The first domino falls in GA

Learn to think. This is a conspiracy trial. Having the little fish plea out to peanut charges not only shows weakness but diminishes any testimony they might bring in the future, as coerced for lighter charges. Now go do society a favor and play in traffic or something equally useful.
Total bullshit.

Pleading down is how plea deals are done
That actually depends on exactly what they are convicted of, sometimes their license is only suspended, if that.

In the Trump corp civil trial, unless a successful appeal, the multiple corporate entiites based in the state of New York will lose their license to do business. Not a criminal procedure but a punishment of commiting fraud.

That is as devastating as an attorney losing their license to practice.

Poor Don, Don Jr, and Eric. Their NY holdings will basically be put in receivership.
In the Trump corp civil trial, unless a successful appeal, the multiple corporate entiites based in the state of New York will lose their license to do business. Not a criminal procedure but a punishment of commiting fraud.

That is as devastating as an attorney losing their license to practice.

Poor Don, Don Jr, and Eric. Their NY holdings will basically be put in receivership.

Exactly who are the victims of this so called fraud?

So you think officers of the court shouldn't be held to a higher standard?

The law, as defined by the Constitution, is applied to all citizens equally.
The punishment for an officer of the court can be to ban them from their profession. That cannot be done unless you are an officer of the court, obviously.
Exactly who are the victims of this so called fraud?

Do you think Trump would commit fraud of over estimating his asset just so he could brag about it.
Well, he is such an insecure meglamaniac, he might.

Bur he did it for advantages over his competition for loans. The MAGA cult does not have a clue about the ramifications of Trump business practicies.
The advantages of over stating assets are:
-The banker will choose to give a loan based on assets that secure the loan. Trump lying may result in receiving a loan a competitor that does not lie does not get
-The biggestr advantage is an interest rate on the loan will be lower than a borrower who does not lie. Trump could save millions on loans compared to other developers who do not lie.
The law, as defined by the Constitution, is applied to all citizens equally.
The punishment for an officer of the court can be to ban them from their profession. That cannot be done unless you are an officer of the court, obviously.

The law says something different, like, you can't be charged for violating someone's civil rights, because you have no duty to protect civil rights, like a sworn police officer or an officer of the court. The law holds those to a higher standard.

Do you think Trump would commit fraud of over estimating his asset just so he could brag about it.
Well, he is such an insecure meglamaniac, he might.

Bur he did it for advantages over his competition for loans. The MAGA cult does not have a clue about the ramifications of Trump business practicies.
The advantages of over stating assets are:
-The banker will choose to give a loan based on assets that secure the loan. Trump lying may result in receiving a loan a competitor that does not lie does not get
-The biggestr advantage is an interest rate on the loan will be lower than a borrower who does not lie. Trump could save millions on loans compared to other developers who do not lie.

So exactly what company went to the AG and complained? To my knowledge not one did, because not one lost a dime on this supposed fraud. And with no complaint, there was no predicate for the AG to even consider an investigation, much less start one. It's purely a political persecution, just like the bitch AG campaigned on.

He gets "a little probation" because his role in the conspiracy was a relatively small one: To convince the mother/daughter duo that Gulliani had falsely accused of election fraud, to confess to their "crimes".

You can google his Indictment for the particulars. If, at this point, you haven't bothered to read or learn about them, that's on YOU. If you can't be bothered to read the underlying materials to these discussions, it's not up to us to spoon feed you.
The question was why did he plead if he wasn’t guilty. Learn how to read, Moron.
All this demonstrates is that the GA case is excessively weak, they had to plea it down to misdemeanors. Liberals are in for some major disappointment in the near future. Trump isn't going to plea down anything, that's put the full burden on the local yokels. I expect much crying, whining, and rioting from liberals by the time this is done.
Trump’s attorneys are going to have a field day during discovery in thie clown cases.
We watched them commit these crimes in broad daylight. They hid nothing and they bragged about what they were doing on television every night.

It was disgusting and it is beyond me why you continue to believe these lying criminals. Even Trump's own daughter and son-in-law testified against him. Where are his wife and family backing him up? Nowhere to be seen.
You watched a malicious, mean spirited, prejudicial, partisan and irresponsible media report what they want you to believe every night. And of course those afflicted with TDS just gobble that stuff up.

Try looking for the real information--it's damn hard to find as Google, Edge et al are part of the partisan MSM but it's out there--and those still capable of critical analysis and thinking will have a very different perspective.
Trump and his supporters committed historic crimes against America and the American people: attempting to overturn a presidential election, to disenfranchise millions of Americans, and to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – yet conservatives continue to defend Trump and his fellow criminals with dishonesty and lies – this post being one of countless examples.
Trump and his supporters committed historic crimes against America and the American people: attempting to overturn a presidential election, to disenfranchise millions of Americans, and to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – yet conservatives continue to defend Trump and his fellow criminals with dishonesty and lies – this post being one of countless examples.

Poor little commie, why don't you address what he actually said, instead of spewing your commie propaganda? Is the vast majority of the MSM biased? Yes or No?


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