The Gaystapo takes a knockout blow

If the dumb shits want to throw their money away to a hypocritical organization whose morals are in the gutter with Trump, that's up to them. It makes no difference to the gay customers who are getting the last laugh.
Keep trying to convince yourself, queer little girl. If that were even remotely true, you wouldn’t be so pissed off at this turn of event.

The last laugh is most definitely the free market entrepreneurs who are using the queer’s money to destroy the queers. :laugh:
Who says I'm pissed? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

I'm laughing my ass off at your pathetic desperation and the pathetic hypocrisy and desperation of the bigoted wedding planners.
Trump didn't ask anyone to make him an adultery cake.
Sure he did. When he remarried the second and third time!
Getting married isn’t “adultery”.
You should read the bible you pretend to defend. Divorcing and remarrying is adultery. I just quoted it for you above.

Fucking around on your wife is adultery, too.

Trump is a brazen adulterer and the FRC have chained themselves to him.

This is what I mean. You pseuedocons who pretend to defend the bible and the constitution have never read either of them.
Divorcing and remarrying is adultery.
This is why the left should never discuss the Bible. The Bible says that remarrying is ok if your wife commits adultery. Do you have indisputable evidence that Ivana Trump never committed adultery?
You pseuedocons who pretend to defend the bible and the constitution have never read either of them.
I read the U.S. Constitution in its entirety almost daily. I read small sections of the Bible daily.

Meanwhile, you’re so profoundly ignorant of both, you don’t even know that Bible is capitalized. :lmao:

I’ve got $10k right here and now that says you’ve never read the entire U.S. Constitution even once.
You pseuedocons who pretend to defend the bible and the constitution have never read either of them.
I read the U.S. Constitution in its entirety almost daily. I read small sections of the Bible daily.

Meanwhile, you’re so profoundly ignorant of both, you don’t even know that Bible is capitalized. :lmao:

I’ve got $10k right here and now that says you’ve never read the entire U.S. Constitution even once.
I've read the Constitution many times. That's why I am able to kick the ass out of tards who pretend to defend it.

Trump is a prolific adulterer. If you don't think so, then you are even more profoundly retarded than I realized.
Now...where was I.

Oh, yeah.

The reality: "All proceeds from same sex marriage will be donated to supporting a prolific adulterer."
I’ve got $10k right here and now that says you’ve never read the entire U.S. Constitution even once.
I've read the Constitution many times.
Nice end-around, Slick Willy. As I previously stated and am 100% correct on, I have $10k right here and now that says you have never read the entire U.S. Constitution.

Like all queer leftists who’ve had their asses handed to them in a debate, you’ve Googled a sentence or two here or there and read that (probably not even the original either, but some bizarre left-wing spin version of it on a progressive website). But you’ve never actually read the entire U.S. Constitution.
And yet it has been the law of the land for half a century that gays have been forced to serve Christians. That doesn't seem to bother you folks too terribly.
What are you talking about? What heterosexual couple has demanded anything from the homosexual community? Most heterosexuals want nothing to do with the queer community.

I'm talking about Federal law Rotty old boy. Federal laws since 1964. It is Federal law that no gay owned business can deny service to Christians based on the fact that they are Christians...but I don't see you starting thread after thread sniveling about the "godstapo".

Get that Federal law repealed before you go after state and local laws, Mr. "States Rights".
First of all, the federal law is 100% unconstitutional. That’s a simple, indisputable fact.

Second, that still doesn’t explain your bat-shit crazy comment. What heterosexual couple has demanded anything from the homosexual community? Give us a single example of when a homosexual-owned business was forced to enter into a business transaction against their will. You can’t. Because it has never happened.

And if it ever does happen in the future, I’ll be the first to come to the defense of the homosexual(s) that doesn’t want to enter into the business agreement. Private citizens on private property in the private sector have every constitutional right to deny service. Period. End of story. The U.S. Constitution says so.
Divorcing and remarrying is adultery.
This is why the left should never discuss the Bible. The Bible says that remarrying is ok if your wife commits adultery. Do you have indisputable evidence that Ivana Trump never committed adultery?

Gee, you'd think you Trump sucking sycophants should have been able to find Ivanna, Melania or Marla cheating on the homunculus orange blob then wouldn't they...but no. The only evidence of cheating is by spanky Donnie...and right after Melania gave birth too. What would Jesus say about that?
Pseudocon values as of January 20, 2017:

Three marriages are okay if you put more and more years between your age and you new wife's age.

Serial adultery is okay, too.

Making a fortune off casinos is what god-directed heroes do.

Grabbing pussies is okay if you have an R after your name.

Gays and Democrats are the degenerates. Trump is bible-compliant and was sent by God to straighten us all out.

Embracing commie KGB thugs is the new black, and Reagan was a RINO.

Bombing Syria without permission from Congress is now okay and NOT an impeachable offense.

Increasing the debt is good.

Calling for the shutdown of the press makes a pseudocon cum in their shorts.

It's okay for Trump to lie since Obama lied. In fact, the more Trump lies, the less like Obama he is. Lying makes Trump more and more good.

Welcome to Orwell's 1984.
Christians have themselves to blame. They were fine when the first civil right legislation included them. They were ecstatic with tax free status. Well, it all comes full circle doesn't it?

This is not a tax free business. They pay taxes like everyone else. They just don't get the same protections as other businesses that pay taxes.

The solution is certainly acceptable. I would go a step further and have couples sign a disclaimer that they understand and are willing to have their payment go to organizations that promote traditional marriage.
I am not referring to them specifically with regard to tax. I am referring to Christian churches/organization's usage of 501C3. There is a reason behind this, as taxes may not be used to influence church actions for government, while at the same time limiting the amount of political speech coming from the pulpit, against it.
However, how many times have you heard churches complain about this restriction?
No, religious leaders lobbied and sought to have their religious freedoms free from discrimination. They sought and won 'accommodation'. Yet when other groups are playing the same game...
As the OP provides an example though, there is more than one way to skin a cat.

Ohh you object to churches and other tax free organizations. Best start a thread about that then and not mix this one up in your other argument.
And yet it has been the law of the land for half a century that gays have been forced to serve Christians. That doesn't seem to bother you folks too terribly.
What are you talking about? What heterosexual couple has demanded anything from the homosexual community? Most heterosexuals want nothing to do with the queer community.

I'm talking about Federal law Rotty old boy. Federal laws since 1964. It is Federal law that no gay owned business can deny service to Christians based on the fact that they are Christians...but I don't see you starting thread after thread sniveling about the "godstapo".

Get that Federal law repealed before you go after state and local laws, Mr. "States Rights".
First of all, the federal law is 100% unconstitutional. That’s a simple, indisputable fact.

Second, that still doesn’t explain your bat-shit crazy comment. What heterosexual couple has demanded anything from the homosexual community? Give us a single example of when a homosexual-owned business was forced to enter into a business transaction against their will. You can’t. Because it has never happened.

And if it ever does happen in the future, I’ll be the first to come to the defense of the homosexual(s) that doesn’t want to enter into the business agreement. Private citizens on private property in the private sector have every constitutional right to deny service. Period. End of story. The U.S. Constitution says so.
Divorcing and remarrying is adultery.
This is why the left should never discuss the Bible. The Bible says that remarrying is ok if your wife commits adultery. Do you have indisputable evidence that Ivana Trump never committed adultery?

Gee, you'd think you Trump sucking sycophants should have been able to find Ivanna, Melania or Marla cheating on the homunculus orange blob then wouldn't they...but no. The only evidence of cheating is by spanky Donnie...and right after Melania gave birth too. What would Jesus say about that?

The difference is, there is no goverment regulation or law that says a business owner has to engage in adultery in order to stay in business. There are laws that say participation in gay marriage is mandatory to stay in business.
Gee, you'd think you Trump sucking sycophants should have been able to find Ivanna, Melania or Marla cheating on the homunculus orange blob then wouldn't they...but no.
Who says that President Trump doesn’t have evidence of that? Why do you pretend like you know something that you couldn’t possibly have any way of knowing? :dunno:
The only evidence of cheating is by spanky Donnie...and right after Melania gave birth too. What would Jesus say about that?
Jesus would literally say “let he who is without sin cast the first stone”. See, Jesus preached above all else that none of us have a right to judge. That is God’s responsibility and God’s responsibility alone.

Now, because I’m not even in the stratosphere of Jesus, I do judge. And President Trump is an absolute piece of shit in 90% of his life. Especially in his marriages. But he’s show more honor, respect, decency, and integrity in any 10 minutes in the Oval Office than Barack Insane Obama displayed in 8 years.

Oh...and for the record...I fully believe that anyone who has committed adultery is not fit for public office. For starters, if they can’t keep an oath to their own wife, there is no way in hell they’ll be able to keep an oath to their office or their constituents. Additionally, an adulterer poses a tremendous threat to their office. They can have their affair used to blackmail and/or otherwise influence their decisions.
Well, that will teach them! :290968001256257790-final:

Funny as hell the people cheering on the govermethn picking and choosing winners and losers with tariffs are against this.

A person with consistent views would be opposed to both.
Against gay marriage? Not me.

Against tariffs? Yes sir.

Against forcing businesses to enter contracts with anyone who demands a contract? That is wrong on many levels.

so it's ok to put a sign on a business saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays"?
And yet it has been the law of the land for half a century that gays have been forced to serve Christians. That doesn't seem to bother you folks too terribly.
What are you talking about? What heterosexual couple has demanded anything from the homosexual community? Most heterosexuals want nothing to do with the queer community.

I'm talking about Federal law Rotty old boy. Federal laws since 1964. It is Federal law that no gay owned business can deny service to Christians based on the fact that they are Christians...but I don't see you starting thread after thread sniveling about the "godstapo".

Get that Federal law repealed before you go after state and local laws, Mr. "States Rights".
First of all, the federal law is 100% unconstitutional. That’s a simple, indisputable fact.

Second, that still doesn’t explain your bat-shit crazy comment. What heterosexual couple has demanded anything from the homosexual community? Give us a single example of when a homosexual-owned business was forced to enter into a business transaction against their will. You can’t. Because it has never happened.

And if it ever does happen in the future, I’ll be the first to come to the defense of the homosexual(s) that doesn’t want to enter into the business agreement. Private citizens on private property in the private sector have every constitutional right to deny service. Period. End of story. The U.S. Constitution says so.
Divorcing and remarrying is adultery.
This is why the left should never discuss the Bible. The Bible says that remarrying is ok if your wife commits adultery. Do you have indisputable evidence that Ivana Trump never committed adultery?

Gee, you'd think you Trump sucking sycophants should have been able to find Ivanna, Melania or Marla cheating on the homunculus orange blob then wouldn't they...but no. The only evidence of cheating is by spanky Donnie...and right after Melania gave birth too. What would Jesus say about that?

The difference is, there is no goverment regulation or law that says a business owner has to engage in adultery in order to stay in business. There are laws that say participation in gay marriage is mandatory to stay in business.

I'm sorry but is that mental gymnastics your way of trying to excuse the raging hypocrisy of so called christians like yourself? You probably pulled a muscle on that one, cupcake.
Jesus would literally say “let he who is without sin cast the first stone”. See, Jesus preached above all else that none of us have a right to judge.
And yet here you are, dancing a jig in support of bigots who judge gays. Casting stones at gays like a wild man.

Jesus had more to say about hypocrites like you than any other class of sinner, and he held them in the most contempt.
so it's ok to put a sign on a business saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays"?
Yes my dear. That is absolutely ok. If you want to eliminate a large sector of potential customers, that is your business as a private owner.

How many times must I explain this to you? Private industry is not an extension of government. They do not “owe” anyone anything. Your belief that businesses somehow owe society is as repulsive as it is ignorant.
This whole topic is about people throwing stones at gays while throwing their cash to an adulterer.

Jesus H. Christ!

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