The Gaystapo is at it again

It's rather odd that you would falsely accuse me of hiding behind an alias, while it is rather obvious that you are doing so yourself, and almost as obvious that I am not.

dude, i wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Poodle.

When I'm at work, I'm not there to “get up on a desk* and scream about ‘sodomites’”; I'm there to build stuff. Currently, I'm building a factory in Tracy. But then, it's been established in past conversations that you find the idea of doing honest work to make an honest living something to be held in contempt. It'd be amusing to watch you try to do my job. No doubt, you'd quickly get yourself fired for goofing off when you're supposed to be working, or for other forms of nonfeasance or malfeasance; in the unlikely event that you made a sincere effort to do the work I do, you'd no doubt prove to be too much of a Gillettized weakling to do any useful work.

Dude, I was in the Army for 11 years. (It was in the Army I first met members of you sick cult.) The one thing no one ever said was "Oh, no, that Mormon is going to come down and kick my ass."

I've worked since I was 16. I currently own my own business.

The thing is, of course you don't spew about your completely irrational hatred of gays at work... that would get you fired. So you get on the internet and spew about how much you hate them.
It's rather odd that you would falsely accuse me of hiding behind an alias, while it is rather obvious that you are doing so yourself, and almost as obvious that I am not.

dude, i wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Poodle.

You were replying to me when you wrote…

Or just practical, which is why you a [sic] Poodle hide your homophobia behind screen names…

It seems clear that you intended to accuse both of us of hiding behind a screen name. While doing the same thing, yourself. In my case, no, I do not hide behind a screen name. It's pretty much a solidly-established pattern with you, to accuse others (often falsely) of that of which you, yourself, are guilty.

The thing is, of course you don't spew about your completely irrational hatred of gays at work... that would get you fired. So you get on the internet and spew about how much you hate them.

I do not have any “irrational hatred of gays”, and if I did, my workplace would not be the appropriate place to air it. I do recognize homosexuality as the mentally-disordered, morally degenerate perversion that it very obviously is. This doesn't mean that I hate those who are afflicted with it. It only means that I know the difference between right and wrong, and between madness and reason. It seems that you are consumed with an irrational hatred between those of us who understand these distinctions. Again, falsely accusing others of that of which you are yourself guilty.
You were replying to me when you wrote…

Whatever, dude, I think I was replying to you and the Poodle, and didn't think you'd be stupid enough to post under your own name.

I do not have any “irrational hatred of gays”, and if I did, my workplace would not be the appropriate place to air it. I do recognize homosexuality as the mentally-disordered, morally degenerate perversion that it very obviously is.

Why? I mean, I keep trying to pin you homophobes down on this, but your argument always boil down to

1) My Imaginary Friend in the Sky says it's Bad
2) I think it's icky.

When you have a RATIONAL argument against it, I might take it seriously, but frankly, the above two arguments are exactly the opposite of rational.

This doesn't mean that I hate those who are afflicted with it. It only means that I know the difference between right and wrong, and between madness and reason.

No, it just means you apply the bizarre practices of your twisted cult and call it morality.

You see, I always find the homophobia of Mormons a bit hilarious. The reason you guys were chased from one state to another until you all finally ended up in Utah was because most people though your old men marrying multiple teenage girls was "Wrong" and "Madness".

Then you all decided that you wanted to be a state and whoever the Prophet was that year had a talk with God and lo and behold, God said polygamy was wrong. (I frankly don't have an opinion on polygamy one way or the other... not something I would do, but I wouldn't do the gay stuff either.)

It seems that you are consumed with an irrational hatred between those of us who understand these distinctions. Again, falsely accusing others of that of which you are yourself guilty.

No, guy, i have a RATIONAL fear of people who want to impose their religion on the rest of us. It's a Rational Fear because I've actually read history books.

You were replying to me when you wrote…

Whatever, dude, I think I was replying to you and the Poodle…


…and didn't think you'd be stupid enough to post under your own name.

Just because you're a deceitful coward, who doesn't have the guts to associate your opinions with your true identity, does not mean that everyone else is as well. But then, it seems that to you, honesty and courage are “stupid”, just as any other aspects of good moral/ethical character are. No surprise, there.
Just because you're a deceitful coward, who doesn't have the guts to associate your opinions with your true identity, does not mean that everyone else is as well. But then, it seems that to you, honesty and courage are “stupid”, just as any other aspects of good moral/ethical character are. No surprise, there.

No, guy, posting under your own name in the information age is just dumb. Too many freaks out there..

Most people who know me know my opinions on stuff.... Of course, I don't associate with crazies, racists, misogyinists, and Mormon Cultists in real life, so it's not an issue..
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.

Typical christian- thinking, feeling and doing the opposite of what your god and his "son" preached. Why do the fake christians always go straight to violence?

We're not in the dark ages anymore. We now know that LGBT is scientifically valid and should be treated and respected as such.

We live in a time of enlightenment and yet so many only want to hate.

Even so, this does not touch your lives and it's none of your business. Leave people alone to live their lives the best way they can.

You know, like Jesus would have.

Sent from my iPad using

So, a theocracy then?
The Gaystapo is disgusting. After lying, he finally admits that Vice President Pence has never attacked his homosexuality - yet he goes on to attack Pence's faith.

Pete Buttigieg admitted Pence has never attacked his sexuality—but he still attacks the VP's faith

The brighter Pence shines, the harder they'll attack him. Denizens of the dark hate and fear the light.

Really? Frankly, homophobes like Pence are the ones who live in darkness.

Seems to me that if you need to hate other people on the fear that they might actually be enjoying themselves, that's pretty dark.
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.

It wasn't accurate she is recognised by the State of Florida as a woman... He insisted on calling her a man, she had ID to back up her assertion but he still didn't listen...

Sorry but officer is in the wrong... If you have a problem, go change the law...
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.

It wasn't accurate she is recognised by the State of Florida as a woman... He insisted on calling her a man, she had ID to back up her assertion but he still didn't listen...

Sorry but officer is in the wrong... If you have a problem, go change the law...
/——/ If he/she/it has a Johnson, then it’s male no matter what a stupid law says.
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.

It wasn't accurate she is recognised by the State of Florida as a woman... He insisted on calling her a man, she had ID to back up her assertion but he still didn't listen...

Sorry but officer is in the wrong... If you have a problem, go change the law...
/——/ If he/she/it has a Johnson, then it’s male no matter what a stupid law says.

So you are all about breaking the law.... Actual Law Officers breaking the law...

So is obeying the law a kind of a la carte menu which you can pick which laws you follow or not?

Do you want to change that from law abiding citizen?

The Officer registered the woman as a man. He was corrected and still persisted.

So he knowingly lied on a official report.

By the way I think this officer should just some extra training and told to have more sense...
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.

It wasn't accurate she is recognised by the State of Florida as a woman... He insisted on calling her a man, she had ID to back up her assertion but he still didn't listen...

Sorry but officer is in the wrong... If you have a problem, go change the law...
/——/ If he/she/it has a Johnson, then it’s male no matter what a stupid law says.

So you are all about breaking the law.... Actual Law Officers breaking the law...

So is obeying the law a kind of a la carte menu which you can pick which laws you follow or not?

Do you want to change that from law abiding citizen?

The Officer registered the woman as a man. He was corrected and still persisted.

So he knowingly lied on a official report.

By the way I think this officer should just some extra training and told to have more sense...
/——/ What an idiotic idea. If the he/she/it has a Johnson then it’s male. If Florida passed a law stating you have three arms would you start buying three arm shirts?
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.

It wasn't accurate she is recognised by the State of Florida as a woman... He insisted on calling her a man, she had ID to back up her assertion but he still didn't listen...

Sorry but officer is in the wrong... If you have a problem, go change the law...
/——/ If he/she/it has a Johnson, then it’s male no matter what a stupid law says.

So you are all about breaking the law.... Actual Law Officers breaking the law...

So is obeying the law a kind of a la carte menu which you can pick which laws you follow or not?

Do you want to change that from law abiding citizen?

The Officer registered the woman as a man. He was corrected and still persisted.

So he knowingly lied on a official report.

By the way I think this officer should just some extra training and told to have more sense...
/——/ What an idiotic idea. If the he/she/it has a Johnson then it’s male. If Florida passed a law stating you have three arms would you start buying three arm shirts?

So you want to ignore the law... Fair enough but the officer of the law doesn't get that same privilege, he swore up hold the law... Are you learning this for the first time...

So a Officer sees a guy he doesn't like having a gun... Can he go over and confiscate the gun? NO! Because that is the law...
The Gaystapo is disgusting. After lying, he finally admits that Vice President Pence has never attacked his homosexuality - yet he goes on to attack Pence's faith.

Pete Buttigieg admitted Pence has never attacked his sexuality—but he still attacks the VP's faith

The brighter Pence shines, the harder they'll attack him. Denizens of the dark hate and fear the light.

Really? Frankly, homophobes like Pence are the ones who live in darkness.

Seems to me that if you need to hate other people on the fear that they might actually be enjoying themselves, that's pretty dark.

Hmmm, he never attacked the guy's sexuality, but he's a homophobe? You insist he is because, well, reasons and because you say so? Circular reasoning and self referencing.
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A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.

It wasn't accurate she is recognised by the State of Florida as a woman... He insisted on calling her a man, she had ID to back up her assertion but he still didn't listen...

Sorry but officer is in the wrong... If you have a problem, go change the law...
/——/ If he/she/it has a Johnson, then it’s male no matter what a stupid law says.

So you are all about breaking the law.... Actual Law Officers breaking the law...

So is obeying the law a kind of a la carte menu which you can pick which laws you follow or not?

Do you want to change that from law abiding citizen?

The Officer registered the woman as a man. He was corrected and still persisted.

So he knowingly lied on a official report.

By the way I think this officer should just some extra training and told to have more sense...
/——/ What an idiotic idea. If the he/she/it has a Johnson then it’s male. If Florida passed a law stating you have three arms would you start buying three arm shirts?

So you want to ignore the law... Fair enough but the officer of the law doesn't get that same privilege, he swore up hold the law... Are you learning this for the first time...

So a Officer sees a guy he doesn't like having a gun... Can he go over and confiscate the gun? NO! Because that is the law...

Democrats are the Party of lawlessness, do you have a better argument than the law, Constitution and such?
The Gaystapo is disgusting. After lying, he finally admits that Vice President Pence has never attacked his homosexuality - yet he goes on to attack Pence's faith.

Pete Buttigieg admitted Pence has never attacked his sexuality—but he still attacks the VP's faith

The brighter Pence shines, the harder they'll attack him. Denizens of the dark hate and fear the light.

Really? Frankly, homophobes like Pence are the ones who live in darkness.

Seems to me that if you need to hate other people on the fear that they might actually be enjoying themselves, that's pretty dark.

Hmmm, he never attacked the guy's sexuality, but he's a homophobe? You insist he is because, well, reasons and because you say so? Circular reasoning and self referencing.

homophobe???? Who said anyone is homosexual...

The officer was saying the woman was a man on a government official document.. She tried to correct him and he refused to be corrected...

Sorry that is not following the law and a law officer should know that.
The Gaystapo is disgusting. After lying, he finally admits that Vice President Pence has never attacked his homosexuality - yet he goes on to attack Pence's faith.

Pete Buttigieg admitted Pence has never attacked his sexuality—but he still attacks the VP's faith

The brighter Pence shines, the harder they'll attack him. Denizens of the dark hate and fear the light.

Really? Frankly, homophobes like Pence are the ones who live in darkness.

Seems to me that if you need to hate other people on the fear that they might actually be enjoying themselves, that's pretty dark.

Hmmm, he never attacked the guy's sexuality, but he's a homophobe? You insist he is because, well, reasons and because you say so? Circular reasoning and self referencing.

homophobe???? Who said anyone is homosexual...

The officer was saying the woman was a man on a government official document.. She tried to correct him and he refused to be corrected...

Sorry that is not following the law and a law officer should know that.

So does this guy have an imaginary vagina to go with the imaginary law?

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