The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

So? Doesn't mean they didn't fight to keep slavery legal. Slavery was at the heart of the economy in the south, regardless of who owned slaves. That's why they didn't want to lose it.

Of course, I'm explaining that to a dolt who can't even properly spell a two letter word, even after being shown the correct spelling, so there's no hope of you understanding any of this.
How to handle slavery was ONE of the reasons.. why do you need to lie to black people? If you ever saw a recruiting newspaper clippings they never once mentioned slavery. Lol it talks about succession protect the LAND FROM INVADERS! Most didn’t know what was going on. No need to lie to blacks.. get A education lol
Why lie?

Slavery was the primary issue.
Let me ask you a question are you saying that there were no slaves that became part of that white family, had an emotional connection, and were treated as family.. are you saying NOT ONE?
No more so than a pet or favorite horse.

If they were members of the family, they would not be held in slavery and would be allowed free will

Why do these idiots try making slavery nice? We blacks don't need whites to explain what slavery was and the gaslighting done by these racists only piss us off more..

I find it amusing that in an age of abundant information being accessible, that such ignorance is possible.
I said most
The Dukes of Hazzard represented the flag, as demonstrated with my pic of the Gen Lee, and it's owners and their very attractive cousin,

as a harmless symbol of regional pride, celebrated by sympathetic and attractive main characters, and the nation as a whole accepted that without any shock or surprise.

Indeed, that show became a NATIONAL hit, loved as good, harmless, fluff entertainment by fans all over this nation.

One buffoonish TV program does not negate what far many more viewed as a different type of "symbol".

The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.
It was a very popular American show not just southern everybody in America love that show

I lived in America for the entire time the show ran and didn't know anyone who even watched it, let alone "loved it".

You should widen your circle of friends, to be more diverse.

You're beyond stupid. Arguing slavery wasn't a main cause because some blacks worked on the side of the confederacy is as moronic as claiming killing Jews wasn't a big part of the Holocaust because some Jews worked on the side of the nazis. :cuckoo:

And what made those blacks free...?
It absolutely wasn’t, said by BOTH LEADERS View attachment 313368GET AN EDUCATION !
Your meme is a strawman as I never claimed the north fought to end slavery. They fought to preserve the nation. A war they had to fight because the south attempted to secede. And Davis' remarks, despite his denial about slavery, echoed the south's stated reason for secession. Independence from the Constitutional federal government they felt was betrayed by trying to eradicate slavery...

"On the 4th day of March next, this party will take possession of the Government. It has announced that the South shall be excluded from the common territory, that the judicial tribunals shall be made sectional, and that a war must be waged against slavery until it shall cease throughout the United States.

The guaranties of the Constitution will then no longer exist; the equal rights of the States will be lost. The slaveholding States will no longer have the power of self-government, or self-protection, and the Federal Government will have become their enemy."
It’s not a meme it’s quotes for the reason of the war.. i’m pretty sure we know the reason for the war as stated by factual evidence.
If the south was actually fighting to keep black people as slaves why did free black men join the confederate army why did Latinos why did Indians why did Asians?

why were blacks staying on the plantation if they were treated so bad?

why did 25% of the slaves die After being removed by the Yankees?

why do we have quotes from slaves saying they preferred to stay with their masters because they were family and they were treated better?

your narrative makes no sense backed by facts
For the same reason some Jews worked on the side of the nazis -- self preservation.

And just like them, many slaves who appeared to side with the south, acted on behalf of the north secretly.
Jizz has no clue what he's talking about.
You can lead these troll bots to a dictionary but you can't make them think.

What good is a dictionary to you? You don't adhere to the full definition anyway.
You mean treat all the meanings listed as one and the same?

You're kidding, right? You do understand that when there is more than one definition of a word in the dictionary that there is more than one definition of the word, yes? Ergo, there is more to the word "racism" than just "...a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural..." It also entails hatred or intolerance of another race or racial prejudice or discrimination, as further defined by and Merriam-Webster's.

Now, when you say "To experience black racism one would have to be a minority member in a place where blacks outnumber you, own and control more things, and have treated you as subhuman.", this is true. But it's not the only definition of the word. It is also defined as racial prejudice, among other things. Which means, when a black guy spits on me because I'm white, he was being racist. Black racism, not to put too fine a point on it.
It also means that when IM2 assumed I concocted my story of black racism, that falls under the "prejudice" definition of the word racism. He prejudged me a liar because I'm white and dared to claim that black racism exists. There was no other reason for him to make that assumption as he had no evidence.

Yeah, you really arrived late to the brain line.

I don't know, given that you seem to think that one dictionary definition cancels out the other definitions, I'm thinking maybe I got there ahead of you.
Ahh, it's the old "you seem to think" strawman erection..
Yep, racism is whatever you want it to be. Your privilege at work. Enjoy.

Poor ghost, so butthurt because I refuse to say he was a victim of racism. Yet he denies blacks have been victims of racism by whites for 243 years. The guy spit on you because you ran and told the boss on him. Now you can try equating that to 243 years of whites enforcing their racism on us by laws and policies if you want to, but it's a false equivalence with no merit. You're whining about an event that had no adverse impact upon you. The black guy lost his job. But blacks get spit on by whites and then get fired because they complain about getting spit on. So fuck ghost rider up his ass with no Vaseline, whining bitch.
Acceptance is not approval. Cut the crap.

Most have been forced to "accept" the "choice" between two mediocre to crappy political presidential candidates and cable TV providers for decades. Doesn't translate to "rebranding" or "approval." You just make shit up, repeat it ad nauseum, and call it "proof." Fuck you and your vacuous logic.

If the confederate flag was considered in the 80s, even just by liberals, the way you libs pretend to consider it now, the presentation of Bo and Luke Duke in a sympathetic light, while tooling around in the General Lee with a big ole Confederate Flag painted on the roof,

would never had been done, and if done, would have generated tremendous backlash.

The easy acceptance of the show, and the way they presented those symbols as utterly harmless, proves my point, that they have long ago been "rebranded" as harmless symbols of regional pride.

My logic is bulletproof, which is why the other posters have spent most of their time and energy pretending to not understand it, and attacking strawmen.

What is upsetting you, is your brain feeling the pain of learning.

YOu lib asshole.
Other shows, like All in the Family, proved you're a buffoon.
One buffoonish TV program does not negate what far many more viewed as a different type of "symbol".

The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.
It was a very popular American show not just southern everybody in America love that show

I lived in America for the entire time the show ran and didn't know anyone who even watched it, let alone "loved it".

You should widen your circle of friends, to be more diverse.

My circle of friends and family is likely far more diverse as well as more educated than yours.
You can lead these troll bots to a dictionary but you can't make them think.

What good is a dictionary to you? You don't adhere to the full definition anyway.
You mean treat all the meanings listed as one and the same?

You're kidding, right? You do understand that when there is more than one definition of a word in the dictionary that there is more than one definition of the word, yes? Ergo, there is more to the word "racism" than just "...a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural..." It also entails hatred or intolerance of another race or racial prejudice or discrimination, as further defined by and Merriam-Webster's.

Now, when you say "To experience black racism one would have to be a minority member in a place where blacks outnumber you, own and control more things, and have treated you as subhuman.", this is true. But it's not the only definition of the word. It is also defined as racial prejudice, among other things. Which means, when a black guy spits on me because I'm white, he was being racist. Black racism, not to put too fine a point on it.
It also means that when IM2 assumed I concocted my story of black racism, that falls under the "prejudice" definition of the word racism. He prejudged me a liar because I'm white and dared to claim that black racism exists. There was no other reason for him to make that assumption as he had no evidence.

Yeah, you really arrived late to the brain line.

I don't know, given that you seem to think that one dictionary definition cancels out the other definitions, I'm thinking maybe I got there ahead of you.
Ahh, it's the old "you seem to think" strawman erection..
Yep, racism is whatever you want it to be. Your privilege at work. Enjoy.

Poor ghost, so butthurt because I refuse to say he was a victim of racism. Yet he denies blacks have been victims of racism by whites for 243 years. The guy spit on you because you ran and told the boss on him. Now you can try equating that to 243 years of whites enforcing their racism on us by laws and policies if you want to, but it's a false equivalence with no merit. You're whining abut an event that had no adverse impact upon you. The black guy lost his job. But blacks get spit on by whites and then get fired because they complain about getting spit on. So fuck ghost rider up his ass with no Vaseline, whining bitch.

Saying that two events are in the same category is not saying they are equal.

When your white lib friends, pretend that the stupid shit you say, is not stupid, they are disrespecting you.

I'm showing you the respect of NOT, giving you a pass, based on you being black. I'm calling out the stupid shit you say.

In your heart, what is more important to you? Respect, or the pat on your head?
Acceptance is not approval. Cut the crap.

Most have been forced to "accept" the "choice" between two mediocre to crappy political presidential candidates and cable TV providers for decades. Doesn't translate to "rebranding" or "approval." You just make shit up, repeat it ad nauseum, and call it "proof." Fuck you and your vacuous logic.

If the confederate flag was considered in the 80s, even just by liberals, the way you libs pretend to consider it now, the presentation of Bo and Luke Duke in a sympathetic light, while tooling around in the General Lee with a big ole Confederate Flag painted on the roof,

would never had been done, and if done, would have generated tremendous backlash.

The easy acceptance of the show, and the way they presented those symbols as utterly harmless, proves my point, that they have long ago been "rebranded" as harmless symbols of regional pride.

My logic is bulletproof, which is why the other posters have spent most of their time and energy pretending to not understand it, and attacking strawmen.

What is upsetting you, is your brain feeling the pain of learning.

YOu lib asshole.
Other shows, like All in the Family, proved you're a buffoon.

Yet, you don't explain how or why....

It absolutely wasn’t, said by BOTH LEADERS View attachment 313368GET AN EDUCATION !
Your meme is a strawman as I never claimed the north fought to end slavery. They fought to preserve the nation. A war they had to fight because the south attempted to secede. And Davis' remarks, despite his denial about slavery, echoed the south's stated reason for secession. Independence from the Constitutional federal government they felt was betrayed by trying to eradicate slavery...

"On the 4th day of March next, this party will take possession of the Government. It has announced that the South shall be excluded from the common territory, that the judicial tribunals shall be made sectional, and that a war must be waged against slavery until it shall cease throughout the United States.

The guaranties of the Constitution will then no longer exist; the equal rights of the States will be lost. The slaveholding States will no longer have the power of self-government, or self-protection, and the Federal Government will have become their enemy."
It’s not a meme it’s quotes for the reason of the war.. i’m pretty sure we know the reason for the war as stated by factual evidence.
If the south was actually fighting to keep black people as slaves why did free black men join the confederate army why did Latinos why did Indians why did Asians?

why were blacks staying on the plantation if they were treated so bad?

why did 25% of the slaves die After being removed by the Yankees?

why do we have quotes from slaves saying they preferred to stay with their masters because they were family and they were treated better?

your narrative makes no sense backed by facts
For the same reason some Jews worked on the side of the nazis -- self preservation.

And just like them, many slaves who appeared to side with the south, acted on behalf of the north secretly.
Jizz has no clue what he's talking about.

No doubt about it.
The First Black Republican Nominee will be...

Not in 2020.
I tell you this though, I bet the 1st non-white Republican nominee will be black.
The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.
It was a very popular American show not just southern everybody in America love that show

I lived in America for the entire time the show ran and didn't know anyone who even watched it, let alone "loved it".

You should widen your circle of friends, to be more diverse.

My circle of friends and family is likely far more diverse as well as more educated than yours.

My circle of friends and family included some people that liked the Dukes of Hazzard and some that did not.

Educated? Quite possibly. Lot of blue collar in my past and present.

Oh, was that supposed to make me feel bad or intimidate me?

Dude. I'm PROUD of it.

You're beyond stupid. Arguing slavery wasn't a main cause because some blacks worked on the side of the confederacy is as moronic as claiming killing Jews wasn't a big part of the Holocaust because some Jews worked on the side of the nazis. :cuckoo:

And what made those blacks free...?
It absolutely wasn’t, said by BOTH LEADERS View attachment 313368GET AN EDUCATION !
Your meme is a strawman as I never claimed the north fought to end slavery. They fought to preserve the nation. A war they had to fight because the south attempted to secede. And Davis' remarks, despite his denial about slavery, echoed the south's stated reason for secession. Independence from the Constitutional federal government they felt was betrayed by trying to eradicate slavery...

"On the 4th day of March next, this party will take possession of the Government. It has announced that the South shall be excluded from the common territory, that the judicial tribunals shall be made sectional, and that a war must be waged against slavery until it shall cease throughout the United States.

The guaranties of the Constitution will then no longer exist; the equal rights of the States will be lost. The slaveholding States will no longer have the power of self-government, or self-protection, and the Federal Government will have become their enemy."
It’s not a meme it’s quotes for the reason of the war.. i’m pretty sure we know the reason for the war as stated by factual evidence.
If the south was actually fighting to keep black people as slaves why did free black men join the confederate army why did Latinos why did Indians why did Asians?

why were blacks staying on the plantation if they were treated so bad?

why did 25% of the slaves die After being removed by the Yankees?

why do we have quotes from slaves saying they preferred to stay with their masters because they were family and they were treated better?

your narrative makes no sense backed by facts

You're a prolific IDIOT of the highest order. Runaway slaves were routinely whipped or killed, for even attempting to escape.

There were bounties on slaves who escaped to freedom . They ran a risk of being returned to captivity. If a slave had two options, one to escape or one to remain, many elected to survive.

You are the dumbest stone to ever post in a public forum.
And they’re still Whipped and, beat up in the streets if they leave the Democratic Party what is your fucking point

My point is clear. Can you not read? Would one syllable words on flashcards be helpful to you?
if done, would have generated tremendous backlash.
TV Land Yanks ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ Amid Confederate Flag Backlash

Better late than never. Plenty objected loudly at the time. They were just ignored back then.

Posting something that happened in 2015, does not refute my point about what happened after the Civil War, and up to and including the 1980s.

Obviously. I mean, really, really obviously.

My point stands.

If the confederate flag was considered in the 80s, even just by liberals, the way you libs pretend to consider it now, the presentation of Bo and Luke Duke in a sympathetic light, while tooling around in the General Lee with a big ole Confederate Flag painted on the roof,

would never had been done, and if done, would have generated tremendous backlash.

The easy acceptance of the show, and the way they presented those symbols as utterly harmless, proves my point, that they have long ago been "rebranded" as harmless symbols of regional pride.

My logic is bulletproof, which is why the other posters have spent most of their time and energy pretending to not understand it, and attacking strawmen.

What is upsetting you, is your brain feeling the pain of learning.

YOu lib asshole.
if done, would have generated tremendous backlash.
TV Land Yanks ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ Amid Confederate Flag Backlash

Better late than never. Plenty objected loudly at the time. They were just ignored back then.

Translation: "They weren't pussies back then."

What does it say on that flag in my signature?

I make a point about how the acceptance of a tv show in the 80s reflects on the say people were thinking in the 80s, and he posts something about something that happens in 2015.

He is being pathetic.

ANd yes, libs are more of pussies now, than they have ever been.
The easy acceptance of the tv show, by the nation as a whole and the way it portrayed the symbol, shows that the vast majority of America, viewed it as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THat is my point. Would you like to address it now, or pretend to not understand it some more?

I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.
It was a very popular American show not just southern everybody in America love that show

I lived in America for the entire time the show ran and didn't know anyone who even watched it, let alone "loved it".

You should widen your circle of friends, to be more diverse.

My circle of friends and family is likely far more diverse as well as more educated than yours.

I'll give you the "more diverse" probably (Even though I have mixed friends you've probably never even dreamed up what they are), 50% or more of my friends are white and 98% of my family is.). As far as educated: No Way.
Last edited:
I addressed it already. Several times. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was nothing more than a cartoonish, buffoonish television show that portrayed some backwoods hicks who couldn't get out of their own way, as being harmless.

On the national and worldwide stage, that same flag represents much more than some innocuous symbol of "regional pride".

As I said before, fly it proudly.

Its history needs to be common knowledge.....and to most it is.
It was a very popular American show not just southern everybody in America love that show

I lived in America for the entire time the show ran and didn't know anyone who even watched it, let alone "loved it".

You should widen your circle of friends, to be more diverse.

My circle of friends and family is likely far more diverse as well as more educated than yours.

My circle of friends and family included some people that liked the Dukes of Hazzard and some that did not.

Educated? Quite possibly. Lot of blue collar in my past and present.

Oh, was that supposed to make me feel bad or intimidate me?

Dude. I'm PROUD of it.

ROFLMAO. I would not stoop to the juvenile level of attempting to intimidate a complete stranger on a dumbass message board. So be as proud as you want to, it's your right.

You implied that my circle of friends are not diverse, and I responded and corrected you.

No more, no less.
Acceptance is not approval. Cut the crap.

Most have been forced to "accept" the "choice" between two mediocre to crappy political presidential candidates and cable TV providers for decades. Doesn't translate to "rebranding" or "approval." You just make shit up, repeat it ad nauseum, and call it "proof." Fuck you and your vacuous logic.

If the confederate flag was considered in the 80s, even just by liberals, the way you libs pretend to consider it now, the presentation of Bo and Luke Duke in a sympathetic light, while tooling around in the General Lee with a big ole Confederate Flag painted on the roof,

would never had been done, and if done, would have generated tremendous backlash.

The easy acceptance of the show, and the way they presented those symbols as utterly harmless, proves my point, that they have long ago been "rebranded" as harmless symbols of regional pride.

My logic is bulletproof, which is why the other posters have spent most of their time and energy pretending to not understand it, and attacking strawmen.

What is upsetting you, is your brain feeling the pain of learning.

YOu lib asshole.
Other shows, like All in the Family, proved you're a buffoon.

Yet, you don't explain how or why....


Liar, I already explained how America turned in to watch racism and bigotry with All in the family, just as they turned in to watch Dukes of Hazzard. Americans no more accepted the Confederate flag and General Lee as they did racism and bigotry.

You're literally relying on TV shows to invent a point about reality. :cuckoo:
  • Thanks
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It was a very popular American show not just southern everybody in America love that show

I lived in America for the entire time the show ran and didn't know anyone who even watched it, let alone "loved it".

You should widen your circle of friends, to be more diverse.

My circle of friends and family is likely far more diverse as well as more educated than yours.

My circle of friends and family included some people that liked the Dukes of Hazzard and some that did not.

Educated? Quite possibly. Lot of blue collar in my past and present.

Oh, was that supposed to make me feel bad or intimidate me?

Dude. I'm PROUD of it.

ROFLMAO. I would not stoop to the juvenile level of attempting to intimidate a complete stranger on a dumbass message board. So be as proud as you want to, it's your right.

You implied that my circle of friends are not diverse, and I responded and corrected you.

No more, no less.

Just guessing at your vague intent with your off topic question. And you seem like the type.

My point stands. The Dukes of Hazzard was one of the highest rated shows of the time. If you managed to not have ANY fans in your circle of friends, that sounds like you are the one being really narrow minded.

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