The Future


Figures you'd not know how to spell DEFENSE. Defense, common defense, as in national borders! Works for me. Provide it!

Every fricking talking point in the Dem debate was a freeking "wedge" issue, Derpie!

LOL, my spelling was from the Preamble. As usual you guys on the right have never read COTUS in full, and yet hold on to the ideology of textualism.

I'm not on the right,,

but how about you show us how its done,,,

Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Figures you'd not know how to spell DEFENSE. Defense, common defense, as in national borders! Works for me. Provide it!

Every fricking talking point in the Dem debate was a freeking "wedge" issue, Derpie!

LOL, my spelling was from the Preamble. As usual you guys on the right have never read COTUS in full, and yet hold on to the ideology of textualism.

I'm not on the right,,

but how about you show us how its done,,,

Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.
LOL, my spelling was from the Preamble. As usual you guys on the right have never read COTUS in full, and yet hold on to the ideology of textualism.

I'm not on the right,,

but how about you show us how its done,,,

Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute
LOL, my spelling was from the Preamble. As usual you guys on the right have never read COTUS in full, and yet hold on to the ideology of textualism.

I'm not on the right,,

but how about you show us how its done,,,

Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.
/——/ I spent 2 decades in legal publishing as never heard the phrase organic law. I checked a legal dictionary with no results. Legal Dictionary -
LOL, my spelling was from the Preamble. As usual you guys on the right have never read COTUS in full, and yet hold on to the ideology of textualism.

I'm not on the right,,

but how about you show us how its done,,,

Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute
LOL, my spelling was from the Preamble. As usual you guys on the right have never read COTUS in full, and yet hold on to the ideology of textualism.

I'm not on the right,,

but how about you show us how its done,,,

Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.

No asshole. Organic law isn't a THING you can look up in a fixed place, it is a CONCEPT you learn about and understand in the structure of how laws surround a founding principle. The USA has them, every country has them. There is tons more on the internet about them. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law. Your ignorance is both noted and astounding.
I'm not on the right,,

but how about you show us how its done,,,

Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute
I'm not on the right,,

but how about you show us how its done,,,

Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.
/——/ I spent 2 decades in legal publishing as never heard the phrase organic law. I checked a legal dictionary with no results. Legal Dictionary -
View attachment 269166

Found it real easy:

What is ORGANIC LAW? definition of ORGANIC LAW (Black's Law Dictionary)

You don't find a lot about it in on line searches because as I keep saying, IT ISN'T A LAW. It is a concept which surrounds other laws in their philosophical structure of writing and usage, so is something better understood in legal scholar circles. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law, and the four documents listed above are understood to be the four organic laws founding the United States.

This touches upon organic law in the USC pretty close to the beginning. If you are too stupid or lazy to watch all of it just watch the first few minutes where it SHOWS YOU the Organic Law written in the US Code.

The sad fact is that today, all of you armchair experts don't know anything or believe anything unless you can find it in a quick google search on your Blackberry.
Last edited:
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA goals, and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health for all.

The only argument the Republican Party can offer is to claim government's intercession on the repeal of the ACA is it is Socialism. A claim which is absurd and an appeal to emotions.

Our government was founded by We the people to, "form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity".

Common sense suggests the current iteration of Republicans (RINO's) have move so far to the dark side, that the meaning of the Preamble has been lost.

What do I mean by the Dark Side?

The R. Party's use of Wedge Issues, their lust for power and greed. No one will be able to equate any of the visions highlighted in the Preamble which is part of the current ideology under Trump and the miss-named Freedom Caucus.

First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA goals, and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health for all.

The only argument the Republican Party can offer is to claim government's intercession on the repeal of the ACA is it is Socialism. A claim which is absurd and an appeal to emotions.

Our government was founded by We the people to, "form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity".

Common sense suggests the current iteration of Republicans (RINO's) have move so far to the dark side, that the meaning of the Preamble has been lost.

What do I mean by the Dark Side?

The R. Party's use of Wedge Issues, their lust for power and greed. No one will be able to equate any of the visions highlighted in the Preamble which is part of the current ideology under Trump and the miss-named Freedom Caucus.

Fuck you Moon Bat. You pay your own damn health care bills. Stop being such a greedy little asshole expecting the government to steal somebody else's money to pay for your health care.

I'm not on the right,,

but how about you show us how its done,,,

Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute
I'm not on the right,,

but how about you show us how its done,,,

Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.

No asshole. Organic law isn't a THING you can look up in a fixed place, it is a CONCEPT you learn about and understand in the structure of how laws surround a founding principle. The USA has them, every country has them. There is tons more on the internet about them. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law. Your ignorance is both noted and astounding.

Got it. It's an idea that you made up because you think it might justify all the other crap you made up. Very similar to all the shit made up about what is in the Bible. It's really nowhere to be found, but you feel like it should be true.
Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute
Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.

No asshole. Organic law isn't a THING you can look up in a fixed place, it is a CONCEPT you learn about and understand in the structure of how laws surround a founding principle. The USA has them, every country has them. There is tons more on the internet about them. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law. Your ignorance is both noted and astounding.

Got it. It's an idea that you made up

BULLDOG, that rare idiot who doesn't read endless links to a topic, doesn't watch a video from a legal scholar SHOWING the subject right in the beginning of the US Code, then sticks foot in mouth and head up ass to publicly declare it is "all made up."

What you don't see just ain't real, right?
Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute
Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.

No asshole. Organic law isn't a THING you can look up in a fixed place, it is a CONCEPT you learn about and understand in the structure of how laws surround a founding principle. The USA has them, every country has them. There is tons more on the internet about them. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law. Your ignorance is both noted and astounding.

Got it. It's an idea that you made up

BULLDOG, that rare idiot who doesn't read endless links to a topic, doesn't watch a video from a legal scholar SHOWING the subject right in the beginning of the US Code, then sticks foot in mouth and head up ass to publicly declare it is "all made up."

What you don't see just ain't real, right?

Nope. I'm just a guy who recognizes absurd rhetoric that is wrong on several different levels. You are obviously trying to sound like what you think a smart person sounds like. I know some smart people. You don;t sound anything like them.
Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute
Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.

No asshole. Organic law isn't a THING you can look up in a fixed place, it is a CONCEPT you learn about and understand in the structure of how laws surround a founding principle. The USA has them, every country has them. There is tons more on the internet about them. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law. Your ignorance is both noted and astounding.

Got it. It's an idea that you made up because you think it might justify all the other crap you made up. Very similar to all the shit made up about what is in the Bible. It's really nowhere to be found, but you feel like it should be true.

if its nowhere to be found then why is it easy to find of you just look???
Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute
Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.

No asshole. Organic law isn't a THING you can look up in a fixed place, it is a CONCEPT you learn about and understand in the structure of how laws surround a founding principle. The USA has them, every country has them. There is tons more on the internet about them. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law. Your ignorance is both noted and astounding.

Got it. It's an idea that you made up

BULLDOG, that rare idiot who doesn't read endless links to a topic, doesn't watch a video from a legal scholar SHOWING the subject right in the beginning of the US Code, then sticks foot in mouth and head up ass to publicly declare it is "all made up."

What you don't see just ain't real, right?

Nope. I'm just a guy who recognizes absurd rhetoric that is wrong on several different levels. You are obviously trying to sound like what you think a smart person sounds like. I know some smart people. You don;t sound anything like them.

Soooo, when the legal expert goes to the shelf in a law library and pulls Volume 1 of the US Code and flips it open to the first section covering the ORGANIC LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, what part of that do you still not get or think I'm just making up? Go ahead, made a bigger jackass of yourself in front of 40,000 people!

Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at 8.23.43 PM.png

Just 1:15 seconds in.
Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.

No asshole. Organic law isn't a THING you can look up in a fixed place, it is a CONCEPT you learn about and understand in the structure of how laws surround a founding principle. The USA has them, every country has them. There is tons more on the internet about them. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law. Your ignorance is both noted and astounding.

Got it. It's an idea that you made up

BULLDOG, that rare idiot who doesn't read endless links to a topic, doesn't watch a video from a legal scholar SHOWING the subject right in the beginning of the US Code, then sticks foot in mouth and head up ass to publicly declare it is "all made up."

What you don't see just ain't real, right?

Nope. I'm just a guy who recognizes absurd rhetoric that is wrong on several different levels. You are obviously trying to sound like what you think a smart person sounds like. I know some smart people. You don;t sound anything like them.

Soooo, when the legal expert goes to the shelf in a law library and pulls Volume 1 of the US Code and flips it open to the first section covering the ORGANIC LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, what part of that do you still not get or think I'm just making up? Go ahead, made a bigger jackass of yourself in front of 40,000 people!

View attachment 269247

Just 1:15 seconds in.


Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.

No asshole. Organic law isn't a THING you can look up in a fixed place, it is a CONCEPT you learn about and understand in the structure of how laws surround a founding principle. The USA has them, every country has them. There is tons more on the internet about them. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law. Your ignorance is both noted and astounding.

Got it. It's an idea that you made up

BULLDOG, that rare idiot who doesn't read endless links to a topic, doesn't watch a video from a legal scholar SHOWING the subject right in the beginning of the US Code, then sticks foot in mouth and head up ass to publicly declare it is "all made up."

What you don't see just ain't real, right?

Nope. I'm just a guy who recognizes absurd rhetoric that is wrong on several different levels. You are obviously trying to sound like what you think a smart person sounds like. I know some smart people. You don;t sound anything like them.

Soooo, when the legal expert goes to the shelf in a law library and pulls Volume 1 of the US Code and flips it open to the first section covering the ORGANIC LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, what part of that do you still not get or think I'm just making up? Go ahead, made a bigger jackass of yourself in front of 40,000 people!

View attachment 269247

Just 1:15 seconds in.

40,000 people? Wow, I should be wearing a tie. You can't see my boner in these pants, can you?
I'm not on the right,,

but how about you show us how its done,,,

Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute
I'm not on the right,,

but how about you show us how its done,,,

Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.

No asshole. Organic law isn't a THING you can look up in a fixed place, it is a CONCEPT you learn about and understand in the structure of how laws surround a founding principle. The USA has them, every country has them. There is tons more on the internet about them. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law. Your ignorance is both noted and astounding.

"No asshole"? Make my earlier comment you are 99.9% unconvincing 100%. You're a biddable fool. led by demagogues and charlatans and carrying their water.
Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute
Meantime, I actually have all four organic laws of the USA right before me, plus Paine's Rights of Man, Common Sense, and the Federalist Papers. Hey Wry, can you even tell me what the four organic laws of the U.S. are?

Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.
/——/ I spent 2 decades in legal publishing as never heard the phrase organic law. I checked a legal dictionary with no results. Legal Dictionary -
View attachment 269166

Found it real easy:

What is ORGANIC LAW? definition of ORGANIC LAW (Black's Law Dictionary)

You don't find a lot about it in on line searches because as I keep saying, IT ISN'T A LAW. It is a concept which surrounds other laws in their philosophical structure of writing and usage, so is something better understood in legal scholar circles. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law, and the four documents listed above are understood to be the four organic laws founding the United States.

This touches upon organic law in the USC pretty close to the beginning. If you are too stupid or lazy to watch all of it just watch the first few minutes where it SHOWS YOU the Organic Law written in the US Code.

The sad fact is that today, all of you armchair experts don't know anything or believe anything unless you can find it in a quick google search on your Blackberry.

Mea Culpa: Ballentines' Law Dictionary:

"Constitutional Law, or at the very least, a law which carries a high degree of authority"
St. Louis v. Dorr, 145 Mo 466, 41SW 1094, 46 SW 976.

"The basic law of a state or of a society, such as a mutual benefit society". 36 AM J2d Trat s/s 4

So, if Organic Law is in anyway tangible, one must consider the Preamble to the Constitution as the guiding principle of the United States. Nothing less, and yet it is dismissed as nothing substantive by the right, and any policy which is not listed in Art I, Sec 8 must be unconstitutional.

The necessary and proper clause seems to invalidate this theory used by conservatives and the trump administration's constant effort to repeal the ACA.

Good news, thanks toofreak for in a roundabout way providing more evidence to support liberalism in America.
Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute
Nope, never heard of a "organic law(s). I did some research and found a non governmental site, and checked out the US Code. Provide me the link to the US Code - I checked title I and II in the Code and no such thing exists.

Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.
/——/ I spent 2 decades in legal publishing as never heard the phrase organic law. I checked a legal dictionary with no results. Legal Dictionary -
View attachment 269166

Found it real easy:

What is ORGANIC LAW? definition of ORGANIC LAW (Black's Law Dictionary)

You don't find a lot about it in on line searches because as I keep saying, IT ISN'T A LAW. It is a concept which surrounds other laws in their philosophical structure of writing and usage, so is something better understood in legal scholar circles. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law, and the four documents listed above are understood to be the four organic laws founding the United States.

This touches upon organic law in the USC pretty close to the beginning. If you are too stupid or lazy to watch all of it just watch the first few minutes where it SHOWS YOU the Organic Law written in the US Code.

The sad fact is that today, all of you armchair experts don't know anything or believe anything unless you can find it in a quick google search on your Blackberry.

Mea Culpa: Ballentines' Law Dictionary:

"Constitutional Law, or at the very least, a law which carries a high degree of authority"
St. Louis v. Dorr, 145 Mo 466, 41SW 1094, 46 SW 976.

"The basic law of a state or of a society, such as a mutual benefit society". 36 AM J2d Trat s/s 4

So, if Organic Law is in anyway tangible, one must consider the Preamble to the Constitution as the guiding principle of the United States. Nothing less, and yet it is dismissed as nothing substantive by the right, and any policy which is not listed in Art I, Sec 8 must be unconstitutional.

The necessary and proper clause seems to invalidate this theory used by conservatives and the trump administration's constant effort to repeal the ACA.

Good news, thanks toofreak for in a roundabout way providing more evidence to support liberalism in America.

/——/ WOWZA you’re right. It’s right in the Preamble: We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, provide free healthcare to invading swarms of illegals, free college education, abortion on demand, $15 minimum wage, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute
Pretty funny. You misunderstand the meaning. Organic Law is not "in" the law but contains it. Organic Law is the foundation upon which law within any nation is based, and here you are lecturing others on their need to "read the Constitution." Too much.

Organic law - Wikipedia

The Organic Laws of The United States of America

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws Institute

Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.
/——/ I spent 2 decades in legal publishing as never heard the phrase organic law. I checked a legal dictionary with no results. Legal Dictionary -
View attachment 269166

Found it real easy:

What is ORGANIC LAW? definition of ORGANIC LAW (Black's Law Dictionary)

You don't find a lot about it in on line searches because as I keep saying, IT ISN'T A LAW. It is a concept which surrounds other laws in their philosophical structure of writing and usage, so is something better understood in legal scholar circles. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law, and the four documents listed above are understood to be the four organic laws founding the United States.

This touches upon organic law in the USC pretty close to the beginning. If you are too stupid or lazy to watch all of it just watch the first few minutes where it SHOWS YOU the Organic Law written in the US Code.

The sad fact is that today, all of you armchair experts don't know anything or believe anything unless you can find it in a quick google search on your Blackberry.

Mea Culpa: Ballentines' Law Dictionary:

"Constitutional Law, or at the very least, a law which carries a high degree of authority"
St. Louis v. Dorr, 145 Mo 466, 41SW 1094, 46 SW 976.

"The basic law of a state or of a society, such as a mutual benefit society". 36 AM J2d Trat s/s 4

So, if Organic Law is in anyway tangible, one must consider the Preamble to the Constitution as the guiding principle of the United States. Nothing less, and yet it is dismissed as nothing substantive by the right, and any policy which is not listed in Art I, Sec 8 must be unconstitutional.

The necessary and proper clause seems to invalidate this theory used by conservatives and the trump administration's constant effort to repeal the ACA.

Good news, thanks toofreak for in a roundabout way providing more evidence to support liberalism in America.

/——/ WOWZA you’re right. It’s right in the Preamble: We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, provide free healthcare to invading swarms of illegals, free college education, abortion on demand, $15 minimum wage, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Do you go out of your way to prove you're an ideological hack, willfully ignorant and an offensive jerk. Or, is that because a concept which you don't comprehend still creates within you cognizant dissonance?
Got it. It's an idea that you made up

BULLDOG, that rare idiot who doesn't read endless links to a topic, doesn't watch a video from a legal scholar SHOWING the subject right in the beginning of the US Code, then sticks foot in mouth and head up ass to publicly declare it is "all made up."

What you don't see just ain't real, right?

Nope. I'm just a guy who recognizes absurd rhetoric that is wrong on several different levels. You are obviously trying to sound like what you think a smart person sounds like. I know some smart people. You don;t sound anything like them.

Soooo, when the legal expert goes to the shelf in a law library and pulls Volume 1 of the US Code and flips it open to the first section covering the ORGANIC LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, what part of that do you still not get or think I'm just making up? Go ahead, made a bigger jackass of yourself in front of 40,000 people!

View attachment 269247

Just 1:15 seconds in.

40,000 people? Wow, I should be wearing a tie. You can't see my boner in these pants, can you?

Thanks for your total deflection to a non-topic. That is as good as an admission you are an idiot and was totally wrong but just too chickenshit to admit it.

This is not a rebuttal ^^^, this is a personal attack. In all honesty, you're a biddable fool and incapable of thinking outside the box where you've been brainwashed to reside.

My post fits squarely within the 'organic law'. Your anger is simple, you got an opinion which did not fit in that box, and lashed out like the punk you are.
Good grief, no wonder I've never heard of an Organic Law, it's a fantasy, a sophistry to entice the biddable promulgated by a demagogue.

One section of the links you provide, which are thus 99.9% unconvincing, is the single phrase that the Preamble is an Organic Law - I'm sure Mr. Jefferson would laugh his ass off if he read your post.
/——/ I spent 2 decades in legal publishing as never heard the phrase organic law. I checked a legal dictionary with no results. Legal Dictionary -
View attachment 269166

Found it real easy:

What is ORGANIC LAW? definition of ORGANIC LAW (Black's Law Dictionary)

You don't find a lot about it in on line searches because as I keep saying, IT ISN'T A LAW. It is a concept which surrounds other laws in their philosophical structure of writing and usage, so is something better understood in legal scholar circles. Every constitutional scholar understands organic law, and the four documents listed above are understood to be the four organic laws founding the United States.

This touches upon organic law in the USC pretty close to the beginning. If you are too stupid or lazy to watch all of it just watch the first few minutes where it SHOWS YOU the Organic Law written in the US Code.

The sad fact is that today, all of you armchair experts don't know anything or believe anything unless you can find it in a quick google search on your Blackberry.

Mea Culpa: Ballentines' Law Dictionary:

"Constitutional Law, or at the very least, a law which carries a high degree of authority"
St. Louis v. Dorr, 145 Mo 466, 41SW 1094, 46 SW 976.

"The basic law of a state or of a society, such as a mutual benefit society". 36 AM J2d Trat s/s 4

So, if Organic Law is in anyway tangible, one must consider the Preamble to the Constitution as the guiding principle of the United States. Nothing less, and yet it is dismissed as nothing substantive by the right, and any policy which is not listed in Art I, Sec 8 must be unconstitutional.

The necessary and proper clause seems to invalidate this theory used by conservatives and the trump administration's constant effort to repeal the ACA.

Good news, thanks toofreak for in a roundabout way providing more evidence to support liberalism in America.

/——/ WOWZA you’re right. It’s right in the Preamble: We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, provide free healthcare to invading swarms of illegals, free college education, abortion on demand, $15 minimum wage, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Do you go out of your way to prove you're an ideological hack, willfully ignorant and an offensive jerk. Or, is that because a concept which you don't comprehend still creates within you cognizant dissonance?

/——/ Not cool Dude. I just provided settled science that free Obozocare is in the Preamble like you claimed: “The necessary and proper clause seems to invalidate this theory used by conservatives and the trump administration's constant effort to repeal the ACA.”

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