The Final Nail in the Coffin


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
A new AP/GfK poll released today shows that voters expect the GOP to take the Senate, and further indicated they would prefer such a result. It appears women are breaking to the GOP as well.

But the survey suggests many will cringe when they cast those ballots. Most likely voters have a negative impression of the Republican Party, and 7 in 10 are dissatisfied by its leaders in Congress.

The Democrats win few accolades themselves. Impressions of the party among likely voters have grown more negative in the past month. In fact, Democrats are more trusted than the GOP on just two of nine top issues, the poll showed.

The economy remains the top issue for likely voters — 91 percent call it "extremely" or "very" important. And the GOP has increased its advantage as the party more trusted to handle the issue to a margin of 39 percent to 31 percent.

With control of the Senate at stake, both parties say they are relying on robust voter-turnout operations — and monster campaign spending — to lift their candidates in the final days. But the poll suggests any appeals they've made so far haven't done much to boost turnout among those already registered. The share who report that they are certain to vote in this year's contests has risen just slightly since September, and interest in news about the campaign has held steady.

Among all adults, 38 percent say they'd like the Democrats to wind up in control of Congress, to 36 percent for the Republicans. But the GOP holds a significant lead among those most likely to cast ballots: 47 percent of these voters favor a Republican controlled-Congress, 39 percent a Democratic one. That's a shift in the GOP's favor since an AP-GfK poll in late September, when the two parties ran about evenly among likely voters.

Women have moved in the GOP's direction since September. In last month's AP-GfK poll, 47 percent of female likely voters said they favored a Democratic-controlled Congress while 40 percent wanted the Republicans to capture control. In the new poll, the two parties are about even among women, 44 percent prefer the Republicans, 42 percent the Democrats.

AP-GfK Poll Most expect GOP victory in November - Yahoo News
Things are not working...the government is a mess. Bloated, corrupted, and just plain in it for themselves. We have a tax collecting agency that doesn't like some of us and makes no bones about it.
An out of control EPA and a justice dept. that is anything but just.
We still have high unemployment and under employment numbers.
Basic goods and services are costing more and more everyday.
We are told to get used to it that it's the new normal.
We go to war at a drop of a hat and in half ass ways as if we don't want to kill anyone...even the enemy!
Many Americans are losing their doctors and to top it off they are told they have to pay more for coverage.
This is probably the worst leadership we have had in America for over 100 years.
Oh yeah...I know!!!!.... I will be at the polls..... I'm done with this bullshit.
They lost young people, then blacks, now women. It might be the prospect of 34 million immigrants that did it.
shrug...and in two years it might swing back the other way....So basically nothing will get done...But i will laugh at the people on the right who think this is some sort of mandate....Because you know the morons will claim it.
Whichever party is in the White House always loses ground in mid-terms. You can set your watch by it.
How come we keep pretending every four years it's something new or significant? It isn't.
I love that the president outed those Dem. candidates that want to distance themselves from him. This doesn't hurt his feelings, they all go along with him, vote his way on issues... His enormous ego trumped those Dems wanting to get elected.
He's the gift that keeps on giving.
Whichever party is in the White House always loses ground in mid-terms. You can set your watch by it.
How come we keep pretending every four years it's something new or significant? It isn't.

That may be true, but a Republican Senate win will nullfy Obama's agenda. That within itself is significant. It will stop the bleeding.

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