The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.
I like how these racists who claim to hate Hollywood is using a show created by Hollywood as proof that the Confederate flag isn't that bad .

But during the same time that show was on, those same Confederate flag waving racists were still hanging black folks...


Thus goes the SJW talking points.
I only debate my equals, all others I teach...

And once again...this post was about who would be possible black republican presidential candidates...and dont give me no, it's too early to have that talk because you dumb asses are already talking about trump Jr, Ivanka being candidates...

And instead of that discussion, you dic suckers still talking about slavery and the civil war...

Which is why there is no debate are a moron

As a prof of mine once said: "Those who can't do, teach!"

PS: You're not spinning hard enough, cupcake.
Why cant you address the point of the post then??

If someone asked you what time it was -- would you go into a long diatribe about your opposition to interracial marriage instead??

He was responding to your stupid post, bringing up your accusation of "racism".

So, if he was off topic, it is because YOU went there.
I dunno, perhaps John Wayne was ..

Not an SJW pussy like you. A Patriotic American, unlike you.
Eew, seems I struck a noive..

At least one of us has been an actual Warrior!

Standard lib tactic. Be an asshole, and then when the person you are being an asshole to, responds appropriately, pretend that normal and healthy reaction is THEM being unreasonable.

Strangely effective, if you control the conversation, or have the mods on your side, or a pack of mindless jackals to howl down any comebacks.

All it requires is that you have the honesty and self respect of a crack whore.

So, libs wallow in it.
So why are you spending 99 comments trying run your revisionist history BS about slavery??

I can guarantee that you would be the same moron in Germany arguing in favor of Nazis and blaming the Holocaust on Jews if not denying the Holocaust at all...which is something you neoconfederates and Nazis have in common
IDK who didn't know it by the OP, but there are no good black candidates are on the horizon for Republicans this year.

Trump will likely run unopposed.

I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
I like how these racists who claim to hate Hollywood is using a show created by Hollywood as proof that the Confederate flag isn't that bad .

But during the same time that show was on, those same Confederate flag waving racists were still hanging black folks...


Thus goes the SJW talking points.
I only debate my equals, all others I teach...

And once again...this post was about who would be possible black republican presidential candidates...and dont give me no, it's too early to have that talk because you dumb asses are already talking about trump Jr, Ivanka being candidates...

And instead of that discussion, you dic suckers still talking about slavery and the civil war...

Which is why there is no debate are a moron

As a prof of mine once said: "Those who can't do, teach!"

PS: You're not spinning hard enough, cupcake.
Why cant you address the point of the post then??

If someone asked you what time it was -- would you go into a long diatribe about your opposition to interracial marriage instead??

He was responding to your stupid post, bringing up your accusation of "racism".

So, if he was off topic, it is because YOU went there.
All you Trumpers are dic suckers...I have zero respect for you pussies... because I GUARANTEE YOU, you won't talk that bullshit to me in person...
I dunno, perhaps John Wayne was ..

Not an SJW pussy like you. A Patriotic American, unlike you.
Eew, seems I struck a noive..

At least one of us has been an actual Warrior!

Standard lib tactic. Be an asshole, and then when the person you are being an asshole to, responds appropriately, pretend that normal and healthy reaction is THEM being unreasonable.

Strangely effective, if you control the conversation, or have the mods on your side, or a pack of mindless jackals to howl down any comebacks.

All it requires is that you have the honesty and self respect of a crack whore.

So, libs wallow in it.
So why are you spending 99 comments trying run your revisionist history BS about slavery??

I can guarantee that you would be the same moron in Germany arguing in favor of Nazis and blaming the Holocaust on Jews if not denying the Holocaust at all...which is something you neoconfederates and Nazis have in common

You whine like a faggot about Morrison going off topic, and then bring up the Nazis and the Holocaust?


I made no points about slavery, not one. If you think I did, it is because you are fucking retarded.
I dunno, perhaps John Wayne was ..

Not an SJW pussy like you. A Patriotic American, unlike you.
Eew, seems I struck a noive..

At least one of us has been an actual Warrior!

Standard lib tactic. Be an asshole, and then when the person you are being an asshole to, responds appropriately, pretend that normal and healthy reaction is THEM being unreasonable.

Strangely effective, if you control the conversation, or have the mods on your side, or a pack of mindless jackals to howl down any comebacks.

All it requires is that you have the honesty and self respect of a crack whore.

So, libs wallow in it.
So why are you spending 99 comments trying run your revisionist history BS about slavery??

I can guarantee that you would be the same moron in Germany arguing in favor of Nazis and blaming the Holocaust on Jews if not denying the Holocaust at all...which is something you neoconfederates and Nazis have in common

Where you from boy? Who's your friends and family? The only thing Confederates and Nazis have in common is that Confederates and their sons killed Nazis and won WW2, dumbass.

It seems you're misguided on that Civil War thing: They were all Americans.
North and South.

If they weren't, it would not be called "The Civil War".
IDK who didn't know it by the OP, but there are no good black candidates are on the horizon for Republicans this year.

Trump will likely run unopposed.

I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

That has been covered. Biff knows it. He just thinks that that is some form of a "gotcha", for some reason.
I lived in America for the entire time the show ran and didn't know anyone who even watched it, let alone "loved it".

You should widen your circle of friends, to be more diverse.

My circle of friends and family is likely far more diverse as well as more educated than yours.

My circle of friends and family included some people that liked the Dukes of Hazzard and some that did not.

Educated? Quite possibly. Lot of blue collar in my past and present.

Oh, was that supposed to make me feel bad or intimidate me?

Dude. I'm PROUD of it.

ROFLMAO. I would not stoop to the juvenile level of attempting to intimidate a complete stranger on a dumbass message board. So be as proud as you want to, it's your right.

You implied that my circle of friends are not diverse, and I responded and corrected you.

No more, no less.

Just guessing at your vague intent with your off topic question. And you seem like the type.

My point stands. The Dukes of Hazzard was one of the highest rated shows of the time. If you managed to not have ANY fans in your circle of friends, that sounds like you are the one being really narrow minded.

What "off topic" question did I ask that was "vague"?

I tend to say what I think without hesitation, and have no need in a forum like this to even consider not being direct.

No one in my immediate circle of friends found the Dukes of Hazard to be humorous in the least.

I don't really understand why you would assume that my circle was any less diverse than yours because of that.
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Thus goes the SJW talking points.
I only debate my equals, all others I teach...

And once again...this post was about who would be possible black republican presidential candidates...and dont give me no, it's too early to have that talk because you dumb asses are already talking about trump Jr, Ivanka being candidates...

And instead of that discussion, you dic suckers still talking about slavery and the civil war...

Which is why there is no debate are a moron

As a prof of mine once said: "Those who can't do, teach!"

PS: You're not spinning hard enough, cupcake.
Why cant you address the point of the post then??

If someone asked you what time it was -- would you go into a long diatribe about your opposition to interracial marriage instead??

He was responding to your stupid post, bringing up your accusation of "racism".

So, if he was off topic, it is because YOU went there.
All you Trumpers are dic suckers...I have zero respect for you pussies... because I GUARANTEE YOU, you won't talk that bullshit to me in person...

You are the one calling people dick suckers, for no reason. The question is, would you talk to people like that, if you were not safe behind your computer screen.

I've talked to lots of libs, in bars and places like that. I've never ran into one half, even a TENTH as rude as you libs are, online.

Might be because I'm a little on the bigger side. ANd assholes tend to be cowards, in my experience.

Or maybe it is just because the assholes really, really tend to congregate online. I don't know.
IDK who didn't know it by the OP, but there are no good black candidates are on the horizon for Republicans this year.

Trump will likely run unopposed.

I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

That has been covered. Biff knows it. He just thinks that that is some form of a "gotcha", for some reason.

There's no white candidates to oppose Trump, either.
You should widen your circle of friends, to be more diverse.

My circle of friends and family is likely far more diverse as well as more educated than yours.

My circle of friends and family included some people that liked the Dukes of Hazzard and some that did not.

Educated? Quite possibly. Lot of blue collar in my past and present.

Oh, was that supposed to make me feel bad or intimidate me?

Dude. I'm PROUD of it.

ROFLMAO. I would not stoop to the juvenile level of attempting to intimidate a complete stranger on a dumbass message board. So be as proud as you want to, it's your right.

You implied that my circle of friends are not diverse, and I responded and corrected you.

No more, no less.

Just guessing at your vague intent with your off topic question. And you seem like the type.

My point stands. The Dukes of Hazzard was one of the highest rated shows of the time. If you managed to not have ANY fans in your circle of friends, that sounds like you are the one being really narrow minded.

What "off topic" question did I ask that was "vague"?

I tend to say what I think without hesitation, and have no need in a forum like this to even consider not being direct.

No one in my immediate circle of friends found the Dukes of Hazard to be humorous in the least.

I don't really understand why you would assume that my circle was any less diverse than yours because of that.

You never laughed watching "The Dukes of Hazzard"? Have you even watched it?

Boss Hogg with at least 2 bird's worth )maybe more) of fried chicken on a plate all for him? Roscoe P. Coltrain? C'mon now!
You should widen your circle of friends, to be more diverse.

My circle of friends and family is likely far more diverse as well as more educated than yours.

My circle of friends and family included some people that liked the Dukes of Hazzard and some that did not.

Educated? Quite possibly. Lot of blue collar in my past and present.

Oh, was that supposed to make me feel bad or intimidate me?

Dude. I'm PROUD of it.

ROFLMAO. I would not stoop to the juvenile level of attempting to intimidate a complete stranger on a dumbass message board. So be as proud as you want to, it's your right.

You implied that my circle of friends are not diverse, and I responded and corrected you.

No more, no less.

Just guessing at your vague intent with your off topic question. And you seem like the type.

My point stands. The Dukes of Hazzard was one of the highest rated shows of the time. If you managed to not have ANY fans in your circle of friends, that sounds like you are the one being really narrow minded.

What "off topic" question did I ask that was "vague"?

I tend to say what I think without hesitation, and have no need in a forum like this to even consider not being direct.

No one in my immediate circle of friends found the Dukes of Hazard to be humorous in the least.

I don't really understand why you would assume that my circle was any less diverse than yours because of that.

1. Because it was a huge hit, and you managed to select a circle of friends that contained none of the millions of fans.

2. Your intent as to bringing up education levels was vague. So I guessed. Still don't know why you brought it up.
IDK who didn't know it by the OP, but there are no good black candidates are on the horizon for Republicans this year.

Trump will likely run unopposed.

I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

That has been covered. Biff knows it. He just thinks that that is some form of a "gotcha", for some reason.

There's no white candidates to oppose Trump, either.

Yes, but somehow that doesn't seem to matter to him. His position does not make any sense of course. As is normal for libs.
I only debate my equals, all others I teach...

And once again...this post was about who would be possible black republican presidential candidates...and dont give me no, it's too early to have that talk because you dumb asses are already talking about trump Jr, Ivanka being candidates...

And instead of that discussion, you dic suckers still talking about slavery and the civil war...

Which is why there is no debate are a moron

As a prof of mine once said: "Those who can't do, teach!"

PS: You're not spinning hard enough, cupcake.
Why cant you address the point of the post then??

If someone asked you what time it was -- would you go into a long diatribe about your opposition to interracial marriage instead??

He was responding to your stupid post, bringing up your accusation of "racism".

So, if he was off topic, it is because YOU went there.
All you Trumpers are dic suckers...I have zero respect for you pussies... because I GUARANTEE YOU, you won't talk that bullshit to me in person...

You are the one calling people dick suckers, for no reason. The question is, would you talk to people like that, if you were not safe behind your computer screen.

I've talked to lots of libs, in bars and places like that. I've never ran into one half, even a TENTH as rude as you libs are, online.

Might be because I'm a little on the bigger side. ANd assholes tend to be cowards, in my experience.

Or maybe it is just because the assholes really, really tend to congregate online. I don't know.

OR...there's more paid shills online. I vote for the latter.

Probably not too many Republican paid shills.

Not saying there are none, but the leftist effort is obvious.

TBH, I don't like that hyper-partisan stuff anyways.

It all makes me cringe.
As a prof of mine once said: "Those who can't do, teach!"

PS: You're not spinning hard enough, cupcake.
Why cant you address the point of the post then??

If someone asked you what time it was -- would you go into a long diatribe about your opposition to interracial marriage instead??

He was responding to your stupid post, bringing up your accusation of "racism".

So, if he was off topic, it is because YOU went there.
All you Trumpers are dic suckers...I have zero respect for you pussies... because I GUARANTEE YOU, you won't talk that bullshit to me in person...

You are the one calling people dick suckers, for no reason. The question is, would you talk to people like that, if you were not safe behind your computer screen.

I've talked to lots of libs, in bars and places like that. I've never ran into one half, even a TENTH as rude as you libs are, online.

Might be because I'm a little on the bigger side. ANd assholes tend to be cowards, in my experience.

Or maybe it is just because the assholes really, really tend to congregate online. I don't know.

OR...there's more paid shills online. I vote for the latter.

The way they stonewall, when they have been stone cold busted, and look like complete fucking assholes for not admitting it?

That would make a lot of sense, if they were being paid to never give an inch, not matter how fucking retarded they end up looking.
My circle of friends and family is likely far more diverse as well as more educated than yours.

My circle of friends and family included some people that liked the Dukes of Hazzard and some that did not.

Educated? Quite possibly. Lot of blue collar in my past and present.

Oh, was that supposed to make me feel bad or intimidate me?

Dude. I'm PROUD of it.

ROFLMAO. I would not stoop to the juvenile level of attempting to intimidate a complete stranger on a dumbass message board. So be as proud as you want to, it's your right.

You implied that my circle of friends are not diverse, and I responded and corrected you.

No more, no less.

Just guessing at your vague intent with your off topic question. And you seem like the type.

My point stands. The Dukes of Hazzard was one of the highest rated shows of the time. If you managed to not have ANY fans in your circle of friends, that sounds like you are the one being really narrow minded.

What "off topic" question did I ask that was "vague"?

I tend to say what I think without hesitation, and have no need in a forum like this to even consider not being direct.

No one in my immediate circle of friends found the Dukes of Hazard to be humorous in the least.

I don't really understand why you would assume that my circle was any less diverse than yours because of that.

1. Because it was a huge hit, and you managed to select a circle of friends that contained none of the millions of fans.

2. Your intent as to bringing up education levels was vague. So I guessed. Still don't know why you brought it up.

I did not "select" any circle of friends. I have the same circle of friends for the most part that I had growing up.

Obviously at my age, a few have died.

I brought up education only because there happen to be some very bright people that I are friends from all races, and truthfully none of them, back them saw the humor in that show.

Probably because none of them were raised in or lived in the geographical region that waved the Confederate flag.
Yes it is racist. Your comment says that blacks are incapable of thinking for ourselves and that we need white liberals to tell us what to think because we wouldn't know without them. That's pure d racism so.
You need to pay better attention.

I don't say I believe blacks need white liberals to tell you what to think.

White liberals believe that.

So when you start off with a lie, everything that follows can be discarded.

White liberals don't believe that. Racist white conservatives do. You are one of them. And you prove what I just said to be true
Yes, you believe a lot of horseshit.

Call me racist all you want without any factual evidence to back it up. It changes nothing.
My circle of friends and family included some people that liked the Dukes of Hazzard and some that did not.

Educated? Quite possibly. Lot of blue collar in my past and present.

Oh, was that supposed to make me feel bad or intimidate me?

Dude. I'm PROUD of it.

ROFLMAO. I would not stoop to the juvenile level of attempting to intimidate a complete stranger on a dumbass message board. So be as proud as you want to, it's your right.

You implied that my circle of friends are not diverse, and I responded and corrected you.

No more, no less.

Just guessing at your vague intent with your off topic question. And you seem like the type.

My point stands. The Dukes of Hazzard was one of the highest rated shows of the time. If you managed to not have ANY fans in your circle of friends, that sounds like you are the one being really narrow minded.

What "off topic" question did I ask that was "vague"?

I tend to say what I think without hesitation, and have no need in a forum like this to even consider not being direct.

No one in my immediate circle of friends found the Dukes of Hazard to be humorous in the least.

I don't really understand why you would assume that my circle was any less diverse than yours because of that.

1. Because it was a huge hit, and you managed to select a circle of friends that contained none of the millions of fans.

2. Your intent as to bringing up education levels was vague. So I guessed. Still don't know why you brought it up.

I did not "select" any circle of friends. I have the same circle of friends for the most part that I had growing up.

Obviously at my age, a few have died.

I brought up education only because there happen to be some very bright people that I are friends from all races, and truthfully none of them, back them saw the humor in that show.

Probably because none of them were raised in or lived in the geographical region that waved the Confederate flag.

I was in a Rust Belt high school at the time of the show. It was wildly popular among my age group. The boys loved the fast cars and Daisy Duke,and the girls loved the Duke Boys, and dressed like Daisy Duke.

None of them were from the South. IF you missed this, it suggests a very inward looking circle of friends. Your weird belief that the audience was limited to the south, makes no sense. On many levels. I mean, really, your thinking makes no sense.
Republicans won the Civil War. Democrats lost.

And Democrats have never forgiven us for taking their slaves away.
Since you are another disingenuous coward who purposely avoids using the term conservative and liberal..

Please tell me how many Democrats are currently whining like a bitch every time a monument to Confederate traitors gets removed?? Republicans or Democrats?

Please tell me what party (TODAY, not 60 yrs ago) keeps having record numbers of neo Nazis running for office... republicans or Democrats??
No Democrats are whining about statues being removed.

They're whining the statues even exist at all, and tearing them down like 4-year-olds seeing a better sandcastle than theirs.

How many statues do we have to remove before slavery never happened, huh?

And you need to tell me what you believe a neo-Nazi is. Hint: It's not someone who disagrees with liberals. Kindly stick to established definitions of words, or shut the fuck up.

The statues were put up 60 years after the war as symbols of white supremacy. That's why they need to come down. Besides the confederate states was a foreign nation that waged war on the United States and lost. To the winner goes the spoils as you racists are so adept at saying, so these confederate symbols must be destroyed.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Democrats seek to destroy history all the time. You know why? Because it proves their plans and policies are failures.

Well son being that I am black and lived during the last movement of blacks away from the republican party, a process that began in the early 1900's thanks to the lily white republican movement, you trying to tell me about history is like a man trying to explain to a pregnant woman what morning sickness or labor pains feels like.
Look, I get it. You like the taste of Democrat horseshit. They say you're a victim, and you desperately want to feel like a victim, so you eat their shit.

Exactly as they want you to.
Yes it is racist. Your comment says that blacks are incapable of thinking for ourselves and that we need white liberals to tell us what to think because we wouldn't know without them. That's pure d racism so.
You need to pay better attention.

I don't say I believe blacks need white liberals to tell you what to think.

White liberals believe that.

So when you start off with a lie, everything that follows can be discarded.

White liberals don't believe that. Racist white conservatives do. You are one of them. And you prove what I just said to be true
Yes, you believe a lot of horseshit.

Call me racist all you want without any factual evidence to back it up. It changes nothing.

I showed you the proof. Gaslighting doesn't work on me son.

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