The Fantasy of John and Sarah

I've worked for plenty of Pols in my time.

Never got paid.

Still worked for them, though.
And yet you don't have a problem with David Axelrod and his team of paid bloggers spreading lies all over the internet and practicing dishonest chicagoland politics I'll bet. LOL.

I'm not familiar with any of the lies you're talking about, but even if you are correct, I would find paying bloggers to lie online less of an offense then the lies the Republicans told at the RNC and in their campaign advertising. Particularly calling the Dems the party of "big brother," when it was the Republicans who contrived the Patriot Act.

Also, insulting community organizers at the RNC... you don't get much lower than trying to discredit the people who fight to make a difference in this country everyday, who have been battling to keep people in their homes during this foreclosure crisis, not to mention the community organizers who have led every civil rights movement this country has ever known.
I think you are too much a tool but since you can't read maybe others can:

"A top McCain adviser said both Mehlman and Rove are now informally advising the campaign. Rove refused to detail his conversation with McCain."

Is more proof needed tool, they need to feed your empty head spin just a bit quicker. LOL

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to sanction book banning and creationism as science.
your last line is proof that you are a complete and total moron and you are a willing tool yourself
piss off asshole
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your last line is proof that you are a complete and total moron and you are a willing tool yourself
piss off asshole

May I suggest some reading and maybe a dictionary and thesaurus.

McCain/Palin are agents of change, no more pristine coastlines, no more arctic wilderness, no more polar bears, and no more books. Change!
May I suggest some reading and maybe a dictionary and thesaurus.

McCain/Palin are agents of change, no more pristine coastlines, no more arctic wilderness, no more polar bears, and no more books. Change!
yes, keep it up, keep repeating the lies, as your candidate falls like a brick in the polls
you are only hurting your own guy
Yes, he's fighting against political corruption by hiring an army of lobbyists and Karl Rove to work on his campaign. Do you really think those lobbyists don't have some other interest invested in his campaign other than wanting him to win?

Can't you liberals make a single argument with out using lies? Rove is not working on McCains campaign.

Nothing but lies and more lies from you guys.

Sounds like desperation to me, your golden boy Obama is losing and you are getting pissed.

I love it.
Can't you liberals make a single argument with out using lies? Rove is not working on McCains campaign.

Nothing but lies and more lies from you guys.

Sounds like desperation to me, your golden boy Obama is losing and you are getting pissed.

I love it.
i pointed that out way back
good luck
Can't you liberals make a single argument with out using lies? Rove is not working on McCains campaign.

Nothing but lies and more lies from you guys.

Sounds like desperation to me, your golden boy Obama is losing and you are getting pissed.

I love it.

Who cares, anyway? James Carville is "working" for Obama, too. So what?
Can't you liberals make a single argument with out using lies? Rove is not working on McCains campaign.

Nothing but lies and more lies from you guys.

Sounds like desperation to me, your golden boy Obama is losing and you are getting pissed.

I love it.

He's behind in polling that only polls people with landlines, do you realize how many people that excludes.... just about everyone from 18-29, who have been coming out to vote in record numbers this last election cycle.

Don't worry, Obama will still win.
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He's behind in polling that only polls people with landlines, do you realize how many people that excludes.... just about everyone from 18-29, who have been coming out to vote in record numbers this last election cycle.

Don't worry, Obama will still win.
uh, wait a minute here
he's been leading in those same damned polls till now
and they are over sampling democrats
and, they DO call cell phones
that is a myth/lie the paulbots came up with to excuse HIS(Ron Paul's) poor showing in the GOP polls before the primaries
Nothing Means Anything - By Alan Farago

"Today, the Republican spin machine is struggling to pin the socialization-- nationalization, if you will-- of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on someone else. How dare the Republicans accuse "liberals" for being angry about the fire sale of US assets to Asia, the Middle East, and even Russia? Filled up your car at Lukoil recently? The fact is that lefties and liberals have been no where in view, except as community organizers and neighborhood activists.

We didn't hear John McCain, last night in St. Paul, nor will Florida top donors hear Sarah Palin in Miami next week utter a solitary word of the fiscal irresponsibility that pushed the US economy into the biggest crisis since the Great Depression while making many of them a fortune in the process.

What I heard John McCain say, was that his campaign is running away from the Republican status quo lickety-split: change we can trust. What I heard was a convention full of Republican party faithful cheering against the performance and record of their own party and against the windfall profits that enriched their top donors."

Alan Farago: Nothing Means Anything

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

They will never learn. Savings and Loan crises. Subprime mortgages. What is next?
uh, wait a minute here
he's been leading in those same damned polls till now
and they are over sampling democrats
and, they DO call cell phones
that is a myth/lie the paulbots came up with to excuse HIS(Ron Paul's) poor showing in the GOP polls before the primaries

You know, I would really appreciate it, if you would at least look something up before you start trying to "correct" me.

The Insider’s Guide to Election Polls -- Daily Intel -- New York News Blog -- New York Magazine

The polls, right now, are more or less worthless, and will remain so until the debates start. The lead McCain currently has isn't significant enough to denote a real change in public opinion. Polling cellphones HAS been shown to boost Obama's figures, and MANY polls only call landlines or disproportionate amounts thereof.

Also, not everyone they poll over the phone is neccessarily going to vote on election day, and many they don't call will. "Random Sampling" can't predict the future. We won't know who wins until election day.

Honestly, you give these Republicans an inch and they call it a mile.
You know, I would really appreciate it, if you would at least look something up before you start trying to "correct" me.

The Insider’s Guide to Election Polls -- Daily Intel -- New York News Blog -- New York Magazine

The polls, right now, are more or less worthless, and will remain so until the debates start. The lead McCain currently has isn't significant enough to denote a real change in public opinion. Polling cellphones HAS been shown to boost Obama's figures, and MANY polls only call landlines or disproportionate amounts thereof.

Also, not everyone they poll over the phone is neccessarily going to vote on election day, and many they don't call will. "Random Sampling" can't predict the future. We won't know who wins until election day.

Honestly, you give these Republicans an inch and they call it a mile.

Yesterday someone on radio talk pointed out that when these polls say Obama or Mccain are leading by 4 points, basically what they are saying is 60 more people said McCain than said Obama, or visa versa.

Pay attention to the electoral map. Obama is way ahead. McCain needs to steal Ohio again. That's why he's spending so much time there.

Unfortunately with Diebold voting machines, we will never know if the GOP won Ohio or if they stole it.
You know, I would really appreciate it, if you would at least look something up before you start trying to "correct" me.

The Insider’s Guide to Election Polls -- Daily Intel -- New York News Blog -- New York Magazine

The polls, right now, are more or less worthless, and will remain so until the debates start. The lead McCain currently has isn't significant enough to denote a real change in public opinion. Polling cellphones HAS been shown to boost Obama's figures, and MANY polls only call landlines or disproportionate amounts thereof.

Also, not everyone they poll over the phone is neccessarily going to vote on election day, and many they don't call will. "Random Sampling" can't predict the future. We won't know who wins until election day.

Honestly, you give these Republicans an inch and they call it a mile.
i HAVE looked it up

do you realize that your link actually supports what i said?

i guess moronic democrats dont actually READ the links they post
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