The G.O.P. prizes Black Republicans — as long as they don’t alienate white members


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
This is the truth. Black Republicans can go as far as they want, just as long as they don't say something that makes whites feel uncomfortable. Such is why Byron Donalds has been able to move forward. Donalds is no spectacuar intellectual giant. But he gained great favor with Republicans when he repeated that tired black family and LBJ nonsense. He can't say that the white backlash since the Civil Rights Movement has been the probem because if he does that, he will lose any chance at a potential presidential run in 2028. And look what happened to Candace Owens when she decided to say something about white Jews.

The G.O.P. prizes Black Republicans — as long as they don’t alienate white members​

As the entire nation grapples with issues relating to race and racial inequality, all kinds of organizations—from churches to businesses to neighborhood associations—are trying to demonstrate their commitment to racial diversity in a way that does not alienate white stakeholders. The Republican Party is no exception, and, in fact, it has long struggled to project an openness to diversity. But presenting a diverse coalition of support has particular resonance in the wake of the Trump administration.

The public representation of Black Republicans has certainly shifted under Mr. Trump’s leadership of the party. The social media personalities Diamond and Silk replaced Michael Steele, the Catholic former chair of the Republican National Committee. Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke was more relevant than General Colin Powell. Candace Owens supplanted Condoleezza Rice. Internet celebrities have taken the place of the legislators, military leaders and judges who used to stand as the “face” of Black Republicans.

The Black Republicans in my study often complained that concerns about their racial identity resulted in a skeptical embrace from their white Republican counterparts. They reported that white Republicans were eager to have Black representation in the G.O.P., but this eagerness came with a concern that Black racial identity would take precedence over partisanship. As a consequence, they felt they had to constantly prove their conservative bona fides, especially with respect to policies perceived as especially benefiting Black people.

Accordingly, the way that Black Republicans talked about race was critical in establishing their legitimacy with other Republicans. Invoking racism or discrimination as an explanation for racial inequality, they told me, was verboten because that was inconsistent with party rhetoric. Across the nation, I heard that white skepticism within the G.O.P. not only shaped how Black Republicans got to talk about their own racial identity but also structured how they framed conservative policies in relation to Black people.

Black Republicans also told me that their opportunities for advancement in the G.O.P. depended on sticking to the party’s dominant rhetoric on race. When the Republican Party embraces white grievance, articulates anti-Black policies and raises anti-Black voices, Black Republicans are less able to talk about Republican policies in ways that will uplift Black people. The Black Republicans who articulate ideas consistent with white grievance, or who work to undermine claims of racism, are given broad platforms within the party, even when those ideas are not particularly resonant with Black audiences.

This race-blind messaging is not necessarily representative of what all Black Republicans think, but it is what the primarily white leadership of Republican organizations wants to hear.

Even If you rightly have some minor small grievances , it is people like you who do the greatest harm to your claimed causes with your obsessively compulsive style of dogmatism. .

Fortunately, most seriously out of balance individuals like you are helped by medical professionals and taught how to progress without so much upset and bleating of victimisation .

In the same way that certain breeds of dog are restrained by muzzles and a lead , so you need restraining and re-training in order to be a useful and productive person for your own benefit, as well as everybody else , regardless of skin colour and ethnicity. imho.

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