The First Ladies Shoes

Lets be clear, Melania signed a contract to be a wife of a New York Developer... She got stiffed by the Orange One...

He saw a clause in the contract that he could upgrade to First Lady... She got screwed, she is meant to be in NYC right now going for brunch with her friends...

The Washington Post article is more of an insight to what poor Melania is like.. What she is good at and what not...

Melania has to either wait until his ticker gives up or he finds something younger...

Melania is a classical trophy wife and she knows it....
The shame, the shame of her looking better then any democrat woman in history. The shame, the shame, wearing high heels to AF1 and changing shoes. Shameful. I wonder if she dodged sniper fire at greeting on the tarmac.
You try walking around in a pair of stilettos all day. I'm serious. Try it, and then sniff at women who wear shoes a bit more sensible.

A woman's clothes shouldn't be designed for her comfort. They should be designed to make a Man want to get her out of them. - Anglo-Norman Proverb
But what about her hat???

There's nothing a barker won't do to promote a sale..

Remember? There is no such thing as the Office of the President Elect.

Her shoes look like baby alligator skin.

I had a wallet like that once.
Aren't you wonderful !
Had this been Michelle O, such a reaction would be considered sexist and objectifying.

Oh, and racist.

This is all beyond silly.
Michelle couldn't pull it off... period!
You try walking around in a pair of stilettos all day. I'm serious. Try it, and then sniff at women who wear shoes a bit more sensible.
Some women do. I know one who hasn't worn flats in years.

OTOH, my wife has never worn heels.
Her shoes look like baby alligator skin.

I had a wallet like that once.
Aren't you wonderful !
Had this been Michelle O, such a reaction would be considered sexist and objectifying.

Oh, and racist.

This is all beyond silly.
Michelle couldn't pull it off... period!
You try walking around in a pair of stilettos all day. I'm serious. Try it, and then sniff at women who wear shoes a bit more sensible.
Some women do. I know one who hasn't worn flats in years.

OTOH, my wife has never worn heels.

Heels oook like medieval torture devices.
We outsourced the job of fucking Donald Trump to Slovenia.

You have to love immigrants. Doing the dirty jobs Americans won't do.
You almost gotta laugh. If some freakazoid man was photographed staggering around in high heels the left would have defended and supported the poor thing. The only thing we can glean from the story is that sissie lefties run the media and the DNC and they care more about fake women than real women.
Her shoes look like baby alligator skin.

I had a wallet like that once.
Aren't you wonderful !
Had this been Michelle O, such a reaction would be considered sexist and objectifying.

Oh, and racist.

This is all beyond silly.
Michelle couldn't pull it off... period!
You try walking around in a pair of stilettos all day. I'm serious. Try it, and then sniff at women who wear shoes a bit more sensible.
Some women do. I know one who hasn't worn flats in years.

OTOH, my wife has never worn heels.

Heels oook like medieval torture devices.
THEY ARE.....! :eek:

on the other hand, I would imagine they are like slippers or sneakers to a lifelong model, as she was....
Oh yes he is, by law he has to, what he does with the dough is up to him..So you can stop barking out that misinformation...And he and she gets to live cost free also...

Thus far, President Donald Smith has donated his salary to various causes.

Typically, you are lying about their living expenses. They buy their own food, they also buy all their own clothes. No, I don't mean they go to the grocery store or go shopping for SHOES.

IF they lived cost free and taxpayers footed the bill for EVERYTHING, so what?
The shame, the shame of her looking better then any democrat woman in history.

Not quite yet. FLOTUS Jacqueline Kennedy set an incredibly high standard.

Melanie is certainly up to the task. A stunning role model for girls and women.
Since you've got neither, I guess you're good for nothing.

Not quite. I'm good for what the vast majority of humanity was meant for - being a mindless drone thst simply follows the rules and keeps fhe wheels of society rolling forward on a daily basis.

That's all I am. All I ever will be. All I've ever aspired to be.
Her shoes look like baby alligator skin.

I had a wallet like that once.
Aren't you wonderful !
Had this been Michelle O, such a reaction would be considered sexist and objectifying.

Oh, and racist.

This is all beyond silly.
Michelle couldn't pull it off... period!
You try walking around in a pair of stilettos all day. I'm serious. Try it, and then sniff at women who wear shoes a bit more sensible.
Some women do. I know one who hasn't worn flats in years.

OTOH, my wife has never worn heels.

Heels oook like medieval torture devices.
THEY ARE.....! :eek:

on the other hand, I would imagine they are like slippers or sneakers to a lifelong model, as she was....
I'm honestly surprised she can wear flats comfortably.

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