The Front Porch Swing

BREAKING NEWS... It is official, a new poll of 60-year old Oklahoma ranchers has found that they are completely and utterly SICK TO DEATH of this freakin weather! The Oklahoma Republican Party has announced that the weather is a result of the lack of leadership from the Obama presidency and have pressed for a constitutional amendment to regulate such weather. The Oklahoma Democratic party has condemned the findings of the poll as nothing but a continuation of the war on women, the war on the poor and the war on illegal aliens. Libertarians say that being cold, as well as being hot is a personal choice and should not be regulated.

Last night, I drove down to the barn and loaded the hay and cattle feed into the back of the truck. The temperature gauge in the truck showed 2 degrees. 35 MPH wind to boot. Dodger and Elmer (the two dogs) had no desire to ride in the back of the truck like they always do. Both of them wanted in the front where the heater was and refused to budge. Drove down to the pasture and the cattle wouldn't even move out of the little shelter that blocks the wind. Usually, they hear me coming at that time of the evening and they know its feeding time. Its like a stampede. Then I had to drive back up to the barn and get an ax and chop holes in the ice so they would have water. While trying to turn around to go back to the house, I got stuck. So I had to walk up to the barn, get the tractor and pull the truck out of the only mud hole that wasn't completely frozen solid. Dodger and Elmer? Why they watched and waited from the confines of the running truck of course.

When I got back into the house, they both sat in front of the fireplace and looked at me like I was completely useless until I made a fire. Then both of them laid down. If the fire got low, I'd get a look like it was time to get up off your butt, get some wood and stoke the fire.

Come on Spring!

Hey, you! Welcome aboard.

That is just crazy, two degrees in OK.

Got pictures of Dodger and Elmer?
You do that, sweet cheeks. I'm betting half the party moves to the fire pit in the backyard with you. :thup:

Cool... all we need then is someone with a good ghost story...

Got kind of a boring one, but it is true and it did happen to us...on the Queen Mary.

I'd love to hear a Queen Mary ghost story... I've heard the ship is haunted from many different sources.
Cool... all we need then is someone with a good ghost story...

Got kind of a boring one, but it is true and it did happen to us...on the Queen Mary.

I'd love to hear a Queen Mary ghost story... I've heard the ship is haunted from many different sources.

Same here, but she appears to have wandered off.

[MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - come back, ya tease!
We may get snow tomorrow, and we are supposed to drive upstate. Have to monitor the weather.
Good morning everybody!

Got kind of a boring one, but it is true and it did happen to us...on the Queen Mary.

I'd love to hear a Queen Mary ghost story... I've heard the ship is haunted from many different sources.

Same here, but she appears to have wandered off.

[MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - come back, ya tease!

Sorry...RL for a bit

We had rented a room on the Queen Mary for the weekend for the Scottish A29 if anyone ever wants to go there....

Friday nite, my wife kept hearing a clicking noise over and over and over....In the morning, she was in the bathroom, and just felt the urge to open up the medicine cabinet....."click". Our daughter yelled from her roll-away to stop making that noise, it had kept waking her up all nite. I slept thru it all.....:doubt:

Saturday nite, wife kept hearing some child whisper "mama! mama! mama!"...Looked over to our daughter who was sound hour later, same hour, same thing....all nite. Next morning, daughter asks us why we were rubbing her forehead all nite. I slept thru it all.....:doubt:

Asked at the front desk, yes there have been several reports of a little girl seen in the berthing area we were in....near the bow.
Morning KG. You having a good one?

I am currently "post root canal" lol...feeling pretty good, all things considered.

I do have the tip of one of my dentist's drills lodged permanently in one of the canals. It was the last one he had of that size, lol.

He says it shouldn't cause any problems, so I'm okay with it.
I'd love to hear a Queen Mary ghost story... I've heard the ship is haunted from many different sources.

Same here, but she appears to have wandered off.

[MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - come back, ya tease!

Sorry...RL for a bit

We had rented a room on the Queen Mary for the weekend for the Scottish A29 if anyone ever wants to go there....

Friday nite, my wife kept hearing a clicking noise over and over and over....In the morning, she was in the bathroom, and just felt the urge to open up the medicine cabinet....."click". Our daughter yelled from her roll-away to stop making that noise, it had kept waking her up all nite. I slept thru it all.....:doubt:

Saturday nite, wife kept hearing some child whisper "mama! mama! mama!"...Looked over to our daughter who was sound hour later, same hour, same thing....all nite. Next morning, daughter asks us why we were rubbing her forehead all nite. I slept thru it all.....:doubt:

Asked at the front desk, yes there have been several reports of a little girl seen in the berthing area we were in....near the bow.
Damn that is just creepy as hell
Morning KG. You having a good one?

I am currently "post root canal" lol...feeling pretty good, all things considered.

I do have the tip of one of my dentist's drills lodged permanently in one of the canals. It was the last one he had of that size, lol.

He says it shouldn't cause any problems, so I'm okay with it.

Well that doesn't sound fun. Hope you got good drugs.
Morning KG. You having a good one?

I am currently "post root canal" lol...feeling pretty good, all things considered.

I do have the tip of one of my dentist's drills lodged permanently in one of the canals. It was the last one he had of that size, lol.

He says it shouldn't cause any problems, so I'm okay with it.

Well that doesn't sound fun. Hope you got good drugs.

Oh yeah.

They gave me lorazepam for anxiety, and I took it but honestly, I couldn't see that it affected me at all. I felt no different.

Also vicodin, which is super effective for tooth/facial pain.
Morning KG. You having a good one?

I am currently "post root canal" lol...feeling pretty good, all things considered.

I do have the tip of one of my dentist's drills lodged permanently in one of the canals. It was the last one he had of that size, lol.

He says it shouldn't cause any problems, so I'm okay with it.

Kg, had a root canal last February. The stem of the tooth broke four weeks later. After thinking about it, the dentist refunded most of the $$$.

Don't like being the subject of dental work.

Follow his post-op guidance.
Same here, but she appears to have wandered off.

[MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - come back, ya tease!

Sorry...RL for a bit

We had rented a room on the Queen Mary for the weekend for the Scottish A29 if anyone ever wants to go there....

Friday nite, my wife kept hearing a clicking noise over and over and over....In the morning, she was in the bathroom, and just felt the urge to open up the medicine cabinet....."click". Our daughter yelled from her roll-away to stop making that noise, it had kept waking her up all nite. I slept thru it all.....:doubt:

Saturday nite, wife kept hearing some child whisper "mama! mama! mama!"...Looked over to our daughter who was sound hour later, same hour, same thing....all nite. Next morning, daughter asks us why we were rubbing her forehead all nite. I slept thru it all.....:doubt:

Asked at the front desk, yes there have been several reports of a little girl seen in the berthing area we were in....near the bow.
Damn that is just creepy as hell
Didn't bother me, of course I slept thru it. I keep trying to get wife to rent that same room again. She's not for that, for some odd reason. :D
I'm not a big fan of dentists, but I've spent a lot of time in their care for one reason and another.

I think this was the worst I'm giong to have to deal with for a while. I need some more work, but no more root canals for now. Need a new cap, and maybe a couple of crowns, including one for the tooth that I had done yesterday...


is right.
I am currently "post root canal" lol...feeling pretty good, all things considered.

I do have the tip of one of my dentist's drills lodged permanently in one of the canals. It was the last one he had of that size, lol.

He says it shouldn't cause any problems, so I'm okay with it.

Well that doesn't sound fun. Hope you got good drugs.

Oh yeah.

They gave me lorazepam for anxiety, and I took it but honestly, I couldn't see that it affected me at all. I felt no different.

Also vicodin, which is super effective for tooth/facial pain.

Try to relax but not too much sleep or you'll be up all night.
Sorry...RL for a bit

We had rented a room on the Queen Mary for the weekend for the Scottish A29 if anyone ever wants to go there....

Friday nite, my wife kept hearing a clicking noise over and over and over....In the morning, she was in the bathroom, and just felt the urge to open up the medicine cabinet....."click". Our daughter yelled from her roll-away to stop making that noise, it had kept waking her up all nite. I slept thru it all.....:doubt:

Saturday nite, wife kept hearing some child whisper "mama! mama! mama!"...Looked over to our daughter who was sound hour later, same hour, same thing....all nite. Next morning, daughter asks us why we were rubbing her forehead all nite. I slept thru it all.....:doubt:

Asked at the front desk, yes there have been several reports of a little girl seen in the berthing area we were in....near the bow.
Damn that is just creepy as hell
Didn't bother me, of course I slept thru it. I keep trying to get wife to rent that same room again. She's not for that, for some odd reason. :D
Rent it and bring a video cam ;) Then sell it to a tv show if theres any apparition on the tape.
Same here, but she appears to have wandered off.

[MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] - come back, ya tease!

Sorry...RL for a bit

We had rented a room on the Queen Mary for the weekend for the Scottish A29 if anyone ever wants to go there....

Friday nite, my wife kept hearing a clicking noise over and over and over....In the morning, she was in the bathroom, and just felt the urge to open up the medicine cabinet....."click". Our daughter yelled from her roll-away to stop making that noise, it had kept waking her up all nite. I slept thru it all.....:doubt:

Saturday nite, wife kept hearing some child whisper "mama! mama! mama!"...Looked over to our daughter who was sound hour later, same hour, same thing....all nite. Next morning, daughter asks us why we were rubbing her forehead all nite. I slept thru it all.....:doubt:

Asked at the front desk, yes there have been several reports of a little girl seen in the berthing area we were in....near the bow.
Damn that is just creepy as hell

Well that doesn't sound fun. Hope you got good drugs.

Oh yeah.

They gave me lorazepam for anxiety, and I took it but honestly, I couldn't see that it affected me at all. I felt no different.

Also vicodin, which is super effective for tooth/facial pain.

Try to relax but not too much sleep or you'll be up all night.

Haha too late..the root canal was early yesterday, I took it easy all day and went to sleep fairly early...

Up at 3:45 this morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed...

And now I'm pooped.

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