The First Ladies Shoes

Lets be clear, Melania signed a contract to be a wife of a New York Developer... She got stiffed by the Orange One...

He saw a clause in the contract that he could upgrade to First Lady... She got screwed, she is meant to be in NYC right now going for brunch with her friends...

The Washington Post article is more of an insight to what poor Melania is like.. What she is good at and what not...

Melania has to either wait until his ticker gives up or he finds something younger...

Melania is a classical trophy wife and she knows it....
I would rather look at her all day than that hermorphidite aka, man child called Mocccchelle Obama. That is one ugly heap of dung

She sure has that Eastern Bloc look about her. (Melania)

Prettiest first lady in my lifetime.

You can make anyone look good if you pour enough money over them. Botox and plastic surgery aren't cheap. Neither are stylists, designer clothes or personal trainers.

I like Melania. She done well for herself. But as a First Lady, she can't light a candle to Michele Obama. Best FL of my lifetime.

Many kids that had to eat school lunch disagree.
you got low standards do ya?

Who's prettier, Bonesey? You or her?

I could deal with waking up to her next to me in the morning.

Actually, she has similar features to my ex. The cheekbones.

1 Cherokee/English do-not-add-firewater individual.

I'm a cracker, so I'm different than that.

Sometimes men attract women that are different than they are.
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She sure has that Eastern Bloc look about her. (Melania)

Prettiest first lady in my lifetime.

You can make anyone look good if you pour enough money over them. Botox and plastic surgery aren't cheap. Neither are stylists, designer clothes or personal trainers.

I like Melania. She done well for herself. But as a First Lady, she can't light a candle to Michele Obama. Best FL of my lifetime.
So you like the 'tranny look' eh? Each to their own right?
'Michael' has to have special sized women's high heels made for him.
Even then he can't walk more than a couple of feet in them.
Of course walking from the bathroom to the bedroom isn't that far.
a wife does not have to wear fuck me pumps....your paid ho ....she has to wear them.....
Her shoes look like baby alligator skin.

I had a wallet like that once.
Aren't you wonderful !
Had this been Michelle O, such a reaction would be considered sexist and objectifying.

Oh, and racist.

This is all beyond silly.
Michelle couldn't pull it off... period!
You try walking around in a pair of stilettos all day. I'm serious. Try it, and then sniff at women who wear shoes a bit more sensible.
Her shoes look like baby alligator skin.

I had a wallet like that once.
Aren't you wonderful !
Had this been Michelle O, such a reaction would be considered sexist and objectifying.

Oh, and racist.

This is all beyond silly.
Michelle couldn't pull it off... period!
You try walking around in a pair of stilettos all day. I'm serious. Try it, and then sniff at women who wear shoes a bit more sensible.

I'll pass.

Michael did try to pull it off, though.

So sorry he can't as well as Melania does.

My uncle left me a baby gatorskin wallet like her shoes.

Unfortunately it didn't hold up. Lasted only 2 years.
She's Gorgeous, Educated, Stylish, Generous, and Independently Wealthy of The President.

Who in the Hell would be so bitter as to HATE ON THAT?

Maybe some Gay Jealous Bitches working as Hairdressers that post in here?
Here's what I think about this ridiculousness.... Whatever "journalist" originally raised an issue about FLOTUS' shoes, should be forced to resign in shame or their network boycotted out of business. This kind of bullshit might be acceptable on a message board from some butt-hurt snowflake troll, but it's not appropriate for a legitimate news organization in America.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have just about had my fill of the leftists who are acting like 7th grade children over every fucking little thing that comes down the pike. Enough is enough. I realize there are some objective and mature people on the left who legitimately disagree with the right on policies but you people have GOT to reel in these morons! If you don't act soon, you are running the risk of these people completely destroying your party.

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