The GOP Dog Caught The Car....Again. This Time It's Border Protection.

Fucktard, post #1 contains more debating material than your lightweight gomer MAGA troll ass has posted during all of your worthless years on this board.
Now get back to sucking Trump's cock some more, MAGA pussy.
You sound like a real low-life. Probably even do drugs, huh? Queer?

Your OP is just the moronic democrat's feeble attempt to get mo money to bring mo migrants into the US.

It ain't happening. Mike Johnson already said its DEAD. Good luck taking careof those 8,000,000 migrants in your shitty cities.
You sound like a real low-life. Probably even do drugs, huh?

Your OP is just the moronic democrat's feeble attempt to get mo money to bring mo migrants into the US.
As I was saying -- No facts, no game, and no intellect.

You've probably never read the WaPo or ANY newspaper or book in your life, you lightweight uneducated gomer racist maggot.

My left ball has a higher IQ than your imbecile MAGA kleetus ass.
lt wasn't a crisis for three years, until you disingenuous douchebags needed a phony rubric under which to do another one of your famous pork filled cramdowns.

Y'all failed this time....Suck on it.
I really don't give a shit, I'm only relaying a little reality, but maybe someone will be triggered by it. When have two parties ever reached a consensus? I haven't seen this happen for years, at least of significance. The problem with the Trumpian right is 100% allegiance to Mussolini.
As I was saying -- No facts, no game, and no intellect.

You've probably never read the WaPo in your life, you lightweight uneducated gomer racist maggot.

My left ball has a higher IQ than your imbecile MAGA kleetus ass.
1. The senate Bill is DEAD.
2. Why would I read anything from a democrat urban plantation? Harvard already said FNC. is the least biased news source.
3. My degrees are in engineering moron. You sound like an unemployed Art-History major, or a burger flipper.
1. The senate Bill is DEAD.
And you can't explain WHY, kleetus.

I can explain why -- your entire MAGA Repug Nazi Party is terrified of Trump. And you dumb fucks are going to pay the price in November.

2. Why would I read anything from a democrat urban plantation? Harvard already said FNC. is the least biased news source.
Kleetus hate them lib reading materials!!! Fucking gomer MAGA bitch.
Leave it to Catherine Rumpell with the Washington Post to keep it real regarding the current border protection bill. --

Welp, the dog caught the car again. After months — decades? — of running on tightening the border, House Republicans are suddenly paralyzed when offered the chance to do so.

A hard-won, bipartisan Senate deal dropped Sunday evening, with tons of items on conservatives’ border-policy bucket list, including many that former president Donald Trump had begged for. These include:

  • beefing up border security as a condition for giving any more aid to Ukraine (check!)
  • a tougher and faster asylum-processing system so that those who don’t meet asylum criteria cannot stay and work for years while their cases crawl through the courts (check!)
  • hiring more personnel for Customs and Border Protection as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (1,500 and 1,200, respectively — so, check, check!)
  • huge investments in fentanyl detection technologies and other anti-trafficking enforcement (check!)
  • reviving something like Title 42 restrictions, wherein the president can “shut down” most of the asylum system (though this version doesn’t require a public health pretext and has more severe consequences for border-crossers — so, check-plus, perhaps).
House Republicans should have been pinching themselves in disbelief. Yet within hours of this 370-page bill dropping, House GOP leaders ruled out letting their chamber vote on any of it.

Maybe GOP lawmakers genuinely think they should hold out for the more draconian bill they put forward last year, known as H.R. 2. There are two major problems with this strategy: First, H.R. 2 would not supply funding for pretty much anything that could stop border crossings.

Second, it would almost certainly never become law — even if Republicans were to gain control of the White House and both chambers of Congress. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) himself has pointed this out. (For procedural reasons, the bill would need 60 votes, which it could not get.)

The bill does nothing to secure the US border. It just gives billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel.
Leave it to Catherine Rumpell with the Washington Post to keep it real regarding the current border protection bill. --

Welp, the dog caught the car again. After months — decades? — of running on tightening the border, House Republicans are suddenly paralyzed when offered the chance to do so.

A hard-won, bipartisan Senate deal dropped Sunday evening, with tons of items on conservatives’ border-policy bucket list, including many that former president Donald Trump had begged for. These include:

  • beefing up border security as a condition for giving any more aid to Ukraine (check!)
  • a tougher and faster asylum-processing system so that those who don’t meet asylum criteria cannot stay and work for years while their cases crawl through the courts (check!)
  • hiring more personnel for Customs and Border Protection as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (1,500 and 1,200, respectively — so, check, check!)
  • huge investments in fentanyl detection technologies and other anti-trafficking enforcement (check!)
  • reviving something like Title 42 restrictions, wherein the president can “shut down” most of the asylum system (though this version doesn’t require a public health pretext and has more severe consequences for border-crossers — so, check-plus, perhaps).
House Republicans should have been pinching themselves in disbelief. Yet within hours of this 370-page bill dropping, House GOP leaders ruled out letting their chamber vote on any of it.

Maybe GOP lawmakers genuinely think they should hold out for the more draconian bill they put forward last year, known as H.R. 2. There are two major problems with this strategy: First, H.R. 2 would not supply funding for pretty much anything that could stop border crossings.

Second, it would almost certainly never become law — even if Republicans were to gain control of the White House and both chambers of Congress. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) himself has pointed this out. (For procedural reasons, the bill would need 60 votes, which it could not get.)

Nailed it

The GOP got almost everything they want (except for wall money) and are running away fr
Bottom line

The GOP lost the abortion issue

If this bill passes they owe the immigration issue
There is no funding for your HR 2 bill, dumb ass. As I already explained to you.

In the real world, people have to COMPROMISE to pass legislation. But you live in your fantasy MAGA Trump dick-licker world.
Why the personal insults?

The reason is you are weak and have to hide your insecurity by engaging in food fights
Leave it to Catherine Rumpell with the Washington Post to keep it real regarding the current border protection bill. --

Welp, the dog caught the car again. After months — decades? — of running on tightening the border, House Republicans are suddenly paralyzed when offered the chance to do so.

A hard-won, bipartisan Senate deal dropped Sunday evening, with tons of items on conservatives’ border-policy bucket list, including many that former president Donald Trump had begged for. These include:

  • beefing up border security as a condition for giving any more aid to Ukraine (check!)
  • a tougher and faster asylum-processing system so that those who don’t meet asylum criteria cannot stay and work for years while their cases crawl through the courts (check!)
  • hiring more personnel for Customs and Border Protection as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (1,500 and 1,200, respectively — so, check, check!)
  • huge investments in fentanyl detection technologies and other anti-trafficking enforcement (check!)
  • reviving something like Title 42 restrictions, wherein the president can “shut down” most of the asylum system (though this version doesn’t require a public health pretext and has more severe consequences for border-crossers — so, check-plus, perhaps).
House Republicans should have been pinching themselves in disbelief. Yet within hours of this 370-page bill dropping, House GOP leaders ruled out letting their chamber vote on any of it.

Maybe GOP lawmakers genuinely think they should hold out for the more draconian bill they put forward last year, known as H.R. 2. There are two major problems with this strategy: First, H.R. 2 would not supply funding for pretty much anything that could stop border crossings.

Second, it would almost certainly never become law — even if Republicans were to gain control of the White House and both chambers of Congress. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) himself has pointed this out. (For procedural reasons, the bill would need 60 votes, which it could not get.)

Convoy-goer Misty Gregory told MSNBC: “It’s not what I expected, but then again I don’t know what I expected. I can tell you it’s not as bad as what I thought, so that’s kind of eye-opening in itself.”

Abbott and about a dozen other pro-razor-wire GOP governors were in Eagle Pass on Sunday, hollering and whatnot. Some residents said the recent invasion of Trump supporters from the convoy had been downright scary.

“We are constantly being told that we’re being invaded, and that never felt true until today, when the convoy came to town in anticipation of the governors’ event,” Jessie F. Fuentes told WOAI NBC News Channel 4. “This is political theater by outsiders. The reality is that it has brought dangerous, violent groups into our beautiful, peaceful city. Eagle Pass is safer than most cities in America if you look at crime statistics. This is just a fact. We don’t appreciate these staged events that dramatically misrepresent our reality on the border and that invite extremist groups that pose a real danger to people in our community.”
That bill is worthless. Almost zero funding, and it strips funding from the very avenues used to process, and detain, asylum seekers. That would make the situation worse, not improve it. It was nothing but political theater, and has always had a zero chance of passing. Try again.
There is no funding in either bill

Just an authorization that may or may not be funded in an appropriation bill

But I do like stripping funds from the programs that assist illegal migration

We need to tell the NGOs to go fly a kite
This bill ens catch and release.

It provides money to detain asylum seekers until their court case is adjudicated (and money for courts to do that quickly) and detains those that don’t have legitimate asylum claims until they can be kicked. Back across the border.

If application numbers exceeds a set limit, no other claims will be considered until the number of applicants drops to 75% of that threshold.

Any persons who try to cross at remote points once the border has been shut down are barred from even applying and detained pending return to Mexico

Why else could you ask for?
There is no funding in either bill

Just an authorization that may or may not be funded in an appropriation bill

But I do like stripping funds from the programs that assist illegal migration

We need to tell the NGOs to go fly a kite
You don’t know what you are talking about
You don’t know what you are talking about
The biden bill funds nothing

Its just an authorization for future spending that has to be funded in an actual spending bill
Leave it to Catherine Rumpell with the Washington Post to keep it real regarding the current border protection bill. --

Welp, the dog caught the car again. After months — decades? — of running on tightening the border, House Republicans are suddenly paralyzed when offered the chance to do so.

A hard-won, bipartisan Senate deal dropped Sunday evening, with tons of items on conservatives’ border-policy bucket list, including many that former president Donald Trump had begged for. These include:

  • beefing up border security as a condition for giving any more aid to Ukraine (check!)
  • a tougher and faster asylum-processing system so that those who don’t meet asylum criteria cannot stay and work for years while their cases crawl through the courts (check!)
  • hiring more personnel for Customs and Border Protection as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (1,500 and 1,200, respectively — so, check, check!)
  • huge investments in fentanyl detection technologies and other anti-trafficking enforcement (check!)
  • reviving something like Title 42 restrictions, wherein the president can “shut down” most of the asylum system (though this version doesn’t require a public health pretext and has more severe consequences for border-crossers — so, check-plus, perhaps).
House Republicans should have been pinching themselves in disbelief. Yet within hours of this 370-page bill dropping, House GOP leaders ruled out letting their chamber vote on any of it.

Maybe GOP lawmakers genuinely think they should hold out for the more draconian bill they put forward last year, known as H.R. 2. There are two major problems with this strategy: First, H.R. 2 would not supply funding for pretty much anything that could stop border crossings.

Second, it would almost certainly never become law — even if Republicans were to gain control of the White House and both chambers of Congress. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) himself has pointed this out. (For procedural reasons, the bill would need 60 votes, which it could not get.)

The wa compost is lying to ya child. There's no new money in the senate farce either, it just reallocates and give new dates to existing funds. I could give many more examples of their lies, which are nothing but commie talking points, but you're not worth the effort.

The biden bill funds nothing

Its just an authorization for future spending that has to be funded in an actual spending bill
That’s a distinction without a difference
Cheeto Jesus didn't do anything, cryass bitch.

The text of the bill got out, and nobody wants to commit career suicide by supporting that shit heap.

Cry some more, Karen. :rofl:
Riiiiight. You twats have been bitching about the border since the day Biden took office. Now that no good fuck Trump sandbagged this bill all of a sudden it's no big deal, right Spook?

If Subhuman Dotard told you idiots to hurl yourselves off ten story buildings they'd be picking you asswipes up with a shovel.
It makes all the difference

Congress may or may not appropriate the money
That’s the mechanism for funding. It’s how it’s done. Are you saying that Republicans would fuck his up?

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