The Future

NOT done.

You didn't show me SHIT.

That article is a bunch of bullshit hearsay conclusion with no substance.

But, here is the real issue.(from your article):

"The main drivers of higher health care spending in the U.S. are generally high prices — for salaries of physicians and nurses, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and administration."

So, by deduction, what is your ultimate objective?

Who the fuck is going to go to 12 years of school +4 years of undergrad +4 years of medical school +2 years of residency, incurring nearly $1 million in debt just to get paid CHICKEN FEED???

You are a fucking economic moron. You're no different than all the other commies who don't understand economics.

By definition; higher costs with worse outcomes is a less successful model than other govt managed healthcare plans, dope.

I have to ask,,,
are you pro choice???

if so why does that only count on abortion and not all other health issues...
NOT done.

You didn't show me SHIT.

That article is a bunch of bullshit hearsay conclusion with no substance.

But, here is the real issue.(from your article):

"The main drivers of higher health care spending in the U.S. are generally high prices — for salaries of physicians and nurses, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and administration."

So, by deduction, what is your ultimate objective?

Who the fuck is going to go to 12 years of school +4 years of undergrad +4 years of medical school +2 years of residency, incurring nearly $1 million in debt just to get paid CHICKEN FEED???

You are a fucking economic moron. You're no different than all the other commies who don't understand economics.

By definition; higher costs with worse outcomes is a less successful model than other govt managed healthcare plans, dope.

I have to ask,,,
are you pro choice???

if so why does that only count on abortion and not all other health issues...

What choice do you believe you would be losing?
that doesnt answer my question
My stance on abortion is irrelevant to efficiency of our healthcare system.
I require clarity to better address your stance. What choice do you believe you would lose under a single payer system?

The ability to make intelligent choices....dumbass.
You won't find Health Care in the Constitution just as you won't find Welfare there either.

Neither are in there because the Fed shouldn't have anything to do with either.

You're an ill informed and brainwashed pain in the ass. Go away and learn to think.

Well just show us all where Health Care is in the Constitution??

You can't because it isn't.

Go away and learn to think for yourself.
So the FAA is unconstitutional?

not seeing how that controls peoples lives, and it is the job of gov to keep the country safe,,,so no it isnt
So being concerned with healthcare is not keeping people safe?
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA goals, and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health for all.

The only argument the Republican Party can offer is to claim government's intercession on the repeal of the ACA is it is Socialism. A claim which is absurd and an appeal to emotions.

Our government was founded by We the people to, "form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity".

Common sense suggests the current iteration of Republicans (RINO's) have move so far to the dark side, that the meaning of the Preamble has been lost.

What do I mean by the Dark Side?

The R. Party's use of Wedge Issues, their lust for power and greed. No one will be able to equate any of the visions highlighted in the Preamble which is part of the current ideology under Trump and the miss-named Freedom Caucus.
/----/ "the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health for all."
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA goals, and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health for all.

The only argument the Republican Party can offer is to claim government's intercession on the repeal of the ACA is it is Socialism. A claim which is absurd and an appeal to emotions.

Our government was founded by We the people to, "form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity".

Common sense suggests the current iteration of Republicans (RINO's) have move so far to the dark side, that the meaning of the Preamble has been lost.

What do I mean by the Dark Side?

The R. Party's use of Wedge Issues, their lust for power and greed. No one will be able to equate any of the visions highlighted in the Preamble which is part of the current ideology under Trump and the miss-named Freedom Caucus.
Imo the gop is more lost and fractured. Trump does not, and never had, a vision of what the nation's HC delivery system should be, let alone any plan for a bigger better Obamacare. Both Goldwater and Reagan had positions, but there's no actual conservative in the GOP. They retired or were retired and were replaced either by dems or Trumpofiles.
Under federal law, a hospital must treat anyone seeking treatment regardless of their ability to pay.
So, government is forcing people to work for free, right?

So, then you are paying either in higher rates or through medicaid.
So, each time, it is GOVERNMENT fucking everyone over, right?
What sort of society do imagine we should have? Healthcare to only those with means?
More libertarian dystopian nonsense.
You won't find Health Care in the Constitution just as you won't find Welfare there either.

Neither are in there because the Fed shouldn't have anything to do with either.

You're an ill informed and brainwashed pain in the ass. Go away and learn to think.

Well just show us all where Health Care is in the Constitution??

You can't because it isn't.

Go away and learn to think for yourself.
So the FAA is unconstitutional?

not seeing how that controls peoples lives, and it is the job of gov to keep the country safe,,,so no it isnt
So being concerned with healthcare is not keeping people safe?

being concerned does nothing,,,and controlling how when and where I get my healthcare hurts me when they can decide I dont get it if I want it
By definition; higher costs with worse outcomes is a less successful model than other govt managed healthcare plans, dope.

I have to ask,,,
are you pro choice???

if so why does that only count on abortion and not all other health issues...
By definition; higher costs with worse outcomes is a less successful model than other govt managed healthcare plans, dope.

I have to ask,,,
are you pro choice???

if so why does that only count on abortion and not all other health issues...

What choice do you believe you would be losing?
that doesnt answer my question
My stance on abortion is irrelevant to efficiency of our healthcare system.
I require clarity to better address your stance. What choice do you believe you would lose under a single payer system?

The ability to make intelligent choices....dumbass.
You would be perfectly welcome not to use that single payer. If you call that an intelligent decision. " Gee, I don't want to use a system that will pay for all my care with the doctor of my choice & the facility of my choice" If you think that is smart, well I guess there is little hope for you.
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you
Actually, it is the job of government to regulate the healthcare industry.

Well, they're doing a crap job at it. Fire them.
Actually, it is the job of government to regulate the healthcare industry.
Which government? Not the FedGov.

"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 45

"The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 45

"In the first place it is to be remembered that the general government is not to be charged with the whole power of making and administering laws. Its jurisdiction is limited to certain enumerated objects, which concern all the members of the republic, but which are not to be attained by the separate provisions of any."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 51
oh bullshit. The fed govts been regulating HC for nearly 100 years. LOL Why do you think your employer provides insurance? Catch a fucking clue
Under federal law, a hospital must treat anyone seeking treatment regardless of their ability to pay.
So, government is forcing people to work for free, right?

So, then you are paying either in higher rates or through medicaid.
So, each time, it is GOVERNMENT fucking everyone over, right?
What sort of society do imagine we should have? Healthcare to only those with means?
More libertarian dystopian nonsense.
healthcare starts at home and that is a part of daily life
the government and
Actually, it is the job of government to regulate the healthcare industry.
Which government? Not the FedGov.

"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 45

"The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 45

"In the first place it is to be remembered that the general government is not to be charged with the whole power of making and administering laws. Its jurisdiction is limited to certain enumerated objects, which concern all the members of the republic, but which are not to be attained by the separate provisions of any."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 51
oh bullshit. The fed govts been regulating HC for nearly 100 years. LOL Why do you think your employer provides insurance? Catch a fucking clue

the government and private employers are two different things
By definition; higher costs with worse outcomes is a less successful model than other govt managed healthcare plans, dope.

I have to ask,,,
are you pro choice???

if so why does that only count on abortion and not all other health issues...
By definition; higher costs with worse outcomes is a less successful model than other govt managed healthcare plans, dope.

I have to ask,,,
are you pro choice???

if so why does that only count on abortion and not all other health issues...

What choice do you believe you would be losing?
that doesnt answer my question
My stance on abortion is irrelevant to efficiency of our healthcare system.
I require clarity to better address your stance. What choice do you believe you would lose under a single payer system?

The ability to make intelligent choices....dumbass.

Such as? Every doctor or hospital in the country would be available to you. I see that as far more choice than you have now.
You won't find Health Care in the Constitution just as you won't find Welfare there either.

Neither are in there because the Fed shouldn't have anything to do with either.

You're an ill informed and brainwashed pain in the ass. Go away and learn to think.

Well just show us all where Health Care is in the Constitution??

You can't because it isn't.

Go away and learn to think for yourself.
So the FAA is unconstitutional?

not seeing how that controls peoples lives, and it is the job of gov to keep the country safe,,,so no it isnt
So being concerned with healthcare is not keeping people safe?

Exactly. Like controlling the cost of lifesaving medications such as insulin.
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you

It's the government's job to do what ever most of the country wants, so fuck off yourself, dumb ass.
Pass an amendment!

Republicans have had 8 whole years to do something, yet they sat on their fat asses. This is why America is pissed at them.
The only thing they need to do is get govt out of healthcare completely.
But we know they wont. They either wont do shit or it will be just as pathetic as the ACA
I have to ask,,,
are you pro choice???

if so why does that only count on abortion and not all other health issues...
I have to ask,,,
are you pro choice???

if so why does that only count on abortion and not all other health issues...

What choice do you believe you would be losing?
that doesnt answer my question
My stance on abortion is irrelevant to efficiency of our healthcare system.
I require clarity to better address your stance. What choice do you believe you would lose under a single payer system?

The ability to make intelligent choices....dumbass.

Such as? Every doctor or hospital in the country would be available to you. I see that as far more choice than you have now.

again thats my personal business not yours
The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA goals...
The goal of the ACA is to screw up the US health care system to the point where the people support federal universal health care.
Democrats, always looking to increase the power of the state and control over the people living in it, fully support this, for obvious reasons.
Why on earth would conservatives oppose this?
Actually, it is the job of government to regulate the healthcare industry.
Which government? Not the FedGov.

"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 45

"The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 45

"In the first place it is to be remembered that the general government is not to be charged with the whole power of making and administering laws. Its jurisdiction is limited to certain enumerated objects, which concern all the members of the republic, but which are not to be attained by the separate provisions of any."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 51
oh bullshit. The fed govts been regulating HC for nearly 100 years. LOL Why do you think your employer provides insurance? Catch a fucking clue

Employers started providing benefits to get good people to work for them. The Federal Government had absolutely nothing to do with it.

You need to catch a fucking clue.
You show us.

The person making the claim is the person with the burden to prove it.

We are not required to disprove bullshit statements.


U.S. pays more for health care with worse population health outcomes

You stupid partisan sheep are always going on about healthcare cost.
Guess what asshole.. govt getting involved in healthcare caused the cost to shoot up. Look up when the cost of healthcare started to rise beyond normal inflation and when govt got greedy with our healthcare industry.
Partisan sheep never fucking think. They react.
Grow up faggots. You have already fucked this country up. Its time to give it a break.

Show us.
Global Health
Our first govt healthcare was started in the early 50s for dependents of military personnel. Medicare in 65.
Remember, i said consider costs after inflation so include the hyperinflation in the 30s and 40s before you apologize for being a govt stooge.

That tells me nothing.
Because you dont want to see anything that goes against your closed, statist mind.
It tells any rational person all they need to know.
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you

It's the government's job to do what ever most of the country wants, so fuck off yourself, dumb ass.
/---/ "It's the government's job to do what ever most of the country wants, so fuck off yourself, dumb ass."
You don't believe that for one second. The government allows the killing of babies yet...
Americans Agree With Banning "Partial-Birth Abortion"
Americans Agree With Banning "Partial-Birth Abortion"
The newly enacted ban on partial-birth abortion, signed into law yesterday by President Bush, is likely to meet with broad public approval. In Gallup's latest poll, 68% of the public says the procedure should be illegal, while only 25% say it should be legal.

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