The Future

no there isnt,,,

Show us.
Show us a costlier, govt run system with worse treatment outcomes.
You show us.

The person making the claim is the person with the burden to prove it.

We are not required to disprove bullshit statements.


U.S. pays more for health care with worse population health outcomes

You stupid partisan sheep are always going on about healthcare cost.
Guess what asshole.. govt getting involved in healthcare caused the cost to shoot up. Look up when the cost of healthcare started to rise beyond normal inflation and when govt got greedy with our healthcare industry.
Partisan sheep never fucking think. They react.
Grow up faggots. You have already fucked this country up. Its time to give it a break.

Show us.
Global Health
Our first govt healthcare was started in the early 50s for dependents of military personnel. Medicare in 65.
Remember, i said consider costs after inflation so include the hyperinflation in the 30s and 40s before you apologize for being a govt stooge.
It's not relevant at all within the context of healthcare. What part of "we already pay for that" don't you get?
If someone is fraudulently debiting money out of your bank account on a weekly bases to pay for their gasoline and does so for a few months, then they start taking out more for groceries before you decided to put a stop to it all, can they also get away with it by saying "you are already paying for my necessities."

(note: this is the proper identification and use of a fallacy to question an argument. No mention of the "Appeal to Tradition" is necessary.)

It's not a fallacy, dope. It's reality. Under federal law, a hospital must treat anyone seeking treatment regardless of their ability to pay. So, then you are paying either in higher rates or through medicaid. That is reality.
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you
Actually, it is the job of government to regulate the healthcare industry.
Some people think good health can be promoted by government, others have been brainwashed by the special interests and the pols who benefit from their dollars.

We know good healthcate can be promoted by govt. There's successful models all around the world.

Do those “models” include 80-100 million illegal and barely legal thirdworlders? Does more than half their nation pay zero in income taxes? Isn’t their minimum tax rate 30-40%?
Wake up simply can not have socialism and a wide open border between us and disgusting thirdworlders.

None of that is relevant in any way.
This country already pays for all that, dope.

You make no sense bud...think once...It’s all relevant. There is no more free shit available for you beggars. The wetbacks have fucked you lowlife degenerates over.

What "free shit" do you believe " wetbacks " receive?
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you

It's the government's job to do what ever most of the country wants, so fuck off yourself, dumb ass.
Pass an amendment!

Republicans have had 8 whole years to do something, yet they sat on their fat asses. This is why America is pissed at them.
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you
Actually, it is the job of government to regulate the healthcare industry.
no its not,,,
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you

It's the government's job to do what ever most of the country wants, so fuck off yourself, dumb ass.
Pass an amendment!

Republicans have had 8 whole years to do something, yet they sat on their fat asses. This is why America is pissed at them.
that among other things
There is no freedom coefficient in determining efficiency. Do you factor in freedom when balancing your personal finances? If so, what value do you assign?

I will bet you factor in freedom all the time. You're just not accustom to actively contemplating freedom. It's a given.

How about this:
You can have all the free healthcare and free housing you want. All you need to do is surrender all of your personal belongings and wear this orange jumpsuit. Oh, and you can't leave.


How is this relevant?
You won't find Health Care in the Constitution just as you won't find Welfare there either.

Neither are in there because the Fed shouldn't have anything to do with either.

You're an ill informed and brainwashed pain in the ass. Go away and learn to think.

Well just show us all where Health Care is in the Constitution??

You can't because it isn't.

Go away and learn to think for yourself.
So the FAA is unconstitutional?
It's not for anyone.

who are you to speak for everyone???

There is no freedom coefficient in determining efficiency. Do you factor in freedom when balancing your personal finances? If so, what value do you assign?

you should learn to mind your own business


You're posting in a public forum.

and youre asking about my private life

I made a point.
A rather simple one that still somehow escapes you.
Actually, it is the job of government to regulate the healthcare industry.
Which government? Not the FedGov.

"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 45

"The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 45

"In the first place it is to be remembered that the general government is not to be charged with the whole power of making and administering laws. Its jurisdiction is limited to certain enumerated objects, which concern all the members of the republic, but which are not to be attained by the separate provisions of any."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 51
who are you to speak for everyone???

There is no freedom coefficient in determining efficiency. Do you factor in freedom when balancing your personal finances? If so, what value do you assign?

you should learn to mind your own business


You're posting in a public forum.

and youre asking about my private life

I made a point.
A rather simple one that still somehow escapes you.
nothing escaped me,,,it just doesnt factor into government ran healthcare
NOT done.

You didn't show me SHIT.

That article is a bunch of bullshit hearsay conclusion with no substance.

But, here is the real issue.(from your article):

"The main drivers of higher health care spending in the U.S. are generally high prices — for salaries of physicians and nurses, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and administration."

So, by deduction, what is your ultimate objective?

Who the fuck is going to go to 12 years of school +4 years of undergrad +4 years of medical school +2 years of residency, incurring nearly $1 million in debt just to get paid CHICKEN FEED???

You are a fucking economic moron. You're no different than all the other commies who don't understand economics.

By definition; higher costs with worse outcomes is a less successful model than other govt managed healthcare plans, dope.

I have to ask,,,
are you pro choice???

if so why does that only count on abortion and not all other health issues...
NOT done.

You didn't show me SHIT.

That article is a bunch of bullshit hearsay conclusion with no substance.

But, here is the real issue.(from your article):

"The main drivers of higher health care spending in the U.S. are generally high prices — for salaries of physicians and nurses, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and administration."

So, by deduction, what is your ultimate objective?

Who the fuck is going to go to 12 years of school +4 years of undergrad +4 years of medical school +2 years of residency, incurring nearly $1 million in debt just to get paid CHICKEN FEED???

You are a fucking economic moron. You're no different than all the other commies who don't understand economics.

By definition; higher costs with worse outcomes is a less successful model than other govt managed healthcare plans, dope.

I have to ask,,,
are you pro choice???

if so why does that only count on abortion and not all other health issues...

What choice do you believe you would be losing?
that doesnt answer my question
My stance on abortion is irrelevant to efficiency of our healthcare system.
I require clarity to better address your stance. What choice do you believe you would lose under a single payer system?
There is no freedom coefficient in determining efficiency. Do you factor in freedom when balancing your personal finances? If so, what value do you assign?

you should learn to mind your own business


You're posting in a public forum.

and youre asking about my private life

I made a point.
A rather simple one that still somehow escapes you.
nothing escaped me,,,it just doesnt factor into government ran healthcare

What doesn't? Freedom?
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you
Actually, it is the job of government to regulate the healthcare industry.

No, it isn't. That's ludicrous and beyond absurd. Anyway, the expensive ocare is dying a quick death.
You won't find Health Care in the Constitution just as you won't find Welfare there either.

Neither are in there because the Fed shouldn't have anything to do with either.

You're an ill informed and brainwashed pain in the ass. Go away and learn to think.

Well just show us all where Health Care is in the Constitution??

You can't because it isn't.

Go away and learn to think for yourself.
So the FAA is unconstitutional?
not seeing how that controls peoples lives, and it is the job of gov to keep the country safe,,,so no it isnt
Does one person have the right to the services and/or earnings of another?

It's that simple.

Liberty is always the question.


We can have regulations in business.

If a unconscious person is rushed to the ER, he can't be treated until he awakens & produces proof of payment?

Poor people should be left to die in the streets? If that the freedom you want?
Show us.
Show us a costlier, govt run system with worse treatment outcomes.
You show us.

The person making the claim is the person with the burden to prove it.

We are not required to disprove bullshit statements.


U.S. pays more for health care with worse population health outcomes

You stupid partisan sheep are always going on about healthcare cost.
Guess what asshole.. govt getting involved in healthcare caused the cost to shoot up. Look up when the cost of healthcare started to rise beyond normal inflation and when govt got greedy with our healthcare industry.
Partisan sheep never fucking think. They react.
Grow up faggots. You have already fucked this country up. Its time to give it a break.

Show us.
Global Health
Our first govt healthcare was started in the early 50s for dependents of military personnel. Medicare in 65.
Remember, i said consider costs after inflation so include the hyperinflation in the 30s and 40s before you apologize for being a govt stooge.

That tells me nothing.

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