The fix is in.

There are people participating in this thread who think the Dems are stopping Trump from getting shit done. It is absolutely amazing.
Anyone who doesn't think so is not on this planet or is a fool or a liar.

It is awesome to watch. He's got both houses of congress and a sympathetic SC. He's got governors all over the fucking place who have GOP houses to work with.

His failure to get shit done is ON HIM. He is fucking awful at the job. He has no clue about policy or how the system works. Why not just accept that.

Stop blaming others. Your guy sucks.
Yet congress didn't stop ACA. I don't think you know what you are talking about.

That wasn't the Dems. That was Trump and the GOP not having a fucking plan. Why blame the Dems for that?

Take responsibility.
There are people participating in this thread who think the Dems are stopping Trump from getting shit done. It is absolutely amazing.
Anyone who doesn't think so is not on this planet or is a fool or a liar.

It is awesome to watch. He's got both houses of congress and a sympathetic SC. He's got governors all over the fucking place who have GOP houses to work with.

His failure to get shit done is ON HIM. He is fucking awful at the job. He has no clue about policy or how the system works. Why not just accept that.

Stop blaming others. Your guy sucks.
Yet congress didn't stop ACA. I don't think you know what you are talking about.

That wasn't the Dems. That was Trump and the GOP not having a fucking plan. Why blame the Dems for that?

Take responsibility.
You can't stop can you? I clearly said "congress" not "dems".
There are people participating in this thread who think the Dems are stopping Trump from getting shit done. It is absolutely amazing.
Anyone who doesn't think so is not on this planet or is a fool or a liar.

It is awesome to watch. He's got both houses of congress and a sympathetic SC. He's got governors all over the fucking place who have GOP houses to work with.

His failure to get shit done is ON HIM. He is fucking awful at the job. He has no clue about policy or how the system works. Why not just accept that.

Stop blaming others. Your guy sucks.
Yet congress didn't stop ACA. I don't think you know what you are talking about.

That wasn't the Dems. That was Trump and the GOP not having a fucking plan. Why blame the Dems for that?

Take responsibility.
You can't stop can you? I clearly said "congress" not "dems".

And I said Dems. You responded to me. You got comprehension issues?
Your deluded imaginary narrative is not relevant to Mueller's case.

Then everyone claiming it is "wide open" on here are wrong.

The sailor in question was not taking photographs of the classified propulsion system of a nuke sub for "his mom", he did it multiple times, and tried to cover his tracks.

That is not how it was originally presented in the news. Maybe the rest came out later.

Hillary was entirely allowed to possess that classified information, and unintentionally mentioned some of it in emails to others also allowed to possess said information. That's called "spillage", and it happens every day. No one has ever been charged with a crime for it.

Was Hillary allowed to keep it on a private server? No.
Was Huma Abedin allowed to have it as an employee of the Clinton Foundation and have it in her home computer where her freeko husband Anthony Weiner could read it? No.
Does that explain why Hillary had thousands of government emails outside the government system where the government did not have a copy of or couldn't SEE what was in there and had to take Hillary at her word that she returned it all when later found wrong, all the while using BleachBit to scrub her computer, destroy phones and remove SIM cards in a massive cover up? No.
Does that justify her keeping sensitive information on a personal server where the government estimates it "spilled over" to at least two hostile foreign nations which hacked it? Not at all.
Do I buy that our Secretary of State should be so bereft of sense as to claim that she didn't know what wiping a drive meant and thought you wiped it with a cloth? Hell no. No one is that stupid; if Hillary was, it was a crime to put her in that office. And they say TRUMP says nutty things?

Last I checked, what Hillary is known to have done was in violation of multiple U.S Codes. And none of them mention being allowed to have the information as a disqualifier; they DO say it is a federal violation merely being CARELESS with it! And you don't even have to know you were careless. The FBI declared she was careless and much more many times over, ALL OF THEM felony federal crimes punishable with jail time.

If I hear a loud motor whizzing by and a loud screech and a crash, then turn and look to see two cars smashed together with one of them having long tire skid marks, I don't need to have directly witnessed it to know that one of them was driving too fast recklessly out of control. Or as they say in the vernacular: If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck . . . .

. . . . . it's gotta be a duck. Quack.
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The GOP is part of the establishment swamp, that is readily apparent by their actions or inaction since Trump took office.

Is there anyone here who doubts that the GOP would be fine with Pence?

I'm not saying that I believe this is a fine deal. I have said I'm the past that this witch hunt is nothing but a ploy to keep their base excited so they won't realize that Trump is in fact, doing good. It could be that moving the GJ to D.C. is just a way to prevent the GJ from looking at their pile of nothing and ruling against them in an hour.

Knowing though, how utterly corrupt the left is, they could actually fabricate enough garbage to actually win this. I think the GOP would be fine with it.
It's where we are in our politics now: It was said in here when Trump was elected and the GOP kept the Congress, that the only thing the Dems could do was damage Trump so that moderate Republicans would shy away from him. That's the only power the Dems had/have. There were several conversations about that very thing.

Well, it's playing out, right on cue. The problem for Trump is that he doesn't have enough support from the public to change it. Well, given his behavior, that can't exactly be considered a shock.

I don't believe that at all. I know people who wish he wouldn't tweet so much, or wouldn't attack the media so much, but when you ask them, they will all vote for him again.
The GOP is part of the establishment swamp, that is readily apparent by their actions or inaction since Trump took office.

Is there anyone here who doubts that the GOP would be fine with Pence?

I'm not saying that I believe this is a fine deal. I have said I'm the past that this witch hunt is nothing but a ploy to keep their base excited so they won't realize that Trump is in fact, doing good. It could be that moving the GJ to D.C. is just a way to prevent the GJ from looking at their pile of nothing and ruling against them in an hour.

Knowing though, how utterly corrupt the left is, they could actually fabricate enough garbage to actually win this. I think the GOP would be fine with it.
It's where we are in our politics now: It was said in here when Trump was elected and the GOP kept the Congress, that the only thing the Dems could do was damage Trump so that moderate Republicans would shy away from him. That's the only power the Dems had/have. There were several conversations about that very thing.

Well, it's playing out, right on cue. The problem for Trump is that he doesn't have enough support from the public to change it. Well, given his behavior, that can't exactly be considered a shock.

I don't believe that at all. I know people who wish he wouldn't tweet so much, or wouldn't attack the media so much, but when you ask them, they will all vote for him again.
His base is his base, at least 85% is going to stick with him, because that's what a base does. I'm talking about the internal polling done by Republicans who are in for tough races in 2018. I've been saying all along that those are the polls that matter right now, and that we'll be able to tell how they look by the way those Republicans act towards Trump.

You can argue that those polls are wrong, but Trump is (especially after sacking Priebus) becoming more and more isolated within his own party right now, and he can't pass laws by himself. And given the way he is, that just can't be a surprise.
There are people participating in this thread who think the Dems are stopping Trump from getting shit done. It is absolutely amazing.
Anyone who doesn't think so is not on this planet or is a fool or a liar.

It is awesome to watch. He's got both houses of congress and a sympathetic SC. He's got governors all over the fucking place who have GOP houses to work with.

His failure to get shit done is ON HIM. He is fucking awful at the job. He has no clue about policy or how the system works. Why not just accept that.

Stop blaming others. Your guy sucks.
. Matters not what he's got, because if you go to Washington to work for the people, then you will get UUUGE resistance from the Demon-crats who have their freaking agenda, and from the Rino's who have been screwing the American taxpayers for years under the guise of being American patriots. Even animal's know they have to conceal their true actions in order to strike a blow when hunting (what the politicians do), and then they hope that the heard will just move on as if nothing happened in order to not know when the next attack will come. Been dealing like this for years now in America, and it would scare the crap out of America if it were to all of a sudden change.
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There are people participating in this thread who think the Dems are stopping Trump from getting shit done. It is absolutely amazing.
Anyone who doesn't think so is not on this planet or is a fool or a liar.

It is awesome to watch. He's got both houses of congress and a sympathetic SC. He's got governors all over the fucking place who have GOP houses to work with.

His failure to get shit done is ON HIM. He is fucking awful at the job. He has no clue about policy or how the system works. Why not just accept that.

Stop blaming others. Your guy sucks.
Yet congress didn't stop ACA. I don't think you know what you are talking about.

That wasn't the Dems. That was Trump and the GOP not having a fucking plan. Why blame the Dems for that?

Take responsibility.
. The HC issue should have been an easy one, but big money is stopping the process of the American people to get satisfaction from the senators on the subject. Time to drain the SWAMP.
The GOP is part of the establishment swamp, that is readily apparent by their actions or inaction since Trump took office.

Is there anyone here who doubts that the GOP would be fine with Pence?

I'm not saying that I believe this is a fine deal. I have said I'm the past that this witch hunt is nothing but a ploy to keep their base excited so they won't realize that Trump is in fact, doing good. It could be that moving the GJ to D.C. is just a way to prevent the GJ from looking at their pile of nothing and ruling against them in an hour.

Knowing though, how utterly corrupt the left is, they could actually fabricate enough garbage to actually win this. I think the GOP would be fine with it.
It's where we are in our politics now: It was said in here when Trump was elected and the GOP kept the Congress, that the only thing the Dems could do was damage Trump so that moderate Republicans would shy away from him. That's the only power the Dems had/have. There were several conversations about that very thing.

Well, it's playing out, right on cue. The problem for Trump is that he doesn't have enough support from the public to change it. Well, given his behavior, that can't exactly be considered a shock.

I don't believe that at all. I know people who wish he wouldn't tweet so much, or wouldn't attack the media so much, but when you ask them, they will all vote for him again.
His base is his base, at least 85% is going to stick with him, because that's what a base does. I'm talking about the internal polling done by Republicans who are in for tough races in 2018. I've been saying all along that those are the polls that matter right now, and that we'll be able to tell how they look by the way those Republicans act towards Trump.

You can argue that those polls are wrong, but Trump is (especially after sacking Priebus) becoming more and more isolated within his own party right now, and he can't pass laws by himself. And given the way he is, that just can't be a surprise.
. What we might be seeing is that America was being undermined for so long, that too many players have been put into place over the years, in order to protect the agenda of those who envision an America that will be unrecognizable by those living today. It will be a shiney city on a hill, but the contents will be pure evil. It's already in motion, so let's see if it was to be our destiny or not. All eye's are on Washington now.
There are people participating in this thread who think the Dems are stopping Trump from getting shit done. It is absolutely amazing.

They aren't. He has done quite a lot. They are though, obstructing him as much as they can. Even you can't deny that.

They are opposing him on policy. It's called loyal opposition.

And he hasn't done shit.
There are people participating in this thread who think the Dems are stopping Trump from getting shit done. It is absolutely amazing.
Anyone who doesn't think so is not on this planet or is a fool or a liar.

It is awesome to watch. He's got both houses of congress and a sympathetic SC. He's got governors all over the fucking place who have GOP houses to work with.

His failure to get shit done is ON HIM. He is fucking awful at the job. He has no clue about policy or how the system works. Why not just accept that.

Stop blaming others. Your guy sucks.
. Matters not what he's got, because if you go to Washington to work for the people, then you will get UUUGE resistance from the Demon-crats who have their freaking agenda, and from the Rino's who have been screwing the American taxpayers for years under the guise of being American patriots. Even animal's know they have to conceal their true actions in order to strike a blow when hunting (what the politicians do), and then they hope that the heard will just move on as if nothing happened in order to not know when the next attack will come. Been dealing like this for years now in America, and it would scare the crap out of America if it were to all of a sudden change.

You honestly believe that Trump went to D.C. To work for the people? I love you. So precious.
There are people participating in this thread who think the Dems are stopping Trump from getting shit done. It is absolutely amazing.
Anyone who doesn't think so is not on this planet or is a fool or a liar.

It is awesome to watch. He's got both houses of congress and a sympathetic SC. He's got governors all over the fucking place who have GOP houses to work with.

His failure to get shit done is ON HIM. He is fucking awful at the job. He has no clue about policy or how the system works. Why not just accept that.

Stop blaming others. Your guy sucks.
. Matters not what he's got, because if you go to Washington to work for the people, then you will get UUUGE resistance from the Demon-crats who have their freaking agenda, and from the Rino's who have been screwing the American taxpayers for years under the guise of being American patriots. Even animal's know they have to conceal their true actions in order to strike a blow when hunting (what the politicians do), and then they hope that the heard will just move on as if nothing happened in order to not know when the next attack will come. Been dealing like this for years now in America, and it would scare the crap out of America if it were to all of a sudden change.

You honestly believe that Trump went to D.C. To work for the people? I love you. So precious.
He sure as hell did!
There are people participating in this thread who think the Dems are stopping Trump from getting shit done. It is absolutely amazing.

They aren't. He has done quite a lot. They are though, obstructing him as much as they can. Even you can't deny that.

They are opposing him on policy. It's called loyal opposition.

And he hasn't done shit.
. He started out Great, but the Lefty's have gotten in the way big time. The Demon-crats are opposing him on hate for their loss, not policy. They don't have the results of any cullusion, so it's been pure hate in which they have been engaging in thus far, and it is a hatred because they fear Trump was just bold enough to push their bullcrap all the way back to the stone ages for which they and their agenda's came from.
The GOP is part of the establishment swamp, that is readily apparent by their actions or inaction since Trump took office.

Is there anyone here who doubts that the GOP would be fine with Pence?

I'm not saying that I believe this is a fine deal. I have said I'm the past that this witch hunt is nothing but a ploy to keep their base excited so they won't realize that Trump is in fact, doing good. It could be that moving the GJ to D.C. is just a way to prevent the GJ from looking at their pile of nothing and ruling against them in an hour.

Knowing though, how utterly corrupt the left is, they could actually fabricate enough garbage to actually win this. I think the GOP would be fine with it.
It's where we are in our politics now: It was said in here when Trump was elected and the GOP kept the Congress, that the only thing the Dems could do was damage Trump so that moderate Republicans would shy away from him. That's the only power the Dems had/have. There were several conversations about that very thing.

Well, it's playing out, right on cue. The problem for Trump is that he doesn't have enough support from the public to change it. Well, given his behavior, that can't exactly be considered a shock.

I don't believe that at all. I know people who wish he wouldn't tweet so much, or wouldn't attack the media so much, but when you ask them, they will all vote for him again.
His base is his base, at least 85% is going to stick with him, because that's what a base does. I'm talking about the internal polling done by Republicans who are in for tough races in 2018. I've been saying all along that those are the polls that matter right now, and that we'll be able to tell how they look by the way those Republicans act towards Trump.

You can argue that those polls are wrong, but Trump is (especially after sacking Priebus) becoming more and more isolated within his own party right now, and he can't pass laws by himself. And given the way he is, that just can't be a surprise.
. What we might be seeing is that America was being undermined for so long, that too many players have been put into place over the years, in order to protect the agenda of those who envision an America that will be unrecognizable by those living today. It will be a shiney city on a hill, but the contents will be pure evil. It's already in motion, so let's see if it was to be our destiny or not. All eye's are on Washington now.
I think there a times that an entrenched system can be shattered from the outside. But I just don't think our political system is one of them.

Now I'm not a fan of Trump, but I sure as hell don't like our system either. And what concerns me here is that he could end up being such a poor choice of messengers that it actually ends up helping the system.
Comey is not a subject of Muellers investigation.

You don't know that. He certainly COULD be, if you read the mandate. Why didn't Comey protest or take notes after Lynch ordered him not to call the Hillary investigation an investigation anymore? Collusion? Why did Comey usurp the AG's authority in dropping the Hillary investigation, a woman with known corrosive ties to the Ukraine and the Russian State, after announcing enough evidence on her to hang ten people?


"Investigating" Comey for nonsense that youve read on the internet is not part of Mueller's mandate.

And no one is history has ever been charged with a crime for what Hillary did. Spillage happens every day.

Actually they have, and in fact there is one Navy sailor sitting in jail right now for doing significantly less. You are factually wrong.
Comey is not a subject of Muellers investigation.

You don't know that. He certainly COULD be, if you read the mandate. Why didn't Comey protest or take notes after Lynch ordered him not to call the Hillary investigation an investigation anymore? Collusion? Why did Comey usurp the AG's authority in dropping the Hillary investigation, a woman with known corrosive ties to the Ukraine and the Russian State, after announcing enough evidence on her to hang ten people?


"Investigating" Comey for nonsense that youve read on the internet is not part of Mueller's mandate.

And no one is history has ever been charged with a crime for what Hillary did. Spillage happens every day.

Actually they have, and in fact there is one Navy sailor sitting in jail right now for doing significantly less. You are factually wrong.

No, I'm not. I discussed the sailor I assume you're talking about a few posts ago.

He did not do "significantly less", and the context of the case makes it clear that his case and Hillary's are legally unrelated.
So, whatcha gonna do when Jewish Jerrad and Just Dumb Junior are handcuffed and excorted to jail. You and the crime boss Papa gonna whine?

"Give me a pen, I will pardon them now!", days the Comrade.
First, Mueller, a good friend of the fired Comey, is appointed to lead the investigation into the non-existent collusion, then he loads his staff with 0bama sycophants and Hillary supporters, now he wants to convene a Grand Jury, and he wants it to sit in DC. Where you basically can't find a Trump supporter.

This has always been my only fear about this. The left, as we all know is corrupt to the core. They would watch this country burn rather than let 0bamas disastrous legacy get reversed. Party before country with them and it isn't even close.

Would it surprise anyone at all if they didn't completely make shit up?

They are definitely trying to engineer a soft coup. The political class, and the progressives won't go down without a fight. They've invested too much time trying to subvert the US and turn it into yet another authoritarian shithole that they are determined to prevent trump from undoing their decades of work.

Every liberal I have ever known is so sure they are right about everything they can not understand how they lose elections. Everyone of them are so sure but oh so wrong. It isn't that they are ignorant they just know so much that isn't so. (R. Reagan)

I am really quite sick of their lying. I thought it was bad when Obama was the lying leader but I must admit the liberals have stepped up their game. They need to be taught a lesson, Hillary needs indicted.
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Comey is not a subject of Muellers investigation.

You don't know that. He certainly COULD be, if you read the mandate. Why didn't Comey protest or take notes after Lynch ordered him not to call the Hillary investigation an investigation anymore? Collusion? Why did Comey usurp the AG's authority in dropping the Hillary investigation, a woman with known corrosive ties to the Ukraine and the Russian State, after announcing enough evidence on her to hang ten people?


"Investigating" Comey for nonsense that youve read on the internet is not part of Mueller's mandate.

And no one is history has ever been charged with a crime for what Hillary did. Spillage happens every day.

Actually they have, and in fact there is one Navy sailor sitting in jail right now for doing significantly less. You are factually wrong.

No, I'm not. I discussed the sailor I assume you're talking about a few posts ago.

He did not do "significantly less", and the context of the case makes it clear that his case and Hillary's are legally unrelated.

She specifically violated the law as regards the handling of secure data. This is not arguable. That is a felony as laid out by comey in his testimony to Congress. He is the person, and singular in his interpretation, who decided that intent had to be a component of the crime. The actual law has no intent component. As I said, you are factually wrong.

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