The first domino falls in GA

The law says something different, like, you can't be charged for violating someone's civil rights, because you have no duty to protect civil rights, like a sworn police officer or an officer of the court. The law holds those to a higher standard.

Police are invested with a degree of authority ordinary people are not. When they commit a crime, not only are they breaking the law, they are often abusing their authority, an additional offense.
It is an additional offense but they are judged on the action or crime like any other citizen. Police Officers are given authority to enforce out laws. They are able to do things a regular citizen would be charged for.
Impersonating a police officer is a crime in itself. For a police officer to abuse that authority is a seperate crime.
So exactly what company went to the AG and complained? To my knowledge not one did, because not one lost a dime on this supposed fraud. And with no complaint, there was no predicate for the AG to even consider an investigation, much less start one. It's purely a political persecution, just like the bitch AG campaigned on.

No company.
Trump's tax base on his properties was substantially lower than the value he was quoting to bankers.
The state investigated if there were state tax laws broken. The investigation uncovered fraud on the balance sheet given to bankers. The implications of the fraud gave Trump corp benfits that truthful borrowers do not get.

You will do anything to defend Trump's crimes or are you completely stupid on white collar crime.
Police are invested with a degree of authority ordinary people are not. When they commit a crime, not only are they breaking the law, they are often abusing their authority, an additional offense.
It is an additional offense but they are judged on the action or crime like any other citizen. Police Officers are given authority to enforce out laws. They are able to do things a regular citizen would be charged for.
Impersonating a police officer is a crime in itself. For a police officer to abuse that authority is a seperate crime.

Lawyers and judges take the same basic oath as police officers.

Lawyers and judges take the same basic oath as police officers.

Yes, and they, too, can have consequences for abusing their authority that a person not in their position would get. The punishment for the initial crime would be the same.
You watched a malicious, mean spirited, prejudicial, partisan and irresponsible media report what they want you to believe every night. And of course those afflicted with TDS just gobble that stuff up.

Try looking for the real information--it's damn hard to find as Google, Edge et al are part of the partisan MSM but it's out there--and those still capable of critical analysis and thinking will have a very different perspective.

No I did not. I watched fact based news from around the world. BBC, Canadian, Australian.

The man's own children testified against him. No member of his cabinet is supporting his re-election, and no one who worked for him is coming back either. Most of them will be in jail in any case.

I've watched Trump get away with crimes all of his adult life, and I was shocked that Republicans would let that criminal run under their banner. American banks stopped lending to him after his 4th bankruptcy around 2000. That's when he started selling condos to Russian oligarchs.
The one that found no collusion, Simp?

So no, you didn't read the report. If you had read it, you would have found it contained nearly 200 instances of collusion, which is not illegal. However there was insufficient evidence of a CONSPIRACY, which is illegal, to uphold a conviction. No "no evidence" as you have claimed, but "insufficient evidence" to prove conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt

Thanks for proving you haven't read ANYTHING and therefore lack sufficient knowledge to opine on any of these topics
No company.
Trump's tax base on his properties was substantially lower than the value he was quoting to bankers.
The state investigated if there were state tax laws broken. The investigation uncovered fraud on the balance sheet given to bankers. The implications of the fraud gave Trump corp benfits that truthful borrowers do not get.

You will do anything to defend Trump's crimes or are you completely stupid on white collar crime.

Good Lord, you're full of shit. Bankers do their own due diligence and get independent appraisals before they use a piece of property for colleterial. BTW my properties are appraised by the tax assessor much lower than market value. Also there was a thread on this very board where a guy who sells high end properties that said he could easily sell Mar a Lago for 1.2 billion. Do you seriously think a 20 acre golf club right on the ocean is only worth 18 million, that damn judge is really stupid. There's a 2 acre empty lot in the same area that is selling for 200 million.

No I did not. I watched fact based news from around the world. BBC, Canadian, Australian.

The man's own children testified against him. No member of his cabinet is supporting his re-election, and no one who worked for him is coming back either. Most of them will be in jail in any case.

I've watched Trump get away with crimes all of his adult life, and I was shocked that Republicans would let that criminal run under their banner. American banks stopped lending to him after his 4th bankruptcy around 2000. That's when he started selling condos to Russian oligarchs.

So no, you didn't read the report. If you had read it, you would have found it contained nearly 200 instances of collusion, which is not illegal. However there was insufficient evidence of a CONSPIRACY, which is illegal, to uphold a conviction. No "no evidence" as you have claimed, but "insufficient evidence" to prove conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt

Thanks for proving you haven't read ANYTHING and therefore lack sufficient knowledge to opine on any of these topics
First page, NO COLLUSION.

You are a lying sack of KKanadian dogshit.

From lefty PBS.
Trump and his supporters committed historic crimes against America and the American people: attempting to overturn a presidential election, to disenfranchise millions of Americans, and to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – yet conservatives continue to defend Trump and his fellow criminals with dishonesty and lies – this post being one of countless examples.
Nice recitation of the assigned talking points. You got that down pat.
No I did not. I watched fact based news from around the world. BBC, Canadian, Australian.

The man's own children testified against him. No member of his cabinet is supporting his re-election, and no one who worked for him is coming back either. Most of them will be in jail in any case.

I've watched Trump get away with crimes all of his adult life, and I was shocked that Republicans would let that criminal run under their banner. American banks stopped lending to him after his 4th bankruptcy around 2000. That's when he started selling condos to Russian oligarchs.

So no, you didn't read the report. If you had read it, you would have found it contained nearly 200 instances of collusion, which is not illegal. However there was insufficient evidence of a CONSPIRACY, which is illegal, to uphold a conviction. No "no evidence" as you have claimed, but "insufficient evidence" to prove conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt

Thanks for proving you haven't read ANYTHING and therefore lack sufficient knowledge to opine on any of these topics
I know you believe what you're saying. I think most extreme leftists believe what they're saying.

It's just that Reagan was so right when he said: "

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”​

I won't try to argue generalities because there's no reasonable way to do that. I'll just wish you a pleasant evening.
Good Lord, you're full of shit. Bankers do their own due diligence and get independent appraisals before they use a piece of property for colleterial. BTW my properties are appraised by the tax assessor much lower than market value. Also there was a thread on this very board where a guy who sells high end properties that said he could easily sell Mar a Lago for 1.2 billion. Do you seriously think a 20 acre golf club right on the ocean is only worth 18 million, that damn judge is really stupid. There's a 2 acre empty lot in the same area that is selling for 200 million.
The 2 acres empty lot has no restrictions on useage.

Mar-a-lago's land are subject to numerous useage restrictions. The property can only be used for a beach/golf club resort, and nothing else, which severely limits the value of the land.
Nice recitation of the assigned talking points. You got that down pat.
These aren't talking points. They're actual crimes, to which there are volumes of evidence.

Why do YOU continue to deny facts and reality and cling to Trump's lies, as repeated by the billionaire owned right wing media.
The 2 acres empty lot has no restrictions on useage.

Mar-a-lago's land are subject to numerous useage restrictions. The property can only be used for a beach/golf club resort, and nothing else, which severely limits the value of the land.

Well that's just a lie. Those restrictions wouldn't devalue the property by a billion dollars.

Good Lord, you're full of shit. Bankers do their own due diligence and get independent appraisals before they use a piece of property for colleterial. BTW my properties are appraised by the tax assessor much lower than market value. Also there was a thread on this very board where a guy who sells high end properties that said he could easily sell Mar a Lago for 1.2 billion. Do you seriously think a 20 acre golf club right on the ocean is only worth 18 million, that damn judge is really stupid. There's a 2 acre empty lot in the same area that is selling for 200 million.


No they do not - not on properties of that size and nature, because there are no real comparables.

The 20 acres has zero value because it can't be used for anything but a golf club.
Well that's just a lie. Those restrictions wouldn't devalue the property by a billion dollars.


Yes they would. The property is only worth that kind of money if you can build on it and sell the homes.

The building is a heritage property and can't be torn down or even significantly modified. And Trump had to agree to all kinds of restrictions on the property to get the club approved, so the lands is almost worthless.

The club can only be valued on the basis of income, which puts the value at $75 million.

He paid $8.5 million for it, and the place has bedbugs.


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