The Gaystapo is at it again

The stupids are at it again. Transgender has been found to be biologically based.

Wonder how many times a man has said that to you after you “performed” on them? You’re such a flaming closet homosexual.

Dude, do you spend all day fantasizing about me? Well, it explains much.

Sorry. Dont' swing your way. Whenever you find a homophobe, he's usually a closeted homosexual.

I consider "I get money from people who want me to say this" to be an axe to grind.

You really think there are people who get paid to be on here to talk to 100 people who have already made up their minds on most issues?
You have every right to pretend to be anything you want to pretend to be in the United States. And I fully support that right. But you don't have the right to force me to indulge you in your f•••ed up fantasy. I choose to accept reality. I don't care if you don't like that.
Yes you do have the right to say and believe whatever stupid s••• you want to believe. I don't give a f••• what you think or believe. But you do not have the right to demean, denigrate and discriminate against others with impunity.

Actually, yes, you do. That's all covered under the First Amendment.
Actually, yes, you do. That's all covered under the First Amendment.

well, actually, no, there isn't a right to be a bigot in the First Amendment.

What amuses me is the reason why your whacky little cult is centered in Utah today is because it got chased out of New York, Ohio, Missouri and finally my fine state because people didn't like your leaders banging little girls.

Yet today, you are probably the biggest bigots in the country.
Actually, yes, you do. That's all covered under the First Amendment.

well, actually, no, there isn't a right to be a bigot in the First Amendment.

Don't even need the First Amendment for that. In order to not have the right to be a “bigot”, someone would have the authority to define what a “bigot” is, and to monitor not only one's words and actions, but one's very thoughts, and to punish those who think thoughts that the one with that authority doesn't like.

Your Orwellian fantasy about being able to punish people for their very thoughts is just that.

What amuses me is the reason why your whacky little cult is centered in Utah today is because it got chased out of New York, Ohio, Missouri and finally my fine state because people didn't like your leaders banging little girls.

Yet today, you are probably the biggest bigots in the country.

You probably don't even see the irony in this part of your post, that you are calling members of my faith ôbigots” right after an expression on your own part of much more extreme bigotry than you could ever find among members of my faith.

That's why nobody gives you any credence when you speak of “bigotry”, as everyone can clearly see that you are one of the most abject, hateful, lying bigots on this whole forum.
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So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket

Sheesh .. doesn't the officer have the obligation to call em as he sees him..

... and when did drivers licences become a political fantasy item .?

It's seems like the lunatics have taken over the insane asylum ... :laugh:
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Don't even need the First Amendment for that. In order to not have the right to be a “bigot”, someone would have the authority to define what a ôbigot” is, and to monitor not only one's words and actions, but one's very thoughts, and to punish those who think thoughts that the one with that authority doesn't like.

Your Orwellian fantasy about being able to punish people for their very thoughts is just that.

Or just practical, which is why you a Poodle hide your homophobia behind screen names instead of getting up on a desk and shrieking about "Sodomites" at work today. You are already on the wrong side of history, you just can't admit it to yourself or ask yourself why you are on the wrong side of history.

You probably don't even see the irony in this part of your post, that you are calling members of my faith ôbigots” right after an expression on your own part of much more extreme bigotry than you could ever find among members of my faith.

You "faith" didn't let black people join until 1978. Your religious texts call dark skin a curse from God. Your cult is one of the biggest sponsors of homophobia out there.

Realizing there isn't a magic fairy in the sky and calling religion a lie isn't a bigotry, it's an observation of reality, buddy. What annoys me about LDS is that the things that Joseph Smith preached are DEMONSTRABLY FALSE. Hebrews did not come to America in submarines and become the Native Americans after God cursed them with dark skin. You aren't going to get to rule a planet when you die and your underwear isn't magic.

That's why nobody gives you any credence when you speak of “bigotry”, as everyone can clearly see that you are one of the most abject, hateful, lying bigots on this whole forum.

Yeah, whatever, dude. The truth hurts. Either the universe works this way or it doesn't.
Wonder how many times a man has said that to you after you “performed” on them? You’re such a flaming closet homosexual.

Dude, do you spend all day fantasizing about me? Well, it explains much.

Sorry. Dont' swing your way. Whenever you find a homophobe, he's usually a closeted homosexual.

I consider "I get money from people who want me to say this" to be an axe to grind.

You really think there are people who get paid to be on here to talk to 100 people who have already made up their minds on most issues?

"Whenever you find a homophobe, he's usually a closeted homosexual."

:2cents: .. just "come out" already ... get it over with...
Whenever you find a homophobe, he's usually a closeted homosexual.

"Whenever you find a homophobe, he's usually a closeted homosexual."

:2cents: .. just "come out" already ... get it over with...

I often wonder why, of all the evils, perversions, and forms of madness to be found in the world, that it is only homosexuality about which you hear this sort of claim. I don't think I've ever heard anyone suggest that if you hate thieves, that you must be a “closeted thief”. I don't think I've ever heard anyone suggest that hate toward child molesters means that one wants to molest children. I haven't heard that hatred of murderers and rapists stems from a secret desire to commit murder or rape.

What makes homosexuality so special?

And what about JoeB131's hatred of Christians, especially Mormons? I think it is clear that it's not just a matter of disagreement, that he doesn't accept Christian/Mormon teachings as true. He hates us, deeply. He hates Christians more than any Christian hates homosexuals. He especially hates Mormons more than any Mormon hates homosexuals. Does this mean that deep down, JoeB131 is some sort of closeted wannabe Christian? Does this mean that deep down, JoeB131 is some sort of closeted wannabe Mormon?
Whenever you find a homophobe, he's usually a closeted homosexual.

"Whenever you find a homophobe, he's usually a closeted homosexual."

:2cents: .. just "come out" already ... get it over with...

I often wonder why, of all the evils, perversions, and forms of madness to be found in the world, that it is only homosexuality about which you hear this sort of claim. I don't think I've ever heard anyone suggest that if you hate thieves, that you must be a “closeted thief”. I don't think I've ever heard anyone suggest that hate toward child molesters means that one wants to molest children. I haven't heard that hatred of murderers and rapists stems from a secret desire to commit murder or rape.

What makes homosexuality so special?

And what about JoeB131's hatred of Christians, especially Mormons? I think it is clear that it's not just a matter of disagreement, that he doesn't accept Christian/Mormon teachings as true. He hates us, deeply. He hates Christians more than any Christian hates homosexuals. He especially hates Mormons more than any Mormon hates homosexuals. Does this mean that deep down, JoeB131 is some sort of closeted wannabe Christian? Does this mean that deep down, JoeB131 is some sort of closeted wannabe Mormon?

I think in motivations, bottom lines and getting to the point .. you obviously don't..

If your gay and enjoying your life, why do you feel the need to blame others to play the victim roll. Live your life and tough shit if someone else passes judgement.

and.. Joe keeps using that goofy line and it's crap... :tongue-44:

I often wonder why, of all the evils, perversions, and forms of madness to be found in the world, that it is only homosexuality about which you hear this sort of claim. I don't think I've ever heard anyone suggest that if you hate thieves, that you must be a “closeted thief”. I don't think I've ever heard anyone suggest that hate toward child molesters means that one wants to molest children. I haven't heard that hatred of murderers and rapists stems from a secret desire to commit murder or rape.

What makes homosexuality so special?

Well, here's the thing, buddy. besides guys like Ted Haggard, who get caught with boy hookers and a pile of Cyrstal meth, they've done scientific studies. They identified homophobic men, strapped sensors on their weiners and showed them gay porn, and guess who got him a big old woody?

And what about JoeB131's hatred of Christians, especially Mormons? I think it is clear that it's not just a matter of disagreement, that he doesn't accept Christian/Mormon teachings as true. He hates us, deeply. He hates Christians more than any Christian hates homosexuals. He especially hates Mormons more than any Mormon hates homosexuals. Does this mean that deep down, JoeB131 is some sort of closeted wannabe Christian? Does this mean that deep down, JoeB131 is some sort of closeted wannabe Mormon?

Uh, no.

My disdain for religion comes from 12 years of Catholic education. All manner of fucked up thinking there, like the Nun who rationalized the drowning of babies in the flood by saying, they were 'Wicked" babies. WICKED!!! And we all knew she was a frustrated lesbian, that's what made it funny.

My disdain for your fucked up cult comes from having the bad luck of being stationed with some of you at Ft. Lewis, where the BYU bunch had their own clique and just fucked with anyone who wasn't in your cult.

But the end of the day, when my parents died in the early 1980's- way to young, the reaction of religious assholes truly offended me. This is why I truly oppose any person who wants to try to impose his religion on the rest of us.
I think in motivations, bottom lines and getting to the point .. you obviously don't..

If your gay and enjoying your life, why do you feel the need to blame others to play the victim roll. Live your life and tough shit if someone else passes judgement.

and.. Joe keeps using that goofy line and it's crap...

Um, no, it's been scientifically proven...

Study: Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals

In four studies, the researchers looked at the discrepancies between what people say about their sexual orientation and their implicit sexual orientation based on a reaction-time test. The studies involved college students from Germany and the United States.

For the implicit measure, students had to categorize words and pictures flashed onto a computer screen into "gay" or "straight" groups. Words included "gay," "straight," "homosexual" and "heterosexual," while the pictures showed straight and gay couples. Before each trial, participants were primed with the word "me" or "others" flashed momentarily onto a computer screen. The researchers said quicker reaction time for "me" and "gay," and a slower association of "me" with "straight" would indicate said an implicit gay orientation. [Why Gay Parents May Be the Best Parents]

In another experiment, the researchers measured implicit sexual orientation by having participants choose to browse same-sex or opposite-sex photos on a computer screen.

Questionnaires also teased out the parenting style the participants were exposed to, with students asked how much they agreed or disagreed with statements such as: "I felt controlled and pressured in certain ways;" and "I felt free to be who I am." To gauge homophobia in a household, students responded to items such as, "It would be upsetting for my mom to find out she was alone with a lesbian" or "My dad avoids gay men whenever possible."
I think in motivations, bottom lines and getting to the point .. you obviously don't..

If your gay and enjoying your life, why do you feel the need to blame others to play the victim roll. Live your life and tough shit if someone else passes judgement.

and.. Joe keeps using that goofy line and it's crap...

Um, no, it's been scientifically proven...

Study: Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals

In four studies, the researchers looked at the discrepancies between what people say about their sexual orientation and their implicit sexual orientation based on a reaction-time test. The studies involved college students from Germany and the United States.

For the implicit measure, students had to categorize words and pictures flashed onto a computer screen into "gay" or "straight" groups. Words included "gay," "straight," "homosexual" and "heterosexual," while the pictures showed straight and gay couples. Before each trial, participants were primed with the word "me" or "others" flashed momentarily onto a computer screen. The researchers said quicker reaction time for "me" and "gay," and a slower association of "me" with "straight" would indicate said an implicit gay orientation. [Why Gay Parents May Be the Best Parents]

In another experiment, the researchers measured implicit sexual orientation by having participants choose to browse same-sex or opposite-sex photos on a computer screen.

Questionnaires also teased out the parenting style the participants were exposed to, with students asked how much they agreed or disagreed with statements such as: "I felt controlled and pressured in certain ways;" and "I felt free to be who I am." To gauge homophobia in a household, students responded to items such as, "It would be upsetting for my mom to find out she was alone with a lesbian" or "My dad avoids gay men whenever possible."

.. and still I disagree but just for fun, when does human life begin?
My way of changing the topic and politely leaving...

Oh... Why don't you just say, "I can't refute the science you brought into the conversation and I'll just leave now."

That would be more honest.

Why can't you just say, I think he's not that interested in the topic and wants to have fun elsewhere.. that would be even more honest..
Your Orwellian fantasy about being able to punish people for their very thoughts is just that.

Or just practical, which is why you a [sic] Poodle hide your homophobia behind screen names…

I don't hide behind a screen name. Some have told me it's foolish, but ever since I started in BBSing back in the early 1980s, and have continued on to more modern forms of social media, I have always done so under my real name. This is the name by which I am known in the real world, by real people. Not to be confused, please, with the former professional baseball player by the same name. (Well, technically, my first name is Robert, but everyone knows me by the common shortened form, Bob.)

It's rather odd that you would falsely accuse me of hiding behind an alias, while it is rather obvious that you are doing so yourself, and almost as obvious that I am not.

…instead of getting up on a desk and shrieking about "Sodomites" at work today.

When I'm at work, I'm not there to “get up on a desk* and scream about ‘sodomites’”; I'm there to build stuff. Currently, I'm building a factory in Tracy. But then, it's been established in past conversations that you find the idea of doing honest work to make an honest living something to be held in contempt. It'd be amusing to watch you try to do my job. No doubt, you'd quickly get yourself fired for goofing off when you're supposed to be working, or for other forms of nonfeasance or malfeasance; in the unlikely event that you made a sincere effort to do the work I do, you'd no doubt prove to be too much of a Gillettized weakling to do any useful work.

* There aren't any desks here, yet, anyway. Surely, desks will appear as the factory gets close to completion, and the customer starts moving in. In the mean time, if I did want to stand on something and yell, I've got something much better than a desk.

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