The Flynn Affair Could Bring Down Trump’s Presidency


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Senate hearings on the subject, including testimony under oath, are likely.

If Donald Trump thinks accepting Michael Flynn’s resignation will feed the beast enough to sate its hunger, he is mistaken.

This story is big, and will only get bigger in the days, weeks and months ahead. It could be the beginning of the end of Trump’s presidency. To be sure, additional dots would have to be connected, but the picture is already beginning to come into focus.

The Washington Post has reported that Flynn discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with the Russian ambassador during the month before Trump was sworn in. The subject of sanctions was not something that was mentioned casually or incidentally. It was the main topic of at least one of the calls. It did not slip through the cracks of Flynn’s memory.

In the final days of the Obama administration, government officials at the highest level already knew enough about those communications, and the lies Flynn had told about them, to be alarmed. Exactly how they obtained this information isn’t fully known yet, but it seems to have been based on some mix of wiretaps, intercepted Russian diplomatic cables, and human resources.

The Post reported yesterday that in the month before Trump took office, the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the CIA, the FBI Director, and the Acting Attorney General all believed that Flynn had put himself in a compromising position. The Russian government knew that Flynn had discussed sanctions with their ambassador, and that Flynn had lied about it in public. Flynn had also presumably lied to Vice President Pence, who had issued his own categorical denial.

"The familiar and ominous cry of “What did the president know and when did he know it?” is creeping into the national conversation."

The Russians knew that Flynn had lied when he denied having discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador just as the Obama administration was in the process of imposing those sanctions on them for interfering with our presidential election. This was something the Russians could use as leverage against Flynn. They could threaten to expose him. In a word, Flynn might be vulnerable to blackmail by Russia.

According to the Post, that concern led Sally Yates, the then acting attorney general, to inform Donald McGahn, Trump’s White House Counsel, late last month that she believed Flynn had misled senior administration officials about his communications with the Russian ambassador. Yates warned McGahn that Flynn was potentially vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

So what does all this have to do with Trump? Up to this point, he hasn’t been implicated directly in any inappropriate conduct. But the familiar and ominous cry of “What did the president know and when did he know it?” is creeping into the national conversation.

More: The Flynn Affair Could Bring Down Trump’s Presidency

My guess is that Trump only fired Flynn in self-defense - but it's way too late. The genie is out of the bottle.
it's his benghazi/birth certificate....
you should start celebrating the return of obama and clinton.
Senate hearings on the subject, including testimony under oath, are likely.

If Donald Trump thinks accepting Michael Flynn’s resignation will feed the beast enough to sate its hunger, he is mistaken.

This story is big, and will only get bigger in the days, weeks and months ahead. It could be the beginning of the end of Trump’s presidency. To be sure, additional dots would have to be connected, but the picture is already beginning to come into focus.

The Washington Post has reported that Flynn discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with the Russian ambassador during the month before Trump was sworn in. The subject of sanctions was not something that was mentioned casually or incidentally. It was the main topic of at least one of the calls. It did not slip through the cracks of Flynn’s memory.

In the final days of the Obama administration, government officials at the highest level already knew enough about those communications, and the lies Flynn had told about them, to be alarmed. Exactly how they obtained this information isn’t fully known yet, but it seems to have been based on some mix of wiretaps, intercepted Russian diplomatic cables, and human resources.

The Post reported yesterday that in the month before Trump took office, the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the CIA, the FBI Director, and the Acting Attorney General all believed that Flynn had put himself in a compromising position. The Russian government knew that Flynn had discussed sanctions with their ambassador, and that Flynn had lied about it in public. Flynn had also presumably lied to Vice President Pence, who had issued his own categorical denial.

"The familiar and ominous cry of “What did the president know and when did he know it?” is creeping into the national conversation."

The Russians knew that Flynn had lied when he denied having discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador just as the Obama administration was in the process of imposing those sanctions on them for interfering with our presidential election. This was something the Russians could use as leverage against Flynn. They could threaten to expose him. In a word, Flynn might be vulnerable to blackmail by Russia.

According to the Post, that concern led Sally Yates, the then acting attorney general, to inform Donald McGahn, Trump’s White House Counsel, late last month that she believed Flynn had misled senior administration officials about his communications with the Russian ambassador. Yates warned McGahn that Flynn was potentially vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

So what does all this have to do with Trump? Up to this point, he hasn’t been implicated directly in any inappropriate conduct. But the familiar and ominous cry of “What did the president know and when did he know it?” is creeping into the national conversation.

More: The Flynn Affair Could Bring Down Trump’s Presidency

My guess is that Trump only fired Flynn in self-defense - but it's way too late. The genie is out of the bottle.

Ya gotta love a dreamer --- so detached from reality.
What did Trump know and when did he know it? :rofl:

This is delicious

Some reports are saying that Trump knew about this a couple of weeks ago.
There's no way Flynn was acting without Trump's go-ahead. This needs to be investigated.
No way???

Well, hell, if you say so ... why would we investigate. I mean, after all, there's NO WAY ... right?
What did Trump know and when did he know it? :rofl:

This is delicious

Some reports are saying that Trump knew about this a couple of weeks ago.
There's no way Flynn was acting without Trump's go-ahead. This needs to be investigated.
No way???

Well, hell, if you say so ... why would we investigate. I mean, after all, there's NO WAY ... right?
Probably won't need an investigation. I wouldn't be surprised if this dumbass administration admitted it in public by accident.
The mind set of the Alt.Left is pure sedition, lawlessness and un-American activities, that's what seriously needs investigation and will under Trump I'm thinkin.

btw. the left wing, "fake media" lead the gullible left to failure and depression and they're still sucking it up like fools, I'm really enjoying it, sooo entertaining..
What Trump Presidency?

You and the rest of the Soros Army made clear that Hillary was "in the bag."

I mean, you were RIGHT about that, yes? If not, why would ANYONE pay attention to your partisan bullshit now?
The mind set of the Alt.Left is pure sedition, lawlessness and un-American activities, that's what seriously needs investigation and will under Trump I'm thinkin.

btw. the left wing, "fake media" lead the gullible left to failure and depression and they're still sucking it up like fools, I'm really enjoying it, sooo entertaining..

It's better than Saturday morning cartoons !!!!!

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