The GOP Dog Caught The Car....Again. This Time It's Border Protection.

And this is why you MAGA racist fucks are going to lose in November.

You people aren't serious about governing. You only care about licking Trump's balls and that's why you all are going to get destroyed in November.
You are obsessed with Trump’s junk
Just shut up, MAGA troll. Save your outrage for your traitor buddies who attacked the Capitol on Jan 6, bitch.

And the Washington Post has a lot more more credibility than all of you MAGA limp dick whiny pussy racists put together.
Seek help soon. :itsok:
Fucktard, post #1 contains more debating material than your lightweight gomer MAGA troll ass has posted during all of your worthless years on this board.

Now get back to sucking Trump's cock some more, MAGA pussy.
Your obsession with Trump’s junk is strange, Troll.
And you can't explain WHY, kleetus.
I can explain why -- your entire MAGA Repug Nazi Party is terrified of Trump. And you dumb fucks are going to pay the price in November.

Kleetus hate them lib reading materials!!! Fucking gomer MAGA bitch.
1. The Bill is dead because it does not seal the border. After Biden let in 10,000,000 or so migrants, the border needs to be sealed or no money for anything. You lose the debate according to Godwin's Law. Too bad rookie. Keep that low-IQ brain grinding.

2. Pay the price in November? Biden is unelectable, and you are too stupid to see it. Good for my side.

3. WTF? I don't do Ebonics.
We need ten million workers? Most of them unskilled? Who tells you this silly shit,
Who told you we need 10million?
Who originated this "10 million" number?
I didn't.
My avatar didn't.
Are you OK, poster Oldestyle?
You seemingly are listening to the voices in your head.
ummm, they ain't "illegals" when they present themselves to border agents and request a hearing. The "5,000" is the number that could be legally processed given the infrastructure in place, or proposed to be installed. Duh!

America needs workers. Legally processing 5,000 would allow 'legal' entry with the accompanying provisos on their duties as temporary entrants.
Bill shit they are felons entering the country illegally
Leave it to Catherine Rumpell with the Washington Post to keep it real regarding the current border protection bill. --

Welp, the dog caught the car again. After months — decades? — of running on tightening the border, House Republicans are suddenly paralyzed when offered the chance to do so.

A hard-won, bipartisan Senate deal dropped Sunday evening, with tons of items on conservatives’ border-policy bucket list, including many that former president Donald Trump had begged for. These include:

  • beefing up border security as a condition for giving any more aid to Ukraine (check!)
  • a tougher and faster asylum-processing system so that those who don’t meet asylum criteria cannot stay and work for years while their cases crawl through the courts (check!)
  • hiring more personnel for Customs and Border Protection as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (1,500 and 1,200, respectively — so, check, check!)
  • huge investments in fentanyl detection technologies and other anti-trafficking enforcement (check!)
  • reviving something like Title 42 restrictions, wherein the president can “shut down” most of the asylum system (though this version doesn’t require a public health pretext and has more severe consequences for border-crossers — so, check-plus, perhaps).
House Republicans should have been pinching themselves in disbelief. Yet within hours of this 370-page bill dropping, House GOP leaders ruled out letting their chamber vote on any of it.

Maybe GOP lawmakers genuinely think they should hold out for the more draconian bill they put forward last year, known as H.R. 2. There are two major problems with this strategy: First, H.R. 2 would not supply funding for pretty much anything that could stop border crossings.

Second, it would almost certainly never become law — even if Republicans were to gain control of the White House and both chambers of Congress. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) himself has pointed this out. (For procedural reasons, the bill would need 60 votes, which it could not get.)

No one thinks that it is a Border Protection Plan.
Especially the ones that wrote it.
It helps if you learn to read. --

Maybe GOP lawmakers genuinely think they should hold out for the more draconian bill they put forward last year, known as H.R. 2. There are two major problems with this strategy: First, H.R. 2 would not supply funding for pretty much anything that could stop border crossings.

Second, it would almost certainly never become law — even if Republicans were to gain control of the White House and both chambers of Congress. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) himself has pointed this out. (For procedural reasons, the bill would need 60 votes, which it could not get.)

Haven't seen this much shitlib weeping and wailing since....

The good old days
Explain that rather disjointed assertion/

We have plenty of people to do the jobs available, thus we need no one. That fact aside, we allow 1,000,000 LEGAL aliens in every year. More than the rest of the world combined.
Leave it to Catherine Rumpell with the Washington Post to keep it real regarding the current border protection bill. --

Welp, the dog caught the car again. After months — decades? — of running on tightening the border, House Republicans are suddenly paralyzed when offered the chance to do so.

A hard-won, bipartisan Senate deal dropped Sunday evening, with tons of items on conservatives’ border-policy bucket list, including many that former president Donald Trump had begged for. These include:

  • beefing up border security as a condition for giving any more aid to Ukraine (check!)
  • a tougher and faster asylum-processing system so that those who don’t meet asylum criteria cannot stay and work for years while their cases crawl through the courts (check!)
  • hiring more personnel for Customs and Border Protection as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (1,500 and 1,200, respectively — so, check, check!)
  • huge investments in fentanyl detection technologies and other anti-trafficking enforcement (check!)
  • reviving something like Title 42 restrictions, wherein the president can “shut down” most of the asylum system (though this version doesn’t require a public health pretext and has more severe consequences for border-crossers — so, check-plus, perhaps).
House Republicans should have been pinching themselves in disbelief. Yet within hours of this 370-page bill dropping, House GOP leaders ruled out letting their chamber vote on any of it.

Maybe GOP lawmakers genuinely think they should hold out for the more draconian bill they put forward last year, known as H.R. 2. There are two major problems with this strategy: First, H.R. 2 would not supply funding for pretty much anything that could stop border crossings.

Second, it would almost certainly never become law — even if Republicans were to gain control of the White House and both chambers of Congress. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) himself has pointed this out. (For procedural reasons, the bill would need 60 votes, which it could not get.)

They just took what is arguably a winning issue for them, and turned it into a winning issue for Biden.

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