by an African American."
Race, Crime and Statistical Malpractice: How the Right Manipulates White Fear With Bogus Data

US MB is decidedly a sounding board for a number of political viewpoints. But the overwhelming majority of contributors here are radicalized White males and the women who love them. In this environment, I can understand why IM2 or Asclepias could be taunted enough to reciprocate against the extreme anti-Black sentiment found in these forums. I have been just as vociferous and just as militant as they have at times. That doesn't make me a hater of ALL White people it just makes me a hater of a certain kind of White person. I do regret using pejoratives and other verbal defense mechanisms to counter some of the more viral racists on this board but I am unapologetic for doing so. If the board tolerates vile anti Black depictions and taunts by racists, who, BTW, have gotten good ratings from many Whites I thought were liberal. Some white respondents do condemn the blatant racists here, but not enough.

impuretrash said:
Seems to me that the left and right point of view is close to equally balanced here. Trolls on both sides of the spectrum constantly slinging mud at one another, hardly any real discussion and nobody ever admits to being wrong. Are the right leaning trolls any more "radicalized" than the left leaning ones? ...and if IM2 and Asclepias are justified in going around saying white people are genetically inferior and have never done anything good for the world, smell like wet dogs etc, then how can it be wrong for white people to punch back? News and entertainment media constantly demonize and belittle us, not to mention our own elected politicians. Trump was elected in large part due to white people being fed up with the double standard.

I guess we see things differently. The board is overwhelmingly RIGHT leaning and extreme racist banter flourishes here. I can't speak for my brothers IM2 and Asclepias but I will say I cannot fault them for fighting fire with fire. Black posters didn't come here with racial animus in their hearts. They came here looking for intelligent titillating conversation. Instead, What they met when putting forth their experiences and histories was outright verbal race war.

White newcomers and those with more moderate views on race aren't aware of the context in which Blacks sometimes respond to insults about their entire race. All they see is a Black man spouting invectives about white people. They don't care that ShootSpeeders still uses the caricature of Obama and Michele as apes, or that most of the anti-Black propaganda fed by race based crime statistics and news media are flawed. It is interesting you think the White owned media demonizes white people. That statement is so ridiculous I fail to see the value of making it.

TO Radicalized Whiet males, every derogatory report about Blacks is all true and any Black person or advocate that voices doubt about any of it is a delusional racist. Obviously, Black posters aren't going to accept that view and will comment aggressively when they find it. I 'm sorry for those innocent whites and blacks caught up in the verbal war zone but I guess well will just have to write them off as collateral damage.

As for IM2 and Asclepias, I see them as intelligent Blacks who are simply fighting back against overwhelming odds. They don't have the luxury of separating the bad guys from the good. Trying to be diplomatic in the face of viral racism is not an option that works here. I know I've tried it. Yet I'm still convinced there are white people here who really want to have a civil discussion about topics that affect Blacks and whites alike. I'd much rather engage people like that than those who thrown statistical data at me that I have no control over nor faith in.

impuretrash said:
Recently I tried to appeal to common decency but your pal Asclepias reminded me that he thinks that white women and children in South Africa deserve to be raped and murdered for occupying "black land" and would like to see similar uprisings happen here in America. Is that what you call intelligent diplomacy? Was he serious or just trolling? I don't know.

Anyway, basically what I want you to understand is black people's problems aren't my fault and I am sick of being blamed for them.

Again, I can't speak for Asclepias any more than he can speak for me. We both are free thinkers so our opinions do not necessarily reflect the sentiments of all Black people in America or anywhere else although we do agree on most things including the controlling demeaning nature of whites when it comes to issues concerning social interactions between us and them. Even now you point to black people's problems as something you know something about. Do you really know what Black people's problems are or are you just relying on Fox News and non contextual statistics to do that for you?


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CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year

Of the 3,977,745 babies born in the United States of America in 2015, 1,600,208 of them—or 40.2 percent--were born to unmarried mothers, according to data released this month by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"CDC: 40%+ of U.S. Babies Born to Unmarried Women for 8th Straight Year"

In 2015 there were just over 415,000 babies born to unwed black moms. There were 3,977,745 babies born over all. So the percentage of unwed black babies born as a percentage of all babies was approximately 10,4 percent. Blacks had just over 500,000 babies total. Whites had over 1.9 million total and over 600,000 babies born to unwed moms or about 16 percent of all unwed births as a percentage of all births.

Table I–4. Births to unmarried women, by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each state and territory, 2015, National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 66, Number 1 ... - CDC

The reality of this information shows that whites actually had more unwed children than blacks had children. In 2015 blacks had just over 500,000 children total. Whites had over 620,000 unwed births. Now I'm sure the mathematical "geniuses" around here will try talking their usual trash, but the facts are as they are. The unwed birth percentage of blacks as opposed to the total number of births was just over 10 percent. By both number and percentage whites had more unwed births. Now you can argue the usual dumb white supremacist argument based only on the number of total black babies born and back babies born out of wedlock, but that paints a false picture and that's the picture whites gave been painting for 400 years.
Percentages are not your friend dumb ass. 70 percent of all black mothers giving birth were unwed.

Slow down gunny and take a deep breath. IM2 has already acknowledged the statistic pertaining to 72% of Black births being out of wedlock. You guys are quick to rush to judgement and marginalize what Blacks say. Here is the post where IM2 explains what you just did:

Screen Shot 2018-03-02 at 4.27.59 PM.png
You are apparently one of those poorly educated semi literate whites. I blame whites for what they have dine. If you are butthurt, then understand that whites should not have done it. You know nothing about family values. All you are here doing is expressing your belief in white supremacy. We won't be bridging anything by looking at things your way. You and those like you are responsible for the division here and those like you keep us divided. We aren't the hatemongers, you are.

Oh, shut up.

Are you saying the larger number of white crimes is diminished by proportionality? Usually critics of the Black community see those FBI stats showing considerable White criminality as an afterthought not worthy of debate. But the uninformed linking of so-called trends may be more of a societal problem than you realize. It is especially onerous to the majority of Blacks who are trying to do the right thing. Assumptions such as yours lead to discrimination and marginalization of an entire people based on statistical innuendo and misunderstandings by millions of white people who have never had a black friend or associate.

I understand that the ugly truth about black crime rates is a bitter pill to swallow, but it doesn't make it any less true. 13% of the population commits around 50% of the total homicides. Less than 13% if you factor in the male to female ratio. Black males are statistically more likely to commit murder than white males, by a huge margin. And that's not even factoring in all of the other crimes like robbery and assault all of which hover around 50% or higher among the black community. Sorry if it offends you, but it's true.

US MB is decidedly a sounding board for a number of political viewpoints. But the overwhelming majority of contributors here are radicalized White males and the women who love them. In this environment, I can understand why IM2 or Asclepias could be taunted enough to reciprocate against the extreme anti-Black sentiment found in these forums. I have been just as vociferous and just as militant as they have at times. That doesn't make me a hater of ALL White people it just makes me a hater of a certain kind of White person. I do regret using pejoratives and other verbal defense mechanisms to counter some of the more viral racists on this board but I am unapologetic for doing so. If the board tolerates vile anti Black depictions and taunts by racists, who, BTW, have gotten good ratings from many Whites I thought were liberal. Some white respondents do condemn the blatant racists here, but not enough.

Seems to me that the left and right point of view is close to equally balanced here. Trolls on both sides of the spectrum constantly slinging mud at one another, hardly any real discussion and nobody ever admits to being wrong. Are the right leaning trolls any more "radicalized" than the left leaning ones? ...and if IM2 and Asclepias are justified in going around saying white people are genetically inferior and have never done anything good for the world, smell like wet dogs etc, then how can it be wrong for white people to punch back? News and entertainment media constantly demonize and belittle us, not to mention our own elected politicians. Trump was elected in large part due to white people being fed up with the double standard.

As for IM2 and Asclepias, I see them as intelligent Blacks who are simply fighting back against overwhelming odds. They don't have the luxury of separating the bad guys from the good. Trying to be diplomatic in the face of viral racism is not an option that works here. I know I've tried it. Yet I'm still convinced there are white people here who really want to have a civil discussion about topics that affect Blacks and whites alike. I'd much rather engage people like that than those who thrown statistical data at me that I have no control over nor faith in.

Recently I tried to appeal to common decency but your pal Asclepias reminded me that he thinks that white women and children in South Africa deserve to be raped and murdered for occupying "black land" and would like to see similar uprisings happen here in America. Is that what you call intelligent diplomacy? Was he serious or just trolling? I don't know.

Anyway, basically what I want you to understand is black people's problems aren't my fault and I am sick of being blamed for them.

Whites will get blamed for what whites do. So if you are sick, see a doctor.
Im skeptical of crime statistics generated unilaterally by Whites to demonize which are ONLY used to demonize the entire Back population. I don't see the wisdom in any Black person taking those derogatory statistics at face value just because their enemies say they are true. Some whites are refusing to drink the statistical kool-aid too. For instance Tim Wise, noted race relations gets to the nitty gritty of race based statistics:
Race, Crime and Statistical Malpractice: How the Right Manipulates White Fear With Bogus Data

I can't help but notice how you characterized whites as the "enemy" of blacks. If you choose to believe FBI crime statistics are some kind of racist conspiracy to make black people look bad, that's your choice. Disagreeing with your opinions doesn't make me your enemy. I know from experience though, that disagreeing with a social justice warrior is morally reprehensible and an covert admission of being a devout adherent of Nazism. Tim Wise is nothing but a race hustler and nothing he says should ever be taken seriously. Also, he's not white, he's Jewish, so there's that.

I guess we see things differently. The board is overwhelmingly RIGHT leaning and extreme racist banter flourishes here. I can't speak for my brothers IM2 and Asclepias but I will say I cannot fault them for fighting fire with fire. Black posters didn't come here with racial animus in their hearts. They came here looking for intelligent titillating conversation. Instead, What they met when putting forth their experiences and histories was outright verbal race war.

White newcomers and those with more moderate views on race aren't aware of the context in which Blacks sometimes respond to insults about their entire race. All they see is a Black man spouting invectives about white people. They don't care that ShootSpeeders still uses the caricature of Obama and Michele as apes, or that most of the anti-Black propaganda fed by race based crime statistics and news media are flawed. It is interesting you think the White owned media demonizes white people. That statement is so ridiculous I fail to see the value of making it.

TO Radicalized Whiet males, every derogatory report about Blacks is all true and any Black person or advocate that voices doubt about any of it is a delusional racist. Obviously, Black posters aren't going to accept that view and will comment aggressively when they find it. I 'm sorry for those innocent whites and blacks caught up in the verbal war zone but I guess well will just have to write them off as collateral damage.

There's the double standard again. Poor innocent black racists, they can't help it! whitey made them do it! It's ok to be racist so long as you're black! Own your shit, white people aren't holding a gun to your head and forcing you to type stuff online. It's called taking personal responsibility. As for the "ridiculous" concept of "white owned" media demonizing white people, I could provide hundreds and hundreds of examples but you know how google works. Search "white men"; read it and weep.

Almost every corporate media CEO is Jewish BTW, the media from top to bottom is overwhelmingly run by jews.

Again, I can't speak for Asclepias any more than he can speak for me. We both are free thinkers so our opinions do not necessarily reflect the sentiments of all Black people in America or anywhere else although we do agree on most things including the controlling demeaning nature of whites when it comes to issues concerning social interactions between us and them. Even now you point to black people's problems as something you know something about. Do you really know what Black people's problems are or are you just relying on Fox News and non contextual statistics to do that for you?

But I thought it was the duty of decent people to hold anonymous strangers accountable for the things they say online? But you won't condemn Asclepias for his rape/murder all white people comments? Oh, I forgot, black people (and jews) are allowed to say whatever they want, it's only white people who are held to this standard. I live in a high crime area in the inner city and don't watch fox news so please spare me the demeaning assumptions.
Obviously the divorce rates would be even worse if
California, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Minnesota, and New Mexico had included their data.

Actually, it is not at all obvious that the divorce rates would be worse with that data. The total number of divorces would be higher, but so would the total number of marriages, so whether the rate would be higher or lower is a completely open question.

I just wanted to correct that little tidbit. Don't take it as a comment on the entirety of your post.

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