The GOP Dog Caught The Car....Again. This Time It's Border Protection.

We have a full loaf in House bill 2

Not without funding, imbecile....which HR 2 lacks.

It's not a serious bill, it never has been. NOTHING that the Repug Nazi Party does is serious.

You're too fucking stupid to learn that fundamental lesson.
Leave it to Catherine Rumpell with the Washington Post to keep it real regarding the current border protection bill. --

Welp, the dog caught the car again. After months — decades? — of running on tightening the border, House Republicans are suddenly paralyzed when offered the chance to do so.

A hard-won, bipartisan Senate deal dropped Sunday evening, with tons of items on conservatives’ border-policy bucket list, including many that former president Donald Trump had begged for. These include:

  • beefing up border security as a condition for giving any more aid to Ukraine (check!)
  • a tougher and faster asylum-processing system so that those who don’t meet asylum criteria cannot stay and work for years while their cases crawl through the courts (check!)
  • hiring more personnel for Customs and Border Protection as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (1,500 and 1,200, respectively — so, check, check!)
  • huge investments in fentanyl detection technologies and other anti-trafficking enforcement (check!)
  • reviving something like Title 42 restrictions, wherein the president can “shut down” most of the asylum system (though this version doesn’t require a public health pretext and has more severe consequences for border-crossers — so, check-plus, perhaps).
House Republicans should have been pinching themselves in disbelief. Yet within hours of this 370-page bill dropping, House GOP leaders ruled out letting their chamber vote on any of it.

Maybe GOP lawmakers genuinely think they should hold out for the more draconian bill they put forward last year, known as H.R. 2. There are two major problems with this strategy: First, H.R. 2 would not supply funding for pretty much anything that could stop border crossings.

Second, it would almost certainly never become law — even if Republicans were to gain control of the White House and both chambers of Congress. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) himself has pointed this out. (For procedural reasons, the bill would need 60 votes, which it could not get.)

Bipartisanship is evil because it means you're cooperating with Satan.

This is a pseudo-religious cult. They are crazed. You'd have as much luck trying to get through to a wild-eyed teenaged jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
Not without funding, imbecile....which HR 2 lacks.

It's not a serious bill, it never has been. NOTHING that the Repug Nazi Party does is serious.

You're too fucking stupid to learn that fundamental lesson.
Add funding for cbp and more Razor wire
Leave it to Catherine Rumpell with the Washington Post to keep it real regarding the current border protection bill. --

Welp, the dog caught the car again. After months — decades? — of running on tightening the border, House Republicans are suddenly paralyzed when offered the chance to do so.

A hard-won, bipartisan Senate deal dropped Sunday evening, with tons of items on conservatives’ border-policy bucket list, including many that former president Donald Trump had begged for. These include:

  • beefing up border security as a condition for giving any more aid to Ukraine (check!)
  • a tougher and faster asylum-processing system so that those who don’t meet asylum criteria cannot stay and work for years while their cases crawl through the courts (check!)
  • hiring more personnel for Customs and Border Protection as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (1,500 and 1,200, respectively — so, check, check!)
  • huge investments in fentanyl detection technologies and other anti-trafficking enforcement (check!)
  • reviving something like Title 42 restrictions, wherein the president can “shut down” most of the asylum system (though this version doesn’t require a public health pretext and has more severe consequences for border-crossers — so, check-plus, perhaps).
House Republicans should have been pinching themselves in disbelief. Yet within hours of this 370-page bill dropping, House GOP leaders ruled out letting their chamber vote on any of it.

Maybe GOP lawmakers genuinely think they should hold out for the more draconian bill they put forward last year, known as H.R. 2. There are two major problems with this strategy: First, H.R. 2 would not supply funding for pretty much anything that could stop border crossings.

Second, it would almost certainly never become law — even if Republicans were to gain control of the White House and both chambers of Congress. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) himself has pointed this out. (For procedural reasons, the bill would need 60 votes, which it could not get.)

Thats great and all, but any deal that lets in 5,000 illegals per day is no deal at all. What a weird as fuck thing to put in a bill to STOP illegal immigration. 5,000 per day? SERIOUSLY?! :cuckoo:
I'm amused by the left's attempts to spin the border crisis into a "Republican Problem"! You idiots finally woke up and realized that letting eight million illegals into the country was having a massive negative effect on Democrat run cities, didn't you! But rather than fix the problem by securing the border (which Joe Biden could literally do today by simply reinstating the Trump border policies which he got rid of by Executive Orders on day one of his administration!) you intellectual heavyweights have decided to PRETEND to want to fix the border with a bill that lets up to 5,000 more illegals in every day!

Here's the reality of this situation that YOU'VE created! All of the services for all of these illegals that you deliberately flooded the country with? for their costs are literally going to bankrupt sanctuary cities like New York, Chicago, Boston, LA and Denver. The costs are unsustainable. But what's got you progressives scared to death is that Americans living in all of those places...your most reliable voting block...those Americans are now outraged because their services are being cut to take care of the illegals that you let in and they're talking about voting for that "other guy"! Joe Biden is losing the urban black vote in numbers that are historical because they've suddenly realized that you don't care about them and never really did! Oh you want their votes but you don't really care if they lose their jobs, their schools get over run, and their hospitals go broke! You've got eight million illegals into the country that you think will eventually vote for you! You think you're set for the future! Only one've got an election coming up in nine months and on the two things Americans are most concerned about...the border and the economy? They think the "other guy" has the answers and that YOU are the problem! Good luck! :)
Riiiiight. You twats have been bitching about the border since the day Biden took office. Now that no good fuck Trump sandbagged this bill all of a sudden it's no big deal, right Spook?

If Subhuman Dotard told you idiots to hurl yourselves off ten story buildings they'd be picking you asswipes up with a shovel.
There's nothing in there that would make any difference, dipschitt.
I'm amused by the left's attempts to spin the border crisis into a "Republican Problem"! You idiots finally woke up and realized that letting eight million illegals into the country was having a massive negative effect on Democrat run cities, didn't you! But rather than fix the problem by securing the border (which Joe Biden could literally do today by simply reinstating the Trump border policies which he got rid of by Executive Orders on day one of his administration!) you intellectual heavyweights have decided to PRETEND to want to fix the border with a bill that lets up to 5,000 more illegals in every day!

Here's the reality of this situation that YOU'VE created! All of the services for all of these illegals that you deliberately flooded the country with? for their costs are literally going to bankrupt sanctuary cities like New York, Chicago, Boston, LA and Denver. The costs are unsustainable. But what's got you progressives scared to death is that Americans living in all of those places...your most reliable voting block...those Americans are now outraged because their services are being cut to take care of the illegals that you let in and they're talking about voting for that "other guy"! Joe Biden is losing the urban black vote in numbers that are historical because they've suddenly realized that you don't care about them and never really did! Oh you want their votes but you don't really care if they lose their jobs, their schools get over run, and their hospitals go broke! You've got eight million illegals into the country that you think will eventually vote for you! You think you're set for the future! Only one've got an election coming up in nine months and on the two things Americans are most concerned about...the border and the economy? They think the "other guy" has the answers and that YOU are the problem! Good luck! :)
They think we're fool enough to believe that slapping a cover that says "border bill" on their latest issue of "Chicks with Dicks" is enough to slide it by us.
Half a loaf is better than none and new legislation can always be crafted in the future. It’s not like this is some sort of last chance.

It isn't half a loaf you moron, it legalises the invasion of the USA to the tune of 1.8 million per year.

Might as well have an open border at that point.
It isn't half a loaf you moron, it legalises the invasion of the USA to the tune of 1.8 million per year.

Might as well have an open border at that point.
It was what the Republicans wanted, until Trump decided it was important for his election chances to sabotage it. They won’t be getting anything better in the future and more of those “invaders” will be arriving every day in the meantime. This isn’t about what’s good for the country, but what’s good for Trump.
Half a loaf is better than none and new legislation can always be crafted in the future. It’s not like this is some sort of last chance.
You should blame the GOP. They constantly whined about a border "crisis". I guess it's not a "crisis" after all.

Indeed, partisan non-pragmatics will let perfect be the enemy of good. As the OP offered......the Republicans have the opportunity to improve significantly (more now than in the last 20yrs) improve significantly America's management of its southern boarder with Mexico. But, like the Obamacare issue, the Republicans always claimed there was something better and they would pass it. But alas..........Never came close. Didn't know how. Didn't offer a practical alternative.

Like the dog who caught the car......they didn't know what to do with it.

This bill appears to be an important advancement. Of course, it can always be improved. Everything can. But for today, pass it. Pocket the gains. And then go to work on the 'improvement' challenge......comforted by the knowledge we are better off with this thing passed than we were with it not.

And you bet, the 'Trump factor' ain't insignificant. It appears he wants it to fail, wants the border to remain he has another "Build-the-Wall' style of bumper sticker to tout from the podium this summer.
That is not leadership. That is not a sense of responsibility and good-will towards the nation that he once was President of.

A responsible leader with a sense of duty to our nation would promote pocketing any gains.....and yet, work to improve those gains if he once again achieves the power to do so.

Other folk wisdom: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. This bill is a solid first bite.
Why is Trump (and by extension the entire Republican Party) against fixing the border problem?

Because it’s all he has to run on.

Fix this and he’s got nothing.

He lost abortion by getting Roe over turned… and actually turned that into a negative because of the opposition to that.

Without the border problem Trump has nothing
It was what the Republicans wanted, until Trump decided it was important for his election chances to sabotage it. They won’t be getting anything better in the future and more of those “invaders” will be arriving every day in the meantime. This isn’t about what’s good for the country, but what’s good for Trump.
No, it's what ONE republican "negotiator" (Lankford) came up with....The notion that all, or even most, republicans wanted this is shown to be a total lie, by the fact that they hid the text of the bill for so long.

That there won't be anything better than the outright codification of this invasion of mendicants, is the best news of the young year.
No, it's what ONE republican "negotiator" (Lankford) came up with....The notion that all, or even most, republicans wanted this is shown to be a total lie, by the fact that they hid the text of the bill for so long.

That there won't be anything better than the outright codification of this invasion of mendicants, is the best news of the young year.
He didn’t come up with it by himself. Trump hung him out to dry. He should change parties after that kind of betrayal. What can he expect from insurrectionists?
Not without funding, imbecile....which HR 2 lacks.

It's not a serious bill, it never has been. NOTHING that the Repug Nazi Party does is serious.

You're too fucking stupid to learn that fundamental lesson.
Still hurling the personal insults I see

You are not a serious poster

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