The Four Pillars of Progressivism

The Constitution limits federal government.

That's a trigger fact for them. You'll make them cry.

Wrong. The Constitution makes the federal government supreme.
Still wrong. Obama couldn't do nearly what he wanted even with a Dem congress because he was limited by the constitution.

Who decides what limits the Constitution puts on actions? The states,LOL?
From near as I can tell, there are 4 pillars of Progressivism which is their foundation. All four of these pillars is an assault on the Constitution. Why? Because the Constitution is a document that attempted to create a government that is limited. In other words, those in government are viewed as not having any superior intellectual capacity or righteous character than the average citizen. Such outrageous thinking must be destroyed so that every aspect in our lives is overseen and regulated by government who are the master race. Why without Big Brother monitoring our every move, we would all be dying in the streets as we render the planet inhabitable environmentally.

1. Illegal Immigration. Illegal immigration is the first pillar. It carries with it the notion that borders are not needed. We hear many Progs today say as much. So if there are no borders, then there are no sovereign nations. If there are no sovereign nations, then the Republic becomes obsolete, along with its documents such as the Constitution. Then an all powerful world government can be set up with a more "enlightened" Constitution that will be offered.

2. Massive debt. Massive debt will eventually destroy the Republic. It is not a matter of if, but when. No nation can continue trillion dollar deficits indefinitely. How they got this far is nothing short of a miracle. And as the Republic folds, again, so do it's documents.

3. Assault on Christianity. Many think that morality and government are separate, but in reality, all laws represent a moral code. Moreover, only a moral society can be trusted with freedom. As Ben Franklin once said, "In these sentiments, sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think that a General government necessary for us, and there is no form of government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and I believe further that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as toned despotic government, being incapable of any other." If society loses its moral soul and becomes a nation of convicts, then a warden is required to maintain order. Ripping morality out of schools and the rest of society is key to their cause. It's like I've always said, prison is a Prog utopia. Everyone has equal housing, dress, food, education, and health care and all of it is free. Not only that, these are "gun free zones" and every day is a gay pride day.

4. Centralized all powerful government. The last pillar upon which Progressivism rests is an all powerful centralized government. The only time this is not embraced is when it infringes upon one of the other pillars. For you see Progs today run around chanting state rights when it comes to illegal drug legalization or moving illegals around from sanctuary city to sanctuary city. For example, refeer use is a federal crime, as is illegal immigration. Progs are simply openly defying these rules of law as states like Colorado legalize the use of reefer or cities openly declare themselves a refuge for illegals. However, when it comes to any other issue, state rights go bye, bye. Instead, with Obama in office writing EO's that violate federal law on such things as immigration, then all of a sudden the federal government becomes the ultimate authority again. Then when states like Arizona try and stand up to enforce immigration laws on the books, they get sued by Obama and company and forced to comply with the law,. We have now become a nation of men, not laws, which further degrades the Constitution as a meaningless document to be reinterpreted awayor simply ignored by Progs to the point where no one even refers to it anymore.
Just right wing propaganda and rhetoric. I would rather hear it, from progressives.

Tell us how the right wing, is going to have more than just repeal, and solve all of our problems while lowering taxes.

Rightwing/Republican policies are what have exploded the debt.
lol, We are 20 plus trillion in debt, Obama doubled it. You can't get anything right.

Obama did no such thing. The debt doubled itself by virtue of Republican taxation and spending policies that Obama could not, as president, arbitrarily change.
Prove it.

Presidents can't make laws.
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
The Constitution limits federal government.

That's a trigger fact for them. You'll make them cry.

Wrong. The Constitution makes the federal government supreme.
Still wrong. Obama couldn't do nearly what he wanted even with a Dem congress because he was limited by the constitution.

Where did conservatives go when they thought they could get Obamacare declared unconstitutional?

Did they go to the states and say, just nullify the federal law?

Or did they go to the supreme federal government to try to use its supreme authority?
From near as I can tell, there are 4 pillars of Progressivism which is their foundation. All four of these pillars is an assault on the Constitution. Why? Because the Constitution is a document that attempted to create a government that is limited. In other words, those in government are viewed as not having any superior intellectual capacity or righteous character than the average citizen. Such outrageous thinking must be destroyed so that every aspect in our lives is overseen and regulated by government who are the master race. Why without Big Brother monitoring our every move, we would all be dying in the streets as we render the planet inhabitable environmentally.

1. Illegal Immigration. Illegal immigration is the first pillar. It carries with it the notion that borders are not needed. We hear many Progs today say as much. So if there are no borders, then there are no sovereign nations. If there are no sovereign nations, then the Republic becomes obsolete, along with its documents such as the Constitution. Then an all powerful world government can be set up with a more "enlightened" Constitution that will be offered.

2. Massive debt. Massive debt will eventually destroy the Republic. It is not a matter of if, but when. No nation can continue trillion dollar deficits indefinitely. How they got this far is nothing short of a miracle. And as the Republic folds, again, so do it's documents.

3. Assault on Christianity. Many think that morality and government are separate, but in reality, all laws represent a moral code. Moreover, only a moral society can be trusted with freedom. As Ben Franklin once said, "In these sentiments, sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think that a General government necessary for us, and there is no form of government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and I believe further that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as toned despotic government, being incapable of any other." If society loses its moral soul and becomes a nation of convicts, then a warden is required to maintain order. Ripping morality out of schools and the rest of society is key to their cause. It's like I've always said, prison is a Prog utopia. Everyone has equal housing, dress, food, education, and health care and all of it is free. Not only that, these are "gun free zones" and every day is a gay pride day.

4. Centralized all powerful government. The last pillar upon which Progressivism rests is an all powerful centralized government. The only time this is not embraced is when it infringes upon one of the other pillars. For you see Progs today run around chanting state rights when it comes to illegal drug legalization or moving illegals around from sanctuary city to sanctuary city. For example, refeer use is a federal crime, as is illegal immigration. Progs are simply openly defying these rules of law as states like Colorado legalize the use of reefer or cities openly declare themselves a refuge for illegals. However, when it comes to any other issue, state rights go bye, bye. Instead, with Obama in office writing EO's that violate federal law on such things as immigration, then all of a sudden the federal government becomes the ultimate authority again. Then when states like Arizona try and stand up to enforce immigration laws on the books, they get sued by Obama and company and forced to comply with the law,. We have now become a nation of men, not laws, which further degrades the Constitution as a meaningless document to be reinterpreted awayor simply ignored by Progs to the point where no one even refers to it anymore.
Just right wing propaganda and rhetoric. I would rather hear it, from progressives.

Tell us how the right wing, is going to have more than just repeal, and solve all of our problems while lowering taxes.

Rightwing/Republican policies are what have exploded the debt.
lol, We are 20 plus trillion in debt, Obama doubled it. You can't get anything right.

Obama did no such thing. The debt doubled itself by virtue of Republican taxation and spending policies that Obama could not, as president, arbitrarily change.

do you have anything to offer besides dem/lib talking point lies? Sorry, dude or dudette, but obozo is responsible for what happened during his 8 years. He is responsible for doubling our debt, putting more americans in poverty than ever before, more on food stamps, more unemployed and under-employed than ever before, allowing radical islam to invade our country, allowing drug dealers to cross our borders and poison our young. making the USA the whipping boy and laughing stock of the world.

Face it, Obama was the worst president in our history and will be recorded as such forever. AND, it has nothing to do with him being half black.
The Constitution limits federal government.

That's a trigger fact for them. You'll make them cry.

Wrong. The Constitution makes the federal government supreme.
Still wrong. Obama couldn't do nearly what he wanted even with a Dem congress because he was limited by the constitution.

Where did conservatives go when they thought they could get Obamacare declared unconstitutional?

Did they go to the states and say, just nullify the federal law?

Or did they go to the supreme federal government to try to use its supreme authority?

ACA was, and is, unconstitutional. The SC got it wrong. But fear not, that is being fixed.
From near as I can tell, there are 4 pillars of Progressivism which is their foundation. All four of these pillars is an assault on the Constitution. Why? Because the Constitution is a document that attempted to create a government that is limited. In other words, those in government are viewed as not having any superior intellectual capacity or righteous character than the average citizen. Such outrageous thinking must be destroyed so that every aspect in our lives is overseen and regulated by government who are the master race. Why without Big Brother monitoring our every move, we would all be dying in the streets as we render the planet inhabitable environmentally.

1. Illegal Immigration. Illegal immigration is the first pillar. It carries with it the notion that borders are not needed. We hear many Progs today say as much. So if there are no borders, then there are no sovereign nations. If there are no sovereign nations, then the Republic becomes obsolete, along with its documents such as the Constitution. Then an all powerful world government can be set up with a more "enlightened" Constitution that will be offered.

2. Massive debt. Massive debt will eventually destroy the Republic. It is not a matter of if, but when. No nation can continue trillion dollar deficits indefinitely. How they got this far is nothing short of a miracle. And as the Republic folds, again, so do it's documents.

3. Assault on Christianity. Many think that morality and government are separate, but in reality, all laws represent a moral code. Moreover, only a moral society can be trusted with freedom. As Ben Franklin once said, "In these sentiments, sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think that a General government necessary for us, and there is no form of government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and I believe further that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as toned despotic government, being incapable of any other." If society loses its moral soul and becomes a nation of convicts, then a warden is required to maintain order. Ripping morality out of schools and the rest of society is key to their cause. It's like I've always said, prison is a Prog utopia. Everyone has equal housing, dress, food, education, and health care and all of it is free. Not only that, these are "gun free zones" and every day is a gay pride day.

4. Centralized all powerful government. The last pillar upon which Progressivism rests is an all powerful centralized government. The only time this is not embraced is when it infringes upon one of the other pillars. For you see Progs today run around chanting state rights when it comes to illegal drug legalization or moving illegals around from sanctuary city to sanctuary city. For example, refeer use is a federal crime, as is illegal immigration. Progs are simply openly defying these rules of law as states like Colorado legalize the use of reefer or cities openly declare themselves a refuge for illegals. However, when it comes to any other issue, state rights go bye, bye. Instead, with Obama in office writing EO's that violate federal law on such things as immigration, then all of a sudden the federal government becomes the ultimate authority again. Then when states like Arizona try and stand up to enforce immigration laws on the books, they get sued by Obama and company and forced to comply with the law,. We have now become a nation of men, not laws, which further degrades the Constitution as a meaningless document to be reinterpreted awayor simply ignored by Progs to the point where no one even refers to it anymore.
Just right wing propaganda and rhetoric. I would rather hear it, from progressives.

Tell us how the right wing, is going to have more than just repeal, and solve all of our problems while lowering taxes.

Rightwing/Republican policies are what have exploded the debt.
lol, We are 20 plus trillion in debt, Obama doubled it. You can't get anything right.

Obama did no such thing. The debt doubled itself by virtue of Republican taxation and spending policies that Obama could not, as president, arbitrarily change.

do you have anything to offer besides dem/lib talking point lies? Sorry, dude or dudette, but obozo is responsible for what happened during his 8 years. He is responsible for doubling our debt, putting more americans in poverty than ever before, more on food stamps, more unemployed and under-employed than ever before, allowing radical islam to invade our country, allowing drug dealers to cross our borders and poison our young. making the USA the whipping boy and laughing stock of the world.

Face it, Obama was the worst president in our history and will be recorded as such forever. AND, it has nothing to do with him being half black.
He's been hypnotized or something. The lights are on but nobody is home.
The Constitution limits federal government.

That's a trigger fact for them. You'll make them cry.

Wrong. The Constitution makes the federal government supreme.
Still wrong. Obama couldn't do nearly what he wanted even with a Dem congress because he was limited by the constitution.

Where did conservatives go when they thought they could get Obamacare declared unconstitutional?

Did they go to the states and say, just nullify the federal law?

Or did they go to the supreme federal government to try to use its supreme authority?
They went to the SCOTUS, not "the federal government". Your mind is gone. The federal government can't do away with the electoral college. You don't know what you're talking about.
From near as I can tell, there are 4 pillars of Progressivism which is their foundation. All four of these pillars is an assault on the Constitution. Why? Because the Constitution is a document that attempted to create a government that is limited. In other words, those in government are viewed as not having any superior intellectual capacity or righteous character than the average citizen. Such outrageous thinking must be destroyed so that every aspect in our lives is overseen and regulated by government who are the master race. Why without Big Brother monitoring our every move, we would all be dying in the streets as we render the planet inhabitable environmentally.

1. Illegal Immigration. Illegal immigration is the first pillar. It carries with it the notion that borders are not needed. We hear many Progs today say as much. So if there are no borders, then there are no sovereign nations. If there are no sovereign nations, then the Republic becomes obsolete, along with its documents such as the Constitution. Then an all powerful world government can be set up with a more "enlightened" Constitution that will be offered.

2. Massive debt. Massive debt will eventually destroy the Republic. It is not a matter of if, but when. No nation can continue trillion dollar deficits indefinitely. How they got this far is nothing short of a miracle. And as the Republic folds, again, so do it's documents.

3. Assault on Christianity. Many think that morality and government are separate, but in reality, all laws represent a moral code. Moreover, only a moral society can be trusted with freedom. As Ben Franklin once said, "In these sentiments, sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think that a General government necessary for us, and there is no form of government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and I believe further that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as toned despotic government, being incapable of any other." If society loses its moral soul and becomes a nation of convicts, then a warden is required to maintain order. Ripping morality out of schools and the rest of society is key to their cause. It's like I've always said, prison is a Prog utopia. Everyone has equal housing, dress, food, education, and health care and all of it is free. Not only that, these are "gun free zones" and every day is a gay pride day.

4. Centralized all powerful government. The last pillar upon which Progressivism rests is an all powerful centralized government. The only time this is not embraced is when it infringes upon one of the other pillars. For you see Progs today run around chanting state rights when it comes to illegal drug legalization or moving illegals around from sanctuary city to sanctuary city. For example, refeer use is a federal crime, as is illegal immigration. Progs are simply openly defying these rules of law as states like Colorado legalize the use of reefer or cities openly declare themselves a refuge for illegals. However, when it comes to any other issue, state rights go bye, bye. Instead, with Obama in office writing EO's that violate federal law on such things as immigration, then all of a sudden the federal government becomes the ultimate authority again. Then when states like Arizona try and stand up to enforce immigration laws on the books, they get sued by Obama and company and forced to comply with the law,. We have now become a nation of men, not laws, which further degrades the Constitution as a meaningless document to be reinterpreted awayor simply ignored by Progs to the point where no one even refers to it anymore.
Just right wing propaganda and rhetoric. I would rather hear it, from progressives.

Tell us how the right wing, is going to have more than just repeal, and solve all of our problems while lowering taxes.

Rightwing/Republican policies are what have exploded the debt.
lol, We are 20 plus trillion in debt, Obama doubled it. You can't get anything right.

Obama did no such thing. The debt doubled itself by virtue of Republican taxation and spending policies that Obama could not, as president, arbitrarily change.

do you have anything to offer besides dem/lib talking point lies? Sorry, dude or dudette, but obozo is responsible for what happened during his 8 years. He is responsible for doubling our debt, putting more americans in poverty than ever before, more on food stamps, more unemployed and under-employed than ever before, allowing radical islam to invade our country, allowing drug dealers to cross our borders and poison our young. making the USA the whipping boy and laughing stock of the world.

Face it, Obama was the worst president in our history and will be recorded as such forever. AND, it has nothing to do with him being half black.

You can't hold someone responsible for things he couldn't control.
The Constitution limits federal government.

That's a trigger fact for them. You'll make them cry.

Wrong. The Constitution makes the federal government supreme.
Still wrong. Obama couldn't do nearly what he wanted even with a Dem congress because he was limited by the constitution.

Where did conservatives go when they thought they could get Obamacare declared unconstitutional?

Did they go to the states and say, just nullify the federal law?

Or did they go to the supreme federal government to try to use its supreme authority?
They went to the SCOTUS, not "the federal government". Your mind is gone. The federal government can't do away with the electoral college. You don't know what you're talking about.

The SCOTUS is a branch of the federal government you fucking imbecile. I'm not even surprised you don't know that since you didn't know there was a supremacy clause in the Constitution.
The Constitution limits federal government.

That's a trigger fact for them. You'll make them cry.

Wrong. The Constitution makes the federal government supreme.
Still wrong. Obama couldn't do nearly what he wanted even with a Dem congress because he was limited by the constitution.

Where did conservatives go when they thought they could get Obamacare declared unconstitutional?

Did they go to the states and say, just nullify the federal law?

Or did they go to the supreme federal government to try to use its supreme authority?

ACA was, and is, unconstitutional. The SC got it wrong. But fear not, that is being fixed.

Ok, so if it was unconstitutional why is it still in force?
Just right wing propaganda and rhetoric. I would rather hear it, from progressives.

Tell us how the right wing, is going to have more than just repeal, and solve all of our problems while lowering taxes.

Rightwing/Republican policies are what have exploded the debt.
lol, We are 20 plus trillion in debt, Obama doubled it. You can't get anything right.

Obama did no such thing. The debt doubled itself by virtue of Republican taxation and spending policies that Obama could not, as president, arbitrarily change.

do you have anything to offer besides dem/lib talking point lies? Sorry, dude or dudette, but obozo is responsible for what happened during his 8 years. He is responsible for doubling our debt, putting more americans in poverty than ever before, more on food stamps, more unemployed and under-employed than ever before, allowing radical islam to invade our country, allowing drug dealers to cross our borders and poison our young. making the USA the whipping boy and laughing stock of the world.

Face it, Obama was the worst president in our history and will be recorded as such forever. AND, it has nothing to do with him being half black.

You can't hold someone responsible for things he couldn't control.

really? aren't you the poster who said Bush was responsible for 9/11?

sorry, but your credibility is very close to zero. maybe you can find a cartoon forum to post on.
Maybe you could try actually talking to progressives instead of repeating whatever shit you heard on hate radio.

That might be an awesome idea.

I have spoken with several. They are for the most part puerile, ill-educated foul-mouthed morons who become very upset when you point out the shortcomings of their political and historical knowledge.

Tom Paine, one of this country's founders, was a progressive. He actually believed in (yikes) trade unions. Social Security was a progressive idea, and many anti progressive, pro hard line republican senior citizens would scream bloody murder if you tried to take their social security and other progressive bennies away.
That's a trigger fact for them. You'll make them cry.

Wrong. The Constitution makes the federal government supreme.
Still wrong. Obama couldn't do nearly what he wanted even with a Dem congress because he was limited by the constitution.

Where did conservatives go when they thought they could get Obamacare declared unconstitutional?

Did they go to the states and say, just nullify the federal law?

Or did they go to the supreme federal government to try to use its supreme authority?

ACA was, and is, unconstitutional. The SC got it wrong. But fear not, that is being fixed.

Ok, so if it was unconstitutional why is it still in force?

the SC ruled it constitutional. they have the final say on such things. so at the moment it is constitutional by definition. However, as I said, that is being fixed.
Maybe you could try actually talking to progressives instead of repeating whatever shit you heard on hate radio.

That might be an awesome idea.

I have spoken with several. They are for the most part puerile, ill-educated foul-mouthed morons who become very upset when you point out the shortcomings of their political and historical knowledge.

Tom Paine, one of this country's founders, was a progressive. He actually believed in (yikes) trade unions. Social Security was a progressive idea, and many anti progressive, pro hard line republican senior citizens would scream bloody murder if you tried to take their social security and other progressive bennies away.

americans would scream if SS was taken away, because its our money, it was taken from our paychecks our entire working lives without our permission. It was a contract between us and the government.

You, like most liberals, forget that small fact. However, if the govt would return every dollar I paid in FICA taxes plus interest, I would gladly forgo any further SS payments.
From near as I can tell, there are 4 pillars of Progressivism which is their foundation. All four of these pillars is an assault on the Constitution. Why? Because the Constitution is a document that attempted to create a government that is limited. In other words, those in government are viewed as not having any superior intellectual capacity or righteous character than the average citizen. Such outrageous thinking must be destroyed so that every aspect in our lives is overseen and regulated by government who are the master race. Why without Big Brother monitoring our every move, we would all be dying in the streets as we render the planet inhabitable environmentally.

1. Illegal Immigration. Illegal immigration is the first pillar. It carries with it the notion that borders are not needed. We hear many Progs today say as much. So if there are no borders, then there are no sovereign nations. If there are no sovereign nations, then the Republic becomes obsolete, along with its documents such as the Constitution. Then an all powerful world government can be set up with a more "enlightened" Constitution that will be offered.

2. Massive debt. Massive debt will eventually destroy the Republic. It is not a matter of if, but when. No nation can continue trillion dollar deficits indefinitely. How they got this far is nothing short of a miracle. And as the Republic folds, again, so do it's documents.

3. Assault on Christianity. Many think that morality and government are separate, but in reality, all laws represent a moral code. Moreover, only a moral society can be trusted with freedom. As Ben Franklin once said, "In these sentiments, sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think that a General government necessary for us, and there is no form of government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and I believe further that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as toned despotic government, being incapable of any other." If society loses its moral soul and becomes a nation of convicts, then a warden is required to maintain order. Ripping morality out of schools and the rest of society is key to their cause. It's like I've always said, prison is a Prog utopia. Everyone has equal housing, dress, food, education, and health care and all of it is free. Not only that, these are "gun free zones" and every day is a gay pride day.

4. Centralized all powerful government. The last pillar upon which Progressivism rests is an all powerful centralized government. The only time this is not embraced is when it infringes upon one of the other pillars. For you see Progs today run around chanting state rights when it comes to illegal drug legalization or moving illegals around from sanctuary city to sanctuary city. For example, refeer use is a federal crime, as is illegal immigration. Progs are simply openly defying these rules of law as states like Colorado legalize the use of reefer or cities openly declare themselves a refuge for illegals. However, when it comes to any other issue, state rights go bye, bye. Instead, with Obama in office writing EO's that violate federal law on such things as immigration, then all of a sudden the federal government becomes the ultimate authority again. Then when states like Arizona try and stand up to enforce immigration laws on the books, they get sued by Obama and company and forced to comply with the law,. We have now become a nation of men, not laws, which further degrades the Constitution as a meaningless document to be reinterpreted awayor simply ignored by Progs to the point where no one even refers to it anymore.
Just right wing propaganda and rhetoric. I would rather hear it, from progressives.

Tell us how the right wing, is going to have more than just repeal, and solve all of our problems while lowering taxes.

Rightwing/Republican policies are what have exploded the debt.
lol, We are 20 plus trillion in debt, Obama doubled it. You can't get anything right.

Obama did no such thing. The debt doubled itself by virtue of Republican taxation and spending policies that Obama could not, as president, arbitrarily change.

NYcarb- I partially agree with you that the GOP is also responsible for the growth of the debt under BO. But by the same token, the Dems have their fingerprints on all of GWB's wars and military action. There was bipartisan support for military action under Bush, however when it came to BOcare, that was entirely done by the DEMS. The major causes for the exploding debt are due to Democrat " reforms", or at least that is what the CBO tells us.

The 2017 Long-Term Budget Outlook

Why Are Projected Deficits Rising?
In CBO’s projections, deficits rise over the next three decades—from 2.9 percent of GDP in 2017 to 9.8 percent in 2047—because spending growth is projected to outpace growth in revenues (see figure below). In particular, spending as a share of GDP increases for Social Security, the major health care programs (primarily Medicare), and interest on the government’s debt.

Every Republican opposed the bill, and 34 Democrats joined them in voting against it.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia
From near as I can tell, there are 4 pillars of Progressivism which is their foundation. All four of these pillars is an assault on the Constitution. Why? Because the Constitution is a document that attempted to create a government that is limited. In other words, those in government are viewed as not having any superior intellectual capacity or righteous character than the average citizen. Such outrageous thinking must be destroyed so that every aspect in our lives is overseen and regulated by government who are the master race. Why without Big Brother monitoring our every move, we would all be dying in the streets as we render the planet inhabitable environmentally.

1. Illegal Immigration. Illegal immigration is the first pillar. It carries with it the notion that borders are not needed. We hear many Progs today say as much. So if there are no borders, then there are no sovereign nations. If there are no sovereign nations, then the Republic becomes obsolete, along with its documents such as the Constitution. Then an all powerful world government can be set up with a more "enlightened" Constitution that will be offered.

2. Massive debt. Massive debt will eventually destroy the Republic. It is not a matter of if, but when. No nation can continue trillion dollar deficits indefinitely. How they got this far is nothing short of a miracle. And as the Republic folds, again, so do it's documents.

3. Assault on Christianity. Many think that morality and government are separate, but in reality, all laws represent a moral code. Moreover, only a moral society can be trusted with freedom. As Ben Franklin once said, "In these sentiments, sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think that a General government necessary for us, and there is no form of government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and I believe further that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as toned despotic government, being incapable of any other." If society loses its moral soul and becomes a nation of convicts, then a warden is required to maintain order. Ripping morality out of schools and the rest of society is key to their cause. It's like I've always said, prison is a Prog utopia. Everyone has equal housing, dress, food, education, and health care and all of it is free. Not only that, these are "gun free zones" and every day is a gay pride day.

4. Centralized all powerful government. The last pillar upon which Progressivism rests is an all powerful centralized government. The only time this is not embraced is when it infringes upon one of the other pillars. For you see Progs today run around chanting state rights when it comes to illegal drug legalization or moving illegals around from sanctuary city to sanctuary city. For example, refeer use is a federal crime, as is illegal immigration. Progs are simply openly defying these rules of law as states like Colorado legalize the use of reefer or cities openly declare themselves a refuge for illegals. However, when it comes to any other issue, state rights go bye, bye. Instead, with Obama in office writing EO's that violate federal law on such things as immigration, then all of a sudden the federal government becomes the ultimate authority again. Then when states like Arizona try and stand up to enforce immigration laws on the books, they get sued by Obama and company and forced to comply with the law,. We have now become a nation of men, not laws, which further degrades the Constitution as a meaningless document to be reinterpreted awayor simply ignored by Progs to the point where no one even refers to it anymore.
Dear Votto Thanks for this breakdown

On another thread you adeptly pointed out that someone blaming Christianity and religion was making an overly broad generalization, which only addressed abuses and precluded the positive meaning message and application of such systems.

Well the same can be said of both attacks on the left and the right. There is a right way to pursue those political beliefs that IS Constitutional and Wrong ways that are Unconstitutional.

You have clearly listed the wrong ways which I agree undermine Constitutional ethics and enforcement .

Let me also list the Right ways to pursue and fulfill Progressive goals:

1. First Inclusion of Diversity should mean Political beliefs as well as religious beliefs equally protected by Constitutional laws. NOT discrimination by creed as currently practiced not only by the Party politics, not only in govt in both legal and legislative actions, but seen in the media and with public officials such as Obama who abused both public office and media to preach and enforce punishment against citizens for having opposing beliefs . I agree this discrimination has to stop. The difference in my argument, I'm saying inclusion is in keeping with progressive ideals and that this discrimination by creed violates progressive ideals and principles. So the problem is the party leaders and agenda are not following or fulfilling the very principles of inclusion that we fight for.

2. Equality through ownership not through dependence on govt . here you will see a split between the true progressive greens who push for worker owned cooperatives vs elitist Democrats who preach depending on govt for social programs which enslaves voters workers and taxpayers to systems we don't control ourselves. I'm arguing the true progressives push for worker owned coops, including independent currency and health care cooperatives that liberate workers and whole communities by teaching self reliance and independence from govt bureaucracy. Surprisingly enough, I even found progressive socialists arguing for ownership to shift back to workers and away from corporations and govt that are monolozing control. So there is more common ground between socialists and capitalists arguing for people to own their own production and businesses and reduce govt.

3. Education and training to achieve this liberation. This includes Constituonal education as well as business and mgmt training to move people from stages of dependence to becoming self governing and self managing not only in businesses, but in schools, in health care, and running local govt and even prisons by democratic participation instead of corporate controlled bureaucracies monopolizing govt contracts and dumping debts on taxpayers with no representation or accountability.
To achieve this conversion means taking back public schools public housing prisons health care and immigration detention, and transferring ownership back to districts to manage through schools that can keep track of which people need what level of support and training to become independent so this is managed by sponsors and mentors who voluntarily select and work with applicants.
This way, we can convert the state spending on crime prisons and immigration into jobs in education, policing, and health care instead of charging taxpayers more money .
The 4-5 areas I would focus education on to achieve liberation and equal empowerment are :
1. Spiritual education on the factor of forgiveness in healing physical and social ills, to reduce costs of health care, wipe out criminal illness abuse and addictions that can be proven medically to be cured by spiritual healing therapy, and invest in medical and social services that break the cycle of poverty and crime so we do have enough resources to pay for sustainable health care including support for the truly disabled by creating jobs for medical interns while they work for their education.
2. Legal govt and Constitutional education and training in self govt. Including training and assistance in conflict resolution, mediation and consensus, mgmt of diversity in religious and political groups, and administrative assistance to turn restitution for crimes and corruption costing taxpayers huge debts into microlending and financing to cover costs of reforms and sustainable development that will save taxpayer money in the future ( such as converting prisons and sweatshops into work study programs and health care clinics to provide social services as part of educational job training for workers and students, where inmates and immigrants earn their credits and status and there is no free ride off other taxpayers , but contributions by sponsors and donors are voluntary)
3. Business property and financial management.
4. Media including radio internet and music and movie production . both for economic empowerment and self- representation so there is check on media directly.
5. Science and technology. Especially converting current systems of energy transportation and housing into more cost effective sustainable means, but by local ownership not corporate dictactorship to monopolize the rules as is happening now with the global warming issues.

4. A system of redressing grievances to convert public debts and damages from corporate and govt abuses into microlending and financing these reforms and build sustainable community programs and development based on local self govt.

This will create jobs in reforms where people can receive mentorship and training in Constitutional govt management.
We can start with the border, putting Democrats in charge of reforming prisons and health care, Republicans with the VA and military bases and hospitals across the border, and Greens with converting sweatshops and labor pools into sustainable worker owned production facilities and schools. The Libertarians can be in charge of the Constitutional convention to create a grievances process for turning restitution for crimes into capital credits to invest in these reforms . all parties would have full time jobs and means of training future candidates for govt jobs running things the right way.
Www.spiritual I
Where does it say that?

In the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution.

You should try to read that document someday. Based on how you post here, I'm guessing you'd be shocked at what it really amounts to.
Sure maggot breath. You go with that. Meanwhile back in reality it is saying the CONSTITUTION is the supreme law of the land, not the federal government. You dumb bastard.

Article VI
All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

The federal government is the Constitution in operation.

Without the supremacy of the federal government,

any state that so chose could ban personal ownership of firearms, outright.

Is that what you want?
Wrong again (still). The federal government is not the Constitution in operation, what Marxist taught you that? The Constitution limits federal government. States are part of the United States (hence the namesake) so cannot pass any unconstitutional law. Or they shouldn't be able to anyway. You're a central government power freak so everything gets twisted up to suit the agenda.

Who decides when a state law is unconstitutional?

The federal government
the separate but more equal, federal Courts.
From near as I can tell, there are 4 pillars of Progressivism which is their foundation. All four of these pillars is an assault on the Constitution. Why? Because the Constitution is a document that attempted to create a government that is limited. In other words, those in government are viewed as not having any superior intellectual capacity or righteous character than the average citizen. Such outrageous thinking must be destroyed so that every aspect in our lives is overseen and regulated by government who are the master race. Why without Big Brother monitoring our every move, we would all be dying in the streets as we render the planet inhabitable environmentally.

1. Illegal Immigration. Illegal immigration is the first pillar. It carries with it the notion that borders are not needed. We hear many Progs today say as much. So if there are no borders, then there are no sovereign nations. If there are no sovereign nations, then the Republic becomes obsolete, along with its documents such as the Constitution. Then an all powerful world government can be set up with a more "enlightened" Constitution that will be offered.

2. Massive debt. Massive debt will eventually destroy the Republic. It is not a matter of if, but when. No nation can continue trillion dollar deficits indefinitely. How they got this far is nothing short of a miracle. And as the Republic folds, again, so do it's documents.

3. Assault on Christianity. Many think that morality and government are separate, but in reality, all laws represent a moral code. Moreover, only a moral society can be trusted with freedom. As Ben Franklin once said, "In these sentiments, sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think that a General government necessary for us, and there is no form of government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and I believe further that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as toned despotic government, being incapable of any other." If society loses its moral soul and becomes a nation of convicts, then a warden is required to maintain order. Ripping morality out of schools and the rest of society is key to their cause. It's like I've always said, prison is a Prog utopia. Everyone has equal housing, dress, food, education, and health care and all of it is free. Not only that, these are "gun free zones" and every day is a gay pride day.

4. Centralized all powerful government. The last pillar upon which Progressivism rests is an all powerful centralized government. The only time this is not embraced is when it infringes upon one of the other pillars. For you see Progs today run around chanting state rights when it comes to illegal drug legalization or moving illegals around from sanctuary city to sanctuary city. For example, refeer use is a federal crime, as is illegal immigration. Progs are simply openly defying these rules of law as states like Colorado legalize the use of reefer or cities openly declare themselves a refuge for illegals. However, when it comes to any other issue, state rights go bye, bye. Instead, with Obama in office writing EO's that violate federal law on such things as immigration, then all of a sudden the federal government becomes the ultimate authority again. Then when states like Arizona try and stand up to enforce immigration laws on the books, they get sued by Obama and company and forced to comply with the law,. We have now become a nation of men, not laws, which further degrades the Constitution as a meaningless document to be reinterpreted awayor simply ignored by Progs to the point where no one even refers to it anymore.
Just right wing propaganda and rhetoric. I would rather hear it, from progressives.

Tell us how the right wing, is going to have more than just repeal, and solve all of our problems while lowering taxes.

Rightwing/Republican policies are what have exploded the debt.
lol, We are 20 plus trillion in debt, Obama doubled it. You can't get anything right.
The rich got their bailout, not blacks.

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